"inactiveError":"This document has been deleted due to inactivity. Press Esc to create a new document.",
"chainpadError":"A critical error occurred when updating your content. This page is in read-only mode to make sure you won't lose your work.<br>Hit <em>Esc</em> to continue to view this document, or reload to try editing again.",
"errorRedirectToHome":"Press <em>Esc</em> to be redirected to your CryptDrive.",
"newVersionError":"A new version of CryptPad is available.<br><a href='#'>Reload</a> to use the new version, or press escape to access your content in <b>offline mode</b>.",
"pinLimitReachedAlert":"You've reached your storage limit. New documents won't be stored in your CryptDrive.<br>You can either remove documents from your CryptDrive or <a>subscribe to a premium offer</a> to increase your limit.",
"poll_removeOption":"Are you sure you'd like to remove this option?",
"poll_removeUser":"Are you sure you'd like to remove this user?",
"poll_descriptionHint":"Describe your poll, and use the ✓ (publish) button when you're done.\nThe description can be written using markdown syntax and you can embed media elements from your CryptDrive.\nAnyone with the link can change the description, but this is discouraged.",
"poll_bookmark_col":"Bookmark this column so that it is always unlocked and displayed at the beginning for you",
"poll_bookmarked_col":"This is your bookmarked column. It will always be unlocked and displayed at the beginning for you.",
"poll_comment_add":"Add a comment",
"poll_comment_remove":"Delete this comment",
"poll_comment_placeholder":"Your comment",
"poll_comment_disabled":"Publish this poll using the ✓ button to enable the comments.",
"oo_reconnect":"The server connection is back. Click OK to reload and continue the edition.",
"oo_cantUpload":"Uploading is not allowed while other users are present.",
"oo_uploaded":"Your upload has completed. Click OK to reload the page or cancel to continue in read-only mode.",
"canvas_delete":"Delete selection",
"canvas_opacityLabel":"Opacity: {0}",
"canvas_widthLabel":"Width: {0}",
"canvas_saveToDrive":"Save this image as a file in your CryptDrive",
"canvas_currentBrush":"Current brush",
"canvas_imageEmbed":"Embed an image from your computer",
"profile_upload":" Upload a new avatar",
"profile_uploadSizeError":"Error: your avatar must be smaller than {0}",
"profile_uploadTypeError":"Error: your avatar type is not allowed. Allowed types are: {0}",
"profile_error":"Error while creating your profile: {0}",
"profile_register":"You have to sign up to create a profile!",
"contacts_warning":"Everything you type here is persistent and available to all the existing and future users of this document. Be careful with sensitive information!",
"fm_removeSeveralPermanentlyDialog":"Are you sure you want to remove these {0} items from your drive? They will remain in the drives of other users who have stored them.",
"fm_removePermanentlyDialog":"Are you sure you want to remove this item from your drive? It will remain in the drives of other users who have stored it.",
"fm_info_anonymous":"You are not logged in so your documents will expire after {0} days. Clearing your browser's history may make them disappear.<br><a href=\"/register/\">Sign up</a> (no personal information required) or <a href=\"/login/\">Log in</a> to store them in your drive indefinitely. <a href=\"#docs\">Read more about registered accounts</a>.",
"fm_info_sharedFolder":"This is a shared folder. You're not logged in so you can only access it in read-only mode.<br><a href=\"/register/\">Sign up</a> or <a href=\"/login/\">Log in</a> to be able to import it to your CryptDrive and to modify it.",
"fm_info_owned":"You are the owner of the documents displayed here. This means you can remove them permanently from the server whenever you want. If you do so, other users won't be able to access them anymore.",
"fm_burnThisDrive":"Are you sure you want to remove everything stored by CryptPad in your browser?<br>This will remove your CryptDrive and its history from your browser, but your documents will still exist (encrypted) on our server.",
"fm_padIsOwned":"You are the owner of this document",
"fm_padIsOwnedOther":"This document is owned by another user",
"fm_deletedPads":"These documents no longer exist on the server, they've been removed from your CryptDrive: {0}",
"settings_backupHint":"Backup or restore all your CryptDrive's content. It won't contain the content of your documents, just the keys to access them.",
"settings_backupHint2":"Download all the documents in your drive. Documents will be downloaded in formats readable by other applications when such a format is available. When such a format is not available, documents will be downloaded in a format readable by CryptPad.",
