require . config ( { paths : { 'json.sortify' : '/bower_components/json.sortify/dist/JSON.sortify' } } ) ;
define ( [
'/bower_components/chainpad-crypto/crypto.js' ,
'/bower_components/chainpad-netflux/chainpad-netflux.js' ,
'/bower_components/hyperjson/hyperjson.js' ,
'/common/toolbar.js' ,
'/common/cursor.js' ,
'/bower_components/chainpad-json-validator/json-ot.js' ,
'/common/TypingTests.js' ,
'json.sortify' ,
'/bower_components/textpatcher/TextPatcher.amd.js' ,
'/common/cryptpad-common.js' ,
'/common/visible.js' ,
'/common/notify.js' ,
'/pad/links.js' ,
'/bower_components/file-saver/FileSaver.min.js' ,
'/bower_components/diff-dom/diffDOM.js' ,
'/bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js' ,
] , function ( Crypto , realtimeInput , Hyperjson ,
Toolbar , Cursor , JsonOT , TypingTest , JSONSortify , TextPatcher , Cryptpad ,
Visible , Notify , Links ) {
var $ = window . jQuery ;
var saveAs = window . saveAs ;
var Messages = Cryptpad . Messages ;
$ ( function ( ) {
var ifrw = $ ( '#pad-iframe' ) [ 0 ] . contentWindow ;
var Ckeditor ; // to be initialized later...
var DiffDom = window . diffDOM ;
Cryptpad . styleAlerts ( ) ;
Cryptpad . addLoadingScreen ( ) ;
var stringify = function ( obj ) {
return JSONSortify ( obj ) ;
} ;
window . Toolbar = Toolbar ;
window . Hyperjson = Hyperjson ;
var slice = function ( coll ) {
return Array . prototype . slice . call ( coll ) ;
} ;
var removeListeners = function ( root ) {
slice ( root . attributes ) . map ( function ( attr ) {
if ( /^on/ . test ( attr . name ) ) {
root . attributes . removeNamedItem ( attr . name ) ;
} ) ;
slice ( root . children ) . forEach ( removeListeners ) ;
} ;
var hjsonToDom = function ( H ) {
var dom = Hyperjson . toDOM ( H ) ;
removeListeners ( dom ) ;
return dom ;
} ;
var module = window . REALTIME _MODULE = window . APP = {
Hyperjson : Hyperjson ,
TextPatcher : TextPatcher ,
logFights : true ,
fights : [ ] ,
Cryptpad : Cryptpad ,
} ;
var emitResize = module . emitResize = function ( ) {
var cw = $ ( '#pad-iframe' ) [ 0 ] . contentWindow ;
var evt = cw . document . createEvent ( 'UIEvents' ) ;
evt . initUIEvent ( 'resize' , true , false , cw , 0 ) ;
cw . dispatchEvent ( evt ) ;
} ;
var toolbar ;
var isNotMagicLine = function ( el ) {
return ! ( el && typeof ( el . getAttribute ) === 'function' &&
el . getAttribute ( 'class' ) &&
el . getAttribute ( 'class' ) . split ( ' ' ) . indexOf ( 'non-realtime' ) !== - 1 ) ;
} ;
/* catch `type="_moz"` before it goes over the wire */
var brFilter = function ( hj ) {
if ( hj [ 1 ] . type === '_moz' ) { hj [ 1 ] . type = undefined ; }
return hj ;
} ;
var onConnectError = function ( info ) {
Cryptpad . errorLoadingScreen ( Messages . websocketError ) ;
} ;
var andThen = function ( Ckeditor ) {
var secret = Cryptpad . getSecrets ( ) ;
var readOnly = secret . keys && ! secret . keys . editKeyStr ;
if ( ! secret . keys ) {
secret . keys = secret . key ;
var editor = window . editor = Ckeditor . replace ( 'editor1' , {
customConfig : '/customize/ckeditor-config.js' ,
} ) ;
editor . on ( 'instanceReady' , Links . addSupportForOpeningLinksInNewTab ( Ckeditor ) ) ;
editor . on ( 'instanceReady' , function ( Ckeditor ) {
var $bar = $ ( '#pad-iframe' ) [ 0 ] . contentWindow . $ ( '#cke_1_toolbox' ) ;
