Delete unused translation keys
@ -23,10 +23,8 @@
"button_newkanban": "New Kanban",
"button_newsheet": "New Sheet",
"common_connectionLost": "<b>Server Connection Lost</b><br>You're now in read-only mode until the connection is back.",
"websocketError": "Unable to connect to the websocket server...",
"typeError": "This pad is not compatible with the selected application",
"onLogout": "You are logged out, {0}click here{1} to log in<br>or press <em>Escape</em> to access your pad in read-only mode.",
"wrongApp": "Unable to display the content of that realtime session in your browser. Please try to reload that page.",
"padNotPinned": "This pad will expire after 3 months of inactivity, {0}login{1} or {2}register{3} to preserve it.",
"padNotPinnedVariable": "This pad will expire after {4} days of inactivity, {0}login{1} or {2}register{3} to preserve it.",
"anonymousStoreDisabled": "The webmaster of this CryptPad instance has disabled the store for anonymous users. You have to log in to be able to use CryptDrive.",
@ -41,7 +39,6 @@
"loading": "Loading...",
"error": "Error",
"saved": "Saved",
"synced": "Everything is saved",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"deletedFromServer": "Document destroyed",
"mustLogin": "You must be logged in to access this page",
@ -57,39 +54,27 @@
"lag": "Lag",
"readonly": "Read only",
"anonymous": "Anonymous",
"yourself": "Yourself",
"anonymousUsers": "anonymous editors",
"anonymousUser": "anonymous editor",
"users": "Users",
"and": "And",
"viewer": "viewer",
"viewers": "viewers",
"editor": "editor",
"editors": "editors",
"userlist_offline": "You're currently offline, the user list is not available.",
"language": "Language",
"comingSoon": "Coming soon...",
"newVersion": "<b>CryptPad has been updated!</b><br>Check out what's new in the latest version:<br><a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Release notes for CryptPad {0}</a>",
"upgrade": "Upgrade",
"upgradeTitle": "Upgrade your account to increase the storage limit",
"upgradeAccount": "Upgrade account",
"storageStatus": "Storage:<br /><b>{0}</b> used out of <b>{1}</b>",
"MB": "MB",
"GB": "GB",
"KB": "KB",
"supportCryptpad": "Support CryptPad",
"formattedMB": "{0} MB",
"formattedGB": "{0} GB",
"formattedKB": "{0} KB",
"greenLight": "Everything is working fine",
"orangeLight": "Your slow connection may impact your experience",
"redLight": "You are disconnected from the session",
"pinLimitReached": "You've reached your storage limit",
"pinLimitReachedAlert": "You've reached your storage limit. New pads won't be stored in your CryptDrive.<br>You can either remove pads from your CryptDrive or <a href=\"!on={0}\" target=\"_blank\">subscribe to a premium offer</a> to increase your limit.",
"pinLimitReachedAlertNoAccounts": "You've reached your storage limit",
"pinLimitNotPinned": "You've reached your storage limit.<br>This pad is not stored in your CryptDrive.",
"pinLimitDrive": "You've reached your storage limit.<br>You can't create new pads.",
"moreActions": "More actions",
"importButton": "Import",
"importButtonTitle": "Import a pad from a local file",
"exportButton": "Export",
@ -102,7 +87,6 @@
"clickToEdit": "Click to edit",
"saveTitle": "Save the title (enter)",
"forgetButton": "Delete",
"forgetButtonTitle": "Move this pad to the trash",
"forgetPrompt": "Clicking OK will move this pad to your trash. Are you sure?",
"movedToTrash": "That pad has been moved to the trash.<br><a href=\"/drive/\">Access my Drive</a>",
"shareButton": "Share",
@ -148,7 +132,6 @@
"filePicker_close": "Close",
"filePicker_description": "Choose a file from your CryptDrive to embed it or upload a new one",
"filePicker_filter": "Filter files by name",
"or": "or",
"tags_title": "Tags (for you only)",
"tags_add": "Update the tags for selected pads",
"tags_notShared": "Your tags are not shared with other users",
@ -156,24 +139,14 @@
"tags_noentry": "You can't tag a deleted pad!",
"slideOptionsText": "Options",
"slideOptionsTitle": "Customize your slides",
"slideOptionsButton": "Save (enter)",
"slide_invalidLess": "Invalid custom style",
"languageButton": "Language",
"languageButtonTitle": "Select the language to use for the syntax highlighting",
"themeButton": "Theme",
"themeButtonTitle": "Select the color theme to use for the code and slide editors",
"editShare": "Editing link",
"editShareTitle": "Copy the editing link to clipboard",
"editOpen": "Open editing link in a new tab",
"editOpenTitle": "Open this pad in editing mode in a new tab",
"viewShare": "Read-only link",
"viewShareTitle": "Copy the read-only link to clipboard",
"viewOpen": "Open read-only link in a new tab",
