@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ define([
'/common/common-interface.js' ,
'/common/common-interface.js' ,
'/common/common-util.js' ,
'/common/common-util.js' ,
'/common/common-hash.js' ,
'/common/common-hash.js' ,
'/common/common-signing-keys.js' ,
'/support/ui.js' ,
'/support/ui.js' ,
'css!/bower_components/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css' ,
'css!/bower_components/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css' ,
@ -27,10 +28,13 @@ define([
UI ,
UI ,
Util ,
Util ,
Hash ,
Hash ,
Keys ,
var APP = { } ;
var APP = {
'instanceStatus' : { }
} ;
var common ;
var common ;
var sFrameChan ;
var sFrameChan ;
@ -38,7 +42,13 @@ define([
var categories = {
var categories = {
'general' : [
'general' : [
'cp-admin-flush-cache' ,
'cp-admin-flush-cache' ,
'cp-admin-update-limit' ,
] ,
'quota' : [
'cp-admin-defaultlimit' ,
'cp-admin-setlimit' ,
'cp-admin-getlimits' ,
] ,
] ,
'stats' : [
'stats' : [
'cp-admin-active-sessions' ,
'cp-admin-active-sessions' ,
@ -97,6 +107,215 @@ define([
} ) ;
} ) ;
return $div ;
return $div ;
} ;
} ;
Messages . admin _registrationHint = "Restrict registration..." ; // XXX
Messages . admin _registrationTitle = "Restrict registration" ; // XXX
Messages . admin _registrationButton = "Restrict" ; // XXX
Messages . admin _registrationAllow = "Allow" ; // XXX
create [ 'registration' ] = function ( ) {
var key = 'registration' ;
var $div = makeBlock ( key , true ) ;
var $button = $div . find ( 'button' ) ;
var state = APP . instanceStatus . restrictRegistration ;
if ( state ) {
$button . text ( Messages . admin _registrationAllow ) ;
} else {
$button . removeClass ( 'btn-primary' ) . addClass ( 'btn-danger' ) ;
var called = false ;
$div . find ( 'button' ) . click ( function ( ) {
called = true ;
sFrameChan . query ( 'Q_ADMIN_RPC' , {
cmd : 'ADMIN_DECREE' ,
data : [ 'RESTRICT_REGISTRATION' , [ ! state ] ]
} , function ( e ) {
if ( e ) { UI . warn ( Messages . error ) ; console . error ( e ) ; }
APP . updateStatus ( function ( ) {
called = false ;
state = APP . instanceStatus . restrictRegistration ;
if ( state ) {
console . log ( $button ) ;
$button . text ( Messages . admin _registrationAllow ) ;
$button . addClass ( 'btn-primary' ) . removeClass ( 'btn-danger' ) ;
} else {
$button . text ( Messages . admin _registrationButton ) ;
$button . removeClass ( 'btn-primary' ) . addClass ( 'btn-danger' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
return $div ;
} ;
var getPrettySize = function ( bytes ) {
var unit = Util . magnitudeOfBytes ( bytes ) ;
var value = unit === 'GB' ? Util . bytesToGigabytes ( bytes ) : Util . bytesToMegabytes ( bytes ) ;
return unit === 'GB' ? Messages . _getKey ( 'formattedGB' , [ value ] )
: Messages . _getKey ( 'formattedMB' , [ value ] )
} ;
Messages . admin _defaultlimitTitle = "Storage limit" ; // XXX
Messages . admin _defaultlimitHint = "Maximum storage limit per user drive and team drive when no custom rule is applied" ; // XXX
Messages . admin _limit = "Limit: {0}" ;
create [ 'defaultlimit' ] = function ( ) {
var key = 'defaultlimit' ;
var $div = makeBlock ( key ) ;
var _limit = APP . instanceStatus . defaultStorageLimit ;
var limit = getPrettySize ( _limit ) ;
$div . append ( h ( 'div' , [
h ( 'span' , Messages . _getKey ( 'admin_limit' , [ limit ] ) )
] ) ) ;
return $div ;
} ;
Messages . admin _getlimitsHint = "List all the custom storage limits applied to your instance." ; // XXX
