@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in customize.dist/translations/messages.fr.js.
The file will have its original line endings in your working directory.
[1mdiff --git a/customize.dist/translations/messages.fr.js b/customize.dist/translations/messages.fr.js[m
[1mindex 96e36a4..4ad51bd 100644[m
[1m--- a/customize.dist/translations/messages.fr.js[m
[1m+++ b/customize.dist/translations/messages.fr.js[m
[36m@@ -79,12 +79,14 @@[m [mdefine(function () {[m
out.printButton = "Imprimer";[m
out.printButtonTitle = "Imprimer votre présentation ou l'enregistrer au format PDF";[m
[31m- out.printOptions = "Options d'impression";[m
[32m+[m[32m out.printOptions = "Options de mise en page";[m
out.printSlideNumber = "Afficher le numéro des slides";[m
out.printDate = "Afficher la date";[m
out.printTitle = "Afficher le titre du pad";[m
out.printCSS = "Personnaliser l'apparence (CSS):";[m
[32m+[m[32m out.slideOptionsTitle = "Personnaliser la présentation";[m
out.editShare = "Lien d'édition";[m
out.editShareTitle = "Copier le lien d'édition dans le presse-papiers";[m
out.editOpen = "Éditer dans un nouvel onglet";[m
[1mdiff --git a/customize.dist/translations/messages.js b/customize.dist/translations/messages.js[m
[1mindex b463b48..15540fd 100644[m
[1m--- a/customize.dist/translations/messages.js[m
[1m+++ b/customize.dist/translations/messages.js[m
[36m@@ -81,12 +81,14 @@[m [mdefine(function () {[m
out.printButton = "Print";[m
out.printButtonTitle = "Print your slides or export them as a PDF file";[m
[31m- out.printOptions = "Print options";[m
[32m+[m[32m out.printOptions = "Layout options";[m
out.printSlideNumber = "Display the slide number";[m
out.printDate = "Display the date";[m
out.printTitle = "Display the pad title";[m
out.printCSS = "Custom style rules (CSS):";[m
[32m+[m[32m out.slideOptionsTitle = "Customize your slides";[m
out.editShare = "Editing link";[m
out.editShareTitle = "Copy the editing link to clipboard";[m
out.editOpen = "Open editing link in a new tab";[m
[1mdiff --git a/www/slide/main.js b/www/slide/main.js[m
[1mindex 50f216e..0bc6f5f 100644[m
[1m--- a/www/slide/main.js[m
[1m+++ b/www/slide/main.js[m
[36m@@ -136,7 +136,8 @@[m [mdefine([[m
var $modal = $pad.contents().find('#modal');[m
var $content = $pad.contents().find('#content');[m
[31m- var $print = $pad.contents().find('#print');[m
[32m+[m[32m var $print = $pad.contents().find('#print');
var slideOptions = {};[m
$( window ).resize(function() {[m
// 20vh[m
// 20 * 16 / 9vw[m
[36m@@ -149,7 +150,13 @@[m [mdefine([[m
// $print.css('font-size', (20*9/16)+'vw');[m
[31m- Slide.setModal($modal, $content, $pad, ifrw, initialState);[m
[32m+[m[32m Slide.setModal(APP, $modal, $content, $pad, ifrw, slideOptions, initialState);[m
[32m+[m[32m var setStyleState = function (state) {[m
[32m+[m[32m $pad.contents().find('#print, #content').find('style').each(function (i, el) {[m
[32m+[m[32m el.disabled = !state;[m
[32m+[m[32m });[m
[32m+[m[32m };[m
var enterPresentationMode = function (shouldLog) {[m
Slide.show(true, editor.getValue());[m
[36m@@ -158,6 +165,7 @@[m [mdefine([[m
var leavePresentationMode = function () {[m
[32m+[m[32m setStyleState(false);[m
[36m@@ -229,7 +237,8 @@[m [mdefine([[m
content: textValue,[m
