require ( [ '/api/config' ] , function ( ApiConfig ) {
// see ckeditor_base.js getUrl()
window . CKEDITOR _GETURL = function ( resource ) {
if ( resource . indexOf ( '/' ) === 0 ) {
resource = window . CKEDITOR . basePath . replace ( /\/bower_components\/.*/ , '' ) + resource ;
} else if ( resource . indexOf ( ':/' ) === - 1 ) {
resource = window . CKEDITOR . basePath + resource ;
if ( resource [ resource . length - 1 ] !== '/' && resource . indexOf ( 'ver=' ) === - 1 ) {
var args = ApiConfig . requireConf . urlArgs ;
resource += ( resource . indexOf ( '?' ) >= 0 ? '&' : '?' ) + args ;
return resource ;
} ;
window . MathJax = {
"HTML-CSS" : {
} ,
TeX : {
} ;
require ( [ '/bower_components/ckeditor/ckeditor.js' ] ) ;
} ) ;
define ( [
'jquery' ,
'/bower_components/hyperjson/hyperjson.js' ,
'/common/sframe-app-framework.js' ,
'/common/cursor.js' ,
'/common/TypingTests.js' ,
'/customize/messages.js' ,
'/pad/links.js' ,
'/pad/comments.js' ,
'/pad/export.js' ,
'/pad/cursor.js' ,
'/bower_components/nthen/index.js' ,
'/common/media-tag.js' ,
'/api/config' ,
'/common/common-hash.js' ,
'/common/common-util.js' ,
'/common/common-interface.js' ,
'/common/common-ui-elements.js' ,
'/common/hyperscript.js' ,
'/bower_components/chainpad/chainpad.dist.js' ,
'/customize/application_config.js' ,
'/common/test.js' ,
'/bower_components/diff-dom/diffDOM.js' ,
'/bower_components/file-saver/FileSaver.min.js' ,
'css!/customize/src/print.css' ,
'css!/bower_components/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css' ,
'css!/bower_components/components-font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css' ,
] , function (
$ ,
Hyperjson ,
Framework ,
Cursor ,
TypingTest ,
Messages ,
Links ,
Comments ,
Exporter ,
Cursors ,
nThen ,
MediaTag ,
ApiConfig ,
Hash ,
Util ,
UI ,
UIElements ,
h ,
ChainPad ,
AppConfig ,
) {
var DiffDom = window . diffDOM ;
var slice = function ( coll ) {
return Array . prototype . slice . call ( coll ) ;
} ;
var removeListeners = function ( root ) {
slice ( root . attributes ) . map ( function ( attr ) {
if ( /^on/ . test ( attr . name ) ) {
root . attributes . removeNamedItem ( attr . name ) ;
} ) ;
slice ( root . children ) . forEach ( removeListeners ) ;
} ;
var hjsonToDom = function ( H ) {
var dom = Hyperjson . toDOM ( H ) ;
removeListeners ( dom ) ;
return dom ;
} ;
var module = window . REALTIME _MODULE = window . APP = {
Hyperjson : Hyperjson ,
logFights : true ,
fights : [ ] ,
Cursor : Cursor ,
} ;
// MEDIATAG: Filter elements to serialize
// * Remove the drag&drop and resizers from the hyperjson
var isWidget = function ( el ) {
return typeof ( el . getAttribute ) === "function" &&
( el . getAttribute ( 'data-cke-hidden-sel' ) ||
( el . getAttribute ( 'class' ) &&
( /cke_widget_drag/ . test ( el . getAttribute ( 'class' ) ) ||
/cke_image_resizer/ . test ( el . getAttribute ( 'class' ) ) )
) ;
} ;
var isNotMagicLine = function ( el ) {
return ! ( el && typeof ( el . getAttribute ) === 'function' &&
el . getAttribute ( 'class' ) &&
el . getAttribute ( 'class' ) . split ( ' ' ) . indexOf ( 'non-realtime' ) !== - 1 ) ;
} ;
var isCursor = Cursors . isCursor ;
var shouldSerialize = function ( el ) {
return isNotMagicLine ( el ) && ! isWidget ( el ) && ! isCursor ( el ) ;
} ;
// MEDIATAG: Filter attributes in the serialized elements
var widgetFilter = function ( hj ) {
// Send a widget ID == 0 to avoid a fight between browsers and
// prevent the container from having the "selected" class (blue border)
if ( hj [ 1 ] . class ) {
var split = hj [ 1 ] . class . split ( ' ' ) ;
if ( split . indexOf ( 'cke_widget_wrapper' ) !== - 1 &&
split . indexOf ( 'cke_widget_block' ) !== - 1 ) {
hj [ 1 ] . class = "cke_widget_wrapper cke_widget_block" ;
hj [ 1 ] [ 'data-cke-widget-id' ] = "0" ;
if ( split . indexOf ( 'cke_widget_wrapper' ) !== - 1 &&
split . indexOf ( 'cke_widget_inline' ) !== - 1 ) {
hj [ 1 ] . class = "cke_widget_wrapper cke_widget_inline" ;
delete hj [ 1 ] [ 'data-cke-widget-id' ] ;
//hj[1]['data-cke-widget-id'] = "0";
// Remove the title attribute of the drag&drop icons (translation conflicts)
if ( split . indexOf ( 'cke_widget_drag_handler' ) !== - 1 ||
split . indexOf ( 'cke_image_resizer' ) !== - 1 ) {
hj [ 1 ] . title = undefined ;
return hj ;
} ;
var hjsonFilters = function ( hj ) {
/* catch `type="_moz"` before it goes over the wire */
var brFilter = function ( hj ) {
if ( hj [ 1 ] . type === '_moz' ) { hj [ 1 ] . type = undefined ; }
return hj ;
} ;
var mediatagContentFilter = function ( hj ) {
if ( hj [ 0 ] === 'MEDIA-TAG' ) { hj [ 2 ] = [ ] ; }
return hj ;
} ;
var commentActiveFilter = function ( hj ) {
if ( hj [ 0 ] === 'COMMENT' ) { delete ( hj [ 1 ] || { } ) . class ; }
return hj ;
} ;
brFilter ( hj ) ;
mediatagContentFilter ( hj ) ;
commentActiveFilter ( hj ) ;
