@ -146,18 +146,6 @@ define([
}, function () {
var $div = $(removeCol.div);
var others1 = removeCol.others;
$div.append(h('div.cp-share-grid', others1));
$div.find('.cp-share-friend').click(function () {
var sel = $(this).hasClass('cp-selected');
if (!sel) {
} else {
var order = $(this).attr('data-order');
order = order ? 'order:'+order : '';
$(this).removeClass('cp-selected').attr('style', order);
// When clicking on the remove button, we check the selected users.
// If you try to remove yourself, we'll display an additional warning message
var btnMsg = pending ? Messages.owner_removePendingButton : Messages.owner_removeButton;
@ -244,18 +232,6 @@ define([
$div2 = $(addCol.div);
var others2 = addCol.others;
$div2.append(h('div.cp-share-grid', others2));
$div2.find('.cp-share-friend').click(function () {
var sel = $(this).hasClass('cp-selected');
if (!sel) {
} else {
var order = $(this).attr('data-order');
order = order ? 'order:'+order : '';
$(this).removeClass('cp-selected').attr('style', order);
// When clicking on the add button, we get the selected users.
var addButton = h('button.no-margin', Messages.owner_addButton);
$(addButton).click(function () {
@ -724,6 +700,19 @@ define([
$(div).append(h('div.cp-share-grid', others));
$div.on('click', '.cp-share-friend', function () {
var sel = $(this).hasClass('cp-selected');
if (!sel) {
} else {
var order = $(this).attr('data-order');
order = order ? 'order:'+order : '';
$(this).removeClass('cp-selected').attr('style', order);
return {
others: others,
div: div
@ -749,7 +738,7 @@ define([
// Replace "copy link" by "share with friends" if at least one friend is selected
// Also create the "share with friends" button if it doesn't exist
var refreshButtons = function () {
var $nav = $div.parents('.alertify').find('nav');
var $nav = $div.closest('.alertify').find('nav');
var friendMode = $div.find('.cp-share-friend.cp-selected').length;
if (friendMode) {
@ -759,6 +748,7 @@ define([
config.noInclude = true;
var friendsList = UIElements.getFriendsList(Messages.share_linkFriends, config, refreshButtons);
var friendDiv = friendsList.div;
@ -784,7 +774,6 @@ define([
friends: teams
}, refreshButtons);
$(teamsList.div).append(h('div.cp-share-grid', teamsList.others));
var shareButtons = [{
className: 'primary cp-share-with-friends',
@ -870,19 +859,9 @@ define([
$(el).attr('data-order', i).css('order', i);
// Display them
$(friendDiv).append(h('div.cp-share-grid', others));
$div.append(UI.dialog.getButtons(shareButtons, config.onClose));
$div.find('.cp-share-friend').click(function () {
var sel = $(this).hasClass('cp-selected');
if (!sel) {
} else {
var order = $(this).attr('data-order');
order = order ? 'order:'+order : '';
$(this).removeClass('cp-selected').attr('style', order);
return div;
@ -903,7 +882,6 @@ define([
var friendsUIClass = hasFriends ? '.cp-share-columns' : '';
var mainShareColumn = h('div.cp-share-column.contains-nav', [
hasFriends ? h('p', Messages.share_description) : undefined,
h('label', Messages.share_linkAccess),
UI.createRadio('cp-share-editable', 'cp-share-editable-true',
@ -1195,6 +1173,78 @@ define([
return UI.dialog.customModal(link, {buttons: linkButtons});
UIElements.createInviteTeamModal = function (config) {
var common = config.common;
var hasFriends = Object.keys(config.friends || {}).length !== 0;
var friendsList = hasFriends ? createShareWithFriends(config) : undefined;
if (!hasFriends) {
return void UI.alert('No friend to invite'); // XXX
var privateData = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData();
var team = privateData.teams[config.teamId];
if (!team) { return void UI.warn(Messages.error); }
var module = config.module || common.makeUniversal('team', { onEvent: function () {} });
var $div;
var refreshButton = function () {
if (!$div) { return; }
var $modal = $div.closest('.alertify');
var $nav = $modal.find('nav');
var $btn = $nav.find('button.primary');
var selected = $div.find('.cp-share-friend.cp-selected').length;
