@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ var HK = module.exports;
const nThen = require('nthen');
const Util = require("./common-util");
const Meta = require("./metadata");
const MetaRPC = require("./commands/metadata");
const Nacl = require('tweetnacl/nacl-fast');
const now = function () { return (new Date()).getTime(); };
@ -71,10 +71,37 @@ const sliceCpIndex = function (cpIndex, line) {
return start.concat(end);
const isMetadataMessage = function (parsed) {
const isMetadataMessage = HK.isMetadataMessage = function (parsed) {
return Boolean(parsed && parsed.channel);
HK.listAllowedUsers = function (metadata) {
return (metadata.owners || []).concat((metadata.allowed || []));
HK.getNetfluxSession = function (Env, netfluxId) {
return Env.netfluxUsers[netfluxId];
HK.isUserSessionAllowed = function (allowed, session) {
if (!session) { return false; }
for (var unsafeKey in session) {
if (allowed.indexOf(unsafeKey) !== -1) {
return true;
return false;
HK.authenticateNetfluxSession = function (Env, netfluxId, unsafeKey) {
var user = Env.netfluxUsers[netfluxId] = Env.netfluxUsers[netfluxId] || {};
user[unsafeKey] = +new Date();
HK.closeNetfluxSession = function (Env, netfluxId) {
delete Env.netfluxUsers[netfluxId];
// validateKeyStrings supplied by clients must decode to 32-byte Uint8Arrays
const isValidValidateKeyString = function (key) {
try {
@ -151,6 +178,29 @@ const checkExpired = function (Env, Server, channel) {
return true;
const getMetadata = HK.getMetadata = function (Env, channelName, _cb) {
var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb));
var metadata = Env.metadata_cache[channelName];
if (metadata && typeof(metadata) === 'object') {
return void cb(undefined, metadata);
MetaRPC.getMetadataRaw(Env, channelName, function (err, metadata) {
if (err) {
return void cb(err);
if (!(metadata && typeof(metadata.channel) === 'string' && metadata.channel.length === STANDARD_CHANNEL_LENGTH)) {
return cb();
// cache it
Env.metadata_cache[channelName] = metadata;
cb(undefined, metadata);
/* computeIndex
can call back with an error or a computed index which includes:
* cpIndex:
@ -180,13 +230,19 @@ const computeIndex = function (Env, channelName, cb) {
let metadata;
let i = 0;
const ref = {};
const CB = Util.once(cb);
const offsetByHash = {};
let size = 0;
nThen(function (w) {
getMetadata(Env, channelName, w(function (err, _metadata) {
if (err) {
throw new Error(err); // XXX
metadata = _metadata;
}).nThen(function (w) {
// iterate over all messages in the channel log
// old channels can contain metadata as the first message of the log
// remember metadata the first time you encounter it
@ -195,14 +251,15 @@ const computeIndex = function (Env, channelName, cb) {
let msg;
// keep an eye out for the metadata line if you haven't already seen it
// but only check for metadata on the first line
if (!i && !metadata && msgObj.buff.indexOf('{') === 0) {
if (!i && msgObj.buff.indexOf('{') === 0) { // XXX RESTRICT metadata...
i++; // always increment the message counter
msg = tryParse(Env, msgObj.buff.toString('utf8'));
if (typeof msg === "undefined") { return readMore(); }
// validate that the current line really is metadata before storing it as such
if (isMetadataMessage(msg)) {
metadata = msg;
if (isMetadataMessage(msg)) { // XXX RESTRICT
//metadata = msg; // XXX RESTRICT
// skip this, as you already have metadata...
return readMore();
@ -245,26 +302,8 @@ const computeIndex = function (Env, channelName, cb) {
size = msgObj.offset + msgObj.buff.length + 1;
}).nThen(function (w) {
// create a function which will iterate over amendments to the metadata
const handler = Meta.createLineHandler(ref, Log.error);
// initialize the accumulator in case there was a foundational metadata line in the log content
if (metadata) { handler(void 0, metadata); }
// iterate over the dedicated metadata log (if it exists)
// proceed even in the event of a stream error on the metadata log
store.readDedicatedMetadata(channelName, handler, w(function (err) {
if (err) {
return void Log.error("DEDICATED_METADATA_ERROR", err);
}).nThen(function () {
// when all is done, cache the metadata in memory
if (ref.index) { // but don't bother if no metadata was found...