widgetFilter ( hj ) ;
return hj ;
} ;
var domFromHTML = function ( html ) {
return new DOMParser ( ) . parseFromString ( html , 'text/html' ) ;
} ;
var forbiddenTags = [
] ;
var ckEditorAvailable = function ( cb ) {
var intr ;
var check = function ( ) {
if ( window . CKEDITOR ) {
clearTimeout ( intr ) ;
cb ( window . CKEDITOR ) ;
} ;
intr = setInterval ( function ( ) {
console . log ( "Ckeditor was not defined. Trying again in %sms" , CKEDITOR _CHECK _INTERVAL ) ;
check ( ) ;
check ( ) ;
} ;
var mkSettingsMenu = function ( framework ) {
Messages . pad _settings _info = "Here you can change the defaults settings for this document. New users will use these settings until they change the values on their account." ;
Messages . pad _settings _width _small = "Page mode" ;
Messages . pad _settings _width _large = "Large mode" ;
Messages . pad _settings _outline = "Choose whether the Table of Contents should be visible or hidden by default for new users." ;
Messages . pad _settings _comments = "Choose whether the Comments should be visible or hidden by default for new users." ;
Messages . pad _settings _hide = "Hide" ;
Messages . pad _settings _show = "Show" ;
var getSettings = function ( ) {
var $d = $ ( h ( 'div.cp-pad-settings-dialog' ) ) ;
var common = framework . _ . sfCommon ;
var metadataMgr = common . getMetadataMgr ( ) ;
var md = Util . clone ( metadataMgr . getMetadata ( ) ) ;
var set = function ( key , val , spinner ) {
var md = Util . clone ( metadataMgr . getMetadata ( ) ) ;
if ( typeof ( val ) === "undefined" ) { delete md [ key ] ; }
else { md [ key ] = val ; }
metadataMgr . updateMetadata ( md ) ;
framework . localChange ( ) ;
framework . _ . cpNfInner . whenRealtimeSyncs ( spinner . done ) ;
} ;
// Pad width
var opt1 = UI . createRadio ( 'cp-pad-settings-width' , 'cp-pad-settings-width-small' ,
Messages . pad _settings _width _small , md . defaultWidth === 0 , {
input : { value : 0 } ,
label : { class : 'noTitle' }
} ) ;
var opt2 = UI . createRadio ( 'cp-pad-settings-width' , 'cp-pad-settings-width-large' ,
Messages . pad _settings _width _large , md . defaultWidth === 1 , {
input : { value : 1 } ,
label : { class : 'noTitle' }
} ) ;
var delWidth = h ( 'button.btn.btn-default.fa.fa-times' ) ;
var width = h ( 'div.cp-pad-settings-radio-container' , [
opt1 ,
opt2 ,
] ) ;
var $width = $ ( width ) ;
var spinner = UI . makeSpinner ( $width ) ;
$ ( delWidth ) . click ( function ( ) {
spinner . spin ( ) ;
$width . find ( 'input[type="radio"]' ) . prop ( 'checked' , false ) ;
set ( 'defaultWidth' , undefined , spinner ) ;
} ) ;
$width . find ( 'input[type="radio"]' ) . on ( 'change' , function ( ) {
spinner . spin ( ) ;
var val = $ ( 'input:radio[name="cp-pad-settings-width"]:checked' ) . val ( ) ;
val = Number ( val ) || 0 ;
set ( 'defaultWidth' , val , spinner ) ;
} ) ;
// Outline
var opt3 = UI . createRadio ( 'cp-pad-settings-outline' , 'cp-pad-settings-outline-false' ,
Messages . pad _settings _hide , md . defaultOutline === 0 , {
input : { value : 0 } ,
label : { class : 'noTitle' }
} ) ;
var opt4 = UI . createRadio ( 'cp-pad-settings-outline' , 'cp-pad-settings-outline-true' ,
Messages . pad _settings _show , md . defaultOutline === 1 , {
input : { value : 1 } ,
label : { class : 'noTitle' }
} ) ;
var delOutline = h ( 'button.btn.btn-default.fa.fa-times' ) ;
var outline = h ( 'div.cp-pad-settings-radio-container' , [
opt3 ,
opt4 ,
] ) ;
var $outline = $ ( outline ) ;
var spinner2 = UI . makeSpinner ( $outline ) ;
$ ( delOutline ) . click ( function ( ) {
spinner2 . spin ( ) ;
$outline . find ( 'input[type="radio"]' ) . prop ( 'checked' , false ) ;
set ( 'defaultOutline' , undefined , spinner2 ) ;
} ) ;
$outline . find ( 'input[type="radio"]' ) . on ( 'change' , function ( ) {
spinner2 . spin ( ) ;
var val = $ ( 'input:radio[name="cp-pad-settings-outline"]:checked' ) . val ( ) ;
val = Number ( val ) || 0 ;
set ( 'defaultOutline' , val , spinner2 ) ;
} ) ;
// Comments
var opt5 = UI . createRadio ( 'cp-pad-settings-comments' , 'cp-pad-settings-comments-false' ,
Messages . pad _settings _hide , md . defaultComments === 0 , {
input : { value : 0 } ,
label : { class : 'noTitle' }
} ) ;
var opt6 = UI . createRadio ( 'cp-pad-settings-comments' , 'cp-pad-settings-comments-true' ,
Messages . pad _settings _show , md . defaultComments === 1 , {
input : { value : 1 } ,
label : { class : 'noTitle' }
} ) ;
var delComments = h ( 'button.btn.btn-default.fa.fa-times' ) ;
var comments = h ( 'div.cp-pad-settings-radio-container' , [
opt5 ,
opt6 ,
] ) ;
var $comments = $ ( comments ) ;
var spinner3 = UI . makeSpinner ( $comments ) ;
$ ( delComments ) . click ( function ( ) {
spinner3 . spin ( ) ;
$comments . find ( 'input[type="radio"]' ) . prop ( 'checked' , false ) ;