"viewOpenTitle": "Open this pad in read-only mode in a new tab",
"fileShare": "Copy link",
"getEmbedCode": "Get embed code",
"viewEmbedTag": "To embed this pad, include this iframe in your page wherever you want. You can style it using CSS or HTML attributes.",
"fileEmbedTitle": "Embed the file in an external page",
"fileEmbedScript": "To embed this file, include this script once in your page to load the Media Tag:",
"fileEmbedTag": "Then place this Media Tag wherever in your page you would like to embed:",
"notifyJoined": "{0} has joined the collaborative session",
@ -195,7 +168,6 @@
"history_restoreTitle": "Restore the selected version of the document",
"history_restorePrompt": "Are you sure you want to replace the current version of the document with the displayed version?",
"history_restoreDone": "Document restored",
"history_version": "Version:",
"openLinkInNewTab": "Open Link in New Tab",
"pad_mediatagTitle": "Media-Tag settings",
"pad_mediatagWidth": "Width (px)",
@ -210,34 +182,15 @@
"kanban_todo": "To Do",
"kanban_done": "Done",
"kanban_working": "In progress",
"kanban_deleteBoard": "Are you sure you want to delete this board?",
"kanban_addBoard": "Add a board",
"kanban_removeItem": "Remove this item",
"kanban_removeItemConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this item?",
"poll_title": "Zero Knowledge Date Picker",
"poll_subtitle": "Zero Knowledge, <em>realtime</em> scheduling",
"poll_p_save": "Your settings are updated instantly, so you never need to save.",
"poll_p_encryption": "All your input is encrypted so only people who have the link can access it. Even the server cannot see what you change.",
"wizardLog": "Click the button in the top left to return to your poll",
"wizardTitle": "Use the wizard to create your poll",
"wizardConfirm": "Are you really ready to add these options to your poll?",
"poll_publish_button": "Publish",
"poll_admin_button": "Admin",
"poll_create_user": "Add a new user",
"poll_create_option": "Add a new option",
"poll_commit": "Submit",
"poll_closeWizardButton": "Close wizard",
"poll_closeWizardButtonTitle": "Close wizard",
"poll_wizardComputeButton": "Compute Options",
"poll_wizardClearButton": "Clear Table",
"poll_wizardDescription": "Automatically create a number of options by entering any number of dates and times segments",
"poll_wizardAddDateButton": "+ Dates",
"poll_wizardAddTimeButton": "+ Times",
"poll_optionPlaceholder": "Option",
"poll_userPlaceholder": "Your name",
"poll_removeOption": "Are you sure you'd like to remove this option?",
"poll_removeUser": "Are you sure you'd like to remove this user?",
"poll_titleHint": "Title",
"poll_descriptionHint": "Describe your poll, and use the ✓ (publish) button when you're done.\nThe description can be written using markdown syntax and you can embed media elements from your CryptDrive.\nAnyone with the link can change the description, but this is discouraged.",
"poll_remove": "Remove",
"poll_edit": "Edit",
@ -257,32 +210,23 @@
"oo_uploaded": "Your upload has completed. Click OK to reload the page or cancel to continue in read-only mode.",
"canvas_clear": "Clear",
"canvas_delete": "Delete selection",
"canvas_disable": "Disable draw",
"canvas_enable": "Enable draw",
"canvas_width": "Width",
"canvas_opacity": "Opacity",
"canvas_opacityLabel": "Opacity: {0}",
"canvas_widthLabel": "Width: {0}",
"canvas_saveToDrive": "Save this image as a file in your CryptDrive",
"canvas_currentBrush": "Current brush",
"canvas_chooseColor": "Choose a color",
"canvas_imageEmbed": "Embed an image from your computer",
"profileButton": "Profile",
"profile_urlPlaceholder": "URL",
"profile_namePlaceholder": "Name displayed in your profile",
"profile_avatar": "Avatar",
"profile_upload": " Upload a new avatar",
"profile_uploadSizeError": "Error: your avatar must be smaller than {0}",
"profile_uploadTypeError": "Error: your avatar type is not allowed. Allowed types are: {0}",
"profile_error": "Error while creating your profile: {0}",
"profile_register": "You have to sign up to create a profile!",
"profile_create": "Create a profile",
"profile_description": "Description",
"profile_fieldSaved": "New value saved: {0}",
"profile_viewMyProfile": "View my profile",
"userlist_addAsFriendTitle": "Send \"{0}\" a contact request",
"contacts_title": "Contacts",
"contacts_addError": "Error while adding that contact to the list",
"contacts_added": "Contact invite accepted.",
"contacts_rejected": "Contact invite rejected",
"contacts_request": "<em>{0}</em> would like to add you as a contact. <b>Accept<b>?",
@ -300,13 +244,9 @@
"contacts_confirmRemoveHistory": "Are you sure you want to permanently remove your chat history? Data cannot be restored",
