},Messages.burnAfterReading_warningLink||" You have set this pad to self-destruct. Once a recipient opens this pad, it will be permanently deleted from the server.");// XXX temp KEY
varinfo=h('p.cp-password-info',Messages.burnAfterReading_warning||'This document will self-destruct as soon as you open it. It will be removed form the server, once you close this window you will not be able to access it again. If you are not ready to proceed you can close this window and come back later. ');// XXX temp KEY
varbutton=h('button.primary',Messages.burnAfterReading_proceed||'view and delete');// XXX temp KEY
returnh('div.alert.alert-danger.cp-burn-after-reading',Messages.burnAfterReading_warningDeleted||'This pad has been deleted from the server, once you close this window you will not be able to access it again.');// XXX temp KEY