metadata: {[m
users: userData,[m
[31m- defaultTitle: defaultName[m
[32m+[m[32m defaultTitle: defaultName,[m
[32m+[m[32m slideOptions: slideOptions[m
if (!initializing) {[m
[36m@@ -370,6 +379,7 @@[m [mdefine([[m
$bar.find('.' + Toolbar.constants.title).find('span.title').text(data);[m
$bar.find('.' + Toolbar.constants.title).find('input').val(data);[m
[32m+[m[32m if (slideOptions.title) { Slide.updateOptions(); }[m
[36m@@ -387,6 +397,15 @@[m [mdefine([[m
[32m+[m[32m var updateOptions = function (newOpt) {[m
[32m+[m[32m if (stringify(newOpt) !== stringify(slideOptions)) {[m
[32m+[m[32m $.extend(slideOptions, newOpt);[m
[32m+[m[32m // TODO: manage realtime + cursor in the "options" modal ??[m
[32m+[m[32m console.log('updating options');[m
[32m+[m[32m Slide.updateOptions();[m
[32m+[m[32m }[m
[32m+[m[32m };[m
var updateDefaultTitle = function (defaultTitle) {[m
defaultName = defaultTitle;[m
$bar.find('.' + Toolbar.constants.title).find('input').attr("placeholder", defaultName);[m
[36m@@ -409,6 +428,7 @@[m [mdefine([[m
updateTitle(json.metadata.title || defaultName);[m
titleUpdated = true;[m
[32m+[m[32m updateOptions(json.metadata.slideOptions);[m
updateColors(json.metadata.color, json.metadata.backColor);[m
if (!titleUpdated) {[m
[36m@@ -424,12 +444,14 @@[m [mdefine([[m
var createPrintDialog = function () {[m
[31m- var printOptions = {[m
[32m+[m[32m var slideOptionsTmp = {[m
title: true,[m
slide: true,[m
[31m- date: true[m
[32m+[m[32m date: true,[m
[32m+[m[32m style: ''[m
[32m+[m[32m $.extend(slideOptionsTmp, slideOptions);[m[41m
var $container = $('<div class="alertify">');[m
var $container2 = $('<div class="dialog">').appendTo($container);[m
var $div = $('<div id="printOptions">').appendTo($container2);[m
[36m@@ -440,21 +462,21 @@[m [mdefine([[m
$('<input>', {type: 'checkbox', id: 'checkNumber', checked: 'checked'}).on('change', function () {[m
var c = this.checked;[m
[31m- printOptions.slide = c;[m
[32m+[m[32m slideOptionsTmp.slide = c;[m
}).appendTo($p).css('width', 'auto');[m
$('<label>', {'for': 'checkNumber'}).text(Messages.printSlideNumber).appendTo($p);[m
// Date[m
$('<input>', {type: 'checkbox', id: 'checkDate', checked: 'checked'}).on('change', function () {[m
var c = this.checked;[m
[31m- printOptions.date = c;[m
[32m+[m[32m slideOptionsTmp.date = c;[m
}).appendTo($p).css('width', 'auto');[m
$('<label>', {'for': 'checkDate'}).text(Messages.printDate).appendTo($p);[m
// Title[m
$('<input>', {type: 'checkbox', id: 'checkTitle', checked: 'checked'}).on('change', function () {[m
var c = this.checked;[m
[31m- printOptions.title = c;[m
[32m+[m[32m slideOptionsTmp.title = c;[m
}).appendTo($p).css('width', 'auto');[m
$('<label>', {'for': 'checkTitle'}).text(Messages.printTitle).appendTo($p);[m
[36m@@ -462,34 +484,18 @@[m [mdefine([[m
$('<label>', {'for': 'cssPrint'}).text(Messages.printCSS).appendTo($p);[m
var $textarea = $('<textarea>', {'id':'cssPrint'}).css({'width':'100%', 'height':'100px'}).appendTo($p);[m
[32m+[m[32m $textarea.val(slideOptionsTmp.style);[m
[31m- var fixCSS = function (css) {[m
[31m- var append = '.cp #print ';[m
[31m- return css.replace(/(\n*)([^\n]+)\s*\{/g, '$1' + append + '$2 {');[m
[31m- };[m
var todo = function () {[m