"contacts_removeHistoryServerError": "There was an error while removing your chat history. Try again later",
"contacts_fetchHistory": "Retrieve older history",
"contacts_friends": "Contacts",
"contacts_rooms": "Rooms",
"contacts_leaveRoom": "Leave this room",
"contacts_online": "Another user from this room is online",
"debug_getGraph": "Get the code to generate a graph of this document",
"debug_getGraphWait": "Generating the graph... Please Wait.",
"debug_getGraphText": "This is the DOT code to generate a graph of this document's history:",
"fm_rootName": "Documents",
"fm_trashName": "Trash",
"fm_unsortedName": "Unsorted files",
@ -329,7 +269,6 @@
"fm_numberOfFolders": "# of folders",
"fm_numberOfFiles": "# of files",
"fm_fileName": "File name",
"fm_title": "Title",
"fm_type": "Type",
"fm_lastAccess": "Last access",
"fm_creation": "Creation",
@ -339,10 +278,7 @@
"fm_noname": "Untitled Document",
"fm_emptyTrashDialog": "Are you sure you want to empty the trash?",
"fm_removeSeveralPermanentlyDialog": "Are you sure you want to remove these {0} items from your drive? They will remain in the drives of other users who have stored them.",
"fm_removePermanentlyNote": "Owned pads will be removed from the server if you continue.",
"fm_removePermanentlyDialog": "Are you sure you want to remove this item from your drive? It will remain in the drives of other users who have stored it.",
"fm_removeSeveralDialog": "Are you sure you want to move these {0} elements to the trash?",
"fm_removeDialog": "Are you sure you want to move {0} to the trash?",
"fm_deleteOwnedPad": "Are you sure you want to permanently remove this pad from the server?",
"fm_deleteOwnedPads": "Are you sure you want to permanently remove these pads from the server?",
"fm_restoreDialog": "Are you sure you want to restore {0} to its previous location?",
@ -351,18 +287,13 @@
"fm_selectError": "Unable to select the targeted element. If the problem persists, try to reload the page.",
"fm_categoryError": "Unable to open the selected category, displaying root.",
"fm_info_root": "Create as many nested folders here as you want to sort your files.",
"fm_info_unsorted": "Contains all the files you've visited that are not yet sorted in \"Documents\" or moved to the \"Trash\".",
"fm_info_template": "Contains all the pads stored as templates and that you can re-use when you create a new pad.",
"fm_info_recent": "These pads have recently been opened or modified by you or people you collaborate with.",
"fm_info_trash": "Empty your trash to free space in your CryptDrive.",
"fm_info_allFiles": "Contains all the files from \"Documents\", \"Unsorted\" and \"Trash\". You can't move or remove files from here.",
"fm_info_anonymous": "You are not logged in so your documents will expire after {0} days. Clearing your browser's history may make them disappear.<br><a href=\"/register/\">Sign up</a> (no personal information required) or <a href=\"/login/\">Log in</a> to store them in your drive indefinitely. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Read more about registered accounts</a>.",
"fm_info_sharedFolder": "This is a shared folder. You're not logged in so you can only access it in read-only mode.<br><a href=\"/register/\">Sign up</a> or <a href=\"/login/\">Log in</a> to be able to import it to your CryptDrive and to modify it.",
"fm_info_owned": "You are the owner of the pads displayed here. This means you can remove them permanently from the server whenever you want. If you do so, other users won't be able to access them anymore.",
"fm_alert_backupUrl": "Backup link for this drive.<br>It is <strong>highly recommended</strong> that you keep it secret.<br>You can use it to retrieve all your files in case your browser memory got erased.<br>Anybody with that link can edit or remove all the files in your file manager.<br>",
"fm_alert_anonymous": "Hello there, you are currently using CryptPad anonymously, that's ok but your pads may be deleted after a period of inactivity. We have disabled advanced features of the drive for anonymous users because we want to be clear that it is not a safe place to store things. You can <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">read more</a> about why we are doing this and why you really should <a href=\"/register/\">Sign up</a> and <a href=\"/login/\">Log in</a>.",
"fm_backup_title": "Backup link",
"fm_nameFile": "How would you like to name that file?",
"fm_error_cantPin": "Internal server error. Please reload the page and try again.",
"fm_viewListButton": "List view",
"fm_viewGridButton": "Grid view",
@ -396,28 +327,18 @@
"fc_empty": "Empty the trash",
"fc_prop": "Properties",
