3.0 KiB
the trouble is fontawesome now supplies multiple files, fa-brands-400.woff2, fa-regular-400.woff2 and fa-solid-900.woff2. don't know which symbol is in which file.
list all defined symbols into a file:
grep 0x ../ngui/lib/lvgl/src/font/lv_symbol_def.h | grep -v 0x2022 | \
cut -d, -f2 | cut -c4-7 | tr 'A-F' 'a-f' \
> /tmp/sym.txt
download and unzip fontawesome. expect to find metadata/icons.yml file. grep metadata to find out which set each icon is in:
for c in $(cat /tmp/sym.txt); do
t=$(grep -B3 "unicode: $c" metadata/icons.yml | grep -- '- ' | head -n1 | tr -d ' -')
echo "$c\t$t"
some icons are in multiple styles. search for the code on https://fontawesome.com/icons/ and compare to the image on https://docs.lvgl.io/8.3/overview/font.html. the command above takes the first one listed in icons.yml, which is usually "solid". when searching on fontawesome, make sure it's a free icon, as opposed to their pro version.
not all icons might be present. at the time of writing, the following codes are amiss:
- 0xf067
; actually exists but listed as unicode:2b in icons.yml - 0xf8a2
; looks like fontawesome removedlevel-down-alt
from v6 so i picked an alternative 0xf177arrow-left-long
dump previous command output into an fa-icon-style.txt file. add missing "solid" style
in the second column and replace f8a2 with f177=>0xf8a2
mapping. the latter is
the syntax for when running lvgl font convertion tool.
while there, add more codes to the file, separating columns with a single tab:
- 0xf379 brands (bitcoin)
- 0xe0b4 solid (bitcoin-sign)
- 0xf0e7 solid (lightning bolt)
split the previously generated fa-icon-style.txt file into chunks suitable for constructing lvgl's font converter arguments.
first, check which styles are present. at the moment, only "brands" and "solid" are used:
$ cut -f2 fa-icon-style.txt | sort | uniq -c
3 brands
61 solid
then split the file, for each style from the previous command. example for "solid":
grep solid fa-icon-style.txt | cut -f1 | tr 'a-f' 'A-F' | \
while IFS= read -r line; do printf "0x$line\n"; done | \
paste -s -d, | tr -d '\n' > fa-solid.txt
typically, you'll want to bundle the symbols from fontawesome with a regular font. i'll use courier prime code as an example.
install the font converter tool; requires nodejs:
npm i lvgl/lv_font_conv
finally, convert and bundle all fonts, for 14px size as an example:
./node_modules/.bin/lv_font_conv --no-compress --no-prefilter --bpp 4 --size 14 \
--font courier-prime-code.ttf -r 0x20-0x7F,0xB0,0x2022 \
--font fa-brands-400.ttf -r $(cat fa-brands.txt) \
--font fa-solid-900.ttf -r $(cat fa-solid.txt) \
--format lvgl --force-fast-kern-format \
-o lv_font_courierprimecode_14.c
the arguments are similar to those in the header of any LVGL font in lib/lvgl/src/font/lv_font/xxx.c