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Canvas (lv_canvas)


A Canvas inherits from Image where the user can draw anything. Rectangles, texts, images, lines, arcs can be drawn here using lvgl's drawing engine. Additionally "effects" can be applied, such as rotation, zoom and blur.

Parts and Styles

LV_PART_MAIN Uses the typical rectangle style properties and image style properties.



The Canvas needs a buffer in which stores the drawn image. To assign a buffer to a Canvas, use lv_canvas_set_buffer(canvas, buffer, width, height, LV_IMG_CF_...). Where buffer is a static buffer (not just a local variable) to hold the image of the canvas. For example, static lv_color_t buffer[LV_CANVAS_BUF_SIZE_TRUE_COLOR(width, height)]. LV_CANVAS_BUF_SIZE_... macros help to determine the size of the buffer with different color formats.

The canvas supports all the built-in color formats like LV_IMG_CF_TRUE_COLOR or LV_IMG_CF_INDEXED_2BIT. See the full list in the Color formats section.

Indexed colors

For LV_IMG_CF_INDEXED_1/2/4/8 color formats a palette needs to be initialized with lv_canvas_set_palette(canvas, 3, LV_COLOR_RED). It sets pixels with index=3 to red.


To set a pixel's color on the canvas, use lv_canvas_set_px_color(canvas, x, y, LV_COLOR_RED). With LV_IMG_CF_INDEXED_... the index of the color needs to be passed as color. E.g. lv_color_t c; c.full = 3;

To set a pixel's opacity with LV_IMG_CF_TRUE_COLOR_ALPHA or LV_IMG_CF_ALPHA_... format on the canvas, use lv_canvas_set_px_opa(canvas, x, y, opa).

lv_canvas_fill_bg(canvas, LV_COLOR_BLUE, LV_OPA_50) fills the whole canvas to blue with 50% opacity. Note that if the current color format doesn't support colors (e.g. LV_IMG_CF_ALPHA_2BIT) the color will be ignored. Similarly, if opacity is not supported (e.g. LV_IMG_CF_TRUE_COLOR) it will be ignored.

An array of pixels can be copied to the canvas with lv_canvas_copy_buf(canvas, buffer_to_copy, x, y, width, height). The color format of the buffer and the canvas need to match.

To draw something to the canvas use

  • lv_canvas_draw_rect(canvas, x, y, width, heigth, &draw_dsc)
  • lv_canvas_draw_text(canvas, x, y, max_width, &draw_dsc, txt)
  • lv_canvas_draw_img(canvas, x, y, &img_src, &draw_dsc)
  • lv_canvas_draw_line(canvas, point_array, point_cnt, &draw_dsc)
  • lv_canvas_draw_polygon(canvas, points_array, point_cnt, &draw_dsc)
  • lv_canvas_draw_arc(canvas, x, y, radius, start_angle, end_angle, &draw_dsc)

draw_dsc is a lv_draw_rect/label/img/line/arc_dsc_t variable which should be first initialized with one of lv_draw_rect/label/img/line/arc_dsc_init() and then modified with the desired colors and other values.

The draw function can draw to any color format. For example, it's possible to draw a text to an LV_IMG_VF_ALPHA_8BIT canvas and use the result image as a draw mask later.


lv_canvas_transform() can be used to rotate and/or scale the image of an image and store the result on the canvas. The function needs the following parameters:

  • canvas pointer to a canvas object to store the result of the transformation.
  • img pointer to an image descriptor to transform. Can be the image descriptor of another canvas too (lv_canvas_get_img()).
  • angle the angle of rotation (0..3600), 0.1 deg resolution
  • zoom zoom factor (256: no zoom, 512: double size, 128: half size);
  • offset_x offset X to tell where to put the result data on destination canvas
  • offset_y offset X to tell where to put the result data on destination canvas
  • pivot_x pivot X of rotation. Relative to the source canvas. Set to source width / 2 to rotate around the center
  • pivot_y pivot Y of rotation. Relative to the source canvas. Set to source height / 2 to rotate around the center
  • antialias true: apply anti-aliasing during the transformation. Looks better but slower.

Note that a canvas can't be rotated on itself. You need a source and destination canvas or image.


A given area of the canvas can be blurred horizontally with lv_canvas_blur_hor(canvas, &area, r) or vertically with lv_canvas_blur_ver(canvas, &area, r). r is the radius of the blur (greater value means more intensive burring). area is the area where the blur should be applied (interpreted relative to the canvas).


No special events are sent by canvas objects. The same events are sent as for the

See the events of the Images too.

Learn more about Events.


No Keys are processed by the object type.

Learn more about Keys.


.. include:: ../../../examples/widgets/canvas/index.rst


.. doxygenfile:: lv_canvas.h
  :project: lvgl