"fc_hashtag": "Tags",
"fc_sizeInKilobytes": "Size in Kilobytes",
"fo_moveUnsortedError": "You can't move a folder to the list of templates",
"fo_existingNameError": "Name already used in that directory. Please choose another one.",
"fo_moveFolderToChildError": "You can't move a folder into one of its descendants",
"fo_unableToRestore": "Unable to restore that file to its original location. You can try to move it to a new location.",
"fo_unavailableName": "A file or a folder with the same name already exist at the new location. Rename the element and try again.",
"fs_migration": "Your CryptDrive is being updated to a new version. As a result, the current page has to be reloaded.<br><strong>Please reload this page to continue to use it.</strong>",
"login_login": "Log in",
"login_makeAPad": "Create a pad anonymously",
"login_nologin": "Browse local pads",
"login_register": "Sign up",
"logoutButton": "Log out",
"settingsButton": "Settings",
"login_username": "Username",
"login_password": "Password",
"login_confirm": "Confirm your password",
"login_remember": "Remember me",
"login_hashing": "Hashing your password, this might take some time.",
"login_hello": "Hello {0},",
"login_helloNoName": "Hello,",
"login_accessDrive": "Access your drive",
"login_orNoLogin": "or",
"login_noSuchUser": "Invalid username or password. Try again, or sign up",
"login_invalUser": "Username required",
"login_invalPass": "Password required",
@ -427,7 +348,6 @@
"register_passwordsDontMatch": "Passwords do not match!",
"register_passwordTooShort": "Passwords must be at least {0} characters long.",
"register_mustAcceptTerms": "You must accept the terms of service.",
"register_mustRememberPass": "We cannot reset your password if you forget it. It's very important that you remember it! Please check the checkbox to confirm.",
"register_whyRegister": "Why sign up?",
"register_header": "Register",
"register_writtenPassword": "I have written down my username and password, proceed",
@ -443,7 +363,6 @@
"settings_cat_cursor": "Cursor",
"settings_cat_code": "Code",
"settings_cat_pad": "Rich text",
"settings_cat_creation": "New pad",
"settings_cat_subscription": "Subscription",
"settings_title": "Settings",
"settings_save": "Save",
@ -505,11 +424,6 @@
"settings_deleted": "Your user account is now deleted. Press OK to go to the home page.",
"settings_anonymous": "You are not logged in. Settings here are specific to this browser.",
"settings_publicSigningKey": "Public Signing Key",
"settings_usage": "Usage",
"settings_usageTitle": "See the total size of your pinned pads in MB",
"settings_pinningNotAvailable": "Pinned pads are only available to registered users.",
"settings_pinningError": "Something went wrong",
"settings_usageAmount": "Your pinned pads occupy {0}MB",
"settings_logoutEverywhereButton": "Log out",
"settings_logoutEverywhereTitle": "Close remote sessions",
"settings_logoutEverywhere": "Force log out of all other web sessions",
@ -526,12 +440,6 @@
"settings_padSpellcheckTitle": "Spellcheck",
"settings_padSpellcheckHint": "This option allows you to enable spellcheck in rich text pads. Spelling errors will be underlined in red and you'll have to hold your Ctrl or Meta key while right-clicking to see the correct options.",
"settings_padSpellcheckLabel": "Enable spell check in rich text pads",
"settings_creationSkip": "Skip the pad creation screen",
"settings_creationSkipHint": "The pad creation screen offers new options to create a pad, providing you more control and security over your data. However, it may slow down your workflow by adding one additional step so, here, you have the option to skip this screen and use the default settings selected above.",
"settings_creationSkipTrue": "Skip",
"settings_creationSkipFalse": "Display",
"settings_templateSkip": "Skip the template selection modal",
"settings_templateSkipHint": "When you create a new empty pad, if you have stored templates for this type of pad, a modal appears to ask if you want to use a template. Here you can choose to never show this modal and so to never use a template.",
"settings_ownDriveTitle": "Update Account",
"settings_ownDriveHint": "Older accounts do not have access to the latest features, due to technical reasons. A free update will enable current features, and prepare your CryptDrive for future updates.",
"settings_ownDriveButton": "Upgrade your account",
@ -556,7 +464,6 @@
"settings_cursorShowHint": "You can choose if you want to see the other users' cursor in collaborative documents.",
"settings_cursorShowLabel": "Show cursors",
"upload_title": "File upload",
"upload_type": "Type",
"upload_modal_title": "File upload options",