"settings_exportDescription":"Please wait while we're downloading and decrypting your documents. This may take a few minutes. Closing the tab will interrupt the process.",
"settings_exportFailed":"If a document requires more than 1 minute to be downloaded, it won't be included in the export. A link to any document that has not been exported will be displayed.",
"settings_exportWarning":"Note: this tool is still in a beta version and it might have scalability issues. For better performance, it is recommended to leave this tab focused.",
"settings_exportCancel":"Are you sure you want to cancel the export? You will have to start again from the beginning next time.",
"settings_export_reading":"Reading your CryptDrive...",
"settings_export_download":"Downloading and decrypting your documents...",
"settings_resetPrompt":"This action will remove all the documents from your drive.<br>Are you sure you want to continue?<br>Type “<em>I love CryptPad</em>” to confirm.",
"settings_disableThumbnailsDescription":"Thumbnails are automatically created and stored in your browser when you visit a new document. You can disable this feature here.",
"settings_autostoreHint":"<b>Automatic</b> All the documents you visit are stored in your CryptDrive.<br><b>Manual (always ask)</b> If you have not stored a document yet, you will be asked if you want to store them in your CryptDrive.<br><b>Manual (never ask)</b> Documents are not stored automatically in your CryptDrive. The option to store them will be hidden.",
"settings_deleteHint":"Account deletion is permanent. Your CryptDrive and your list of documents will be deleted from the server. The rest of your documents will be deleted in 90 days if nobody else has stored them in their CryptDrive.",
"settings_driveDuplicateHint":"When you move your owned documents to a shared folder, a copy is kept in your CryptDrive to ensure that you retain your control over it. You can hide duplicated files. Only the shared version will be visible, unless deleted, in which case the original will be displayed in its previous location.",
"settings_padSpellcheckHint":"This option allows you to enable spellcheck in rich text documents. Spelling errors will be underlined in red and you'll have to hold your Ctrl or Meta key while right-clicking to see the correct options.",
"settings_padSpellcheckLabel":"Enable spell check in rich text documents",
"settings_ownDriveHint":"Older accounts do not have access to the latest features, due to technical reasons. A free update will enable current features, and prepare your CryptDrive for future updates.",
"settings_ownDriveConfirm":"Upgrading your account may take some time. You will need to log back in on all your devices. Are you sure?",
"settings_ownDrivePending":"Your account is being upgraded. Please do not close or reload this page until the process has completed.",
"settings_changePasswordTitle":"Change your password",
"settings_changePasswordHint":"Change your account's password. Enter your current password, and confirm the new password by typing it twice.<br><b>We can't reset your password if you forget it, so be very careful!</b>",
"settings_changePasswordNewConfirm":"Confirm new password",
"settings_changePasswordConfirm":"Are you sure you want to change your password? You will need to log back in on all your devices.",
"settings_changePasswordError":"An unexpected error occurred. If you are unable to login or change your password, contact your CryptPad administrators.",
"settings_changePasswordPending":"Your password is being updated. Please do not close or reload this page until the process has completed.",
"settings_changePasswordNewPasswordSameAsOld":"Your new password must be different than your current password.",
"settings_cursorColorTitle":"Cursor color",
"settings_cursorColorHint":"Change the color associated with your user in collaborative documents.",
"settings_cursorShareTitle":"Share my cursor position",
"settings_cursorShareHint":"You can decide if you want other users to see your cursor position in collaborative documents.",
"settings_cursorShareLabel":"Share the position",
"settings_cursorShowTitle":"Display other users' cursor position",
"settings_cursorShowHint":"You can choose if you want to see the other users' cursor in collaborative documents.",
"settings_cursorShowLabel":"Show cursors",
"upload_title":"File upload",
"upload_modal_title":"File upload options",
"upload_modal_filename":"File name (extension <em>{0}</em> added automatically)",
