setHTML(h('p'),'CryptPad is created inside of the Research Team at <a href="">XWiki SAS</a>, a small business located in Paris France and Iasi Romania. There are 3 core team members working on CryptPad plus a number of contributors both inside and outside of XWiki SAS.'),*/
setHTML(h('div#bio'),'<p>Aaron transitioned into distributed systems development from a background in jazz and live stage performance.</p><p>He appreciates the elegance of biological systems and functional programming, and focused on both as a student at the University of Toronto, where he studied cognitive and computer sciences.</p><p>He moved to Paris in 2015 to work as a research engineer at XWiki SAS, after having dedicated significant time to various cryptography-related software projects.</p><p>He spends his spare time experimenting with guitars, photography, science fiction, and spicy food.</p>')
setHTML(h('div#bio'),'<p>Caleb is a cryptography developer, Machine Technology graduate of the Franklin County Technical School and lifelong tinkerer.</p><p>In 2011, he started the cjdns Open Source project to show that secure networking could be invisible and easily deployed.</p><p>After joining XWiki SAS in 2014, he started the CryptPad project with the intent of bringing the same transparent security to collaborative editing.</p><p>He\'s always trying to learn from more experienced colleagues and when someone passes through the Research Team office, his favorite words are "Pull up a chair!".</p>')
setHTML(h('div#bioCaleb'),'<p>Caleb is a cryptography developer, Machine Technology graduate of the Franklin County Technical School and lifelong tinkerer.<br/>In 2011, he started the cjdns Open Source project to show that secure networking could be invisible and easily deployed.<br/>After joining XWiki SAS in 2014, he started the CryptPad project with the intent of bringing the same transparent security to collaborative editing.<br/>He\'s always trying to learn from more experienced colleagues and when someone passes through the Research Team office, his favorite words are "Pull up a chair!".</p>'),
setHTML(h('div#bioAaron'),'<p>Aaron transitioned into distributed systems development from a background in jazz and live stage performance. <br/> He appreciates the elegance of biological systems and functional programming, and focused on both as a student at the University of Toronto, where he studied cognitive and computer sciences.<br/>He moved to Paris in 2015 to work as a research engineer at XWiki SAS, after having dedicated significant time to various cryptography-related software projects.<br/>He spends his spare time experimenting with guitars, photography, science fiction, and spicy food.</p>'),
setHTML(h('div#bio'),'<p>Yann is a mysterious person.</p>')
setHTML(h('div#bioYann'),'<p>In 2015, Yann graduated with an engineering degree from Ecole Centrale de Lille majoring in Data Science. In his studies he worked on a project to detect defects in optical fiber using image processing technology.<br/>Upon joining XWiki SAS, Yann developed a Wiki page recommendation system, a common API for accessing data server-side and client-side, and an integrated development environment for development of XWiki applications.<br/>Yann is soft spoken but brutally efficient, he is known to say "It will take 5 minutes".</p>'),
setHTML(h('div#bio'),'<p>Resident CSS wizard and emoji extraordinaire, Pierre is passionate about anything related to technology. He loves to hack around computers and put parts together.</p><p>He is currently studying at 42, where he learns about algorithms, networking, kernel programming and graphics.</p><p>As a part of an internship, he joined XWiki SAS and worked on CryptPad to improve user experience. He also maintains the Spanish translation.</p>')
setHTML(h('div#bioPierre'),'<p>Resident CSS wizard and emoji extraordinaire, Pierre is passionate about anything related to technology. He loves to hack around computers and put parts together.<br/>He is currently studying at 42, where he learns about algorithms, networking, kernel programming and graphics.<br/>As a part of an internship, he joined XWiki SAS and worked on CryptPad to improve user experience. He also maintains the Spanish translation.</p>'),