"upload_modal_filename": "File name (extension <em>{0}</em> added automatically)",
"upload_modal_owner": "Owned file",
@ -574,25 +481,17 @@
"upload_choose": "Choose a file",
"upload_pending": "Pending",
"upload_cancelled": "Cancelled",
"upload_name": "File name",
"upload_size": "Size",
"upload_progress": "Progress",
"upload_mustLogin": "You must be logged in to upload files",
"upload_up": "Upload",
"download_button": "Decrypt & Download",
"download_mt_button": "Download",
"download_resourceNotAvailable": "The requested resource was not available... Press Esc to continue.",
"download_dl": "Download",
"download_step1": "Downloading",
"download_step2": "Decrypting",
"todo_title": "CryptTodo",
"todo_newTodoNamePlaceholder": "Describe your task...",
"todo_newTodoNameTitle": "Add this task to your todo list",
"todo_markAsCompleteTitle": "Mark this task as complete",
"todo_markAsIncompleteTitle": "Mark this task as incomplete",
"todo_removeTaskTitle": "Remove this task from your todo list",
"pad_showToolbar": "Show toolbar",
"pad_hideToolbar": "Hide toolbar",
"pad_base64": "This pad contains images stored in an inefficient way. These images will significantly increase the size of the pad in your CryptDrive, and make it slower to load. You can migrate these files to a new format which will be stored separately in your CryptDrive. Do you want to migrate these images now?",
"mdToolbar_button": "Show or hide the Markdown toolbar",
"mdToolbar_defaultText": "Your text here",
@ -611,16 +510,7 @@
"mdToolbar_toc": "Table of Contents",
"home_product": "CryptPad is a private-by-design alternative to popular office tools and cloud services. All the content stored on CryptPad is encrypted before being sent, which means nobody can access your data unless you give them the keys (not even us).",
"home_host": "This is an independent community instance of CryptPad.",
"home_host_agpl": "CryptPad is distributed under the terms of the AGPL3 software license",
"home_ngi": "NGI Award winner",
"about_intro": "CryptPad is created inside of the Research Team at <a href=\"\">XWiki SAS</a>, a small business located in Paris France and Iasi Romania. There are 3 core team members working on CryptPad plus a number of contributors both inside and outside of XWiki SAS.",
"about_core": "Core Developers",
"about_contributors": "Key Contributors",
"main_info": "<h2>Collaborate in Confidence</h2> Grow your ideas together with shared documents while <strong>Zero Knowledge</strong> technology secures your privacy; <strong>even from us</strong>.",
"main_catch_phrase": "Collaboration suite,<br>encrypted and open-source",
"main_footerText": "With CryptPad, you can make quick collaborative documents for taking notes and writing down ideas together.",
"footer_applications": "Applications",
"footer_contact": "Contact",
"footer_aboutUs": "About us",
"about": "About",
"privacy": "Privacy Policy",
@ -634,7 +524,6 @@
"policy_title": "CryptPad Privacy Policy",
"policy_whatweknow": "What we know about you",
"policy_whatweknow_p1": "As an application that is hosted on the web, CryptPad has access to metadata exposed by the HTTP protocol. This includes your IP address, and various other HTTP headers that can be used to identify your particular browser. You can see what information your browser is sharing by visiting <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\" title=\"what http headers is my browser sending\"></a>.",
"policy_whatweknow_p2": "We use <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"open source analytics platform\">Kibana</a>, an open source analytics platform, to learn more about our users. Kibana tells us about how you found CryptPad, via direct entry, through a search engine, or via a referral from another web service like Reddit or Twitter.",
"policy_howweuse": "How we use what we learn",
"policy_howweuse_p1": "We use this information to make better decisions about promoting CryptPad, by evaluating which of our past efforts were successful. Information about your location lets us know whether we should consider providing better support for languages other than English.",
"policy_howweuse_p2": "Information about your browser (whether it's a desktop or mobile operating system) helps us make decisions when prioritizing feature improvements. Our development team is small, and we try to make choices that will improve as many users' experience as possible.",
@ -647,14 +536,11 @@
"policy_choices": "Choices you have",
"policy_choices_open": "Our code is open source, so you always have the option of hosting your own instance of CryptPad.",
