@ -2,9 +2,17 @@ define([
'/bower_components/chainpad-crypto/crypto.js' ,
'/bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js' ,
] , function ( Crypto ) {
/ * T h i s f i l e e x p o s e s f u n c t i o n a l i t y w h i c h i s s p e c i f i c t o C r y p t p a d , b u t n o t t o
any particular pad type . This includes functions for committing metadata
about pads to your local storage for future use and improved usability .
Additionally , there is some basic functionality for import / export .
* /
var $ = window . jQuery ;
var common = { } ;
var isArray = function ( o ) { return Object . prototype . toString . call ( o ) === '[object Array]' ; } ;
var getSecrets = common . getSecrets = function ( ) {
var secret = { } ;
if ( ! /#/ . test ( window . location . href ) ) {
@ -20,7 +28,42 @@ define([
var storageKey = common . storageKey = 'CryptPad_RECENTPADS' ;
var timeframe = common . timeframe = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 ;
var getRecentPads = function ( ) {
/ *
the first time this gets called , your local storage will migrate to a
new format . No more indices for values , everything is named now .
* href
* atime ( access time )
* title
* ? ? ? // what else can we put in here?
* /
var migrateRecentPads = common . migrateRecentPads = function ( pads ) {
return pads . map ( function ( pad ) {
if ( isArray ( pad ) ) {
return {
href : pad [ 0 ] ,
atime : pad [ 1 ] ,
title : pad [ 2 ] ,
} ;
} else if ( typeof ( pad ) === 'object' ) {
if ( ! pad . ctime ) { pad . ctime = pad . atime ; }
/ *
if ( pad . date ) {
pad . atime = pad . date ;
delete pad . date ;
pad . date = undefined ;
} * /
return pad ;
} else {
console . error ( "[Cryptpad.migrateRecentPads] pad had unexpected value" ) ;
console . log ( pad ) ;
return { } ;
} ) ;
} ;
/* fetch and migrate your pad history from localStorage */
var getRecentPads = common . getRecentPads = function ( ) {
var recentPadsStr = localStorage [ storageKey ] ;
var recentPads = [ ] ;
@ -32,28 +75,60 @@ define([
// just overwrite it.
return recentPads ;
return migrateRecentPads ( recentPads ) ;
} ;
/* commit a list of pads to localStorage */
var setRecentPads = common . setRecentPads = function ( pads ) {
localStorage . setItem ( storageKey , JSON . stringify ( pads ) ) ;
} ;
var setRecentPads = function ( pads ) {
localStorage [ storageKey ] = JSON . stringify ( pads ) ;
/* Sort pads according to how recently they were accessed */
var mostRecent = common . mostRecent = function ( a , b ) {
return new Date ( b . atime ) . getTime ( ) - new Date ( a . atime ) . getTime ( ) ;
} ;
var forgetPad = common . forgetPad = function ( href ) {
var recentPads = getRecentPads ( ) . filter ( function ( pad ) {
return pad . href !== href ;
} ) ;
setRecentPads ( recentPads ) ;
} ;
var rememberPad = common . rememberPad = window . rememberPad = function ( title ) {
// bail out early
if ( ! /#/ . test ( window . location . hash ) ) { return ; }
var recentPads = getRecentPads ( ) ;
var p ads = getRecentPads ( ) ;
var now = new Date ( ) ;
var href = window . location . href ;
var isUpdate = false ;
var out = recentPads . filter ( function ( pad ) {
return ( pad && pad [ 0 ] !== window . location . href &&
( now . getTime ( ) - new Date ( pad [ 1 ] ) . getTime ( ) ) < timeframe ) ;
var out = pads . map ( function ( pad ) {
if ( pad && pad . href === href ) {
isUpdate = true ;
// bump the atime
pad . atime = now ;
pad . title = title ;
return pad ;
} ) . filter ( function ( pad ) {
// remove pads with an expired atime
return ( now . getTime ( ) - new Date ( pad . atime ) . getTime ( ) ) < timeframe ;
} ) ;
if ( ! isUpdate ) {
// href, atime, name
out . push ( [ window . location . href , now , title || '' ] ) ;
out . push ( {
href : href ,
atime : now ,
ctime : now ,
title : title || window . location . hash . slice ( 1 , 9 ) ,
} ) ;
setRecentPads ( out ) ;
} ;
@ -62,14 +137,13 @@ define([
var recent = getRecentPads ( ) ;
var renamed = recent . map ( function ( pad ) {
if ( pad [0 ] === href ) {
if ( pad .href === href ) {
// update the atime
pad [1 ] = new Date ( ) . toISOString ( ) ;
pad .atime = new Date ( ) . toISOString ( ) ;
// set the name
pad [2 ] = name ;
pad .title = name ;
return pad ;
} ) ;
@ -81,14 +155,22 @@ define([
var hashSlice = window . location . hash . slice ( 1 , 9 ) ;
var title = '' ;
getRecentPads ( ) . some ( function ( pad ) {
if ( pad [0 ] === href ) {
title = pad [2 ] || hashSlice ;
if ( pad .href === href ) {
title = pad .title || hashSlice ;
return true ;
} ) ;
return title ;
} ;
var causesNamingConflict = common . causesNamingConflict = function ( title ) {
var href = window . location . href ;
return getRecentPads ( ) . some ( function ( pad ) {
return pad . title === title &&
pad . href !== href ;
} ) ;
} ;
var importContent = common . importContent = function ( type , f ) {
return function ( ) {
var $files = $ ( '<input type="file">' ) . click ( ) ;