setHTML(h('div#bio'),'<p> Catalin is a Maths majour and has worked in B2B sales for 12 years. Design was always his passion and 3 years ago he started to dedicate himself to web design and front-end.</p><p>At the beginning of 2017 he joined the Xwiki family, where he worked both on the business and the community side of XWiki, including the research team and CryptPad. </p>')
setHTML(h('div#bioCatalin'),'<p> Catalin is a Maths majour and has worked in B2B sales for 12 years. Design was always his passion and 3 years ago he started to dedicate himself to web design and front-end.<br/>At the beginning of 2017 he joined the XWiki, where he worked both on the business and the community side of XWiki, including the research team and CryptPad. </p>'),
setHTML(h('div#bio'),'<p>A graduate of PolyTech (X90) and Telecom School in Paris, Ludovic Dubost started his career as a software architect for Netscape Communications Europe. He then became CTO of NetValue, one of the first French start-ups that went public. He left NetValue after the company was purchased by Nielsen/NetRatings and in 2004 launched XWiki, the next generation wiki.</p><p>Since the very beginning, Ludovic has been immensely helpful to the CryptPad project. He believed in the idea when there was nothing more than the collaborative pad and his help with sales strategy for the project.</p>')
setHTML(h('div#bioLudovic'),'<p>A graduate of PolyTech (X90) and Telecom School in Paris, Ludovic Dubost started his career as a software architect for Netscape Communications Europe. He then became CTO of NetValue, one of the first French start-ups that went public. He left NetValue after the company was purchased by Nielsen/NetRatings and in 2004 launched XWiki, the next generation wiki.<br/>Since the very beginning, Ludovic has been immensely helpful to the CryptPad project. He believed in the idea when there was nothing more than the collaborative pad and his help with sales strategy for the project.</p>'),
out.codeInitialState="/*\n Esto es CryptPad, el editor colaborativo en tiempo real zero knowledge.\n Lo que escribes aquí está cifrado de manera que sólo las personas con el enlace pueden acceder a ello.\n Incluso el servidor no puede ver lo que escribes.\n Lo que ves aquí, lo que escuchas aquí, cuando sales, se queda aquí\n*/";
out.codeInitialState="/*\n Esto es CryptPad, el editor colaborativo en tiempo real zero knowledge.\n Lo que escribes aquí está cifrado de manera que sólo las personas con el enlace pueden acceder a ello.\n Incluso el servidor no puede ver lo que escribes.\n Lo que ves aquí, lo que escuchas aquí, cuando sales, se queda aquí\n*/";
out.slideInitialState="# CryptSlide\n* Esto es CryptPad, el editor colaborativo en tiempo real zero knowledge.\n* Lo que escribes aquí está cifrado de manera que sólo las personas con el enlace pueden acceder a ello.\n* Incluso el servidor no puede ver lo que escribes.\n* Lo que ves aquí, lo que escuchas aquí, cuando sales, se queda aquí\n\n---\n# Cómo utilizarlo\n1. Escribe tu contenido en Markdown\n - Puedes aprender más sobre Markdown [aquí](\n2. Separa tus diapositivas con ---\n3. Haz clic en \"Presentar\" para ver el resultado - Tus diapositivas se actualizan en tiempo real";
out.slideInitialState="# CryptSlide\n* Esto es CryptPad, el editor colaborativo en tiempo real zero knowledge.\n* Lo que escribes aquí está cifrado de manera que sólo las personas con el enlace pueden acceder a ello.\n* Incluso el servidor no puede ver lo que escribes.\n* Lo que ves aquí, lo que escuchas aquí, cuando sales, se queda aquí\n\n---\n# Cómo utilizarlo\n1. Escribe tu contenido en Markdown\n - Puedes aprender más sobre Markdown [aquí](\n2. Separa tus diapositivas con ---\n3. Haz clic en \"Presentar\" para ver el resultado - Tus diapositivas se actualizan en tiempo real";
out.driveReadmeTitle="¿Qué es CryptDrive?";
out.driveReadmeTitle="¿Qué es CryptPad?";
out.readme_welcome="¡Bienvenido a CryptPad!";
out.readme_welcome="¡Bienvenido a CryptPad!";
out.readme_p1="Bienvenido a CryptPad, aquí podrás anotar cosas solo o con otra gente.";
out.readme_p1="Bienvenido a CryptPad, aquí podrás anotar cosas solo o con otra gente.";
out.readme_p2="Este pad es una guía rápida para aprender a usar a CryptPad para tomar notas, organizarlas y trabajar con más personas.";