set ( 'defaultComments' , undefined , spinner3 ) ;
} ) ;
$comments . find ( 'input[type="radio"]' ) . on ( 'change' , function ( ) {
spinner3 . spin ( ) ;
var val = $ ( 'input:radio[name="cp-pad-settings-comments"]:checked' ) . val ( ) ;
val = Number ( val ) || 0 ;
set ( 'defaultComments' , val , spinner3 ) ;
} ) ;
$d . append ( [
h ( 'p.cp-app-prop-content' , h ( 'em' , Messages . pad _settings _info ) ) ,
h ( 'label' , Messages . settings _padWidth ) ,
h ( 'p.cp-app-prop-content' , Messages . settings _padWidthHint ) ,
$width [ 0 ] ,
h ( 'label' , Messages . markdown _toc ) ,
h ( 'p.cp-app-prop-content' , Messages . pad _settings _outline ) ,
$outline [ 0 ] ,
h ( 'label' , Messages . poll _comment _list ) ,
h ( 'p.cp-app-prop-content' , Messages . pad _settings _comments ) ,
$comments [ 0 ] ,
] ) ;
return $d [ 0 ] ;
} ;
var $settingsButton = framework . _ . sfCommon . createButton ( '' , true , {
drawer : true ,
name : 'pad_settings' ,
icon : 'fa-cog' ,
} , function ( ) {
UI . alert ( getSettings ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
framework . _ . toolbar . $drawer . append ( $settingsButton ) ;
} ;
var mkHelpMenu = function ( framework ) {
var $toolbarContainer = $ ( '.cke_toolbox_main' ) ;
var helpMenu = framework . _ . sfCommon . createHelpMenu ( [ 'text' , 'pad' ] ) ;
$toolbarContainer . before ( helpMenu . menu ) ;
framework . _ . toolbar . $drawer . append ( helpMenu . button ) ;
} ;
var mkDiffOptions = function ( cursor , readOnly ) {
return {
preDiffApply : function ( info ) {
/ *
Don 't accept attributes that begin with ' on '
these are probably listeners , and we don ' t want to
send scripts over the wire .
* /
if ( [ 'addAttribute' , 'modifyAttribute' ] . indexOf ( info . diff . action ) !== - 1 ) {
if ( info . diff . name === 'href' ) {
// console.log(info.diff);
//var href = info.diff.newValue;
// TODO normalize HTML entities
if ( /javascript *: */ . test ( info . diff . newValue ) ) {
// TODO remove javascript: links
if ( /^on/ . test ( info . diff . name ) ) {
console . log ( "Rejecting forbidden element attribute with name (%s)" , info . diff . name ) ;
return true ;
// Other users cursor
if ( Cursors . preDiffApply ( info ) ) {
return true ;
if ( info . node && info . node . tagName === 'DIV' &&
info . node . getAttribute ( 'class' ) &&
/cp-link-clicked/ . test ( info . node . getAttribute ( 'class' ) ) ) {
if ( info . diff . action === 'removeElement' ) {
return true ;
// Never modify widget ids
if ( info . node && info . node . tagName === 'SPAN' && info . diff . name === 'data-cke-widget-id' ) {
return true ;
if ( info . node && info . node . tagName === 'SPAN' &&
info . node . getAttribute ( 'class' ) &&
/cke_widget_wrapper/ . test ( info . node . getAttribute ( 'class' ) ) ) {
if ( info . diff . action === 'modifyAttribute' && info . diff . name === 'class' ) {
return true ;
// CkEditor drag&drop icon container
if ( info . node && info . node . tagName === 'SPAN' &&
info . node . getAttribute ( 'class' ) &&
info . node . getAttribute ( 'class' ) . split ( ' ' ) . indexOf ( 'cke_widget_drag_handler_container' ) !== - 1 ) {
return true ;
// CkEditor drag&drop title (language fight)
if ( info . node && info . node . getAttribute &&
info . node . getAttribute ( 'class' ) &&
( info . node . getAttribute ( 'class' ) . split ( ' ' ) . indexOf ( 'cke_widget_drag_handler' ) !== - 1 ||
info . node . getAttribute ( 'class' ) . split ( ' ' ) . indexOf ( 'cke_image_resizer' ) !== - 1 ) ) {
return true ;
/ *
Also reject any elements which would insert any one of
our forbidden tag types : script , iframe , object ,
applet , video , or audio
* /
if ( [ 'addElement' , 'replaceElement' ] . indexOf ( info . diff . action ) !== - 1 ) {
if ( info . diff . element && forbiddenTags . indexOf ( info . diff . element . nodeName ) !== - 1 ) {
console . log ( "Rejecting forbidden tag of type (%s)" , info . diff . element . nodeName ) ;
return true ;
} else if ( info . diff . newValue && forbiddenTags . indexOf ( info . diff . newValue . nodeType ) !== - 1 ) {
console . log ( "Rejecting forbidden tag of type (%s)" , info . diff . newValue . nodeName ) ;
return true ;
// Don't remote the "active" class of our comments
if ( info . node && info . node . tagName === 'COMMENT' ) {
if ( info . diff . action === 'removeAttribute' && [ 'class' ] . indexOf ( info . diff . name ) !== - 1 ) {
return true ;
if ( info . node && info . node . tagName === 'BODY' ) {
if ( info . diff . action === 'removeAttribute' && [ 'class' , 'spellcheck' ] . indexOf ( info . diff . name ) !== - 1 ) {
return true ;
/ * D i f f D O M w i l l f i l t e r o u t m a g i c l i n e p l u g i n e l e m e n t s
in practice this will make it impossible to use it
while someone else is typing , which could be annoying .