if (selected) {
$btn.prop('disabled', '');
} else {
$btn.prop('disabled', 'disabled');
var list = UIElements.getFriendsList('Pick the friends you want to invite to the team', { // XXX
common: common,
friends: config.friends,
}, refreshButton);
$div = $(list.div);
var buttons = [{
className: 'cancel',
name: Messages.cancel,
onClick: function () {},
keys: [27]
}, {
className: 'primary',
name: 'INVITE', // XXX
onClick: function () {
var $sel = $div.find('.cp-share-friend.cp-selected');
var sel = $sel.toArray();
if (!sel.length) { return; }
var friends = sel.forEach(function (el) {
var curve = $(el).attr('data-curve');
module.execCommand('INVITE_TO_TEAM', {
teamId: config.teamId,
user: config.friends[curve]
}, function (obj) {
if (obj && obj.error) {
return UI.warn(Messages.error);
keys: [13]
var content = h('div', [
h('h4', 'Invite friends to your team: '+ team.name),
var modal = UI.dialog.customModal(content, {buttons: buttons});
UIElements.createButton = function (common, type, rightside, data, callback) {
var AppConfig = common.getAppConfig();
var button;
@ -3503,27 +3553,7 @@ define([
var content = h('div.cp-share-modal', [
setHTML(h('p'), text)
var buttons = [{
name: Messages.friendRequest_later,
onClick: function () {},
keys: [27]
}, {
className: 'primary',
name: Messages.friendRequest_accept,
onClick: function () {
keys: [13]
}, {
className: 'primary',
name: Messages.friendRequest_decline,
onClick: function () {
keys: [[13, 'ctrl']]
var modal = UI.dialog.customModal(content, {buttons: buttons});
UI.proposal(content, todo);
UIElements.displayAddOwnerModal = function (common, data) {
@ -3648,27 +3678,85 @@ define([
var buttons = [{
name: Messages.friendRequest_later,
onClick: function () {},
keys: [27]
}, {
className: 'primary',
name: Messages.friendRequest_accept,
onClick: function () {
keys: [13]
UI.proposal(div, todo);
UIElements.getVerifiedFriend = function (common, curve, name) {
var priv = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData();
var verified = h('p');
var $verified = $(verified);
if (priv.friends && priv.friends[curve]) {
var f = priv.friends[curve];
var $avatar = $(h('span.cp-avatar')).appendTo($verified);
$verified.append(h('p', Messages._getKey('requestEdit_fromFriend', [f.displayName])));
common.displayAvatar($avatar, f.avatar, f.displayName);
} else {
$verified.append(Messages._getKey('requestEdit_fromStranger', [name]));
return verified;
UIElements.displayInviteTeamModal = function (common, data) {
var priv = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData();
var user = common.getMetadataMgr().getUserData();
var sframeChan = common.getSframeChannel();
var msg = data.content.msg;
var name = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.user.displayName) || Messages.anonymous;
var teamName = Util.fixHTML(Util.find(msg, ['content', 'team', 'metadata', 'name']) || '');
var verified = UIElements.getVerifiedFriend(common, msg.author, name);
//var text = Messages._getKey('', [name, title]); // XXX
var text = name + " has invited you to join the team <b>" + teamName +"</b>";
var div = h('div', [
UI.setHTML(h('p'), text),
var module = common.makeUniversal('team');
var answer = function (yes) {
common.mailbox.sendTo("INVITE_TO_TEAM_ANSWER", {
answer: yes,
teamChannel: msg.content.team.channel,
user: {
displayName: user.name,
avatar: user.avatar,
profile: user.profile,
notifications: user.notifications,
curvePublic: user.curvePublic,
edPublic: priv.edPublic
}, {
className: 'primary',
name: Messages.friendRequest_decline,
onClick: function () {
keys: [[13, 'ctrl']]
var modal = UI.dialog.customModal(div, {buttons: buttons});
channel: msg.content.user.notifications,
curvePublic: msg.content.user.curvePublic
common.mailbox.dismiss(data, function (err) {
var todo = function (yes) {
if (yes) {
module.execCommand('JOIN_TEAM', {
team: msg.content.team
}, function (obj) {
if (obj && obj.error) { return void UI.warn(Messages.error); }
UI.proposal(div, todo);
return UIElements;