out.readme_p2="Este pad es una guía rápida para aprender a usar a CryptPad para tomar notas, organizarlas y trabajar con más personas.";
@ -557,6 +557,27 @@ define(function () {
// 1.13.0 - Naiad
// 1.13.0 - Naiad
out.topbar_whatIsCryptpad="Qué es CryptPad";
out.topbar_whatIsCryptpad="Qué es CryptPad";
out.header_homeTitle="Volver a la página de inicio";
out.userListButton="Lista de usuarios";
out.userAccountButton="Tu cuenta";
out.canvas_saveToDrive="Guardar esta imagen como archivo en tu CryptDrive";
out.canvas_currentBrush="Pincel actual";
out.canvas_chooseColor="Eligir un color";
out.settings_codeIndentation="Indentación del editor de código (espacios)";
out.settings_codeUseTabs="Utilizar tabulaciones en vez de espacios";
out.pad_showToolbar="Mostrar la barra de herramientas";
out.pad_hideToolbar="Esconder la barra de herramientas";
out.profile_inviteButtonTitle='Créer un lien pour inviter cet utilisateur à se connecter avec vous.';
out.profile_inviteExplanation="Cliquer sur <strong>OK</strong> créera un lien vers une session de messagerie sécurisée <em>uniquement accessible par {0}.</em><br><br>Le lien peut être copié et partagé de manière publique.";
out.profile_viewMyProfile="Voir mon profil";
out.profile_viewMyProfile="Voir mon profil";
// contacts/userlist
// contacts/userlist
@ -338,6 +348,8 @@ define(function () {
out.fm_backup_title='Lien de secours';
out.fm_backup_title='Lien de secours';
out.fm_nameFile='Comment souhaitez-vous nommer ce fichier ?';
out.fm_nameFile='Comment souhaitez-vous nommer ce fichier ?';
out.fm_error_cantPin="Erreur interne du serveur. Veuillez recharger la page et essayer de nouveau.";
out.fm_error_cantPin="Erreur interne du serveur. Veuillez recharger la page et essayer de nouveau.";
// File - Context menu
// File - Context menu
out.fc_newfolder="Nouveau dossier";
out.fc_newfolder="Nouveau dossier";
@ -383,8 +395,6 @@ define(function () {
out.login_invalPass='Mot de passe requis';
out.login_invalPass='Mot de passe requis';
out.login_unhandledError="Une erreur inattendue s'est produite :(";
out.login_unhandledError="Une erreur inattendue s'est produite :(";
out.todo_newTodoNameTitle="Ajouter cette tâche à votre liste";
out.todo_newTodoNameTitle="Ajouter cette tâche à votre liste";
out.todo_markAsCompleteTitle="Marquer tâche comme terminée";
out.todo_markAsCompleteTitle="Marquer cette tâche comme terminée";
out.todo_markAsIncompleteTitle="Marquer tâche comme non incomplète";
out.todo_markAsIncompleteTitle="Marquer cette tâche comme incomplète";
out.todo_removeTaskTitle="Enlever cette tâche de votre liste";
out.todo_removeTaskTitle="Enlever cette tâche de votre liste";
// pad
out.pad_showToolbar="Afficher la barre d'outils";
out.pad_hideToolbar="Cacher la barre d'outils";
// general warnings
// general warnings
out.warn_notPinned="Ce pad n'est stocké dans aucun CryptDrive. Il va expirer après 3 mois d'inactivité. <a href='/about.html#pinning'>En savoir plus...</a>";
out.warn_notPinned="Ce pad n'est stocké dans aucun CryptDrive. Il va expirer après 3 mois d'inactivité. <a href='/about.html#pinning'>En savoir plus...</a>";
@ -488,7 +506,8 @@ define(function () {
out.main_about_p2='Si vous avez des questions ou commentaires, vous pouvez <a href=""><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i>nous tweeter</a>, ouvrir une issue sur <a href="" title="our issue tracker"><i class="fa fa-github"></i>GitHub</a>, venir dire bonjour sur <a href="" title="Matrix">notre <i class="fa fa-comment"></i>salle Matrix</a> ou IRC (#cryptpad sur, ou bien encore <a href=""><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i>nous envoyer un email</a>.';
out.main_about_p2='Si vous avez des questions ou commentaires, vous pouvez <a href=""><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i>nous tweeter</a>, ouvrir une issue sur <a href="" title="our issue tracker"><i class="fa fa-github"></i>GitHub</a>, venir dire bonjour sur <a href="" title="Matrix">notre <i class="fa fa-comment"></i>salle Matrix</a> ou IRC (#cryptpad sur, ou bien encore <a href=""><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i>nous envoyer un email</a>.';
out.main_info="<h2>Collaborez avec confiance</h2><br>Développez vos idées en groupe avec des document partagés; la technologie <strong>Zero Knowledge</strong> sécurise vos données.";