"pad_base64":"This document contains images stored in an inefficient way. These images will significantly increase the size of the document in your CryptDrive, and make it slower to load. You can migrate these files to a new format which will be stored separately in your CryptDrive. Do you want to migrate these images now?",
"features_f_file1_note":"Store files in your CryptDrive: images, PDFs, videos, and more. Share them with your contacts or embed them in your documents. (up to {0}MB)",
"features_f_support_note":"Priority response from the administration team via email and built in ticket system",
"features_f_supporter":"Support privacy",
"features_f_supporter_note":"Help CryptPad to become financially sustainable and show that privacy-enhancing software willingly funded by users should be the norm",
"features_f_subscribe_note":"Registered account needed to subscribe",
"tos_e2ee":"CryptPad contents can be read or modified by anyone who can guess or otherwise obtain the document's fragment identifier. We recommend that you use end-to-end-encrypted (e2ee) messaging technology to share links, and assume no liability in the event that such a link is leaked.",
"feedback_privacy":"We care about your privacy, and at the same time we want CryptPad to be very easy to use. We use this file to figure out which UI features matter to our users, by requesting it along with a parameter specifying which action was taken.",
"feedback_optout":"If you would like to opt out, visit <a>your user settings page</a>, where you'll find a checkbox to enable or disable user feedback.",
"creation_owned1":"An <b>owned</b> item can be destroyed whenever the owner wants. Destroying an owned item makes it unavailable from other users' CryptDrives.",
"creation_newPadModalDescription":"Click on an app to create a new document. You can also press <b>Tab</b> to select the app and press <b>Enter</b> to confirm.",
"password_info":"The document you are trying to open no longer exists or is protected with a new password. Enter the correct password to access the content.",
"properties_confirmNew":"Are you sure? Adding a password will change this document's URL and remove its history. Users without the password will lose access to this document",
"properties_confirmChange":"Are you sure? Changing the password will remove its history. Users without the new password will lose access to this document",
"properties_passwordWarning":"The password was successfully changed but we were unable to update your CryptDrive with the new data. You may have to remove the old version of the document manually.<br>Press OK to reload and update your access rights.",
"sharedFolders_forget":"This document is only stored in a shared folder, you can't move it to the trash. You can use your CryptDrive if you want to delete it.",
"sharedFolders_duplicate":"Some of the documents you were trying to move were already shared in the destination folder.",
"sharedFolders_share":"Share this link with other registered users to give them access to the shared folder. Once they open this link, the shared folder will be added to their CryptDrive.",
"convertFolderToSF_SFParent":"This folder cannot be converted to a shared folder in its current location. Move it outside of the containing shared folder to continue.",
"convertFolderToSF_SFChildren":"This folder cannot be converted to a shared folder because it already contains shared folders. Move those Shared folders elsewhere to continue.",
"convertFolderToSF_confirm":"This folder must be converted to a Shared folder for others to view it. Continue?",
"chrome68":"It seems that you're using the browser Chrome or Chromium version 68. It contains a bug resulting in the page turning completely white after a few seconds or the page being unresponsive to clicks. To fix this issue, you can switch to another tab and come back, or try to scroll in the page. This bug should be fixed in the next version of your browser.",
"autostore_notstored":"This {0} is not in your CryptDrive. Do you want to store it now?",
"crowdfunding_popup_text":"<h3>We need your help!</h3>To ensure that CryptPad is actively developed, consider supporting the project via the OpenCollective page, where you can see our <b>Roadmap</b> and <b>Funding goals</b>.",
"fm_info_sharedFolderHistory":"This is only the history of your shared folder: <b>{0}</b><br>Your CryptDrive will stay in read-only mode while you navigate.",
"admin_supportInitHelp":"Your server is not yet configured to have a support mailbox. If you want a support mailbox to receive messages from your users, you should ask your server administrator to run the script located in \"./scripts/generate-admin-keys.js\", then store the public key in the \"config.js\" file and send you the private key.",