"policy_choices_vpn": "If you want to use our hosted instance, but don't want to expose your IP address, you can protect your IP using the <a href=\"\" title=\"downloads from the Tor project\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Tor browser bundle</a>, or a <a href=\"\" title=\"VPNs provided by Riseup\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">VPN</a>.",
"policy_choices_ads": "If you just want to block our analytics platform, you can use adblocking tools like <a href=\"\" title=\"download privacy badger\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Privacy Badger</a>.",
"features": "Features",
"features_title": "Features",
"features_feature": "Feature",
"features_anon": "Non-registered",
"features_registered": "Registered",
"features_premium": "Premium",
"features_notes": "Notes",
"features_f_apps": "Access to all the applications",
"features_f_core": "Common features",
"features_f_core_note": "Edit, Import & Export, History, Userlist, Chat",
@ -694,7 +580,6 @@
"tos_logs": "Metadata provided by your browser to the server may be logged for the purpose of maintaining the service.",
"tos_3rdparties": "We do not provide individualized data to third parties unless required to by law.",
"four04_pageNotFound": "We couldn't find the page you were looking for.",
"updated_0_header_logoTitle": "Go to your CryptDrive",
"header_logoTitle": "Go to your CryptDrive",
"header_homeTitle": "Go to CryptPad homepage",
"help": {
@ -764,58 +649,29 @@
"readme_cat3_l1": "With CryptPad code editor, you can collaborate on code like Javascript and markdown like HTML and Markdown",
"readme_cat3_l2": "With CryptPad slide editor, you can make quick presentations using Markdown",
"readme_cat3_l3": "With CryptPoll you can take quick votes, especially for scheduling meetings which fit with everybody's calendar",
"tips": {
"shortcuts": "`ctrl+b`, `ctrl+i` and `ctrl+u` are quick shortcuts for bold, italic and underline.",
"indent": "In numbered and bulleted lists, you can use tab or shift+tab to quickly increase or decrease indentation.",
"store": "Every time you visit a pad, if you're logged in it will be saved to your CryptDrive.",
"marker": "You can highlight text in a pad using the \"marker\" item in the styles dropdown menu.",
"driveUpload": "Registered users can upload encrypted files by dragging and dropping them into their CryptDrive.",
"filenames": "You can rename files in your CryptDrive, this name is just for you.",
"drive": "Logged in users can organize their files in their CryptDrive, accessible from the CryptPad icon at the top left of all pads.",
"profile": "Registered users can create a profile from the user menu in the top right.",
"avatars": "You can upload an avatar in your profile. People will see it when you collaborate in a pad.",
"tags": "Tag your pads and start a search with # in your CryptDrive to find them"
"feedback_about": "If you're reading this, you were probably curious why CryptPad is requesting web pages when you perform certain actions",
"feedback_privacy": "We care about your privacy, and at the same time we want CryptPad to be very easy to use. We use this file to figure out which UI features matter to our users, by requesting it along with a parameter specifying which action was taken.",
"feedback_optout": "If you would like to opt out, visit <a href='/settings/'>your user settings page</a>, where you'll find a checkbox to enable or disable user feedback",
"creation_404": "This pad no longer exists. Use the following form to create a new pad.",
"creation_ownedTitle": "Type of pad",
"creation_owned": "Owned pad",
"creation_ownedTrue": "Owned pad",
"creation_ownedFalse": "Open pad",
"creation_owned1": "An <b>owned</b> item can be destroyed whenever the owner wants. Destroying an owned item makes it unavailable from other users' CryptDrives.",
"creation_owned2": "An <b>open</b> pad doesn't have any owner and thus, it can't be deleted from the server unless it has reached its expiration time.",
"creation_expireTitle": "Life time",
"creation_expire": "Expiring pad",
"creation_expireTrue": "Add a life time",
"creation_expireFalse": "Unlimited",
"creation_expireHours": "Hour(s)",
"creation_expireDays": "Day(s)",
"creation_expireMonths": "Month(s)",
"creation_expire1": "An <b>unlimited</b> pad will not be removed from the server until its owner deletes it.",
"creation_expire2": "An <b>expiring</b> pad has a set lifetime, after which it will be automatically removed from the server and other users' CryptDrives.",
"creation_password": "Password\n",
"creation_noTemplate": "No template",
"creation_newTemplate": "New template",
"creation_create": "Create",
"creation_settings": "View more settings",