metadata = Env.metadata_cache[channelName] = ref.meta;
// and return the computed index
// return the computed index
CB(null, {
// Only keep the checkpoints included in the last 100 messages
cpIndex: sliceCpIndex(cpIndex, i),
@ -293,9 +332,7 @@ const getIndex = (Env, channelName, cb) => {
// if there is a channel in memory and it has an index cached, return it
if (chan && chan.index) {
// enforce async behaviour
return void setTimeout(function () {
cb(undefined, chan.index);
return void Util.mkAsync(cb)(undefined, chan.index);
Env.batchIndexReads(channelName, cb, function (done) {
@ -569,7 +606,7 @@ const handleRPC = function (Env, Server, seq, userId, parsed) {
Server.send(userId, [seq, 'ACK']);
try {
// slice off the sequence number and pass in the rest of the message
Env.rpc(Server, rpc_call, function (err, output) {
Env.rpc(Server, userId, rpc_call, function (err, output) {
if (err) {
Server.send(userId, [0, HISTORY_KEEPER_ID, 'MSG', userId, JSON.stringify([parsed[0], 'ERROR', err])]);
@ -646,6 +683,7 @@ const handleGetHistory = function (Env, Server, seq, userId, parsed) {
// And then check if the channel is expired. If it is, send the error and abort
// FIXME this is hard to read because 'checkExpired' has side effects
if (checkExpired(Env, Server, channelName)) { return void waitFor.abort(); }
// always send metadata with GET_HISTORY requests
Server.send(userId, [0, HISTORY_KEEPER_ID, 'MSG', userId, JSON.stringify(index.metadata)], w);
@ -662,7 +700,7 @@ const handleGetHistory = function (Env, Server, seq, userId, parsed) {
}, (err) => {
if (err && err.code !== 'ENOENT') {
if (err.message !== 'EINVAL') { Log.error("HK_GET_HISTORY", err); }
const parsedMsg = {error:err.message, channel: channelName, txid: txid};
const parsedMsg = {error:err.message, channel: channelName, txid: txid}; // XXX history retrieval error format
Server.send(userId, [0, HISTORY_KEEPER_ID, 'MSG', userId, JSON.stringify(parsedMsg)]);
@ -789,9 +827,9 @@ const handleGetFullHistory = function (Env, Server, seq, userId, parsed) {
const directMessageCommands = {
GET_HISTORY: handleGetHistory,
GET_HISTORY_RANGE: handleGetHistoryRange,
GET_FULL_HISTORY: handleGetFullHistory,
GET_HISTORY: handleGetHistory, // XXX RESTRICT
/* onDirectMessage
@ -812,16 +850,63 @@ HK.onDirectMessage = function (Env, Server, seq, userId, json) {
var first = parsed[0];
if (typeof(directMessageCommands[first]) !== 'function') {
// it's either an unsupported command or an RPC call
// either way, RPC has it covered
return void handleRPC(Env, Server, seq, userId, parsed);
// otherwise it's some kind of history retrieval command...
// go grab its metadata, because unfortunately people can ask for history
// whether or not they have joined the channel, so we can't rely on JOIN restriction
// to stop people from loading history they shouldn't see.
var channelName = parsed[1];
nThen(function (w) {
HK.getMetadata(Env, channelName, w(function (err, metadata) {
if (err) {
// stream errors?
// we should log these, but if we can't load metadata
// then it's probably not restricted or expired
// it's not like anything else will recover from this anyway
// likewise, we can't do anything more here if there's no metadata
// jump to the next block
if (!metadata) { return; }
// If the requested history is for an expired channel, abort
// Note the if we don't have the keys for that channel in metadata_cache, we'll
// have to abort later (once we know the expiration time)
if (checkExpired(Env, Server, parsed[1])) { return; }
// checkExpired has side effects and will disconnect users for you...
if (checkExpired(Env, Server, parsed[1])) {
// if the channel is expired just abort.
// XXX what do we tell the person who asked?
// look up the appropriate command in the map of commands or fall back to RPC
var command = directMessageCommands[parsed[0]] || handleRPC;
// jump to handling the command if there's no restriction...
if (!metadata.restricted) { return; }
// run the command with the standard function signature
command(Env, Server, seq, userId, parsed);
// check if the user is in the allow list...
const allowed = HK.listAllowedUsers(metadata);
const session = HK.getNetfluxSession(Env, userId);
if (HK.isUserSessionAllowed(allowed, session)) {
// respond to txid with error as in handleGetHistory
// send the allow list anyway, it might not get used currently
// but will in the future
}).nThen(function () {
// run the appropriate command from the map
directMessageCommands[first](Env, Server, seq, userId, parsed);
/* onChannelMessage