var parsedHash = Cryptpad . parsePadUrl ( window . location . href ) ;
var defaultName = Cryptpad . getDefaultName ( parsedHash ) ;
if ( readOnly ) {
$ ( '#pad-iframe' ) [ 0 ] . contentWindow . $ ( '#cke_1_toolbox > .cke_toolbar' ) . hide ( ) ;
/* add a class to the magicline plugin so we can pick it out more easily */
var ml = $ ( 'iframe' ) [ 0 ] . contentWindow . CKEDITOR . instances . editor1 . plugins . magicline
. backdoor . that . line . $ ;
[ ml , ml . parentElement ] . forEach ( function ( el ) {
el . setAttribute ( 'class' , 'non-realtime' ) ;
} ) ;
var documentBody = ifrw . $ ( 'iframe' ) [ 0 ] . contentDocument . body ;
var inner = window . inner = documentBody ;
// hide all content until the realtime doc is ready
$ ( inner ) . css ( {
color : '#fff' ,
} ) ;
var cursor = window . cursor = Cursor ( inner ) ;
var setEditable = module . setEditable = function ( bool ) {
if ( bool ) {
$ ( inner ) . css ( {
color : '#333' ,
} ) ;
if ( ! readOnly || ! bool ) {
inner . setAttribute ( 'contenteditable' , bool ) ;
} ;
// don't let the user edit until the pad is ready
setEditable ( false ) ;
var forbiddenTags = [
] ;
var diffOptions = {
preDiffApply : function ( info ) {
/ *
Don 't accept attributes that begin with ' on '
these are probably listeners , and we don ' t want to
send scripts over the wire .
* /
if ( [ 'addAttribute' , 'modifyAttribute' ] . indexOf ( info . diff . action ) !== - 1 ) {
if ( /^on/ . test ( info . diff . name ) ) {
console . log ( "Rejecting forbidden element attribute with name (%s)" , info . diff . name ) ;
return true ;
/ *
Also reject any elements which would insert any one of
our forbidden tag types : script , iframe , object ,
applet , video , or audio
* /
if ( [ 'addElement' , 'replaceElement' ] . indexOf ( info . diff . action ) !== - 1 ) {
if ( info . diff . element && forbiddenTags . indexOf ( info . diff . element . nodeName ) !== - 1 ) {
console . log ( "Rejecting forbidden tag of type (%s)" , info . diff . element . nodeName ) ;
return true ;
} else if ( info . diff . newValue && forbiddenTags . indexOf ( info . diff . newValue . nodeType ) !== - 1 ) {
console . log ( "Rejecting forbidden tag of type (%s)" , info . diff . newValue . nodeName ) ;
return true ;
if ( info . node && info . node . tagName === 'BODY' ) {
if ( info . diff . action === 'removeAttribute' &&
[ 'class' , 'spellcheck' ] . indexOf ( info . diff . name ) !== - 1 ) {
return true ;
/ * D i f f D O M w i l l f i l t e r o u t m a g i c l i n e p l u g i n e l e m e n t s
in practice this will make it impossible to use it
while someone else is typing , which could be annoying .
we should check when such an element is going to be
removed , and prevent that from happening . * /
if ( info . node && info . node . tagName === 'SPAN' &&
info . node . getAttribute ( 'contentEditable' ) === "false" ) {
// it seems to be a magicline plugin element...
if ( info . diff . action === 'removeElement' ) {
// and you're about to remove it...
// this probably isn't what you want
/ *
I have never seen this in the console , but the
magic line is still getting removed on remote
edits . This suggests that it ' s getting removed
by something other than diffDom .