Messages . admin _getlimitsTitle = "Custom limits" ; // XXX
Messages . admin _limitPlan = "Plan: {0}" ;
Messages . admin _limitNote = "Note: {0}" ;
create [ 'getlimits' ] = function ( ) {
var key = 'getlimits' ;
var $div = makeBlock ( key ) ;
APP . refreshLimits = function ( ) {
sFrameChan . query ( 'Q_ADMIN_RPC' , {
cmd : 'GET_LIMITS' ,
} , function ( e , data ) {
if ( e ) { return ; }
if ( ! Array . isArray ( data ) || ! data [ 0 ] ) { return ; }
$div . find ( '.cp-admin-all-limits' ) . remove ( ) ;
var obj = data [ 0 ] ;
if ( obj && ( obj . message || obj . location ) ) {
delete obj . message ;
delete obj . location ;
var list = Object . keys ( obj ) . sort ( function ( a , b ) {
return obj [ a ] . limit > obj [ b ] . limit ;
} ) ;
var addClass = "" ;
if ( list . length > 10 ) { addClass = ".cp-compact" ; }
var content = list . map ( function ( key ) {
var user = obj [ key ] ;
var limit = getPrettySize ( user . limit ) ;
var title = Messages . _getKey ( 'admin_limit' , [ limit ] ) + ', ' +
Messages . _getKey ( 'admin_limitPlan' , [ user . plan ] ) + ', ' +
Messages . _getKey ( 'admin_limitNote' , [ user . note ] ) ;
var keyEl = h ( 'code.cp-limit-key' , key ) ;
$ ( keyEl ) . click ( function ( ) {
$ ( '.cp-admin-setlimit-form' ) . find ( '.cp-setlimit-key' ) . val ( key ) ;
} ) ;
return h ( 'li.cp-admin-limit' , {
title : addClass ? title : ''
} , [
keyEl ,
h ( 'ul.cp-limit-data' , [
h ( 'li.limit' , Messages . _getKey ( 'admin_limit' , [ limit ] ) ) ,
//h('li.plan', Messages._getKey('admin_limitPlan', [user.plan])),
h ( 'li.note' , Messages . _getKey ( 'admin_limitNote' , [ user . note ] ) )
] )
] ) ;
} ) ;
$div . append ( h ( 'ul.cp-admin-all-limits' + addClass , content ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
APP . refreshLimits ( ) ;
return $div ;
} ;
Messages . admin _setlimitHint = "Get the public key of a user and give them a custom storage limit. You can update an existing limit or remove the custom limit." ; // XXX
Messages . admin _setlimitTitle = "Apply a custom limit" ; // XXX
Messages . admin _setlimitButton = "Set limit" ; // XXX
Messages . admin _limitUser = "User's public key" ; // XXX
Messages . admin _limitMB = "Limit (in MB)" ; // XXX
Messages . admin _limitSetNote = "Custom Note" ; // XXX
Messages . admin _invalKey = "Invalid public key" ;
Messages . admin _invalLimit = "Invalid limit value" ;
create [ 'setlimit' ] = function ( ) {
var key = 'setlimit' ;
var $div = makeBlock ( key ) ;
var user = h ( 'input.cp-setlimit-key' ) ;
var $key = $ ( user ) ;
var limit = h ( 'input' , { type : 'number' , min : 0 , value : 0 } ) ;
var note = h ( 'input' ) ;
var remove = h ( 'button.btn.btn-danger' , Messages . fc _remove ) ;
var set = h ( 'button.btn.btn-primary' , Messages . admin _setlimitButton ) ;
var form = h ( 'div.cp-admin-setlimit-form' , [
h ( 'label' , Messages . admin _limitUser ) ,
user ,
h ( 'label' , Messages . admin _limitMB ) ,
limit ,
h ( 'label' , Messages . admin _limitSetNote ) ,
note ,
h ( 'nav' , [ set , remove ] )
] ) ;
var getValues = function ( ) {
var key = $key . val ( ) ;
var _limit = parseInt ( $ ( limit ) . val ( ) ) ;
var _note = $ ( note ) . val ( ) ;
if ( key . length !== 44 ) {
try {
var u = Keys . parseUser ( key ) ;
if ( ! u . domain || ! u . user || ! u . pubkey ) {
return void UI . warn ( Messages . admin _invalKey ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
