out.upgradeTitle="Améliorer votre compte pour augmenter la limite de stockage";
out.upgradeTitle="Améliorer votre compte pour augmenter la limite de stockage";
out.greenLight="Tout fonctionne bien";
out.greenLight="Tout fonctionne bien";
out.orangeLight="Votre connexion est lente, ce qui réduit la qualité de l'éditeur";
out.orangeLight="Votre connexion est lente, ce qui réduit la qualité de l'éditeur";
@ -348,6 +349,21 @@ define(function () {
out.settings_logoutEverywhere="Se déconnecter de toutes les autres sessions.";
out.settings_logoutEverywhere="Se déconnecter de toutes les autres sessions.";
out.settings_logoutEverywhereConfirm="Êtes-vous sûr ? Vous devrez vous reconnecter sur tous vos autres appareils.";
out.settings_logoutEverywhereConfirm="Êtes-vous sûr ? Vous devrez vous reconnecter sur tous vos autres appareils.";
out.upload_serverError="Erreur interne: impossible d'uploader le fichier pour l'instant.";
out.upload_uploadPending="Vous avez déjà un fichier en cours d'upload. Souhaitez-vous l'annuler et uploader ce nouveau fichier ?";
out.upload_success="Votre fichier ({0}) a été uploadé avec succès et ajouté à votre CryptDrive.";
out.upload_notEnoughSpace="Il n'y a pas assez d'espace libre dans votre CryptDrive pour ce fichier.";
out.upload_tooLarge="Ce fichier dépasse la taille maximale autorisée.";
out.upload_choose="Choisir un fichier";
out.upload_pending="En attente";
out.upload_name="Nom du fichier";
// general warnings
out.warn_notPinned="Ce pad n'est stocké dans aucun CryptDrive. Il va expirer après 3 mois d'inactivité. <a href='/about.html#pinning'>En savoir plus...</a>";
out.upgradeTitle="Upgrade your account to increase the storage limit";
out.upgradeTitle="Upgrade your account to increase the storage limit";
out.greenLight="Everything is working fine";
out.greenLight="Everything is working fine";
out.orangeLight="Your slow connection may impact your experience";
out.orangeLight="Your slow connection may impact your experience";
@ -236,8 +237,6 @@ define(function () {
out.fm_info_template='Contains all the pads stored as templates and that you can re-use when you create a new pad.';
out.fm_info_template='Contains all the pads stored as templates and that you can re-use when you create a new pad.';
out.fm_info_trash='Files deleted from the trash are also removed from "All files" and it is impossible to recover them from the file manager.';// Same here for "All files" and "out.fm_filesDataName"
out.fm_info_trash='Files deleted from the trash are also removed from "All files" and it is impossible to recover them from the file manager.';// Same here for "All files" and "out.fm_filesDataName"
out.fm_info_allFiles='Contains all the files from "Documents", "Unsorted" and "Trash". You can\'t move or remove files from here.';// Same here
out.fm_info_allFiles='Contains all the files from "Documents", "Unsorted" and "Trash". You can\'t move or remove files from here.';// Same here
out.fm_info_login="Log in";
out.fm_info_register="Sign up";
out.fm_info_anonymous='You are not logged in so these pads may be deleted (<a href="https://blog.cryptpad.fr/2017/05/17/You-gotta-log-in/" target="_blank">find out why</a>). '+
out.fm_info_anonymous='You are not logged in so these pads may be deleted (<a href="https://blog.cryptpad.fr/2017/05/17/You-gotta-log-in/" target="_blank">find out why</a>). '+
'<a href="/register/">Sign up</a> or <a href="/login/">Log in</a> to keep them alive.';
'<a href="/register/">Sign up</a> or <a href="/login/">Log in</a> to keep them alive.';
out.fm_alert_backupUrl="Backup link for this drive.<br>"+
out.fm_alert_backupUrl="Backup link for this drive.<br>"+
@ -360,6 +359,12 @@ define(function () {
out.upload_success="Your file ({0}) has been successfully uploaded and added to your drive.";
out.upload_success="Your file ({0}) has been successfully uploaded and added to your drive.";
out.upload_notEnoughSpace="There is not enough space for this file in your CryptDrive.";
out.upload_notEnoughSpace="There is not enough space for this file in your CryptDrive.";
out.upload_tooLarge="This file exceeds the maximum upload size.";
out.upload_tooLarge="This file exceeds the maximum upload size.";
out.upload_choose="Choose a file";
out.upload_name="File name";
// general warnings
// general warnings
out.warn_notPinned="This pad is not in anyone's CryptDrive. It will expire after 3 months. <a href='/about.html#pinning'>Learn more...</a>";
out.warn_notPinned="This pad is not in anyone's CryptDrive. It will expire after 3 months. <a href='/about.html#pinning'>Learn more...</a>";