* /
console . log ( "preventing removal of the magic line!" ) ;
// return true to prevent diff application
return true ;
// Do not change the contenteditable value in view mode
if ( readOnly && info . node && info . node . tagName === 'BODY' &&
info . diff . action === 'modifyAttribute' && info . diff . name === 'contenteditable' ) {
return true ;
// no use trying to recover the cursor if it doesn't exist
if ( ! cursor . exists ( ) ) { return ; }
/ * f r a m e i s e i t h e r 0 , 1 , 2 , o r 3 , d e p e n d i n g o n w h i c h
cursor frames were affected : none , first , last , or both
* /
var frame = info . frame = cursor . inNode ( info . node ) ;
if ( ! frame ) { return ; }
if ( typeof info . diff . oldValue === 'string' && typeof info . diff . newValue === 'string' ) {
var pushes = cursor . pushDelta ( info . diff . oldValue , info . diff . newValue ) ;
if ( frame & 1 ) {
// push cursor start if necessary
if ( pushes . commonStart < cursor . Range . start . offset ) {
cursor . Range . start . offset += pushes . delta ;
if ( frame & 2 ) {
// push cursor end if necessary
if ( pushes . commonStart < cursor . Range . end . offset ) {
cursor . Range . end . offset += pushes . delta ;
} ,
postDiffApply : function ( info ) {
if ( info . frame ) {
if ( info . node ) {
if ( info . frame & 1 ) { cursor . fixStart ( info . node ) ; }
if ( info . frame & 2 ) { cursor . fixEnd ( info . node ) ; }
} else { console . error ( "info.node did not exist" ) ; }
var sel = cursor . makeSelection ( ) ;
var range = cursor . makeRange ( ) ;
cursor . fixSelection ( sel , range ) ;
} ;
var initializing = true ;
var userData = module . userData = { } ; // List of pretty names for all users (mapped with their ID)
var userList ; // List of users still connected to the channel (server IDs)
var addToUserData = function ( data ) {
var users = module . users ;
for ( var attrname in data ) { userData [ attrname ] = data [ attrname ] ; }
if ( users && users . length ) {
for ( var userKey in userData ) {
if ( users . indexOf ( userKey ) === - 1 ) { delete userData [ userKey ] ; }
if ( userList && typeof userList . onChange === "function" ) {
userList . onChange ( userData ) ;
} ;
var myData = { } ;
var myUserName = '' ; // My "pretty name"
var myID ; // My server ID
var setMyID = function ( info ) {
myID = info . myID || null ;
} ;
var setName = module . setName = function ( newName ) {
if ( typeof ( newName ) !== 'string' ) { return ; }
var myUserNameTemp = Cryptpad . fixHTML ( newName . trim ( ) ) ;
if ( myUserNameTemp . length > 32 ) {
myUserNameTemp = myUserNameTemp . substr ( 0 , 32 ) ;
myUserName = myUserNameTemp ;
myData [ myID ] = {
name : myUserName
} ;
addToUserData ( myData ) ;
Cryptpad . setAttribute ( 'username' , newName , function ( err , data ) {
if ( err ) {
console . error ( "Couldn't set username" ) ;
return ;
editor . fire ( 'change' ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var isDefaultTitle = function ( ) {
var parsed = Cryptpad . parsePadUrl ( window . location . href ) ;
return Cryptpad . isDefaultName ( parsed , document . title ) ;
} ;
var getHeadingText = function ( ) {
var text ;
if ( [ 'h1' , 'h2' , 'h3' ] . some ( function ( t ) {
var $header = $ ( inner ) . find ( t + ':first-of-type' ) ;
if ( $header . length && $header . text ( ) ) {
text = $header . text ( ) ;
return true ;
} ) ) { return text ; }
} ;
var suggestName = function ( fallback ) {
if ( document . title === defaultName ) {
return getHeadingText ( ) || fallback || "" ;
} else {
return document . title || getHeadingText ( ) || defaultName ;
} ;
var DD = new DiffDom ( diffOptions ) ;
// apply patches, and try not to lose the cursor in the process!