"admin_supportInitPrivate":"Your CryptPad instance is configured to use a support mailbox but your account doesn't have the correct private key to access it. Please use the following form to add or update the private key to your account.",
"admin_supportInitHint":"You can configure a support mailbox in order to give users of your CryptPad instance a way to contact you securely if they have an issue with their account.",
"admin_supportListHint":"Here is the list of tickets sent by users to the support mailbox. All the administrators can see the messages and their answers. A closed ticket cannot be re-opened. You can only remove (hide) closed tickets, and the removed tickets are still visible by other administrators.",
"support_formHint":"Use this form to securely contact the administrators about issues and questions.<br>Please note that some issues/questions may already be addressed in the <a>CryptPad User Guide</a>. Please do not create a new ticket if you already have an open ticket about the same issue. Instead, reply to your original message with any additional information.",
"support_listHint":"Here is the list of tickets sent to the administrators and their answers. A closed ticket cannot be re-opened but you can make a new one. You can hide tickets that have been closed.",
"team_infoContent":"Each team has its own CryptDrive, storage quota, chat, and members list. Team owners can delete the whole team, Admins can invite or kick members, members can leave the team.",
"team_maxTeams":"Each user account can only be a member of {0} teams.",
"team_deleteConfirm":"You are about to delete all of an entire team's data. This may impact other team members access to their data. This cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"drive_sfPassword":"Your shared folder {0} is no longer available. It has either been deleted by its owner or it is now protected with a new password. You can remove this folder from your CryptDrive, or recover access using the new password.",
"password_error_seed":"Document not found!<br>This error can be caused by two factors: either a password was added/changed, or the document has been deleted from the server.",
"properties_confirmChangeFile":"Are you sure? Users without the new password will lose access to this file.",
"properties_confirmNewFile":"Are you sure? Adding a password will change this file's URL. Users without the password will lose access to this file.",
"properties_passwordWarningFile":"The password was successfully changed but we were unable to update your CryptDrive with the new data. You may have to remove the old version of the file manually.",
"driveOfflineError":"Your connection to CryptPad has been lost. Changes to this document will not be saved in your CryptDrive. Please close all CryptPad tabs and try again in a new window. ",
"teams_table_specificHint":"These are old shared folders where viewers still have permission to edit existing documents. Documents created or copied into these folders will have standard permissions.",
"share_linkWarning":"This link contains the keys to your document. Recipients will gain non-revokable access to your content.",
"share_linkPasswordAlert":"This item is password protected. When you send the link the recipient will have to enter the password.",
"share_contactPasswordAlert":"This item is password protected. Because you are sharing it with a CryptPad contact, the recipient will not have to enter the password.",
"share_noContactsLoggedIn":"You are not connected with anyone on CryptPad yet. Share the link to your profile for people to send you contact requests.",
"burnAfterReading_warningLink":"You have set this document to self-destruct. Once a recipient visits this link, they will be able to see the document once before it is permanently deleted.",
"burnAfterReading_generateLink":"Click on the button below to generate a link.",
"burnAfterReading_warningAccess":"This document will self-destruct. When you click the button below you will see the content once before it is permanently deleted. When you close this window you will not be able to access it again. If you are not ready to proceed you can close this window and come back later.",
"safeLinks_error":"This link was copied from the browser's address bar and does not provide access to the document. Please use the <i></i> <b>Share</b> menu to share directly with contacts or copy the link. <a> Read more about the Safe Links feature</a>.",
