For this release we wanted to focus on releasing a small set of features built on top of some foundations established in our last release. Since we were able to complete this feature set in less than a week, we decided to bundle them together so users could take benefit from them sooner.
This work is being funded by the grant we received from NLnet foundation as a part of their PET (Privacy Enhancing Technology) fund. You can read all about this grant on our latest blog post (
## Update notes
* This update only uses clientside dependencies. Fetch the latest code for the core repository, and depending on when you last updated you may need to `bower update` as well.
* User data is "pinned" on CryptPad instances to keep track of what encrypted data can be safely removed. At one point this system was optional and could be disabled by setting `enablePinning = false` in `customize/application_config.js`. At some point we stopped testing whether CryptPad could actually work without pinning enabled, and at this point it is definitely broken. As such, we've decided to drop support for this configuration.
## Features
* Some of our multilingual contributors have contributed translations in the German, Russian, and Italian. The history of their contributions is available on our weblate instance (
* This release introduces a practical use-case of the encrypted mailbox infrastructure which we developed in our last release. Registered users are now able to use this system to accept friend requests and review the status of friend requests that have been accepted or declined. Unlike our previous friend request system, our usage of encrypted mailboxes allows for users to send friend requests from other user's profiles whether or not they are online.
* We've also put some time towards improving user profiles as well. When you change your display name from anywhere within CryptPad the name used in your profile will be updated as well. We've also made updates to other users' profiles render in real-time, since the rest of CryptPad generally updates instantly.
## Bug fixes
* Some small components of CryptPad time out if they don't work within a set amount of time, and apparently this timeout was causing problems in the newest Tor browser version. We've drastically increased the timeout to make it less likely to cause problems when loading very large documents.
* We realized that Weblate was committing "empty strings" to our translation files. Our internationalization system was configured to fall back to the English translation if no translation was available in the user's preferred language, but these empty strings fooled the system into displaying nothing instead. We addressed the issue by checking whether a string was really present, and not just whether a value existed.
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Translations can now be made using [Weblate]( We ma
## Translate an existing language
## Translate an existing language
* All translations can be done using the Weblate UI. For better help about how to use the tool, please check the [Weblate documentation](
* All translations can be done using the Weblate UI. For better help about how to use the tool, please check the [Weblate documentation](
* Our Weblate instance is configured to always require approval for changes.
* Our Weblate instance is configured to always require approval for changes.
@ -62,13 +62,13 @@ via our [GitHub issue tracker](,
[Matrix channel](, or by
[Matrix channel](, or by
# Team
CryptPad is actively developed by a team at [XWiki SAS](, a company that has been building Open-Source software since 2004 with contributors from around the world. Between 2015 and 2019 it was funded by a research grant from the French state through [BPI France]( It is currently financed by [NLnet PET](, subscribers of and donations to our [Open-Collective campaign](
# Contributing
# Contributing
We love Open Source and we love contribution. It is our intent to keep this project available
We love Open Source and we love contribution. Learn more about [contributing](
under the AGPL license forever but in order to finance more development on this and other FOSS
projects, we also wish to sell other licenses to this software. Before making a pull request,
please read and
[sign the Commons Management Agreement](
If you have any questions or comments, or if you're interested in contributing to Cryptpad, come say hi on IRC, `#cryptpad` on Freenode.
If you have any questions or comments, or if you're interested in contributing to Cryptpad, come say hi on IRC, `#cryptpad` on Freenode.
"profile_inviteButtonTitle":"Crear un enlace de invitación para este usuario.",
"profile_inviteButtonTitle":"Crear un enlace de invitación para este usuario.",
"profile_inviteExplanation":"Hacer clic en <strong>OK</strong> creará un enlace de mensaje seguro que <em>sólo {0} podrá ver.</em><br><br>El enlace será copiado a tu portapapeles y puede ser compartido públicamente.",
"profile_inviteExplanation":"Hacer clic en <strong>OK</strong> creará un enlace de mensaje seguro que <em>sólo {0} podrá ver.</em><br><br>El enlace será copiado a tu portapapeles y puede ser compartido públicamente.",
"profile_viewMyProfile":"Ver mi perfil",
"profile_viewMyProfile":"Ver mi perfil",
"userlist_addAsFriendTitle":"Agregar \"{0}\" como contacto",
"userlist_addAsFriendTitle":"Enviar \"{0}\" una solicitud de amistad",
"userlist_thisIsYou":"Tú mismo (\"{0}\")",
"userlist_thisIsYou":"Tú mismo (\"{0}\")",
"contacts_addError":"Error al agregar este contacto a la lista",
"contacts_addError":"Error al agregar este contacto a la lista",