[31m- var $style = $('<style>').text(fixCSS($textarea.val()));[m
[31m- $print.prepend($style);[m
[31m- var length = $print.find('.slide-frame').length;[m
[31m- $print.find('.slide-frame').each(function (i, el) {[m
[31m- if (printOptions.slide) {[m
[31m- $('<div>', {'class': 'slideNumber'}).text((i+1)+'/'+length).appendTo($(el));[m
[31m- }[m
[31m- if (printOptions.date) {[m
[31m- $('<div>', {'class': 'slideDate'}).text(new Date().toLocaleDateString()).appendTo($(el));[m
[31m- }[m
[31m- if (printOptions.title) {[m
[31m- $('<div>', {'class': 'slideTitle'}).text(APP.title).appendTo($(el));[m
[31m- }[m
[31m- });[m
[31m- window.frames["pad-iframe"].focus();[m
[31m- window.frames["pad-iframe"].print();[m
[32m+[m[32m $.extend(slideOptions, slideOptionsTmp);
slideOptions.style = $textarea.val();[m
[32m+[m[32m onLocal();[m
var $nav = $('<nav>').appendTo($div);[m
[31m- var $ok = $('<button>', {'class': 'ok'}).text(Messages.printButton).appendTo($nav).click(todo);[m
[32m+[m[32m var $ok = $('<button>', {'class': 'ok'}).text(Messages.settings_save).appendTo($nav).click(todo);[m
var $cancel = $('<button>', {'class': 'cancel'}).text(Messages.cancel).appendTo($nav).click(function () {[m
[36m@@ -556,10 +562,24 @@[m [mdefine([[m
'class': 'rightside-button fa fa-print',[m
style: 'font-size: 17px'[m
}).click(function () {[m
[32m+[m[32m Slide.update(editor.getValue(), true);[m
[32m+[m[32m Cryptpad.confirm("Are you sure you want to print?", function (yes) {[m
[32m+[m[32m if (yes) {[m
[32m+[m[32m window.frames["pad-iframe"].focus();[m
[32m+[m[32m window.frames["pad-iframe"].print();[m
[32m+[m[32m }[m
[32m+[m[32m }, {ok: Messages.printButton});[m
[32m+[m[32m //$('body').append(createPrintDialog());[m
[32m+[m[32m });[m
[32m+[m[32m $rightside.append($printButton);
var $slideOptions = $('<button>', {[m
[32m+[m[32m title: Messages.slideOptionsTitle,[m
[32m+[m[32m 'class': 'rightside-button fa fa-cog',[m
[32m+[m[32m style: 'font-size: 17px'[m
[32m+[m[32m }).click(function () {[m
[31m- $rightside.append($printButton);[m
[32m+[m[32m $rightside.append($slideOptions);[m
var $present = Cryptpad.createButton('present', true)[m
warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in customize.dist/translations/messages.js.
The file will have its original line endings in your working directory.
warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in www/slide/slide.css.
The file will have its original line endings in your working directory.
.click(function () {[m
[36m@@ -726,8 +746,6 @@[m [mdefine([[m
editor.setValue(newDoc || initialState);[m
[31m- Slide.update(newDoc, true);[m
[31m- Slide.draw();[m
if (Cryptpad.initialName && APP.title === defaultName) {[m
[1mdiff --git a/www/slide/slide.css b/www/slide/slide.css[m
[1mindex e96b77a..0404398 100644[m
[1m--- a/www/slide/slide.css[m
[1m+++ b/www/slide/slide.css[m
[36m@@ -80,11 +80,16 @@[m [mbody .CodeMirror-focused .cm-matchhighlight {[m
position: relative;[m
display: none;[m
font-size: 11.25vw;[m
[32m+[m[32m /*.slide-frame:first-child {[m
[32m+[m[32m h1 { color: yellow; }[m
[32m+[m[32m margin-top: ~"calc(((100vh - 56.25vw)/2))";[m
[32m+[m[32m }*/[m
.cp #print .slide-frame {[m
display: block !important;[m
padding: 2.5%;[m
[31m- margin-top: calc((100vh - 56.25vw)/2);[m
