nd: increase services stop timeout to 10min but in parallel

10min looks quite excessive but based on conversations in
https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/7fb7acfc, better safe than
sorry. same for lnd. in any case, 30sec was indeed far too short to
begin with, especially for bitcoind.

services are now stopped in parallel, though. so, the poweroff sequence
goes faster.
add-custom-font v0.0.1
alex 2 years ago
parent 0266125c65
commit 7226c31dfb

@ -216,10 +216,26 @@ pub fn main() !void {
/// shut down important services manually.
/// TODO: make this OS-agnostic
fn svShutdown(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) void {
// sv waits 7sec by default but bitcoind needs more
// sv waits 7sec by default but bitcoind and lnd need more
// http://smarden.org/runit/
var stop_lnd = std.ChildProcess.init(&.{"sv", "-w", "25", "stop", "lnd"}, allocator);
_ = stop_lnd.spawnAndWait() catch |err| logger.err("stop lnd: {any}", .{err});
var stop_btc = std.ChildProcess.init(&.{"sv", "-w", "30", "stop", "bitcoind"}, allocator);
_ = stop_btc.spawnAndWait() catch |err| logger.err("stop bitcoind: {any}", .{err});
const Argv = []const []const u8;
const cmds: []const Argv = &.{
&.{"sv", "-w", "600", "stop", "lnd"},
&.{"sv", "-w", "600", "stop", "bitcoind"},
var procs: [cmds.len]?std.ChildProcess = undefined;
for (cmds) |argv, i| {
var p = std.ChildProcess.init(argv, allocator);
if (p.spawn()) {
procs[i] = p;
} else |err| {
logger.err("{s}: {any}", .{argv, err});
for (procs) |_, i| {
var p = procs[i];
if (p != null) {
_ = p.?.wait() catch |err| logger.err("{any}", .{err});