ui/lvgl: add a couple convenience methods for next commits

small things like show/hide and enable/disable. also, the text of the
button can now be set directly using its label field.
alex 11 months ago
parent 664c75a9c9
commit 094f6406e3
Signed by: x1ddos

@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
///! LVGL types in zig.
/// lv_xxx functions are directly linked against LVGL lib.
/// other functions, without the lv_ prefix are defined in zig and provide type safety
/// and extra functionality, sometimes composed of multiple calls to lv_xxx.
/// nm_xxx functions defined here are exported with "c" convention to allow
/// calls from C code.
/// the module usage must be started with a call to init.
//! LVGL types in zig.
//! lv_xxx functions are directly linked against LVGL lib.
//! other functions, without the lv_ prefix are defined in zig and provide type safety
//! and extra functionality, sometimes composed of multiple calls to lv_xxx.
//! nm_xxx functions defined here are exported with "c" convention to allow
//! calls from C code.
//! the module usage must be started with a call to init.
const std = @import("std");
const c = @cImport({
@ -438,6 +439,24 @@ pub const WidgetMethods = struct {
pub fn setBackgroundColor(self: anytype, v: Color, sel: LvStyle.Selector) void {
lv_obj_set_style_bg_color(self.lvobj, v, sel.value());
pub fn show(self: anytype) void {
pub fn hide(self: anytype) void {
pub const InteractiveMethods = struct {
pub fn enable(self: anytype) void {
lv_obj_clear_state(self.lvobj, c.LV_STATE_DISABLED);
pub fn disable(self: anytype) void {
lv_obj_add_state(self.lvobj, c.LV_STATE_DISABLED);
/// a base layer object which all the other UI elements are placed onto.
@ -669,7 +688,12 @@ pub const Label = struct {
lv_label_set_text(self.lvobj, text);
/// formats a new label text.
/// sets label text without heap alloc but assumes text outlives the label obj.
pub fn setTextStatic(self: Label, text: [*:0]const u8) void {
lv_label_set_text_static(self.lvobj, text);
/// formats a new label text and passes it on to `setText`.
/// the buffer can be dropped once the function returns.
pub fn setTextFmt(self: Label, buf: []u8, comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) !void {
var s = try std.fmt.bufPrintZ(buf, format, args);
@ -685,15 +709,16 @@ pub const Label = struct {
/// a button with a child Label.
pub const TextButton = struct {
lvobj: *LvObj,
label: *LvObj,
label: Label,
pub usingnamespace BaseObjMethods;
pub usingnamespace WidgetMethods;
pub usingnamespace InteractiveMethods;
pub fn new(parent: anytype, text: [*:0]const u8) !TextButton {
const btn = lv_btn_create(parent.lvobj) orelse return error.OutOfMemory;
const label = try Label.new(Container{ .lvobj = btn }, text, .{ .long_mode = .dot, .pos = .center });
return .{ .lvobj = btn, .label = label.lvobj };
return .{ .lvobj = btn, .label = label };
@ -964,6 +989,8 @@ extern fn lv_obj_del(obj: *LvObj) void;
/// deletes children of the obj.
extern fn lv_obj_clean(obj: *LvObj) void;
extern fn lv_obj_add_state(obj: *LvObj, c.lv_state_t) void;
extern fn lv_obj_clear_state(obj: *LvObj, c.lv_state_t) void;
extern fn lv_obj_add_flag(obj: *LvObj, v: c.lv_obj_flag_t) void;
extern fn lv_obj_clear_flag(obj: *LvObj, v: c.lv_obj_flag_t) void;
extern fn lv_obj_has_flag(obj: *LvObj, v: c.lv_obj_flag_t) bool;