var applyHjson = function ( shjson ) {
var userDocStateDom = hjsonToDom ( JSON . parse ( shjson ) ) ;
if ( ! readOnly && ! initializing ) {
userDocStateDom . setAttribute ( "contenteditable" , "true" ) ; // lol wtf
var patch = ( DD ) . diff ( inner , userDocStateDom ) ;
( DD ) . apply ( inner , patch ) ;
} ;
var stringifyDOM = module . stringifyDOM = function ( dom ) {
var hjson = Hyperjson . fromDOM ( dom , isNotMagicLine , brFilter ) ;
hjson [ 3 ] = {
metadata : {
users : userData ,
defaultTitle : defaultName
} ;
if ( ! initializing ) {
hjson [ 3 ] . metadata . title = document . title ;
} else if ( Cryptpad . initialName && ! hjson [ 3 ] . metadata . title ) {
hjson [ 3 ] . metadata . title = Cryptpad . initialName ;
return stringify ( hjson ) ;
} ;
var realtimeOptions = {
// the websocket URL
websocketURL : Cryptpad . getWebsocketURL ( ) ,
// the channel we will communicate over
channel : secret . channel ,
// the nework used for the file store if it exists
network : Cryptpad . getNetwork ( ) ,
// our public key
validateKey : secret . keys . validateKey || undefined ,
readOnly : readOnly ,
// method which allows us to get the id of the user
setMyID : setMyID ,
// Pass in encrypt and decrypt methods
crypto : Crypto . createEncryptor ( secret . keys ) ,
// really basic operational transform
transformFunction : JsonOT . validate ,
// cryptpad debug logging (default is 1)
// logLevel: 0,
validateContent : function ( content ) {
try {
JSON . parse ( content ) ;
return true ;
} catch ( e ) {
console . log ( "Failed to parse, rejecting patch" ) ;
return false ;
} ;
var updateTitle = function ( newTitle ) {
if ( newTitle === document . title ) { return ; }
// Change the title now, and set it back to the old value if there is an error
var oldTitle = document . title ;
document . title = newTitle ;
Cryptpad . renamePad ( newTitle , function ( err , data ) {
if ( err ) {
console . log ( "Couldn't set pad title" ) ;
console . error ( err ) ;
document . title = oldTitle ;
return ;
document . title = data ;
$bar . find ( '.' + Toolbar . constants . title ) . find ( 'span.title' ) . text ( data ) ;
$bar . find ( '.' + Toolbar . constants . title ) . find ( 'input' ) . val ( data ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var updateDefaultTitle = function ( defaultTitle ) {
defaultName = defaultTitle ;
$bar . find ( '.' + Toolbar . constants . title ) . find ( 'input' ) . attr ( "placeholder" , defaultName ) ;
} ;
var updateMetadata = function ( shjson ) {
// Extract the user list (metadata) from the hyperjson
if ( ! shjson || typeof ( shjson ) !== "string" ) { updateTitle ( defaultName ) ; return ; }
var hjson = JSON . parse ( shjson ) ;
var peerMetadata = hjson [ 3 ] ;
var titleUpdated = false ;
if ( peerMetadata && peerMetadata . metadata ) {
if ( peerMetadata . metadata . users ) {
var userData = peerMetadata . metadata . users ;
// Update the local user data
addToUserData ( userData ) ;
if ( peerMetadata . metadata . defaultTitle ) {
updateDefaultTitle ( peerMetadata . metadata . defaultTitle ) ;
if ( typeof peerMetadata . metadata . title !== "undefined" ) {
updateTitle ( peerMetadata . metadata . title || defaultName ) ;
titleUpdated = true ;
if ( ! titleUpdated ) {
updateTitle ( defaultName ) ;
} ;
var unnotify = function ( ) {
if ( module . tabNotification &&
typeof ( module . tabNotification . cancel ) === 'function' ) {
module . tabNotification . cancel ( ) ;
} ;
var notify = function ( ) {
if ( Visible . isSupported ( ) && ! Visible . currently ( ) ) {
unnotify ( ) ;
module . tabNotification = Notify . tab ( 1000 , 10 ) ;
} ;
var onRemote = realtimeOptions . onRemote = function ( info ) {
if ( initializing ) { return ; }
var oldShjson = stringifyDOM ( inner ) ;
var shjson = info . realtime . getUserDoc ( ) ;
// remember where the cursor is
cursor . update ( ) ;
// Update the user list (metadata) from the hyperjson
updateMetadata ( shjson ) ;
var newInner = JSON . parse ( shjson ) ;
var newSInner ;
if ( newInner . length > 2 ) {
newSInner = stringify ( newInner [ 2 ] ) ;
// build a dom from HJSON, diff, and patch the editor
applyHjson ( shjson ) ;
if ( ! readOnly ) {
var shjson2 = stringifyDOM ( inner ) ;
if ( shjson2 !== shjson ) {
console . error ( "shjson2 !== shjson" ) ;
module . patchText ( shjson2 ) ;
/ * p u s h i n g b a c k o v e r t h e w i r e i s n e c e s s a r y , b u t i t c a n
result in a feedback loop , which we call a browser
fight * /
if ( module . logFights ) {
// what changed?
