Merge branch 'modern-users' of into modern-users

ansuz 2018-06-21 10:16:25 +02:00
commit 9a7abe0b1e
5 changed files with 122 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -600,6 +600,11 @@ define(function () {
out.settings_templateSkip = "Skip the template selection modal";
out.settings_templateSkipHint = "When you create a new empty pad, if you have stored templates for this type of pad, a modal appears to ask if you want to use a template. Here you can choose to never show this modal and so to never use a template.";
out.settings_ownDriveTitle = "Drive migration"; // XXX
out.settings_ownDriveHint = "Migrating your drive to the new version will give you access to new features..."; // XXX
out.settings_ownDriveButton = "Migrate"; // XXX
out.settings_ownDriveConfirm = "Are you sure?"; // XXX
out.settings_changePasswordTitle = "Change your password"; // XXX
out.settings_changePasswordHint = "Change your account's password without losing its data. You have to enter your existing password once, and the new password you want twice.<br>" +
"<b>We can't reset your password if you forget it so be very careful!</b>"; // XXX

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@ -699,6 +699,72 @@ define([
common.ownUserDrive = function (Crypt, edPublic, cb) {
var hash = LocalStore.getUserHash();
//var href = '/drive/#' + hash;
var secret = Hash.getSecrets('drive', hash);
var newHash, newHref, newSecret;
Nthen(function (waitFor) {
// Check if our drive is already owned
common.anonRpcMsg('GET_METADATA',, waitFor(function (err, obj) {
if (err || obj.error) { return; }
if (obj.owners && Array.isArray(obj.owners) &&
obj.owners.indexOf(edPublic) !== -1) {
}).nThen(function (waitFor) {
waitFor.abort(); // TODO remove this line
// Create a new user hash
// Get the current content, store it in the new user file
// and make sure the new user drive is owned
newHash = Hash.createRandomHash('drive');
newHref = '/drive/#' + newHash;
newSecret = Hash.getSecrets('drive', newHash);
var optsPut = {
owners: [edPublic]
Crypt.get(hash, waitFor(function (err, val) {
if (err) {
return void cb({ error: err });
Crypt.put(newHash, val, waitFor(function (err) {
if (err) {
return void cb({ error: err });
}), optsPut);
}).nThen(function (waitFor) {
// Migration success
// TODO: Replace user hash in login block
}).nThen(function (waitFor) {
// New drive hash is in login block, unpin the old one and pin the new one
common.unpinPads([], waitFor());
common.pinPads([], waitFor());
}).nThen(function (waitFor) {
// Login block updated
// TODO: logout everywhere
// * It should wipe localStorage.User_hash, ...
// * login will get the new value from loginBlock and store it in localStorage
// * SharedWorker will reconnect with the new value in other locations
// TODO: then DISCONNECT here
common.logoutFromAll(waitFor(function () {
}).nThen(function () {
// We have the new drive, with the new login block
// TODO: maybe reload automatically?
cb({ state: true });
// Loading events
common.loading = {};
common.loading.onDriveEvent = Util.mkEvent();

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@ -661,6 +661,10 @@ define([
Cryptpad.changePadPassword(Cryptget, href, data.password, edPublic, cb);
sframeChan.on('Q_OWN_USER_DRIVE', function (data, cb) {
Cryptpad.ownUserDrive(Cryptget, edPublic, cb);
sframeChan.on('Q_WRITE_LOGIN_BLOCK', function (data, cb) {
Cryptpad.writeLoginBlock(data, cb);

View File

@ -238,6 +238,9 @@ define({
// Change pad password
// Migrate drive to owned drive
// Loading events to display in the loading screen
// Critical error outside the iframe during loading screen

View File

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ define([
'creation': [
@ -494,6 +495,49 @@ define([
return $div;
create['migrate'] = function () {
// if (!loginBlock) { return; }
// if (alreadyMigrated) { return; }
if (!common.isLoggedIn()) { return; }
var $div = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-settings-migrate cp-sidebarlayout-element'});
$('<span>', {'class': 'label'}).text(Messages.settings_ownDriveTitle).appendTo($div);
$('<span>', {'class': 'cp-sidebarlayout-description'})
var $ok = $('<span>', {'class': 'fa fa-check', title: Messages.saved});
var $spinner = $('<span>', {'class': 'fa fa-spinner fa-pulse'});
var $button = $('<button>', {'id': 'cp-settings-delete', 'class': 'btn btn-primary'})
$ () {
UI.confirm(Messages.settings_ownDriveConfirm, function (yes) {
if (!yes) { return; }
sframeChan.query("Q_OWN_USER_DRIVE", null, function (err, data) {
if (err || data.error) {
console.error(err || data.error);
// TODO: drive is migrated, autoamtic redirect from outer?
return $div;
// Pad Creation settings
var setHTML = function (e, html) {