we should check when such an element is going to be
removed , and prevent that from happening . * /
if ( info . node && info . node . tagName === 'SPAN' &&
info . node . getAttribute ( 'contentEditable' ) === "false" ) {
// it seems to be a magicline plugin element...
// but it can also be a widget (MEDIATAG), in which case the removal was
// probably intentional
if ( info . diff . action === 'removeElement' ) {
// and you're about to remove it...
if ( ! info . node . getAttribute ( 'class' ) ||
! /cke_widget_wrapper/ . test ( info . node . getAttribute ( 'class' ) ) ) {
// This element is not a widget!
// this probably isn't what you want
/ *
I have never seen this in the console , but the
magic line is still getting removed on remote
edits . This suggests that it ' s getting removed
by something other than diffDom .
* /
console . log ( "preventing removal of the magic line!" ) ;
// return true to prevent diff application
return true ;
// Do not change the spellcheck value in view mode
if ( readOnly && info . node && info . node . tagName === 'BODY' &&
info . diff . action === 'modifyAttribute' && info . diff . name === 'spellcheck' ) {
return true ;
// Do not change the contenteditable value in view mode
if ( readOnly && info . node && info . node . tagName === 'BODY' &&
info . diff . action === 'modifyAttribute' && info . diff . name === 'contenteditable' ) {
return true ;
/ *
cursor . update ( ) ;
// no use trying to recover the cursor if it doesn't exist
if ( ! cursor . exists ( ) ) { return ; }
/ * f r a m e i s e i t h e r 0 , 1 , 2 , o r 3 , d e p e n d i n g o n w h i c h
cursor frames were affected : none , first , last , or both
* /
/ *
var frame = info . frame = cursor . inNode ( info . node ) ;
if ( ! frame ) { return ; }
if ( frame && typeof info . diff . oldValue === 'string' && typeof info . diff . newValue === 'string' ) {
//var pushes = cursor.pushDelta(info.diff.oldValue, info.diff.newValue);
var ops = ChainPad . Diff . diff ( info . diff . oldValue , info . diff . newValue ) ;
if ( frame & 1 ) {
// push cursor start if necessary
cursor . transformRange ( cursor . Range . start , ops ) ;
if ( frame & 2 ) {
// push cursor end if necessary
cursor . transformRange ( cursor . Range . end , ops ) ;
* /
} ,
/ *
postDiffApply : function ( info ) {
if ( info . frame ) {
if ( info . node ) {
if ( info . frame & 1 ) { cursor . fixStart ( info . node ) ; }
if ( info . frame & 2 ) { cursor . fixEnd ( info . node ) ; }
} else { console . error ( "info.node did not exist" ) ; }
var sel = cursor . makeSelection ( ) ;
var range = cursor . makeRange ( ) ;
cursor . fixSelection ( sel , range ) ;
* /
} ;
} ;
var addToolbarHideBtn = function ( framework , $bar ) {
// Expand / collapse the toolbar
var cfg = {
element : $bar
} ;
var onClick = function ( visible ) {
framework . _ . sfCommon . setAttribute ( [ 'pad' , 'showToolbar' ] , visible ) ;
} ;
framework . _ . sfCommon . getAttribute ( [ 'pad' , 'showToolbar' ] , function ( err , data ) {
var state = false ;
if ( ( $ ( window ) . height ( ) >= 800 || $ ( window ) . width ( ) >= 800 ) &&
( typeof ( data ) === "undefined" || data ) ) {
state = true ;
$ ( '.cke_toolbox_main' ) . show ( ) ;
} else {
$ ( '.cke_toolbox_main' ) . hide ( ) ;
var $collapse = framework . _ . sfCommon . createButton ( 'toggle' , true , cfg , onClick ) ;
framework . _ . toolbar . $bottomL . append ( $collapse ) ;
if ( state ) {
$collapse . addClass ( 'cp-toolbar-button-active' ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var displayMediaTags = function ( framework , dom , mediaTagMap ) {
setTimeout ( function ( ) { // Just in case
var tags = dom . querySelectorAll ( 'media-tag:empty' ) ;
Array . prototype . slice . call ( tags ) . forEach ( function ( el ) {
var mediaObject = MediaTag ( el , {
body : dom
} ) ;
$ ( el ) . on ( 'keydown' , function ( e ) {
if ( [ 8 , 46 ] . indexOf ( e . which ) !== - 1 ) {
$ ( el ) . remove ( ) ;
framework . localChange ( ) ;
} ) ;
var observer = new MutationObserver ( function ( mutations ) {
mutations . forEach ( function ( mutation ) {
if ( mutation . type === 'childList' ) {
var list _values = slice ( el . children )
. map ( function ( el ) { return el . outerHTML ; } )
. join ( '' ) ;
mediaTagMap [ el . getAttribute ( 'src' ) ] = list _values ;
if ( mediaObject . complete ) { observer . disconnect ( ) ; }
} ) ;
} ) ;
observer . observe ( el , {
attributes : false ,
subtree : true ,
childList : true ,
characterData : false
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var restoreMediaTags = function ( tempDom , mediaTagMap ) {
