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FreeType support

Interface to FreeType to generate font bitmaps run time.

Install FreeType

  • Download Freetype from here
  • make
  • sudo make install

Add FreeType to your project

  • Add include path: /usr/include/freetype2 (for GCC: -I/usr/include/freetype2 -L/usr/local/lib)
  • Add library: freetype (for GCC: -L/usr/local/lib -lfreetype)


Enable LV_USE_FREETYPE in lv_conf.h.

To cache the glyphs from the opened fonts, set LV_FREETYPE_CACHE_SIZE >= 0 and then use the following macros for detailed configuration:

  1. LV_FREETYPE_CACHE_SIZE:maximum memory(bytes) used to cache font bitmap, outline, character maps, etc. 0 means use the system default value, less than 0 means disable cache. Note: that this value does not account for managed FT_Face and FT_Size objects.
  2. LV_FREETYPE_CACHE_FT_FACES:maximum number of opened FT_Face objects managed by this cache instance.0 means use the system default value. Only useful when LV_FREETYPE_CACHE_SIZE >= 0.
  3. LV_FREETYPE_CACHE_FT_SIZES:maximum number of opened FT_Size objects managed by this cache instance. 0 means use the system default value. Only useful when LV_FREETYPE_CACHE_SIZE >= 0.

When you are sure that all the used font sizes will not be greater than 256, you can enable LV_FREETYPE_SBIT_CACHE, which is much more memory efficient for small bitmaps.

You can use lv_ft_font_init() to create FreeType fonts. It returns true to indicate success, at the same time, the font member of lv_ft_info_t will be filled with a pointer to an LVGL font, and you can use it like any LVGL font.

Font style supports bold and italic, you can use the following macros to set:

  1. FT_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL:default style.
  2. FT_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC:Italic style
  3. FT_FONT_STYLE_BOLD:bold style


Note that, the FreeType extension doesn't use LVGL's file system. You can simply pass the path to the font as usual on your operating system or platform.


.. include:: ../../examples/libs/freetype/index.rst

Learn more


.. doxygenfile:: lv_freetype.h
  :project: lvgl