Pages.setHTML(h('div#bioCaleb'),'<p>Caleb is a cryptography developer, Machine Technology graduate of the Franklin County Technical School and lifelong tinkerer.<br/>In 2011, he started the cjdns Open Source project to show that secure networking could be invisible and easily deployed.<br/>After joining XWiki SAS in 2014, he started the CryptPad project with the intent of bringing the same transparent security to collaborative editing.<br/>He\'s always trying to learn from more experienced colleagues and when someone passes through the Research Team office, his favorite words are "Pull up a chair!".</p>'),
Pages.setHTML(h('div#bioPierre'),'<p>Resident CSS wizard and emoji extraordinaire, Pierre is passionate about anything related to technology. He loves to hack around computers and put parts together.<br/>He is currently studying at 42, where he learns about algorithms, networking, kernel programming and graphics.<br/>As a part of an internship, he joined XWiki SAS and worked on CryptPad to improve user experience. He also maintains the Spanish translation.</p>'),
Pages.setHTML(h('div#bioCaleb'),'<p>Caleb is a cryptography developer, Machine Technology graduate of the Franklin County Technical School and lifelong tinkerer.<br/>In 2011, he started the cjdns Open Source project to show that secure networking could be invisible and easily deployed.<br/>After joining XWiki SAS in 2014, he started the CryptPad project with the intent of bringing the same transparent security to collaborative editing.<br/>He\'s always trying to learn from more experienced colleagues and when someone passes through the Research Team office, his favorite words are "Pull up a chair!".</p>'),
"fm_info_sharedFolderHistory":"Dies ist nur der Verlauf deines geteilten Ordners: <b>{0}</b><br/>Dein CryptDrive bleibt beim Navigieren im Nur-Lesen-Modus.",
"fm_info_sharedFolderHistory":"Dies ist nur der Verlauf deines geteilten Ordners: <b>{0}</b><br/>Dein CryptDrive bleibt beim Navigieren im Nur-Lesen-Modus.",
"share_description":"Wähle aus, was du teilen möchtest. Dir wird dann ein entsprechender Link anzeigt. Du kannst es auch direkt an deine Freunde in CryptPad senden.",
"share_description":"Wähle aus, was du teilen möchtest. Dir wird dann ein entsprechender Link anzeigt. Du kannst es auch direkt an deine Freunde in CryptPad senden.",
"fm_info_sharedFolderHistory":"Vous regardez l'historique de votre dossier partagé <b>{0}</b><br/>Votre CryptDrive restera en lecture seule pendant la navigation.",
"fm_info_sharedFolderHistory":"Vous regardez l'historique de votre dossier partagé <b>{0}</b><br/>Votre CryptDrive restera en lecture seule pendant la navigation.",
"share_description":"Choisissez ce que vous souhaitez partager puis obtenez le lien ou envoyez-le directement à vos amis CryptPad."
"share_description":"Choisissez ce que vous souhaitez partager puis obtenez le lien ou envoyez-le directement à vos amis CryptPad.",