@ -23,9 +23,19 @@ define([
var SPINNER_CLS = Bar.constants.spinner = 'cryptpad-spinner';
var STATE_CLS = Bar.constants.state = 'cryptpad-state';
var USERNAME_CLS = Bar.constants.username = 'cryptpad-toolbar-username';
var READONLY_CLS = Bar.constants.readonly = 'cryptpad-readonly';
var USERBUTTONS_CONTAINER_CLS = Bar.constants.userButtonsContainer = "cryptpad-userbuttons-container";
var USERLIST_CLS = Bar.constants.userlist = "cryptpad-dropdown-users";
var EDITSHARE_CLS = Bar.constants.editShare = "cryptpad-dropdown-editShare";
var VIEWSHARE_CLS = Bar.constants.viewShare = "cryptpad-dropdown-viewShare";
var DROPDOWN_CONTAINER_CLS = Bar.constants.dropdownContainer = "cryptpad-dropdown-container";
var DROPDOWN_CLS = Bar.constants.dropdown = "cryptpad-dropdown";
/** Key in the localStore which indicates realtime activity should be disallowed. */
// TODO remove? will never be used in cryptpad
var LOCALSTORAGE_DISALLOW = Bar.constants.localstorageDisallow = 'cryptpad-disallow';
@ -85,11 +95,72 @@ define([
var createUserList = function ($container) {
var createUserButtons = function ($userlistElement, readOnly) {
var $listElement = $('<span>', {
id: 'userButtons',
var $editIcon = $('<button>', {
'class': 'userlist dropbtn edit',
title: Messages.editUsersIcon
var $editIconSmall = $editIcon.clone().addClass('small');
var $viewIcon = $('<button>', {
'class': 'userlist dropbtn view',
title: Messages.viewUsersIcon
var $viewIconSmall = $viewIcon.clone().addClass('small');
var $dropdownEditUsers = $('<p>', {'class': USERLIST_CLS});
var $dropdownEditShare = $('<p>', {'class': EDITSHARE_CLS});
var $dropdownEditContainer = $('<div>', {'class': DROPDOWN_CONTAINER_CLS});
var $dropdownEdit = $('<div>', {
id: "cryptpad-dropdown-edit",
var $dropdownViewShare = $('<p>', {'class': VIEWSHARE_CLS});
var $dropdownViewContainer = $('<div>', {'class': DROPDOWN_CONTAINER_CLS});
var $dropdownView = $('<div>', {
id: "cryptpad-dropdown-view",
var createHandler = function ($elmt) {
return function () {
if ($elmt.is(':visible')) {
$userlistElement.find('.' + DROPDOWN_CLS).hide();
if (readOnly !== -1) {
var createUserList = function ($container, readOnly) {
var $state = $('<span>', {'class': STATE_CLS}).text(Messages.synchronizing);
var $usernameElement = $('<span>', {'class': USERNAME_CLS});
var $userlist = $('<div>', {
'class': USER_LIST_CLS,
id: uid(),
createUserButtons($userlist, readOnly);
return $userlist[0];
@ -120,60 +191,72 @@ define([
if (n === 1) { return '; + ' + Messages.oneViewer; }
return '; + ' + Messages._getKey('viewers', [n]);
var updateUserList = function (myUserName, listElement, userList, userData, readOnly) {
var updateUserList = function (myUserName, userlistElement, userList, userData, readOnly, $stateElement) {
var meIdx = userList.indexOf(myUserName);
if (meIdx === -1) {
listElement.textContent = Messages.synchronizing;
// Make sure the user block elements are displayed
var $userButtons = $(userlistElement).find("#userButtons");
var $userElement = $(userlistElement).find('.' + USERNAME_CLS);
var numberOfUsers = userList.length;
// If we are using old pads (readonly unavailable), only editing users are in userList.
// With new pads, we also have readonly users in userList, so we have to intersect with
// the userData to have only the editing users. We can't use userData directly since it
// contains data about users that have already left the channel.
userList = readOnly === -1 ? userList : arrayIntersect(userList, Object.keys(userData));
var innerHTML;
var numberOfViewUsers = numberOfUsers - userList.length;
// Names of editing users
var editUsersNames = getOtherUsers(myUserName, userList, userData);
var editTitle = Messages.editUsersIcon;
// Number of anonymous editing users
var anonymous = numberOfUsers - editUsersNames.length;
// Display the user list in the title property of the "edit users" icon.
