@ -124,18 +124,58 @@ Workers.initializeIndexWorkers = function (Env, config, _cb) {
return response.expected(id)? guid(): id;
var workerIndex = 0;
var workerOffset = -1;
var getAvailableWorkerIndex = function () {
var L = workers.length;
if (L === 0) {
console.log("no workers available");
return -1;
// cycle through the workers once
// start from a different offset each time
// return -1 if none are available
workerOffset = (workerOffset + 1) % L;
var temp;
for (let i = 0; i < L; i++) {
temp = (workerOffset + i) % L;
if (workers[temp] && workers[temp].count > 0) {
return temp;
return -1;
var queue = [];
var MAX_JOBS = 32; //1; //8;
var sendCommand = function (msg, _cb) {
var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb));
var index = getAvailableWorkerIndex();
var state = workers[index];
// if there is no worker available:
if (!isWorker(state)) {
console.log("queueing for later");
// queue the message for when one becomes available
msg: msg,
cb: _cb,
//return void cb("NO_WORKERS");
} else {
console.log("worker #%s handling %s messages currently", index, MAX_JOBS + 1 - state.count);
workerIndex = (workerIndex + 1) % workers.length;
if (!isWorker(workers[workerIndex])) {
return void cb("NO_WORKERS");
var state = workers[workerIndex];
console.log("%s queued messages", queue.length);
console.log("[%s]\n", msg.command);
// XXX insert a queue here to prevent timeouts
var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb));
const txid = guid();
msg.txid = txid;
@ -143,20 +183,67 @@ Workers.initializeIndexWorkers = function (Env, config, _cb) {
// track which worker is doing which jobs
state.tasks[txid] = msg;
if (state.count < 0) {
throw new Error("too many jobs"); // XXX
response.expect(txid, function (err, value) {
// clean up when you get a response
delete state[txid];
cb(err, value);
}, 60000);
var backlogged;
var handleResponse = function (res) {
if (!res) { return; }
// handle log messages before checking if it was addressed to your PID
// it might still be useful to know what happened inside an orphaned worker
if (res.log) {
return void handleLog(res.log, res.label, res.info);
// but don't bother handling things addressed to other processes
// since it's basically guaranteed not to work
if (res.pid !== PID) {
return void Log.error("WRONG_PID", res);
setTimeout(function () {
response.handle(res.txid, [res.error, res.value]);
if (!queue.length) {
if (backlogged) {
backlogged = false;
console.log("queue has been drained");
} else {
backlogged = true;
console.log(queue, queue.length);
console.log("taking queued message");
// XXX take a request from the queue
var nextMsg = queue.shift();
sendCommand(nextMsg.msg, nextMsg.cb); // XXX doesn't feel right
console.log("%s queued messages remaining", queue.length);
}, (Math.floor(Math.random() * 150) * 10));
const initWorker = function (worker, cb) {
const txid = guid();
const state = {
worker: worker,
tasks: {},
count: MAX_JOBS, //1, // XXX
response.expect(txid, function (err) {
@ -171,21 +258,7 @@ Workers.initializeIndexWorkers = function (Env, config, _cb) {
config: config,
worker.on('message', function (res) {
if (!res) { return; }
// handle log messages before checking if it was addressed to your PID
// it might still be useful to know what happened inside an orphaned worker
if (res.log) {
return void handleLog(res.log, res.label, res.info);
// but don't bother handling things addressed to other processes
// since it's basically guaranteed not to work
if (res.pid !== PID) {
return void Log.error("WRONG_PID", res);
response.handle(res.txid, [res.error, res.value]);
worker.on('message', handleResponse);
var substituteWorker = Util.once(function () {
Env.Log.info("SUBSTITUTE_DB_WORKER", '');