out.main_info="<h2>Collaborez avec confiance</h2><br>Développez vos idées en groupe avec des documents partagés; la technologie <strong>Zero Knowledge</strong> sécurise vos données.";
out.main_catch_phrase="Le Cloud Zero Knowledge";
out.main_howitworks='Comment ça fonctionne';
out.main_howitworks='Comment ça fonctionne';
out.main_zeroKnowledge='Zero Knowledge';
out.main_zeroKnowledge='Zero Knowledge';
@ -510,6 +529,15 @@ define(function () {
out.main_poll_p='Plannifiez vos réunions ou évènements, ou votez pour la meilleure solution concernant votre problème.';
out.main_poll_p='Plannifiez vos réunions ou évènements, ou votez pour la meilleure solution concernant votre problème.';
out.main_richTextPad='Pad de Texte Riche';
out.main_codePad='Pad de Code';
out.main_slidePad='Présentation Markdown';
out.main_pollPad='Sondage ou Planning';
out.main_whiteboardPad='Tableau blanc';
out.main_localPads='Pads Locaux';
out.main_yourCryptDrive='Votre CryptDrive';
out.main_footerText="Avec CryptPad, vous pouvez créer des documents collaboratifs rapidement pour prendre des notes à plusieurs.";
out.header_homeTitle="Aller sur la page d'accueil";
// Initial states
// Initial states
@ -602,7 +631,7 @@ define(function () {
' - La présentation est mise à jour en temps-réel'
' - La présentation est mise à jour en temps-réel'
out.driveReadmeTitle="Qu'est-ce que CryptDrive ?";
out.driveReadmeTitle="Qu'est-ce que CryptPad ?";
out.readme_welcome="Bienvenue dans CryptPad !";
out.readme_welcome="Bienvenue dans CryptPad !";
out.readme_p1="Bienvenue dans CryptPad, le lieu où vous pouvez prendre des notes seul ou avec des amis.";
out.readme_p1="Bienvenue dans CryptPad, le lieu où vous pouvez prendre des notes seul ou avec des amis.";
out.readme_p2="Ce pad va vous donner un aperçu de la manière dont vous pouvez utiliser CryptPad pour prendre des notes, les organiser et travailler en groupe sur celles-ci.";
out.readme_p2="Ce pad va vous donner un aperçu de la manière dont vous pouvez utiliser CryptPad pour prendre des notes, les organiser et travailler en groupe sur celles-ci.";
out.updated_0_fm_info_trash='Empty your trash to free space in your CryptDrive.';
out.updated_0_fm_info_trash='Empty your trash to free space in your CryptDrive.';
out.fm_info_allFiles='Contains all the files from "Documents", "Unsorted" and "Trash". You can\'t move or remove files from here.';// Same here
out.fm_info_allFiles='Contains all the files from "Documents", "Unsorted" and "Trash". You can\'t move or remove files from here.';// Same here
out.fm_info_anonymous='You are not logged in so these pads may be deleted (<a href="" target="_blank">find out why</a>). ' +
out.fm_info_anonymous='You are not logged in so your pads will expire after 3 months (<a href="" target="_blank">find out more</a>). ' +
'<a href="/register/">Sign up</a> or <a href="/login/">Log in</a> to keep them alive.';
'<a href="/register/">Sign up</a> or <a href="/login/">Log in</a> to keep them alive.';
out.fm_alert_backupUrl="Backup link for this drive.<br>"+
out.fm_alert_backupUrl="Backup link for this drive.<br>"+
"It is <strong>highly recommended</strong> that you keep ip for yourself only.<br>" +
"It is <strong>highly recommended</strong> that you keep it secret.<br>" +
"You can use it to retrieve all your files in case your browser memory got erased.<br>"+
"You can use it to retrieve all your files in case your browser memory got erased.<br>"+
"Anybody with that link can edit or remove all the files in your file manager.<br>";
"Anybody with that link can edit or remove all the files in your file manager.<br>";
out.fm_alert_anonymous="Hello there, you are currently using CryptPad anonymously, that's ok but your pads may be deleted after a period of "+
out.fm_alert_anonymous="Hello there, you are currently using CryptPad anonymously, that's ok but your pads may be deleted after a period of "+
@ -404,13 +404,15 @@ define(function () {
out.register_header="Welcome to CryptPad";
out.register_header="Welcome to CryptPad";
"<p>Lets go over a couple things first</p>",
"<h3>Lets go over a couple things first:</h3>",
"<ul class='list-unstyled'>",
"<li>Your password is your secret key which encrypts all of your pads. If you lose it there is no way we can recover your data.</li>",
"<li><i class='fa fa-info-circle'> </i> Your password is your secret key which encrypts all of your pads. If you lose it there is no way we can recover your data.</li>",