"settings_safeLinksHint":"CryptPad includes the keys to decrypt your documents in their links. Anyone with access to your browsing history can potentially read your data. This includes intrusive browser extensions and browsers that sync your history across devices. Enabling \"safe links\" prevents the keys from entering your browsing history or being displayed in your address bar whenever possible. We strongly recommend that you enable this feature and use the {0} Share menu to generate shareable links.",
"settings_trimHistoryHint":"Save storage space by deleting the history of your drive and notifications. This will not affect the history of your documents. You can delete the history of documents in their properties dialog.",
"access_muteRequests":"Mute access requests for this document",
"owner_text":"The owner(s) of a document are the only users authorized to: add/remove owners, restrict access to the document with an access list, or delete the document.",
"settings_safeLinkDefault":"Safe Links are now turned on by default. Please use the <i></i> <b>Share</b> menu to copy links rather than your browser's address bar.",
"settings_kanbanTagsHint":"Select how you want the tag filter to act when selecting multiple tags: only show cards containing all the selected tags (AND) or show cards containing any of the selected tags (OR)",
"history_cantRestore":"Restoration failed. You are disconnected.",
"history_shareTitle":"Share a link to this version",
"share_versionHash":"You are about to share the selected history version of the document in read-only mode. This will also <b>give view access</b> for all versions of the document.",
"history_fastPrev":"Previous editing session",
"history_userPrev":"Previous author",
"history_fastNext":"Next editing session",
"history_userNext":"Next author",
"history_restoreDriveTitle":"Restore the selected version of the CryptDrive",
"history_restoreDrivePrompt":"Are you sure you want to replace the current version of the CryptDrive with the displayed version?",
"history_restoreDriveDone":"CryptDrive restored",
"infobar_versionHash":"You are currently viewing a past version of this document ({0}).",
"snapshot_error_exists":"There is already a snapshot of this version",
"snapshots_notFound":"This snapshot no longer exists because the history of the document has been deleted.",
"snapshots_cantMake":"The snapshot could not be created. You are disconnected.",
"admin_registrationHint":"Do not allow any new users to register",
"admin_registrationTitle":"Close registration",
"admin_defaultlimitHint":"Maximum storage limit for CryptDrives (users and teams) when no custom rule is applied",
"admin_defaultlimitTitle":"Storage limit (MB)",
"admin_setlimitButton":"Set limit",
"admin_limit":"Current limit: {0}",
"admin_getlimitsHint":"List all the custom storage limits applied to your instance.",
"admin_getlimitsTitle":"Custom limits",
"admin_limitPlan":"Plan: {0}",
"admin_limitNote":"Note: {0}",
"admin_setlimitHint":"Set custom limits for users by using their public key. You can update or remove an existing limit.",
"admin_setlimitTitle":"Apply a custom limit",
"admin_limitMB":"Limit (in MB)",
"admin_invalKey":"Invalid public key",
"admin_invalLimit":"Invalid limit value",
"admin_cat_quota":"User storage",
"team_exportTitle":"Download team drive",
"team_exportHint":"Download all the documents in this team's drive. Documents will be downloaded in formats readable by other applications when such a format is available. When such a format is not available, documents will be downloaded in a format readable by CryptPad.",
"unableToDisplay":"Unable to display the document. Please press Esc to reload the page. If the problem persists, please contact support.",
"errorPopupBlocked":"CryptPad needs to be able to open new tabs to operate. Please allow popup windows in your browser's address bar. These windows will never be used to show you advertising.",
"admin_archiveTitle":"Archive documents",
"admin_archiveHint":"Make a document unavailable without deleting it permanently. It will be placed in an 'archive' directory and deleted after a few days (configurable in the server configuration file).",
"admin_unarchiveTitle":"Restore documents",
"admin_unarchiveHint":"Restore a document that had previously been archived",
"settings_mediatagSizeHint":"Maximum size in megabytes (MB) for automatically loading media elements (images, videos, pdf) embedded into documents. Elements bigger than the specified size can be loaded manually. Use \"-1\" to always load the media elements automatically.",
"history_trimPrompt":"This document has accumulated {0} of history that may slow down loading time. Consider deleting the history if it is not needed.",
"offlineError":"Unable to synchronize the most recent data, this page cannot be displayed at this time. Loading will continue when your connection to the service is restored.",