[32m+[m[32m margin-top: 7.228vw;[m
[32m+[m[32m margin-bottom: 7.228vw;[m
border-top: 1px solid black;[m
border-bottom: 1px solid black;[m
height: 56.25vw;[m
[36m@@ -98,26 +103,7 @@[m [mbody .CodeMirror-focused .cm-matchhighlight {[m
.cp #print .slide-frame h1 {[m
padding-top: 0;[m
[31m-.cp #print .slide-frame .slideNumber {[m
[31m- position: absolute;[m
[31m- right: 5vh;[m
[31m- bottom: 5vh;[m
[31m- font-size: 15px;[m
[31m-.cp #print .slide-frame .slideDate {[m
[31m- position: absolute;[m
[31m- left: 5vh;[m
[31m- bottom: 5vh;[m
[31m- font-size: 15px;[m
[31m-.cp #print .slide-frame .slideTitle {[m
[31m- position: absolute;[m
[31m- top: 5vh;[m
[31m- left: 0px;[m
[31m- right: 0px;[m
[31m- text-align: center;[m
[31m- font-size: 15px;[m
[32m+[m[32m color: green;[m
.cp div.modal,[m
.cp div#modal {[m
[36m@@ -341,3 +327,29 @@[m [mbody .CodeMirror-focused .cm-matchhighlight {[m
max-height: 90%;[m
margin: auto;[m
[32m+[m[32m.cp div#modal #content .slide-frame .slideNumber,[m
[32m+[m[32m.cp #print .slide-frame .slideNumber {[m
[32m+[m[32m position: absolute;[m
[32m+[m[32m right: 5vh;[m
[32m+[m[32m bottom: 5vh;[m
[32m+[m[32m font-size: 10%;[m
[32m+[m[32m line-height: 110%;[m
[32m+[m[32m.cp div#modal #content .slide-frame .slideDate,[m
[32m+[m[32m.cp #print .slide-frame .slideDate {[m
[32m+[m[32m position: absolute;[m
[32m+[m[32m left: 5vh;[m
[32m+[m[32m bottom: 5vh;[m
[32m+[m[32m font-size: 10%;[m
[32m+[m[32m line-height: 110%;[m
[32m+[m[32m.cp div#modal #content .slide-frame .slideTitle,[m
[32m+[m[32m.cp #print .slide-frame .slideTitle {[m
[32m+[m[32m position: absolute;[m
[32m+[m[32m bottom: 5vh;[m
[32m+[m[32m left: 0px;[m
[32m+[m[32m right: 0px;[m
[32m+[m[32m text-align: center;[m
[32m+[m[32m font-size: 10%;[m
[32m+[m[32m line-height: 110%;[m
[1mdiff --git a/www/slide/slide.js b/www/slide/slide.js[m
[1mindex 7cbcad4..3990124 100644[m
[1m--- a/www/slide/slide.js[m
[1m+++ b/www/slide/slide.js[m
[36m@@ -14,11 +14,13 @@[m [mdefine([[m
content: [],[m
changeHandlers: [],[m
[32m+[m[32m var APP;[m
var ifrw;[m
var $modal;[m
var $content;[m
var $pad;[m
var placeholder;[m
[32m+[m[32m var options;[m
var separator = '<hr data-pewpew="pezpez">';[m
var separatorReg = /<hr data\-pewpew="pezpez">/g;[m
var slideClass = 'slide-frame';[m
[36m@@ -114,6 +116,11 @@[m [mdefine([[m
[32m+[m[32m var fixCSS = function (css) {[m
[32m+[m[32m var append = '.cp #print .slide-frame ';[m
[32m+[m[32m var append2 = '.cp div#modal #content .slide-frame ';[m
[32m+[m[32m return css.replace(/(\n*)([^\n]+)\s*\{/g, '$1' + append + '$2,' + append2 + '$2 {');[m
[32m+[m[32m };[m
var draw = Slide.draw = function (i) {[m
i = i || 0;[m
if (typeof(Slide.content) !== 'string') { return; }[m
[36m@@ -130,11 +137,31 @@[m [mdefine([[m
} else {[m
DD.apply($content[0], patch);[m
[32m+[m[32m var length = getNumberOfSlides();[m
[32m+[m[32m $modal.find('style.slideStyle').remove();[m
[32m+[m[32m if (options.style && Slide.shown) {[m
[32m+[m[32m $modal.prepend($('<style>', {'class': 'slideStyle'}).text(fixCSS(options.style)));[m
[32m+[m[32m }[m
[32m+[m[32m $content.find('.slide-frame').each(function (i, el) {[m
[32m+[m[32m if (options.slide) {[m
[32m+[m[32m $('<div>', {'class': 'slideNumber'}).text((i+1)+'/'+length).appendTo($(el));[m
