comm: format protocol header manually and eliminate a potential footgun

the nd/ngui protocol is a simple TLV: message tag, length and
a json-encoded payload. the issue is with the (tag, length) header which
was written/read by using raw memory pointers, such as
Writer.writeStruct. in addition, tag ordinal values were auto-generated
by the compiler.

all those deficiencies may potentially lead to bugs hard to find or
serious data leaks.

serializing and deserializing the (tag, length) header manually
makes it more robust and eliminates the footgun.
alex 2 years ago
parent ae7c3b2db8
commit fe68ae96d6
Signed by: x1ddos

@ -1,8 +1,20 @@
///! daemon <-> gui communication
///! daemon/gui communication.
///! the protocol is a simple TLV construct: MessageTag(u16), length(u64), json-marshalled Message;
///! little endian.
const std = @import("std");
const json = std.json;
const mem = std.mem;
const ByteArrayList = @import("types.zig").ByteArrayList;
/// common errors returned by read/write functions.
pub const Error = error{
/// daemon and gui exchange messages of this type.
pub const Message = union(MessageTag) {
ping: void,
pong: void,
@ -27,43 +39,42 @@ pub const Message = union(MessageTag) {
pub const MessageTag = enum(u8) {
const Header = extern struct {
tag: MessageTag,
len: usize,
/// it is important to preserve ordinal values for future compatiblity,
/// especially when nd and gui may temporary diverge in their implementations.
pub const MessageTag = enum(u16) {
ping = 0x01,
pong = 0x02,
poweroff = 0x03,
wifi_connect = 0x04,
network_report = 0x05,
get_network_report = 0x06,
// next: 0x07
/// reads and parses a single message from the input stream reader.
/// callers must deallocate resources with free when done.
pub fn read(allocator: mem.Allocator, reader: anytype) anyerror!Message {
const h = try reader.readStruct(Header);
if (h.len == 0) {
const m = switch (h.tag) {
pub fn read(allocator: mem.Allocator, reader: anytype) !Message {
// alternative is @intToEnum(reader.ReadIntLittle(u16)) but it may panic.
const tag = reader.readEnum(MessageTag, .Little) catch {
return Error.CommReadInvalidTag;
const len = try reader.readIntLittle(u64);
if (len == 0) {
return switch (tag) {
.ping => Message{ .ping = {} },
.pong => Message{ .pong = {} },
.poweroff => Message{ .poweroff = {} },
else => error.ZeroLenInNonVoidTag,
else => Error.CommReadZeroLenInNonVoidTag,
return m;
// TODO: limit h.len to some max value
var bytes = try allocator.alloc(u8, h.len);
var bytes = try allocator.alloc(u8, len);
try reader.readNoEof(bytes);
const jopt = json.ParseOptions{ .allocator = allocator, .ignore_unknown_fields = true };
var jstream = json.TokenStream.init(bytes);
return switch (h.tag) {
.ping, .pong, .poweroff => unreachable, // void
return switch (tag) {
.ping, .pong, .poweroff => unreachable, // handled above
.wifi_connect => Message{
.wifi_connect = try json.parse(Message.WifiConnect, &jstream, jopt),
@ -79,30 +90,27 @@ pub fn read(allocator: mem.Allocator, reader: anytype) anyerror!Message {
/// outputs the message msg using writer.
/// all allocated resources are freed upon return.
pub fn write(allocator: mem.Allocator, writer: anytype, msg: Message) !void {
var header = Header{ .tag = msg, .len = 0 };
switch (msg) {
.ping, .pong, .poweroff => return writer.writeStruct(header),
else => {}, // non-zero payload; continue
var data = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator);
defer data.deinit();
const jopt = .{ .whitespace = null };
var data = ByteArrayList.init(allocator);
defer data.deinit();
switch (msg) {
.ping, .pong, .poweroff => unreachable,
.ping, .pong, .poweroff => {}, // zero length payload
.wifi_connect => try json.stringify(msg.wifi_connect, jopt, data.writer()),
.network_report => try json.stringify(msg.network_report, jopt, data.writer()),
.get_network_report => try json.stringify(msg.get_network_report, jopt, data.writer()),
if (data.items.len > std.math.maxInt(u64)) {
return Error.CommWriteTooLarge;
header.len = data.items.len;
try writer.writeStruct(header);
try writer.writeIntLittle(u16, @enumToInt(msg));
try writer.writeIntLittle(u64, data.items.len);
try writer.writeAll(data.items);
pub fn free(allocator: mem.Allocator, m: Message) void {
switch (m) {
.ping, .pong, .poweroff => {},
.ping, .pong, .poweroff => {}, // zero length payload
else => |v| {
json.parseFree(@TypeOf(v), v, .{ .allocator = allocator });
@ -119,7 +127,8 @@ test "read" {
var buf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(t.allocator);
defer buf.deinit();
try buf.writer().writeStruct(Header{ .tag = msg, .len = data.items.len });
try buf.writer().writeIntLittle(u16, @enumToInt(msg));
try buf.writer().writeIntLittle(u64, data.items.len);
try buf.writer().writeAll(data.items);
var bs =;
@ -141,10 +150,11 @@ test "write" {
const payload = "{\"ssid\":\"wlan\",\"password\":\"secret\"}";
var js = std.ArrayList(u8).init(t.allocator);
defer js.deinit();
try js.writer().writeStruct(Header{ .tag = msg, .len = payload.len });
try js.writer().writeIntLittle(u16, @enumToInt(msg));
try js.writer().writeIntLittle(u64, payload.len);
try js.appendSlice(payload);
try t.expectEqualSlices(u8, js.items, buf.items);
try t.expectEqualStrings(js.items, buf.items);
test "write/read void tags" {

@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
/// prefer this type over the std.ArrayList(u8) just to ensure consistency
/// and potential regressions. For example, comm module uses it for read/write.
pub const ByteArrayList = std.ArrayList(u8);
pub const Timer = if (builtin.is_test) TestTimer else std.time.Timer;
/// TestTimer always reports the same fixed value.