@ -561,5 +561,34 @@
"register_passwordTooShort":"La contraseña debe tener por los menos {0} caracteres de largo.",
"register_passwordTooShort":"La contraseña debe tener por los menos {0} caracteres de largo.",
"useTemplateCancel":"Recomenzar (Esc)"
"useTemplateCancel":"Recomenzar (Esc)",
"register_whyRegister":"Por qué conectarse?",
"settings_cat_pad":"Texto enriquecido",
"settings_cat_creation":"Nueva hoja",
"settings_backupHint":"Respalde o recupere todo sus contenido ne CryptDrive. No tendrán el contenido de sus archivos, solo las llaves para acceder a ellos.",
"settings_backupHint2":"Descargue el contenido actual de sus notas. Las notas serán descargadas en un formato de leíble si el formato esta disponible.",
"settings_backup2":"Descargar mi CryptDrive",
"settings_backup2Confirm":"Esto descargara todas las notas y archivos desde su CryptDrive. Si desea continuar, elija un nombre y presione OK",
"settings_exportTitle":"Exportar su CryptDrive",
"settings_exportDescription":"Por favor espere mientras descargamos y desencriptamos sus documentos. Esto podría tomar unos minutos. Al cerrar la etiqueta interrumpirá el proceso.",
"settings_exportFailed":"Si la nota requiere más de un minuto en ser descargada no será incluida en el archivo exportado. Un link para cada nota que no haya exportada será mostrada.",
"settings_exportWarning":"Nota: esta herramienta aún está en versión beta y podría tener problema al ser escalada. Para una mejor performance se recomiendo dejar esta etiqueta con foco.",
"settings_exportCancel":"Está seguro que quiera cancelar la exportación? Tendrá que comenzar desde el comienzo la próxima vez.",
"settings_export_reading":"Leyendo su CryptDrive...",
"settings_export_download":"Descargando y desencriptando sus documentos...",
"settings_export_done":"Sus descarga está lista!",
"settings_exportError":"Ver errores",
"settings_exportErrorDescription":"No logramos agregar los siguientes documentos en lo exportado:",
"settings_exportErrorEmpty":"Este documento no puede ser exportado (contenido vacío o invalido).",
"settings_exportErrorMissing":"Este documento no puede ser encontrado en nuestros servidores (expirado o borrado por su dueño)",
"settings_exportErrorOther":"Ha ocurrido un error al tratar de exportar este documento: {0}",
"settings_thumbnails":"Imágenes en miniatura",
"settings_disableThumbnailsAction":"Deshabilitar la creación de imágenes pequeñas en su CryptDrive",
"settings_disableThumbnailsDescription":"Las imágenes en miniatura serán guardadas en su navegador de manera automática cuando visite una nueva hoja. Puede deshabilitar esta función acá.",
"settings_resetThumbnailsDescription":"Limpiar todas las imágenes en miniatura de sus notas guardadas en su navegador.",
"settings_resetThumbnailsDone":"Todas las imágenes en miniatura han sido borradas."
"profile_inviteButtonTitle":"Create a link that will invite this user to connect with you.",
"profile_inviteExplanation":"Clicking <strong>OK</strong> will create a link to a secure messaging session that <em>only {0} will be able to redeem.</em><br><br>The link will be copied to your clipboard and can be shared publicly.",
"profile_viewMyProfile":"View my profile",
"profile_viewMyProfile":"View my profile",
"userlist_addAsFriendTitle":"Send \"{0}\" a friend request",
"userlist_addAsFriendTitle":"Send \"{0}\" a friend request",
"userlist_thisIsYou":"This is you (\"{0}\")",
"contacts_addError":"Error while adding that contact to the list",
"contacts_addError":"Error while adding that contact to the list",
"forgetPrompt":"Нажав ОК, вы удалите документ в корзину. Уверены?",
"forgetPrompt":"Нажав ОК, вы удалите документ в корзину. Уверены?",
"movedToTrash":"Документ был удалён в корзину.<br><a href=\"/drive/\">Доступ к диску</a>",
"movedToTrash":"Документ был удалён в корзину.<br><a href=\"/drive/\">Доступ к диску</a>",
"shareSuccess":"Ссылка скопирована в буфер обмена",
"shareSuccess":"Ссылка скопирована в буфер обмена.",
"userListButton":"Список пользователей",
"userListButton":"Список пользователей",
"userAccountButton":"Ваш профиль",
"userAccountButton":"Ваш профиль",
@ -370,5 +370,28 @@
"fm_padIsOwned":"Вы владелец этого пэда",
"fm_padIsOwned":"Вы владелец этого пэда",
"fm_padIsOwnedOther":"Этот пэд принадлежит другому пользователю",
"fm_padIsOwnedOther":"Этот пэд принадлежит другому пользователю",
"fm_deletedPads":"Эти пэды больше не существуют на сервере, они были удалены с вашего CryptDrive: {0}",
"fm_deletedPads":"Эти пэды больше не существуют на сервере, они были удалены с вашего CryptDrive: {0}",
"fm_tags_name":"Имя тэга"
"fm_tags_name":"Имя тэга",
"printCSS":"Пользовательские настройки вида (CSS)",
"viewEmbedTag":"Чтобы встроить данный документ вставьте iframe в нужную страницу. Вы можете настроить внешний вид используя CSS и HTML атрибуты. ",
"debug_getGraphText":"Это код DOT для генерации графика истории этого документа:",
"fm_info_anonymous":"Вы не вошли в учетную запись, поэтому срок действия ваших пэдов истечет через 3 месяца (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">find out more</a>). Они хранятся в вашем браузере, поэтому очистка истории может привести к их исчезновению..<br><a href=\"/register/\">Sign up</a> or <a href=\"/login/\">Log in</a> to keep them alive.<br>",
"fm_backup_title":"Резервная ссылка",
"fm_burnThisDriveButton":"Удалить всю информацию, хранящуюся на CryptPad в браузере.",
"fm_tags_used":"Количество использований",
"fm_restoreDrive":"Восстановление прежнего состояния диска. Для достижения наилучших результатов не вносите изменения в диск, пока этот процесс не будет завершен.",