"home_privacy_title":"Private by design",
"home_privacy_text":"CryptPad is built to enable collaboration while keeping data private. All content is encrypted and decrypted by your browser. This means documents, chats, and files are unreadable outside of the session where you are logged in. Even the service administrators do not have access to your information.",
"home_opensource":"Anyone can host CryptPad and offer the service in a personal or professional capacity. The source code is available on <a>Github</a>.",
"home_support":"<p>The development team does not profit from user data in any way. This is part of a vision for online services that respect privacy. Unlike the big platforms that pretend to be \"free\" while making profits from personal information, we aim to build a sustainable model funded willingly by users.</p><p>You can support the project by making a one-time or recurring donation through our Open Collective. Our budget is transparent and updates are published regularly. There are also a number of <a>non-financial ways to contribute</a>.</p>",
"register_notes":"<ul class=\"cp-notes-list\"><li>Your password is the secret key that encrypts all of your documents. <span class=\"red\">If you lose it there is no way we can recover your data.</span></li><li>If you are using a shared computer, <span class=\"red\">remember to log out</span> when you are done. Only closing the browser window leaves your account exposed. </li><li>To keep the documents you created and/or stored without being logged in, tick \"Import documents from your guest session\". </li></ul>",
"register_warning_note":"Due to the encrypted nature of CryptPad, the service administrators will not be able to recover data in case you forget your username and/or password. Please save them in a safe place.",
"whatis_collaboration_info":"<p>CryptPad is built to enable collaboration. It synchronizes changes to documents in real time. Because all data is encrypted, the service and its administrators have no way of seeing the content being edited and stored.</p>",
"whatis_apps":"A full suite of applications",
"whatis_apps_info":"<p>CryptPad provides a full-fledged office suite with all the tools necessary for productive collaboration. Applications include: Rich Text, Spreadsheets, Code/Markdown, Kanban, Slides, Whiteboard and Polls.</p><p>The applications are complemented by a set of collaboration features such as chat, contacts, color by author (code/markdown), and comments with mentions (rich text).</p>",
"whatis_drive_info":"<p>Store and manage documents with CryptDrive. Create folders, shared folders, and tags to organize documents. Upload and share files (PDFs, photos, video, audio, etc.). Team drives are shared between users and allow for collaborative organization and fine-grained access controls.</p>",
"whatis_model":"Business model",
"whatis_model_info":"<p>CryptPad has been supported since 2016 by French and European research grants such as BPI France, NLNet Foundation, NGI Trust, Mozilla Open Source Support, as well as donations and subscriptions to cryptpad.fr. We believe that public money should fund public code, so the service is fully open source. This means anyone can use, host, and modify the software.</p><p>CryptPad does not profit from user data. This is part of a vision for online services that respect privacy. Unlike the big platforms that pretend to be \"free\" while making profits from personal information, CryptPad aims to build a sustainable model funded willingly by users.</p><p>We offer CryptPad's functionality for free because we believe everyone deserves personal privacy, not just people with disposable income. If you are in a position to support the project, you will contribute new features, improvements and maintenance that benefit all users.</p><p>Now that the feasibility of the project has been established, the next goal is to make it financially sustainable through user funding. If you would like to support CryptPad and help make it a sustainable alternative to the big platforms, please consider making a one-time or recurring donation.</p>",
"whatis_xwiki_info":"<p>CryptPad is made at <a>XWiki</a>, a company based in Paris, France that has been making open-source software for over 15 years. We have extensive experience making collaborative software to organize information. Our track record shows we are committed to the long-term development and maintenance of CryptPad.</p>",