var tags = tempDom . querySelectorAll ( 'media-tag:empty' ) ;
Array . prototype . slice . call ( tags ) . forEach ( function ( tag ) {
var src = tag . getAttribute ( 'src' ) ;
if ( mediaTagMap [ src ] ) {
tag . innerHTML = mediaTagMap [ src ] ;
/ * m e d i a T a g M a p [ s r c ] . f o r E a c h ( f u n c t i o n ( n ) {
tag . appendChild ( n . cloneNode ( true ) ) ;
} ) ; * /
} ) ;
} ;
var mkPrintButton = function ( framework , editor ) {
var $printButton = framework . _ . sfCommon . createButton ( 'print' , true ) ;
$printButton . click ( function ( ) {
/ *
// NOTE: alternative print system in case we keep having more issues on Firefox
var $iframe = $ ( 'html' ) . find ( 'iframe' ) ;
var iframe = $iframe [ 0 ] . contentWindow ;
iframe . print ( ) ;
* /
editor . execCommand ( 'print' ) ;
framework . feedback ( 'PRINT_PAD' ) ;
} ) ;
framework . _ . toolbar . $drawer . append ( $printButton ) ;
} ;
var andThen2 = function ( editor , Ckeditor , framework ) {
var mediaTagMap = { } ;
var $contentContainer = $ ( '#cke_1_contents' ) ;
var $html = $ ( 'html' ) ;
var $faLink = $html . find ( 'head link[href*="/bower_components/components-font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css"]' ) ;
if ( $faLink . length ) {
$html . find ( 'iframe' ) . contents ( ) . find ( 'head' ) . append ( $faLink . clone ( ) ) ;
var ml = editor . _ . magiclineBackdoor . that . line . $ ;
[ ml , ml . parentElement ] . forEach ( function ( el ) {
el . setAttribute ( 'class' , 'non-realtime' ) ;
} ) ;
window . editor = editor ;
var $iframe = $ ( 'html' ) . find ( 'iframe' ) . contents ( ) ;
var ifrWindow = $html . find ( 'iframe' ) [ 0 ] . contentWindow ;
var customCss = '/customize/ckeditor-contents.css?' + window . CKEDITOR . CRYPTPAD _URLARGS ;
$iframe . find ( 'head' ) . append ( '<link href="' + customCss + '" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" _fcktemp="true"/>' ) ;
framework . _ . sfCommon . addShortcuts ( ifrWindow ) ;
mkPrintButton ( framework , editor , Ckeditor ) ;
var documentBody = ifrWindow . document . body ;
var inner = window . inner = documentBody ;
var $inner = $ ( inner ) ;
var observer = new MutationObserver ( function ( muts ) {
muts . forEach ( function ( mut ) {
if ( mut . type === 'childList' ) {
var $a ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < mut . addedNodes . length ; i ++ ) {
$a = $ ( mut . addedNodes [ i ] ) ;
if ( $a . is ( 'p' ) && $a . find ( '> span:empty' ) . length &&
$a . find ( '> br' ) . length && $a . children ( ) . length === 2 ) {
$a . find ( '> span' ) . append ( $a . find ( '> br' ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
observer . observe ( documentBody , {
childList : true
} ) ;
var metadataMgr = framework . _ . sfCommon . getMetadataMgr ( ) ;
var privateData = metadataMgr . getPrivateData ( ) ;
var common = framework . _ . sfCommon ;
var comments = Comments . create ( {
framework : framework ,
metadataMgr : metadataMgr ,
common : common ,
editor : editor ,
ifrWindow : ifrWindow ,
$iframe : $iframe ,
$inner : $inner ,
$contentContainer : $contentContainer ,
$container : $ ( '#cp-app-pad-comments' )
} ) ;
var $resize = $ ( '#cp-app-pad-resize' ) ;
var $toc = $ ( '#cp-app-pad-toc' ) ;
$toc . show ( ) ;
// My cursor
var cursor = module . cursor = Cursor ( inner ) ;
// Display other users cursor
var cursors = Cursors . create ( inner , hjsonToDom , cursor ) ;
var openLink = function ( e ) {
var el = e . currentTarget ;
if ( ! el || el . nodeName !== 'A' ) { return ; }
var href = el . getAttribute ( 'href' ) ;
if ( href ) {
framework . _ . sfCommon . openUnsafeURL ( href ) ;
} ;
if ( ! privateData . isEmbed ) {
mkHelpMenu ( framework ) ;
mkSettingsMenu ( framework ) ;
framework . _ . sfCommon . getAttribute ( [ 'pad' , 'width' ] , function ( err , data ) {
var active = data || typeof ( data ) === "undefined" ;
if ( active ) {
$contentContainer . addClass ( 'cke_body_width' ) ;
} else {
editor . execCommand ( 'pagemode' ) ;
} ) ;
framework . onEditableChange ( function ( unlocked ) {
if ( ! framework . isReadOnly ( ) ) {
$inner . attr ( 'contenteditable' , '' + Boolean ( unlocked ) ) ;
$inner . css ( { background : unlocked ? '#fff' : '#eee' } ) ;
} ) ;
framework . setMediaTagEmbedder ( function ( $mt ) {
$mt . attr ( 'contenteditable' , 'false' ) ;
//$mt.attr('tabindex', '1');
var element = new window . CKEDITOR . dom . element ( $mt [ 0 ] ) ;
editor . insertElement ( element ) ;
editor . widgets . initOn ( element , 'mediatag' ) ;
} ) ;
framework . setTitleRecommender ( function ( ) {
var text ;
if ( [ 'h1' , 'h2' , 'h3' ] . some ( function ( t ) {
var $header = $inner . find ( t + ':first-of-type' ) ;