var op = TextPatcher . diff ( shjson , shjson2 ) ;
// log the changes
TextPatcher . log ( shjson , op ) ;
var sop = JSON . stringify ( TextPatcher . format ( shjson , op ) ) ;
var index = module . fights . indexOf ( sop ) ;
if ( index === - 1 ) {
module . fights . push ( sop ) ;
console . log ( "Found a new type of browser disagreement" ) ;
console . log ( "You can inspect the list in your " +
"console at `REALTIME_MODULE.fights`" ) ;
console . log ( module . fights ) ;
} else {
console . log ( "Encountered a known browser disagreement: " +
"available at `REALTIME_MODULE.fights[%s]`" , index ) ;
// Notify only when the content has changed, not when someone has joined/left
var oldSInner = stringify ( JSON . parse ( oldShjson ) [ 2 ] ) ;
if ( newSInner && newSInner !== oldSInner ) {
notify ( ) ;
} ;
var getHTML = function ( Dom ) {
var data = inner . innerHTML ;
Dom = Dom || ( new DOMParser ( ) ) . parseFromString ( data , "text/html" ) ;
return ( '<!DOCTYPE html>\n' +
'<html>\n' +
( typeof ( Hyperjson . toString ) === 'function' ?
Hyperjson . toString ( Hyperjson . fromDOM ( Dom . body ) ) :
Dom . head . outerHTML ) + '\n' ) ;
} ;
var domFromHTML = function ( html ) {
return new DOMParser ( ) . parseFromString ( html , 'text/html' ) ;
} ;
var exportFile = function ( ) {
var html = getHTML ( ) ;
var suggestion = suggestName ( 'cryptpad-document' ) ;
Cryptpad . prompt ( Messages . exportPrompt ,
Cryptpad . fixFileName ( suggestion ) + '.html' , function ( filename ) {
if ( ! ( typeof ( filename ) === 'string' && filename ) ) { return ; }
var blob = new Blob ( [ html ] , { type : "text/html;charset=utf-8" } ) ;
saveAs ( blob , filename ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var importFile = function ( content , file ) {
var shjson = stringify ( Hyperjson . fromDOM ( domFromHTML ( content ) . body ) ) ;
applyHjson ( shjson ) ;
realtimeOptions . onLocal ( ) ;
} ;
var renameCb = function ( err , title ) {
if ( err ) { return ; }
document . title = title ;
editor . fire ( 'change' ) ;
} ;
var onInit = realtimeOptions . onInit = function ( info ) {
userList = info . userList ;
var config = {
displayed : [ 'useradmin' , 'language' , 'spinner' , 'lag' , 'state' , 'share' , 'userlist' , 'newpad' ] ,
userData : userData ,
readOnly : readOnly ,
ifrw : ifrw ,
title : {
onRename : renameCb ,
defaultName : defaultName ,
suggestName : suggestName
} ,
common : Cryptpad
} ;
if ( readOnly ) { delete config . changeNameID ; }
toolbar = info . realtime . toolbar = Toolbar . create ( $bar , info . myID , info . realtime , info . getLag , userList , config ) ;
var $rightside = $bar . find ( '.' + Toolbar . constants . rightside ) ;
var $userBlock = $bar . find ( '.' + Toolbar . constants . username ) ;
var $editShare = $bar . find ( '.' + Toolbar . constants . editShare ) ;
var $viewShare = $bar . find ( '.' + Toolbar . constants . viewShare ) ;
var $usernameButton = module . $userNameButton = $ ( $bar . find ( '.' + Toolbar . constants . changeUsername ) ) ;
var editHash ;
var viewHash = Cryptpad . getViewHashFromKeys ( info . channel , secret . keys ) ;
if ( ! readOnly ) {
editHash = Cryptpad . getEditHashFromKeys ( info . channel , secret . keys ) ;
// Expand / collapse the toolbar
var $existingButton = $bar . find ( '#cke_1_toolbar_collapser' ) ;
var $collapse = Cryptpad . createButton ( null , true ) ;
$existingButton . hide ( ) ;
$collapse . removeClass ( 'fa-question' ) ;
var updateIcon = function ( ) {