[32m+[m[32m }[m
[32m+[m[32m if (options.date) {[m
[32m+[m[32m $('<div>', {'class': 'slideDate'}).text(new Date().toLocaleDateString()).appendTo($(el));[m
[32m+[m[32m }[m
[32m+[m[32m if (options.title) {[m
[32m+[m[32m $('<div>', {'class': 'slideTitle'}).text(APP.title).appendTo($(el));[m
[32m+[m[32m }[m
[32m+[m[32m });[m
$content.find('.' + slideClass).hide();[m
$content.find('.' + slideClass + ':eq( ' + i + ' )').show();[m
change(Slide.lastIndex, Slide.index);[m
[32m+[m[32m var updateOptions = Slide.updateOptions = function () {[m
[32m+[m[32m draw(Slide.index);[m
[32m+[m[32m };[m
var isPresentURL = Slide.isPresentURL = function () {[m
var hash = window.location.hash;[m
// Present mode has /present at the end of the hash[m
[36m@@ -269,12 +296,15 @@[m [mdefine([[m
[31m- Slide.setModal = function ($m, $c, $p, iframe, ph) {[m
[32m+[m[32m Slide.setModal = function (appObj, $m, $c, $p, iframe, opt, ph) {[m
$modal = Slide.$modal = $m;[m
$content = Slide.$content = $c;[m
$pad = Slide.$pad = $p;[m
ifrw = Slide.ifrw = iframe;[m
placeholder = Slide.placeholder = ph;[m
[32m+[m[32m options = Slide.options = opt;[m
[32m+[m[32m APP = appObj;[m
[32m+[m[32m console.log(APP);[m
[1mdiff --git a/www/slide/slide.less b/www/slide/slide.less[m
[1mindex 31dd1c1..3bbd52e 100644[m
[1m--- a/www/slide/slide.less[m
[1m+++ b/www/slide/slide.less[m
[36m@@ -90,7 +90,10 @@[m [mbody {[m
//align-items: center;[m
// flex-flow: column;[m
padding: 2.5%;[m
[31m- margin-top: ~"calc((100vh - 56.25vw)/2)";[m
[32m+[m[32m // margin-top: ~"calc(((100vh - 56.25vw)/2))";[m
[32m+[m[32m margin-top: 7.228vw;[m
[32m+[m[32m margin-bottom: 7.228vw;[m
[32m+[m[32m // margin-bottom: ~"calc(((100vh - 56.25vw)/2) - 1px)";[m
border-top: 1px solid black;[m
border-bottom: 1px solid black;[m
height: 56.25vw;[m
[36m@@ -103,27 +106,14 @@[m [mbody {[m
h1 {[m
padding-top: 0;[m
[32m+[m[32m color: green;[m
[31m- .slideNumber {[m
[31m- position: absolute;[m
[31m- right: 5vh;[m
[31m- bottom: 5vh;[m
[31m- font-size: 15px;[m
[31m- }[m
[31m- .slideDate {[m
[31m- position: absolute;[m
[31m- left: 5vh;[m
[31m- bottom: 5vh;[m
[31m- font-size: 15px;[m
[31m- }[m
[31m- .slideTitle {[m
[31m- position: absolute;[m
[31m- top: 5vh;[m
[31m- left: 0px; right: 0px;[m
[31m- text-align: center;[m
[31m- font-size: 15px;[m
[31m- }[m
[32m+[m[32m /*.slide-frame:first-child {[m
[32m+[m[32m h1 { color: yellow; }[m
[32m+[m[32m margin-top: ~"calc(((100vh - 56.25vw)/2))";[m
[32m+[m[32m }*/[m
[36m@@ -276,6 +266,24 @@[m [mdiv#modal #content, #print {[m
max-width: 90%;[m
max-height: 90%;[m
margin: auto;[m
[32m+[m[32m }
.slideNumber {[m
[32m+[m[32m position: absolute;[m
[32m+[m[32m right: 5vh;[m
[32m+[m[32m bottom: 5vh;[m
[32m+[m[32m .size(1);[m
[32m+[m[32m }[m
[32m+[m[32m .slideDate {[m
[32m+[m[32m position: absolute;[m
[32m+[m[32m left: 5vh;[m
[32m+[m[32m bottom: 5vh;[m
[32m+[m[32m .size(1);[m
[32m+[m[32m }[m
[32m+[m[32m .slideTitle {[m
[32m+[m[32m position: absolute;[m
[32m+[m[32m bottom: 5vh;[m
[32m+[m[32m left: 0px; right: 0px;[m
[32m+[m[32m text-align: center;[m
[32m+[m[32m .size(1);[m
warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in www/slide/slide.js.
The file will have its original line endings in your working directory.