if ( $header . length && $header . text ( ) ) {
text = $header . text ( ) ;
return true ;
} ) ) { return text ; }
} ) ;
var DD = new DiffDom ( mkDiffOptions ( cursor , framework . isReadOnly ( ) ) ) ;
var cursorStopped = false ;
var cursorTo ;
var updateCursor = function ( ) {
if ( cursorTo ) { clearTimeout ( cursorTo ) ; }
// If we're receiving content
if ( cursorStopped ) { return void setTimeout ( updateCursor , 100 ) ; }
cursorTo = setTimeout ( function ( ) {
framework . updateCursor ( ) ;
} , 500 ) ; // 500ms to make sure it is sent after chainpad sync
} ;
var isAnchor = function ( el ) { return el . nodeName === 'A' ; } ;
var getAnchorName = function ( el ) {
return el . getAttribute ( 'id' ) ||
el . getAttribute ( 'data-cke-saved-name' ) ||
el . getAttribute ( 'name' ) ||
Util . stripTags ( $ ( el ) . text ( ) ) ;
} ;
var updatePageMode = function ( ) {
var md = Util . clone ( metadataMgr . getMetadata ( ) ) ;
var store = window . cryptpadStore ;
var key = 'pad-small-width' ;
var hideBtn = h ( 'button.btn.btn-default.cp-pad-hide.fa.fa-compress' ) ;
var showBtn = h ( 'button.btn.btn-default.cp-pad-show.fa.fa-expand' ) ;
var localHide ;
$ ( hideBtn ) . click ( function ( ) { // Expand
$contentContainer . addClass ( 'cke_body_width' ) ;
$resize . addClass ( 'hidden' ) ;
localHide = true ;
if ( store ) { store . put ( key , '1' ) ; }
} ) ;
$ ( showBtn ) . click ( function ( ) {
$contentContainer . removeClass ( 'cke_body_width' ) ;
$resize . removeClass ( 'hidden' ) ;
localHide = false ;
if ( store ) { store . put ( key , '0' ) ; }
} ) ;
var content = [
hideBtn ,
showBtn ,
] ;
$resize . html ( '' ) . append ( content ) ;
// Hidden or visible? check pad settings first, then browser otherwise hide
var hide = false ;
if ( typeof ( md . defaultWidth ) === "undefined" ) {
if ( typeof ( store . store [ key ] ) === 'undefined' ) {
hide = true ;
} else {
hide = store . store [ key ] === '1' ;
} else {
hide = md . defaultWidth === 0 ;
// If we've clicking on the show/hide buttons, always use our last value
if ( typeof ( localHide ) === "boolean" ) { hide = localHide ; }
$contentContainer . removeClass ( 'cke_body_width' ) ;
$resize . removeClass ( 'hidden' ) ;
if ( hide ) {
$resize . addClass ( 'hidden' ) ;
$contentContainer . addClass ( 'cke_body_width' ) ;
} ;
updatePageMode ( ) ;
var updateTOC = Util . throttle ( function ( ) {
var md = Util . clone ( metadataMgr . getMetadata ( ) ) ;
var toc = [ ] ;
$inner . find ( 'h1, h2, h3, a[id][data-cke-saved-name]' ) . each ( function ( i , el ) {
if ( isAnchor ( el ) ) {
return void toc . push ( {
level : 2 ,
el : el ,
title : getAnchorName ( el ) ,
} ) ;
toc . push ( {
level : Number ( el . tagName . slice ( 1 ) ) ,
el : el ,
title : Util . stripTags ( $ ( el ) . text ( ) )
} ) ;
} ) ;
var hideBtn = h ( 'button.btn.btn-default.cp-pad-hide.fa.fa-chevron-left' ) ;
var showBtn = h ( 'button.btn.btn-default.cp-pad-show' , {
title : Messages . pad _tocHide
} , [
h ( 'i.fa.fa-list-ul' )
] ) ;
var content = [
hideBtn ,
showBtn ,
h ( 'h2' , Messages . markdown _toc )
] ;
var store = window . cryptpadStore ;
var key = 'hide-pad-toc' ;
// Hidden or visible? check pad settings first, then browser otherwise hide
var hide = false ;
var localHide ;
if ( typeof ( md . defaultOutline ) === "undefined" ) {
if ( typeof ( store . store [ key ] ) === 'undefined' ) {
hide = true ;
} else {
hide = store . store [ key ] === '1' ;
} else {
hide = md . defaultOutline === 0 ;
// If we've clicking on the show/hide buttons, always use our last value
if ( typeof ( localHide ) === "boolean" ) { hide = localHide ; }
$toc . removeClass ( 'hidden' ) ;
if ( hide ) { $toc . addClass ( 'hidden' ) ; }
$ ( hideBtn ) . click ( function ( ) {
$toc . addClass ( 'hidden' ) ;
localHide = true ;
if ( store ) { store . put ( key , '1' ) ; }
} ) ;
$ ( showBtn ) . click ( function ( ) {
$toc . removeClass ( 'hidden' ) ;
localHide = false ;
if ( store ) { store . put ( key , '0' ) ; }
} ) ;
toc . forEach ( function ( obj ) {
var title = ( obj . title || "" ) . trim ( ) ;
if ( ! title ) { return ; }
// Only include level 2 headings
var level = obj . level ;
var a = h ( 'a.cp-pad-toc-link' , {
href : '#' ,
} ) ;
$ ( a ) . click ( function ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
if ( ! obj . el || UIElements . isVisible ( obj . el , $inner ) ) { return ; }
obj . el . scrollIntoView ( ) ;
} ) ;
a . innerHTML = title ;
content . push ( h ( 'p.cp-pad-toc-' + level , a ) ) ;
} ) ;
$toc . html ( '' ) . append ( content ) ;
} , 400 ) ;
// apply patches, and try not to lose the cursor in the process!