"creation_rememberHelp": "Visit your Settings page to reset this preference",
"creation_owners": "Owners",
"creation_ownedByOther": "Owned by another user",
"creation_noOwner": "No owner",
"creation_expiration": "Expiration date",
"creation_passwordValue": "Password",
"creation_propertiesTitle": "Availability",
"creation_appMenuName": "New pad (Ctrl + E)",
"creation_newPadModalDescription": "Click on a pad type to create it. You can also press <b>Tab</b> to select the type and press <b>Enter</b> to confirm.",
"creation_newPadModalDescriptionAdvanced": "You can check the box (or press <b>Space</b> to change its value) if you want to display the pad creation screen (for owned pads, expiring pads, etc.).",
"creation_newPadModalAdvanced": "Display the pad creation screen",
"password_info": "The pad you're trying to open no longer exist or is protected with a password. Enter the correct password to access its content.",
"password_error": "Pad not found!<br>This error can be caused by two factors: either the password in invalid, or the pad has been deleted from the server.",
"password_placeholder": "Type the password here...",
"password_submit": "Submit",
"password_show": "Show",
"properties_addPassword": "Add a password",
"properties_changePassword": "Change the password",
"properties_confirmNew": "Are you sure? Adding a password will change this pad's URL and remove its history. Users without the password will lose access to this pad",
@ -836,17 +692,11 @@
"share_contactCategory": "Contacts",
"share_embedCategory": "Embed",
"share_mediatagCopy": "Copy mediatag to clipboard",
"loading_pad_1": "Initializing pad",
"loading_pad_2": "Loading pad content",
"loading_drive_1": "Loading data",
"loading_drive_2": "Updating data format",
"loading_drive_3": "Verifying data integrity",
"sharedFolders_forget": "This pad is only stored in a shared folder, you can't move it to the trash. You can use your CryptDrive if you want to delete it.",
"sharedFolders_duplicate": "Some of the pads you were trying to move were already shared in the destination folder.",
"sharedFolders_create": "Create a shared folder",
"sharedFolders_create_name": "Folder name",
"sharedFolders_create_owned": "Owned folder",
"sharedFolders_create_password": "Folder password",
"sharedFolders_share": "Share this link with other registered users to give them access to the shared folder. Once they open this link, the shared folder will be added to their CryptDrive.",
"convertFolderToSF_SFParent": "This folder cannot be converted to a shared folder in its current location. Move it outside of the containing shared folder to continue.",
"convertFolderToSF_SFChildren": "This folder cannot be converted to a shared folder because it already contains shared folders. Move those Shared folders elsewhere to continue.",
@ -863,12 +713,9 @@
"autostore_saved": "The pad was successfully stored in your CryptDrive!",
"autostore_forceSave": "Store the file in your CryptDrive",
"autostore_notAvailable": "You must store this pad in your CryptDrive before being able to use this feature.",
"crowdfunding_home1": "CryptPad needs your help!",
"crowdfunding_home2": "Click on the button to learn about our crowdfunding campaign.",
"crowdfunding_button": "Support CryptPad",
"crowdfunding_button2": "Help CryptPad",
"crowdfunding_popup_text": "<h3>We need your help!</h3>To ensure that CryptPad is actively developed, consider supporting the project via the <a href=\"\">OpenCollective page</a>, where you can see our <b>Roadmap</b> and <b>Funding goals</b>.",
"crowdfunding_popup_yes": "Go to OpenCollective",
"crowdfunding_popup_no": "Not now",
"survey": "CryptPad survey",
"markdown_toc": "Contents",
@ -921,7 +768,6 @@
"friendRequest_received": "<b>{0}</b> would like to be your contact",
"friendRequest_notification": "<b>{0}</b> sent you a contact request",
"notifications_empty": "No notifications available",
"notifications_title": "You have unread notifications",
"profile_addDescription": "Add a description",
"profile_editDescription": "Edit your description",
"profile_addLink": "Add a link to your website",
@ -932,14 +778,11 @@
"notification_padShared": "{0} has shared a pad with you: <b>{1}</b>",
"notification_fileShared": "{0} has shared a file with you: <b>{1}</b>",
"notification_folderShared": "{0} has shared a folder with you: <b>{1}</b>",
"share_selectAll": "Select all",
"share_deselectAll": "Deselect all",
"share_filterFriend": "Search by name",
"share_linkFriends": "Share with contacts",
"share_withFriends": "Share",
"notifications_dismiss": "Dismiss",
"fm_info_sharedFolderHistory": "This is only the history of your shared folder: <b>{0}</b><br/>Your CryptDrive will stay in read-only mode while you navigate.",