"<li>You can import pads which were recently viewed in your browser so you have them in your account.</li>",
"<li><i class='fa fa-info-circle'> </i> You can import pads which were recently viewed in your browser so you have them in your account.</li>",
"<li>If you are using a shared computer, you need to log out when you are done, closing the tab is not enough.</li>",
"<li><i class='fa fa-info-circle'> </i> If you are using a shared computer, you need to log out when you are done, closing the tab is not enough.</li>",
out.register_testimonial=" \"Tools like Etherpad and Google Docs [...] all share a weakness, which is that whomever owns the document server can see everything you're typing. Cryptpad is a free/open project that uses some of the ideas behind blockchain to implement a \"zero-knowledge\" version of a collaborative document editor, ensuring that only the people working on a document can see it.\" ";
out.register_testimonial_name="Cory Doctorow";
out.register_writtenPassword="I have written down my username and password, proceed";
out.register_writtenPassword="I have written down my username and password, proceed";
out.register_cancel="Go back";
out.register_cancel="Go back";
@ -422,6 +424,7 @@ define(function () {
// Settings
// Settings
@ -468,6 +471,9 @@ define(function () {
out.settings_logoutEverywhere="Force log out of all other web sessions";
out.settings_logoutEverywhere="Force log out of all other web sessions";
out.settings_logoutEverywhereConfirm="Are you sure? You will need to log in with all your devices.";
out.settings_logoutEverywhereConfirm="Are you sure? You will need to log in with all your devices.";
out.settings_codeUseTabs="Indent using tabs (instead of spaces)";
out.upload_title="File upload";
out.upload_title="File upload";
out.upload_serverError="Server Error: unable to upload your file at this time.";
out.upload_serverError="Server Error: unable to upload your file at this time.";
out.upload_uploadPending="You already have an upload in progress. Cancel it and upload your new file?";
out.upload_uploadPending="You already have an upload in progress. Cancel it and upload your new file?";
@ -508,7 +514,7 @@ define(function () {
// contact.html
// contact.html
out.main_about_p2='If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out! You can <a href=""><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i>tweet us</a>, open an issue <a href="" title="our issue tracker">on <i class="fa fa-github"></i>GitHub</a>. Come say hi on <a href="" title="Matrix">our <i class="fa fa-comment"></i>Matrix channel</a> or IRC (#cryptpad on, or <a href=""><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i>send us an email</a>.';
out.main_about_p2='If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out! You can <a href=""><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i>tweet us</a>, open an issue <a href="" title="our issue tracker">on <i class="fa fa-github"></i>GitHub</a>. Come say hi on <a href="" title="Matrix">our <i class="fa fa-comment"></i>Matrix channel</a> or IRC (#cryptpad on, or <a href=""><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i>send us an email</a>.';
out.main_info="<h1>Collaborate in Confidence</h1><br> Grow your ideas together with shared documents while <strong>Zero Knowledge</strong> technology secures your privacy; even from us.";
out.main_info="<h2>Collaborate in Confidence</h2> Grow your ideas together with shared documents while <strong>Zero Knowledge</strong> technology secures your privacy; <strong>even from us</strong>.";
out.main_catch_phrase="The Zero Knowledge Cloud";
out.main_catch_phrase="The Zero Knowledge Cloud";
out.main_howitworks='How It Works';
out.main_howitworks='How It Works';
@ -538,6 +544,8 @@ define(function () {
out.main_pollPad='Poll or Schedule';
out.main_pollPad='Poll or Schedule';
out.main_localPads='Local Pads';
out.main_localPads='Local Pads';
out.main_yourCryptDrive='Your CryptDrive';
out.main_footerText="With CryptPad, you can make quick collaborative documents for taking notes and writing down ideas together.";
@ -654,7 +662,7 @@ define(function () {
// Readme
// Readme
out.driveReadmeTitle="What is CryptDrive?";
out.driveReadmeTitle="What is CryptPad?";
