"fm_info_sharedFolderHistory":"Vous regardez l'historique de votre dossier partagé <b>{0}</b><br/>Votre CryptDrive restera en lecture seule pendant la navigation.",
"fm_info_sharedFolderHistory":"Vous regardez l'historique de votre dossier partagé <b>{0}</b><br/>Votre CryptDrive restera en lecture seule pendant la navigation.",
"fm_info_sharedFolderHistory":"This is only the history of your shared folder: <b>{0}</b><br/>Your CryptDrive will stay in read-only mode while you navigate.",
"fm_info_sharedFolderHistory":"This is only the history of your shared folder: <b>{0}</b><br/>Your CryptDrive will stay in read-only mode while you navigate.",