"share_description": "Choose what you'd like to share and either get the link or send it directly to your CryptPad contacts.",
"supportPage": "Support",
"admin_cat_support": "Support",
"admin_supportInitHelp": "Your server is not yet configured to have a support mailbox. If you want a support mailbox to receive messages from your users, you should ask your server administrator to run the script located in \"./scripts/generate-admin-keys.js\", then store the public key in the \"config.js\" file and send you the private key.",
@ -978,7 +821,6 @@
"notifications_dismissAll": "Dismiss all",
"support_notification": "An administrator has responded to your support ticket",
"requestEdit_button": "Request edit rights",
"requestEdit_dialog": "Are you sure you'd like to ask the owner of this pad for the ability to edit?",
"requestEdit_confirm": "{1} has asked for the ability to edit the pad <b>{0}</b>. Would you like to grant them access?",
"requestEdit_viewPad": "Open the pad in a new tab",
"later": "Decide later",
@ -993,15 +835,10 @@
"features_emailRequired": "Email address required",
"owner_removeText": "Owners",
"owner_removePendingText": "Pending",
"owner_addText": "Offer co-ownership to a contact",
"owner_unknownUser": "unknown",
"owner_removeButton": "Remove selected owners",
"owner_removePendingButton": "Cancel selected offers",
"owner_addButton": "Offer ownership",
"owner_removeConfirm": "Are you sure you want to remove ownership for the selected users? They will be notified of this action.",
"owner_removeMeConfirm": "You are about to give up your ownership rights. You will not be able to undo this action. Are you sure?",
"owner_addConfirm": "Co-owners will be able to change the content and remove you as an owner. Are you sure?",
"owner_openModalButton": "Manage owners",
"owner_add": "{0} wants you to be an owner of the pad <b>{1}</b>. Do you accept?",
"owner_request": "{0} wants you to be an owner of <b>{1}</b>",
"owner_request_accepted": "{0} has accepted your offer to be an owner of <b>{1}</b>",
@ -1026,7 +863,6 @@
"team_cat_drive": "Drive",
"team_cat_admin": "Administration",
"team_infoLabel": "About teams",
"team_listLoad": "Open",
"team_createLabel": "Create a new team",
"team_createName": "Team name",
"team_rosterPromote": "Promote",
@ -1043,11 +879,9 @@
"team_avatarTitle": "Team avatar",
"team_avatarHint": "500KB maximum size (png, jpg, jpeg, gif)",
"team_infoContent": "Each team has its own CryptDrive, storage quota, chat, and members list. Team owners can delete the whole team, Admins can invite or kick members, members can leave the team.",
"team_maxOwner": "Each user account is restricted to owning a single team.",
"team_maxTeams": "Each user account can only be a member of {0} teams.",
"team_listTitle": "Your teams",
"team_listSlot": "Available team slot",
"owner_addTeamText": "...or a team",
"owner_team_add": "{0} wants you to be an owner of the team <b>{1}</b>. Do you accept?",
"team_rosterPromoteOwner": "Offer ownership",
"team_ownerConfirm": "Co-owners can modify or delete the team and remove you as an owner. Are you sure?",
@ -1063,7 +897,6 @@
"team_demoteMeConfirm": "You are about to give up your rights. You will not be able to undo this action. Are you sure?",
"team_title": "Team: {0}",
"team_quota": "Your team's storage limit",
"drive_quota": "Your storage limit",
"settings_codeBrackets": "Auto-close brackets",
"team_viewers": "Viewers",
"drive_sfPassword": "Your shared folder {0} is no longer available. It has either been deleted by its owner or it is now protected with a new password. You can remove this folder from your CryptDrive, or recover access using the new password.",
@ -1195,8 +1028,6 @@
"cba_show": "Show author colors",
"cba_hide": "Hide author colors",
"oo_login": "Please log in or register to improve the performance of spreadsheets.",
"pad_useFullWidth": "Full-width mode",
"pad_usePageWidth": "Page mode",
"cba_title": "Author colors",
"comments_notification": "Replies to your comment \"{0}\" in <b>{1}</b>",
"unknownPad": "Unknown pad",
@ -1238,7 +1069,6 @@
"notification_fileSharedTeam": "{0} has shared a file with the team {2}: <b>{1}</b>",
"notification_folderSharedTeam": "{0} has shared a folder with the team {2}: <b>{1}</b>",
"oo_refresh": "Refresh",
"oo_refreshText": "This document has been updated",
"support_category": "Choose a category",
"support_formCategoryError": "Error: category is empty",
"fm_emptyTrashOwned": "Your trash contains documents you own. You can <b>remove</b> them from your drive only, or <b>destroy</b> them for all users.",
Reference in New Issue