framework . onContentUpdate ( function ( hjson ) {
if ( ! Array . isArray ( hjson ) ) { throw new Error ( Messages . typeError ) ; }
var userDocStateDom = hjsonToDom ( hjson ) ;
cursorStopped = true ;
userDocStateDom . setAttribute ( "contenteditable" ,
inner . getAttribute ( 'contenteditable' ) ) ;
restoreMediaTags ( userDocStateDom , mediaTagMap ) ;
cursors . removeCursors ( inner ) ;
// Deal with adjasent text nodes
userDocStateDom . normalize ( ) ;
inner . normalize ( ) ;
$ ( userDocStateDom ) . find ( 'span[data-cke-display-name="media-tag"]:empty' ) . each ( function ( i , el ) {
$ ( el ) . remove ( ) ;
} ) ;
// Get cursor position
cursor . offsetUpdate ( ) ;
var oldText = inner . outerHTML ;
// Get scroll position
var sTop = $iframe . scrollTop ( ) ;
var sTopMax = $iframe . innerHeight ( ) - $ ( 'iframe' ) . innerHeight ( ) ;
var scrollMax = Math . abs ( sTop - sTopMax ) < 1 ;
// Apply the changes
var patch = ( DD ) . diff ( inner , userDocStateDom ) ;
( DD ) . apply ( inner , patch ) ;
editor . fire ( 'cp-wc' ) ; // Update word count
// Restore cursor position
var newText = inner . outerHTML ;
var ops = ChainPad . Diff . diff ( oldText , newText ) ;
cursor . restoreOffset ( ops ) ;
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
cursorStopped = false ;
updateCursor ( ) ;
} , 200 ) ;
// MEDIATAG: Migrate old mediatags to the widget system
$inner . find ( 'media-tag:not(.cke_widget_element)' ) . each ( function ( i , el ) {
var element = new window . CKEDITOR . dom . element ( el ) ;
editor . widgets . initOn ( element , 'mediatag' ) ;
} ) ;
displayMediaTags ( framework , inner , mediaTagMap ) ;
// MEDIATAG: Initialize mediatag widgets inserted in the document by other users
editor . widgets . checkWidgets ( ) ;
if ( framework . isReadOnly ( ) ) {
var $links = $inner . find ( 'a' ) ;
// off so that we don't end up with multiple identical handlers
$links . off ( 'click' , openLink ) . on ( 'click' , openLink ) ;
comments . onContentUpdate ( ) ;
updateTOC ( ) ;
if ( scrollMax ) {
$iframe . scrollTop ( $iframe . innerHeight ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
framework . setTextContentGetter ( function ( ) {
var innerCopy = inner . cloneNode ( true ) ;
displayMediaTags ( framework , innerCopy , mediaTagMap ) ;
innerCopy . normalize ( ) ;
$ ( innerCopy ) . find ( '*' ) . each ( function ( i , el ) {
$ ( el ) . append ( ' ' ) ;
} ) ;
var str = $ ( innerCopy ) . text ( ) ;
str = str . replace ( /\s\s+/g , ' ' ) ;
return str ;
} ) ;
framework . setContentGetter ( function ( ) {
$inner . find ( 'span[data-cke-display-name="media-tag"]:empty' ) . each ( function ( i , el ) {
$ ( el ) . remove ( ) ;
} ) ;
// We have to remove the cursors before getting the content because they split
// the text nodes and OT/ChainPad would freak out
cursors . removeCursors ( inner ) ;
comments . onContentUpdate ( ) ;
displayMediaTags ( framework , inner , mediaTagMap ) ;
inner . normalize ( ) ;
var hjson = Hyperjson . fromDOM ( inner , shouldSerialize , hjsonFilters ) ;
return hjson ;
} ) ;
if ( ! framework . isReadOnly ( ) ) {
addToolbarHideBtn ( framework , $ ( '.cke_toolbox_main' ) ) ;
} else {
$ ( '.cke_toolbox_main' ) . hide ( ) ;
framework . onReady ( function ( newPad ) {
editor . focus ( ) ;
if ( ! module . isMaximized ) {
module . isMaximized = true ;
$ ( 'iframe.cke_wysiwyg_frame' ) . css ( 'width' , '' ) ;
$ ( 'iframe.cke_wysiwyg_frame' ) . css ( 'height' , '' ) ;
$ ( 'body' ) . addClass ( 'app-pad' ) ;
if ( newPad ) {
cursor . setToEnd ( ) ;
} else if ( framework . isReadOnly ( ) ) {
cursor . setToStart ( ) ;
if ( framework . isReadOnly ( ) ) {
$inner . attr ( 'contenteditable' , 'false' ) ;
var fmConfig = {
ckeditor : editor ,
dropArea : $inner ,
body : $ ( 'body' ) ,
onUploaded : function ( ev , data ) {
var parsed = Hash . parsePadUrl ( data . url ) ;
var secret = Hash . getSecrets ( 'file' , parsed . hash , data . password ) ;
var fileHost = privateData . fileHost || privateData . origin ;
var src = fileHost + Hash . getBlobPathFromHex ( secret . channel ) ;
var key = Hash . encodeBase64 ( secret . keys . cryptKey ) ;
var mt = '<media-tag contenteditable="false" src="' + src + '" data-crypto-key="cryptpad:' + key + '"></media-tag>' ;
