"home_support":"<p>The development team does not profit from user data in any way. This is part of a vision for online services that respect privacy. Unlike the big platforms that pretend to be \"free\" while making profits from personal information, we aim to build a sustainable model funded willingly by users.</p><p>You can support the project by making a one-time or recurring donation through our Open Collective. Our budget is transparent and updates are published regularly. There are also a number of <a href=\"https://docs.cryptpad.fr/en/how_to_contribute.html\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">non-financial ways to contribute</a>.</p>",
"register_notes_title":"Important notes",
"register_notes":"<ul class=\"cp-notes-list\"><li>Your password is the secret key that encrypts all of your documents. <span class=\"red\">If you lose it there is no way we can recover your data.</span></li><li>If you are using a shared computer, <span class=\"red\">remember to log out</span> when you are done. Only closing the browser window leaves your account exposed. </li><li>To keep the documents you created and/or stored without being logged in, tick \"Import documents from your anonymous session\". </li></ul>",
"register_warning_note":"Due to the encrypted nature of CrytpPad, the service administrators will not be able to recover data in case you forget your username and/or password. Please save them in a safe place.",
"register_warning_note":"Due to the encrypted nature of CryptPad, the service administrators will not be able to recover data in case you forget your username and/or password. Please save them in a safe place.",
"whatis_collaboration_info":"<p>CryptPad is built to enable collaboration. It synchronizes changes to documents in real time. Because all data is encrypted, the service and its administrators have no way of seeing the content being edited and stored.</p>",
"whatis_apps":"A full suite of applications",
"whatis_apps_info":"<p>CryptPad provides a full-fledged office suite with all the tools necessary for productive collaboration. Applications include: Rich Text, Spreadsheets, Code/Markdown, Kanban, Slides, Whiteboard and Polls.</p><p>The applications are complemented by a set of collaboration features such as chat, contacts, color by author (code/markdown), and comments with mentions (rich text).</p>",