return void UI . warn ( Messages . admin _invalKey ) ;
if ( isNaN ( _limit ) || _limit < 0 ) {
return void UI . warn ( Messages . admin _invalLimit ) ;
return {
key : key ,
data : {
limit : _limit * 1024 * 1024 ,
note : _note ,
plan : 'custom'
} ;
} ;
UI . confirmButton ( remove , {
classes : 'btn-danger' ,
validate : function ( ) {
var obj = getValues ( ) ;
if ( ! obj || ! obj . key ) { return false ; }
return true ;
} , function ( ) {
var obj = getValues ( ) ;
var data = [ obj . key ] ;
sFrameChan . query ( 'Q_ADMIN_RPC' , {
cmd : 'ADMIN_DECREE' ,
data : [ 'RM_QUOTA' , data ]
} , function ( e ) {
if ( e ) { UI . warn ( Messages . error ) ; console . error ( e ) ; }
APP . refreshLimits ( ) ;
$key . val ( '' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( set ) . click ( function ( ) {
var obj = getValues ( ) ;
if ( ! obj || ! obj . key ) { return ; }
var data = [ obj . key , obj . data ] ;
sFrameChan . query ( 'Q_ADMIN_RPC' , {
cmd : 'ADMIN_DECREE' ,
data : [ 'SET_QUOTA' , data ]
} , function ( e ) {
if ( e ) { UI . warn ( Messages . error ) ; console . error ( e ) ; }
APP . refreshLimits ( ) ;
$key . val ( '' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
$div . append ( form ) ;
return $div ;
} ;
create [ 'active-sessions' ] = function ( ) {
create [ 'active-sessions' ] = function ( ) {
var key = 'active-sessions' ;
var key = 'active-sessions' ;
var $div = makeBlock ( key ) ;
var $div = makeBlock ( key ) ;
@ -409,6 +628,18 @@ define([
APP . toolbar . $rightside . hide ( ) ;
APP . toolbar . $rightside . hide ( ) ;
} ;
} ;
var updateStatus = APP . updateStatus = function ( cb ) {
sFrameChan . query ( 'Q_ADMIN_RPC' , {
} , function ( e , data ) {
if ( e ) { console . error ( e ) ; return void cb ( e ) ; }
if ( ! Array . isArray ( data ) ) { return void cb ( 'EINVAL' ) ; }
APP . instanceStatus = data [ 0 ] ;
console . log ( "Status" , APP . instanceStatus ) ;
cb ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
nThen ( function ( waitFor ) {
nThen ( function ( waitFor ) {
$ ( waitFor ( UI . addLoadingScreen ) ) ;
$ ( waitFor ( UI . addLoadingScreen ) ) ;
SFCommon . create ( waitFor ( function ( c ) { APP . common = common = c ; } ) ) ;
SFCommon . create ( waitFor ( function ( c ) { APP . common = common = c ; } ) ) ;
@ -419,6 +650,8 @@ define([
APP . $rightside = $ ( '<div>' , { id : 'cp-sidebarlayout-rightside' } ) . appendTo ( APP . $container ) ;
APP . $rightside = $ ( '<div>' , { id : 'cp-sidebarlayout-rightside' } ) . appendTo ( APP . $container ) ;
sFrameChan = common . getSframeChannel ( ) ;
sFrameChan = common . getSframeChannel ( ) ;
sFrameChan . onReady ( waitFor ( ) ) ;
sFrameChan . onReady ( waitFor ( ) ) ;
} ) . nThen ( function ( waitFor ) {
updateStatus ( waitFor ( ) ) ;
} ) . nThen ( function ( /*waitFor*/ ) {
} ) . nThen ( function ( /*waitFor*/ ) {
createToolbar ( ) ;
createToolbar ( ) ;
var metadataMgr = common . getMetadataMgr ( ) ;
var metadataMgr = common . getMetadataMgr ( ) ;
@ -435,6 +668,7 @@ define([
APP . readOnly = privateData . readOnly ;
APP . readOnly = privateData . readOnly ;
APP . support = Support . create ( common , true ) ;
APP . support = Support . create ( common , true ) ;
// Content
// Content
var $rightside = APP . $rightside ;
var $rightside = APP . $rightside ;
var addItem = function ( cssClass ) {
var addItem = function ( cssClass ) {