$collapse . removeClass ( 'fa-caret-down' ) . removeClass ( 'fa-caret-up' ) ;
var isCollapsed = ! $bar . find ( '.cke_toolbox_main' ) . is ( ':visible' ) ;
if ( isCollapsed ) { $collapse . addClass ( 'fa-caret-down' ) ; }
else { $collapse . addClass ( 'fa-caret-up' ) ; }
} ;
updateIcon ( ) ;
$collapse . click ( function ( ) {
$existingButton . click ( ) ;
updateIcon ( ) ;
} ) ;
$rightside . append ( $collapse ) ;
/* add an export button */
var $export = Cryptpad . createButton ( 'export' , true , { } , exportFile ) ;
$rightside . append ( $export ) ;
if ( ! readOnly ) {
/* add an import button */
var $import = Cryptpad . createButton ( 'import' , true , { } , importFile ) ;
$rightside . append ( $import ) ;
/* add a rename button */
//var $setTitle = Cryptpad.createButton('rename', true, {suggestName: suggestName}, renameCb);
/* add a forget button */
var forgetCb = function ( err , title ) {
if ( err ) { return ; }
setEditable ( false ) ;
} ;
var $forgetPad = Cryptpad . createButton ( 'forget' , true , { } , forgetCb ) ;
$rightside . append ( $forgetPad ) ;
if ( ! readOnly ) {
$editShare . append ( Cryptpad . createButton ( 'editshare' , false , { editHash : editHash } ) ) ;
if ( viewHash ) {
$editShare . append ( $ ( '<hr>' ) ) ;
if ( viewHash ) {
/* add a 'links' button */
$viewShare . append ( Cryptpad . createButton ( 'viewshare' , false , { viewHash : viewHash } ) ) ;
if ( ! readOnly ) {
$viewShare . append ( Cryptpad . createButton ( 'viewopen' , false , { viewHash : viewHash } ) ) ;
// set the hash
if ( ! readOnly ) { Cryptpad . replaceHash ( editHash ) ; }
Cryptpad . onDisplayNameChanged ( setName ) ;
} ;
// this should only ever get called once, when the chain syncs
var onReady = realtimeOptions . onReady = function ( info ) {
if ( ! module . isMaximized ) {
editor . execCommand ( 'maximize' ) ;
module . isMaximized = true ;
// We have to call it 3 times in Safari
// in order to have the editor fully maximized -_-
if ( ( '' + window . navigator . vendor ) . indexOf ( 'Apple' ) !== - 1 ) {
editor . execCommand ( 'maximize' ) ;
editor . execCommand ( 'maximize' ) ;
module . patchText = TextPatcher . create ( {
realtime : info . realtime ,
//logging: true,
} ) ;
module . users = info . userList . users ;
module . realtime = info . realtime ;
var shjson = info . realtime . getUserDoc ( ) ;
var newPad = false ;
if ( shjson === '' ) { newPad = true ; }
if ( ! newPad ) {
applyHjson ( shjson ) ;
// Update the user list (metadata) from the hyperjson
updateMetadata ( shjson ) ;
if ( Visible . isSupported ( ) ) {
Visible . onChange ( function ( yes ) {
if ( yes ) { unnotify ( ) ; }
} ) ;
if ( ! readOnly ) {
var shjson2 = stringifyDOM ( inner ) ;
var hjson2 = JSON . parse ( shjson2 ) . slice ( 0 , - 1 ) ;
var hjson = JSON . parse ( shjson ) . slice ( 0 , - 1 ) ;
if ( stringify ( hjson2 ) !== stringify ( hjson ) ) {
console . log ( 'err' ) ;
console . error ( "shjson2 !== shjson" ) ;
Cryptpad . errorLoadingScreen ( "Unable to display the content of that realtime session in your browser. Please try to reload that page." ) ; // TODO translate
throw new Error ( ) ;
} else {
updateMetadata ( shjson ) ;
documentBody . innerHTML = Messages . initialState ;
Cryptpad . getLastName ( function ( err , lastName ) {
console . log ( "Unlocking editor" ) ;
setEditable ( ! readOnly ) ;
initializing = false ;
Cryptpad . removeLoadingScreen ( emitResize ) ;
// Update the toolbar list:
// Add the current user in the metadata if he has edit rights
if ( readOnly ) { return ; }
if ( typeof ( lastName ) === 'string' ) {
setName ( lastName ) ;
} else {
myData [ myID ] = {
name : ""
} ;
addToUserData ( myData ) ;
realtimeOptions . onLocal ( ) ;
module . $userNameButton . click ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var onAbort = realtimeOptions . onAbort = function ( info ) {
console . log ( "Aborting the session!" ) ;
// stop the user from continuing to edit
setEditable ( false ) ;
// TODO inform them that the session was torn down
toolbar . failed ( ) ;
Cryptpad . alert ( Messages . common _connectionLost ) ;
} ;
var onConnectionChange = realtimeOptions . onConnectionChange = function ( info ) {
setEditable ( info . state ) ;
toolbar . failed ( ) ;
if ( info . state ) {
initializing = true ;
toolbar . reconnecting ( info . myId ) ;
Cryptpad . findOKButton ( ) . click ( ) ;
} else {
Cryptpad . alert ( Messages . common _connectionLost ) ;
} ;
var onError = realtimeOptions . onError = onConnectError ;
var onLocal = realtimeOptions . onLocal = function ( ) {
if ( initializing ) { return ; }
if ( readOnly ) { return ; }
// stringify the json and send it into chainpad
var shjson = stringifyDOM ( inner ) ;
module . patchText ( shjson ) ;
if ( module . realtime . getUserDoc ( ) !== shjson ) {
console . error ( "realtime.getUserDoc() !== shjson" ) ;
} ;
var rti = module . realtimeInput = realtimeInput . start ( realtimeOptions ) ;
Cryptpad . onLogout ( function ( ) { setEditable ( false ) ; } ) ;
/ * h i t t i n g e n t e r m a k e s a n e w l i n e , b u t p l a c e s t h e c u r s o r i n s i d e
of the < br > instead of the < p > . This makes it such that you
cannot type until you click , which is rather unnacceptable .
If the cursor is ever inside such a < br > , you probably want
to push it out to the parent element , which ought to be a
paragraph tag . This needs to be done on keydown , otherwise
the first such keypress will not be inserted into the P . * /
inner . addEventListener ( 'keydown' , cursor . brFix ) ;
editor . on ( 'change' , onLocal ) ;
// export the typing tests to the window.
// call like `test = easyTest()`
// terminate the test like `test.cancel()`
var easyTest = window . easyTest = function ( ) {
cursor . update ( ) ;
var start = cursor . Range . start ;
var test = TypingTest . testInput ( inner , start . el , start . offset , onLocal ) ;
onLocal ( ) ;
return test ;
} ;
} ) ;
} ;
var interval = 100 ;
var second = function ( Ckeditor ) {
Cryptpad . ready ( function ( err , env ) {
// TODO handle error
andThen ( Ckeditor ) ;
} ) ;
Cryptpad . onError ( function ( info ) {
if ( info && info . type === "store" ) {
onConnectError ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var first = function ( ) {
Ckeditor = ifrw . CKEDITOR ;
if ( Ckeditor ) {
// mobile configuration
Ckeditor . config . toolbarCanCollapse = true ;
Ckeditor . config . height = '72vh' ;
if ( screen . height < 800 ) {
Ckeditor . config . toolbarStartupExpanded = false ;
$ ( 'meta[name=viewport]' ) . attr ( 'content' , 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no' ) ;
} else {
$ ( 'meta[name=viewport]' ) . attr ( 'content' , 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes' ) ;
second ( Ckeditor ) ;
} else {
console . log ( "Ckeditor was not defined. Trying again in %sms" , interval ) ;
setTimeout ( first , interval ) ;
} ;
$ ( first ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;