out.readme_welcome="Welcome to CryptPad !";
out.readme_welcome="Welcome to CryptPad !";
out.readme_p1="Welcome to CryptPad, this is where you can take note of things alone and with friends.";
out.readme_p1="Welcome to CryptPad, this is where you can take note of things alone and with friends.";
out.readme_p2="This pad will give you a quick walk through of how you can use CryptPad to take notes, keep them organized and work together on them.";
out.readme_p2="This pad will give you a quick walk through of how you can use CryptPad to take notes, keep them organized and work together on them.";
out.initialState="<p>Acesta este <strong>CryptPad</strong>, editorul colaborativ bazat pe tehnologia Zero Knowledge în timp real. Totul este salvat pe măsură ce scrii.<br>Partajează link-ul către acest pad pentru a edita cu prieteni sau folosește <span class=\"fa fa-share-alt\" style=\"border:1px solid black;color:#000;\"> Share </span> butonul pentru a partaja <em>read-only link</em> permițând vizualizarea dar nu și editarea.</p><p><em>Îndrăznește, începe să scrii...</em></p><p> <br></p>";
out.initialState="<p>Acesta este <strong>CryptPad</strong>, editorul colaborativ bazat pe tehnologia Zero Knowledge în timp real. Totul este salvat pe măsură ce scrii.<br>Partajează link-ul către acest pad pentru a edita cu prieteni sau folosește <span class=\"fa fa-share-alt\" style=\"border:1px solid black;color:#000;\"> Share </span> butonul pentru a partaja <em>read-only link</em> permițând vizualizarea dar nu și editarea.</p><p><em>Îndrăznește, începe să scrii...</em></p><p> <br></p>";
out.codeInitialState="/*\n Acesta este editorul colaborativ de cod bazat pe tehnologia Zero Knowledge CryptPad.\n Ce scrii aici este criptat, așa că doar oamenii care au link-ul pot să-l acceseze.\n Poți să alegi ce limbaj de programare pus n evidență și schema de culori UI n dreapta sus.\n*/";
out.codeInitialState="/*\n Acesta este editorul colaborativ de cod bazat pe tehnologia Zero Knowledge CryptPad.\n Ce scrii aici este criptat, așa că doar oamenii care au link-ul pot să-l acceseze.\n Poți să alegi ce limbaj de programare pus n evidență și schema de culori UI n dreapta sus.\n*/";
out.slideInitialState="# CryptSlide\n* Acesta este un editor colaborativ bazat pe tehnologia Zero Knowledge.\n* Ce scrii aici este criptat, așa că doar oamenii care au link-ul pot să-l acceseze.\n* Nici măcar serverele nu au acces la ce scrii tu.\n* Ce vezi aici, ce auzi aici, atunci când pleci, lași aici.\n\n-\n# Cum se folosește\n1. Scrie-ți conținutul slide-urilor folosind sintaxa markdown\n - Află mai multe despre sintaxa markdown [aici](\n2. Separă-ți slide-urile cu -\n3. Click pe butonul \"Play\" pentru a vedea rezultatele - Slide-urile tale sunt actualizate în timp real.";
out.slideInitialState="# CryptSlide\n* Acesta este un editor colaborativ bazat pe tehnologia Zero Knowledge.\n* Ce scrii aici este criptat, așa că doar oamenii care au link-ul pot să-l acceseze.\n* Nici măcar serverele nu au acces la ce scrii tu.\n* Ce vezi aici, ce auzi aici, atunci când pleci, lași aici.\n\n-\n# Cum se folosește\n1. Scrie-ți conținutul slide-urilor folosind sintaxa markdown\n - Află mai multe despre sintaxa markdown [aici](\n2. Separă-ți slide-urile cu -\n3. Click pe butonul \"Play\" pentru a vedea rezultatele - Slide-urile tale sunt actualizate în timp real.";
out.driveReadmeTitle="Ce este CryptDrive?";
out.driveReadmeTitle="Ce este CryptPad?";
out.readme_welcome="Bine ai venit n CryptPad !";
out.readme_welcome="Bine ai venit n CryptPad !";
out.readme_p1="Bine ai venit în CryptPad, acesta este locul unde îți poți lua notițe, singur sau cu prietenii.";
out.readme_p1="Bine ai venit în CryptPad, acesta este locul unde îți poți lua notițe, singur sau cu prietenii.";
out.readme_p2="Acest pad o să îți ofere un scurt ghid în cum poți să folosești CryptPad pentru a lua notițe, a le ține organizate și a colabora pe ele.";
out.readme_p2="Acest pad o să îți ofere un scurt ghid în cum poți să folosești CryptPad pentru a lua notițe, a le ține organizate și a colabora pe ele.";
// Prevent IE/Edge from leaving a new paragraph/div after deleting all contents in body. (,
// Fix problem with cursor not appearing in Webkit and IE11+ when clicking below the body (,
// Fix for older IEs (8-10 and QM) is placed inside selection.js.