"settings_cacheHint":"CryptPad stores parts of your documents in your browser's memory in order to save network usage and improve loading times. You can disable the cache if your device doesn't have a lot of free storage space. For security reasons, the cache is always cleared when you log out, but you can clear it manually if you want to reclaim storage space on your machine.",
"settings_cacheCheckbox":"Enable cache on this device",
"toolbar_degraded":"Over {0} editors are currently present in this document. The user list and chat are disabled to improve performance.",
"admin_maintenanceHint":"Plan a maintenance on this instance and notify all users. Limited to one active maintenance at a given time.",
"admin_maintenanceButton":"Plan maintenance",
"admin_maintenanceCancel":"Cancel maintenance",
"broadcast_maintenance":"A maintenance is planned between <b>{0}</b> and <b>{1}</b>. CryptPad may be unavailable at that time.",
"admin_surveyHint":"Add, update or remove a link to an external survey. Users will receive a notification and the survey will remain available from the user menu.",
"broadcast_newSurvey":"A new survey is available. Click to open.",
"admin_broadcastHint":"Send a message to all users on this instance. All existing and new users will receive it as a notification. Preview messages before sending them with \"Preview notification\". Preview notifications have a red icon and are visible only to you.",
"broadcast_defaultLanguage":"Fallback to this language",
"broadcast_preview":"Preview notification",
"broadcast_newCustom":"Message from the administrators",
"settings_deleteWarning":"Warning: you are currently subscribed to a premium plan (paid or given by another user). Please cancel your plan before deleting your account as will not be possible without contacting support once your account is deleted.",
"admin_supportInitGenerate":"Generate support keys",
"admin_supportPrivHint":"Display the private key that other admins will need to view support tickets. A form to enter this key will be displayed on their admin panel.",
"form_makePublicWarning":"Are you sure you want to make responses to this form public? Past and future responses will be visible by participants. This cannot be undone.",
"form_anonymous_blocked":"Guest responses are blocked for this form. You must <a href=\"/login/\">log in</a> or <a href=\"/register/\">register</a> to submit answers.",
"settings_driveRedirectHint":"Automatic redirection from the home page to the drive when logged in is no longer enabled by default. Legacy behaviour can be enabled below.",
"admin_checkupHint":"CryptPad includes a page which automatically diagnoses common configuration issues and suggests how to correct them if necessary.",
"admin_consentToContactHint":"Server telemetry includes the admin contact email so that the developers can notify you of serious problems with the software or your configuration. It will never be shared, sold, or used for marketing purposes. Consent to contact if you'd like to be informed of critical issues in your server.",
"admin_consentToContactLabel":"I consent",
"admin_listMyInstanceTitle":"List my instance in public directories",
"admin_listMyInstanceHint":"If your instance is suitable for public use you may consent to be listed in web directories. Server telemetry must be enabled for this to have any effect.",
"admin_removeDonateButtonHint":"CryptPad's development is partially funded by public grants and donations. Advertizing our crowdfunding efforts on your instance help the developers to continue improving the platform for everybody, but you may disable these notices if you find them inappropriate.",
"admin_removeDonateButtonLabel":"Do not advertize crowdfunding campaigns",
"admin_blockDailyCheckTitle":"Server telemetry",
"admin_blockDailyCheckHint":"CryptPad instances send a message to the developers' server when launched and once per day thereafter. This lets them keep track of how many servers are running which versions of the software. You can opt-out of this measurement below. The contents of this message can be found in the application server's log for your review.",
"admin_blockDailyCheckLabel":"Disable server telemetry",
"admin_provideAggregateStatisticsHint":"You may opt-in to providing additional usage metrics to the developers, such as the approximate number of registered and daily users for your instance.",
"team_leaveOwner":"Please demote yourself from the owner role before leaving the team. Note that teams must have at least one owner, please add one before proceeding if you are currently the only owner.",
"support_premiumPriority":"Premium users help support improvements to CryptPad's usability and benefit from prioritized responses to their support tickets.",