// Update the userlist
var editUsersList = '';
if (readOnly === 0) {
editTitle += '\n' + Messages.yourself;
if (editUsersNames.length > 0) {
editTitle += '\n' + editUsersNames.join('\n');
if (anonymous > 0) {
var text = anonymous === 1 ? Messages.anonymousUser : Messages.anonymousUsers;
editTitle += '\n' + anonymous + " " + text;
editUsersNames.push(anonymous + " " + text);
if (editUsersNames.length > 0) {
editUsersList += editUsersNames.join('<br>');
$userButtons.find('.' + USERLIST_CLS).html(editUsersList);
// Update the buttons
var fa_caretdown = '<span class="fa fa-caret-down" style="font-family:FontAwesome;"></span>';
var fa_editusers = '<span class="fa fa-users" style="font-family:FontAwesome;"></span>';
var fa_viewusers = '<span class="fa fa-eye" style="font-family:FontAwesome;"></span>';
$userButtons.find('.userlist.edit').html(fa_editusers + ' ' + userList.length + ' ' + Messages.editing + ' ' + fa_caretdown);
$userButtons.find('.userlist.edit.small').html(fa_editusers + ' ' + userList.length + ' ' + fa_caretdown);
$userButtons.find('.userlist.view').html(fa_viewusers + ' ' + numberOfViewUsers + ' ' + Messages.viewing + ' ' + fa_caretdown);
$userButtons.find('.userlist.view.small').html(fa_viewusers + ' ' + numberOfViewUsers + ' ' + fa_caretdown);
var $editIcon = $('<button>', {
'class': 'fa fa-users',
style: 'font-family: FontAwesome;',
title: editTitle
}).text(' ' + userList.length + ' people editing');
var $viewIcon = $('<span>', {
disabled: 'disabled',
'class': 'fa fa-eye',
style: 'font-family: FontAwesome',
title: Messages.viewUsersIcon
}).text(' ' + numberOfViewUsers + ' people viewing');
var innerHTML;
if (readOnly === 1) {
innerHTML = '<span class="' + READONLY_CLS + '">' + Messages.readonly + '</span>';
$userElement.html('<span class="' + READONLY_CLS + '">' + Messages.readonly + '</span>');
else {
var name = userData[myUserName] && userData[myUserName].name;
var icon = '<span class="fa fa-user" style="font-family:FontAwesome;"></span>';
if (!name) {
name = '<span title="' + Messages.anonymous + '" class="fa fa-user-secret" style="font-family:FontAwesome"></span>';
innerHTML = '<span class="' + USERNAME_CLS + '">' + name + '</span> | ';
name = Messages.anonymous;
innerHTML += $('<div>').append($editIcon).html();
if (readOnly !== -1) {
innerHTML += ' | ' + $('<div>').append($viewIcon).html();
$userElement.find("button").html(icon + ' ' + name);
listElement.innerHTML = innerHTML;
var createLagElement = function ($container) {
@ -181,7 +264,7 @@ define([
'class': LAG_ELEM_CLS,
id: uid(),
return $lag[0];
@ -215,18 +298,28 @@ define([
var create = Bar.create = function ($container, myUserName, realtime, getLag, userList, config) {
var readOnly = (typeof config.readOnly !== "undefined") ? (config.readOnly ? 1 : 0) : -1;
var toolbar = createRealtimeToolbar($container);
var userListElement = createUserList(toolbar.find('.' + LEFTSIDE_CLS));
var userListElement = createUserList(toolbar.find('.' + LEFTSIDE_CLS), readOnly);
var spinner = createSpinner(toolbar.find('.' + RIGHTSIDE_CLS));
var lagElement = createLagElement(toolbar.find('.' + RIGHTSIDE_CLS));
var userData = config.userData;
// readOnly = 1 (readOnly enabled), 0 (disabled), -1 (old pad without readOnly mode)
var readOnly = (typeof config.readOnly !== "undefined") ? (config.readOnly ? 1 : 0) : -1;
var saveElement;
var loadElement;
var $stateElement = $(userListElement).find('.' + STATE_CLS);
var connected = false;
if (config.ifrw) {
$(config.ifrw).on('click', function (e) {
if (!e.target.matches('.dropbtn') && !e.target.parentElement.matches('.dropbtn')) {
userList.onChange = function(newUserData) {
var users = userList.users;
if (users.indexOf(myUserName) !== -1) { connected = true; }
@ -234,7 +327,7 @@ define([
if(newUserData) { // Someone has changed his name/color
userData = newUserData;
updateUserList(myUserName, userListElement, users, userData, readOnly);
updateUserList(myUserName, userListElement, users, userData, readOnly, $stateElement);
var ks = function () {
@ -254,13 +347,13 @@ define([
return {
failed: function () {
connected = false;
userListElement.textContent = Messages.disconnected;
checkLag(undefined, lagElement);
reconnecting: function (userId) {
myUserName = userId;
connected = false;
userListElement.textContent = Messages.reconnecting;
checkLag(getLag, lagElement);
connected: function () {