"premiumOnly":"Creating new documents in this application is currently limited to subscribers on {0}. This is an early-access experimental application for testing purposes. It will soon become available to everyone on {0}.",
"earlyAccessBlocked":"This application is not available yet on this instance",
"premiumAccess":"As a subscriber on {0}, you can create new documents in this early-access application. Please be aware that it is experimental and should not yet be trusted with important data.",
"bounce_danger":"The link you clicked does not lead to a web-page but to some code or data that could be malicious.\n\n(\"{0}\")\n\nCryptPad blocks these for security reasons. Clicking OK will close this tab.",
"admin_nameTitle":"Instance name",
"admin_nameHint":"The name displayed for this instance in the list of public instances on cryptpad.org",
"ui_saved":"{0} saved",
"admin_descriptionTitle":"Instance description",
"admin_descriptionHint":"The descriptive text displayed for this instance in the list of public instances on cryptpad.org",
"admin_jurisdictionTitle":"Hosting location",
"admin_jurisdictionHint":"The country where this instance's encrypted data is hosted",
"footer_source":"Source code",
"info_termsFlavour":"<a>Terms of service</a> for this instance",
"info_sourceFlavour":"<a>Source code</a> for CryptPad",
"support_warning_prompt":"Please choose the most relevant category for your issue. This helps administrators triage and provides further suggestions for what information to provide",
"support_warning_account":"Please note that administrators are not able to reset passwords. If you have lost the credentials to your account but are still logged in, you can <a>migrate your data to a new account</a>",
"support_warning_drives":"Note that administrators are not able to identify folders and documents by name. For shared folders, please provide a <a>document identifier</a>",
"support_warning_document":"Please specify which type of document is causing the issue and provide a <a>document identifier</a> or a link",
"support_warning_bug":"Please specify in which browser the issue occurs and if any extensions are installed. Please provide as much detail as possible about the issue and the steps necessary to reproduce it",
"support_warning_abuse":"Please report content that violates the <a>Terms of Service</a>. Please provide links to the offending documents or user profiles and describe how they are violating the terms. Any additional information on the context in which you discovered the content or behaviour may help administrators prevent future violations",
"support_warning_other":"What is the nature of your query? Please provide as much relevant information as possible to make it easier for us to address your issue quickly",
"support_debuggingDataHint":"The following information is included in support tickets you submit. None of it allows administrators to access or decrypt your documents. This information is encrypted such that only administrators can read it.",
"fivehundred_internalServerError":"Internal server error",
"admin_cacheEvictionRequired":"The server has been updated with the new setting. Please use the <b>Flush Cache</b> button to ensure this change becomes visible to all users.",
"admin_reviewCheckupNotice":"It is recommended to review the <a>checkup</a> page to confirm that this instance is configured correctly.",
"admin_infoNotice1":"Use the following fields to describe your instance. This information will be used on the instance front page in a future version of CryptPad. It is sent as part of the server telemetry only if you opt in to be included in the list of public CryptPad instances.",
"admin_infoNotice2":"See the 'Network' tab for more details.",
"admin_enableDiskMeasurementsTitle":"Measure disk performance",
"admin_enableDiskMeasurementsHint":"If enabled, a JSON API endpoint will be exposed under <code>/api/profiling</code>. This keeps a running measurement of disk I/O within the time window set below. This setting can impact server performance and may reveal sensitive data. It is recommended that you leave this setting disabled unless you know what you are doing.",
"admin_enableembedsHint":"Allow documents and media from this instance to be embedded on other websites. This will add an \"Embed\" option to the Share menu. For security reasons applications that use OnlyOffice (Sheets, Document, Presentation) cannot be embedded even if this setting is active.",
"error_embeddingDisabled":"Embedding is disabled for this CryptPad instance",
"error_embeddingDisabledSpecific":"Embedding is disabled for this CryptPad application.",
"error_incorrectAccess":"This page can only be accessed via {0}."