var element = window . CKEDITOR . dom . element . createFromHtml ( mt ) ;
if ( ev && ev . insertElement ) {
ev . insertElement ( element ) ;
} else {
editor . insertElement ( element ) ;
editor . widgets . initOn ( element , 'mediatag' ) ;
} ;
var FM = window . APP . FM = framework . _ . sfCommon . createFileManager ( fmConfig ) ;
editor . on ( 'paste' , function ( ev ) {
try {
var files = ev . data . dataTransfer . _ . files ;
files . forEach ( function ( f ) {
FM . handleFile ( f ) ;
} ) ;
// If the paste data contains files, don't use the ckeditor default handlers
// ==> they would try to include either a remote image URL or a base64 image
if ( files . length ) {
ev . cancel ( ) ;
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
console . error ( e ) ;
} ) ;
framework . _ . sfCommon . getAttribute ( [ 'pad' , 'spellcheck' ] , function ( err , data ) {
if ( framework . isReadOnly ( ) ) { return ; }
if ( data ) {
$iframe . find ( 'body' ) . attr ( 'spellcheck' , true ) ;
} ) ;
framework . _ . sfCommon . isPadStored ( function ( err , val ) {
if ( ! val ) { return ; }
var b64images = $inner . find ( 'img[src^="data:image"]:not(.cke_reset)' ) ;
if ( b64images . length && framework . _ . sfCommon . isLoggedIn ( ) ) {
var no = h ( 'button.cp-corner-cancel' , Messages . cancel ) ;
var yes = h ( 'button.cp-corner-primary' , Messages . ok ) ;
var actions = h ( 'div' , [ no , yes ] ) ;
var modal = UI . cornerPopup ( Messages . pad _base64 , actions , '' , { big : true } ) ;
$ ( no ) . click ( function ( ) {
modal . delete ( ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( yes ) . click ( function ( ) {
modal . delete ( ) ;
b64images . each ( function ( i , el ) {
var src = $ ( el ) . attr ( 'src' ) ;
var blob = Util . dataURIToBlob ( src ) ;
var ext = '.' + ( blob . type . split ( '/' ) [ 1 ] || 'png' ) ;
var name = ( framework . _ . title . getTitle ( ) || 'Pad' ) + '_image' ;
blob . name = name + ext ;
var ev = {
insertElement : function ( newEl ) {
var element = new window . CKEDITOR . dom . element ( el ) ;
newEl . replace ( element ) ;
setTimeout ( framework . localChange ) ;
} ;
window . APP . FM . handleFile ( blob , ev ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
updateTOC ( ) ;
updatePageMode ( ) ;
comments . ready ( ) ;
/ * s e t T i m e o u t ( f u n c t i o n ( ) {
$ ( 'iframe.cke_wysiwyg_frame' ) . focus ( ) ;
editor . focus ( ) ;
console . log ( editor ) ;
console . log ( editor . focusManager ) ;
$ ( window ) . trigger ( 'resize' ) ;
} ) ; * /
} ) ;
framework . onDefaultContentNeeded ( function ( ) {
inner . innerHTML = '<p></p>' ;
} ) ;
var importMediaTags = function ( dom , cb ) {
var $dom = $ ( dom ) ;
$dom . find ( 'media-tag' ) . each ( function ( i , el ) {
$ ( el ) . empty ( ) ;
} ) ;
cb ( $dom [ 0 ] ) ;
} ;
framework . setFileImporter ( { accept : 'text/html' } , function ( content , f , cb ) {
importMediaTags ( domFromHTML ( content ) . body , function ( dom ) {
cb ( Hyperjson . fromDOM ( dom ) ) ;
} ) ;
} , true ) ;
framework . setFileExporter ( Exporter . exts , function ( cb , ext ) {
Exporter . main ( inner , cb , ext ) ;
} , true ) ;
framework . setNormalizer ( function ( hjson ) {
return [
'BODY' ,
"class" : "cke_editable cke_editable_themed cke_contents_ltr cke_show_borders" ,
"contenteditable" : "true" ,
"spellcheck" : "false"
} ,
hjson [ 2 ]
] ;
} ) ;
/* Display the cursor of other users and send our cursor */
framework . setCursorGetter ( cursors . cursorGetter ) ;
framework . onCursorUpdate ( cursors . onCursorUpdate ) ;
inner . addEventListener ( 'click' , updateCursor ) ;
inner . addEventListener ( 'keyup' , updateCursor ) ;
/ * h i t t i n g e n t e r m a k e s a n e w l i n e , b u t p l a c e s t h e c u r s o r i n s i d e
of the < br > instead of the < p > . This makes it such that you
cannot type until you click , which is rather unnacceptable .
If the cursor is ever inside such a < br > , you probably want
to push it out to the parent element , which ought to be a
paragraph tag . This needs to be done on keydown , otherwise
the first such keypress will not be inserted into the P . * /
inner . addEventListener ( 'keydown' , cursor . brFix ) ;
/ *
CkEditor emits a change event when it detects new content in the editable area .
Our problem is that this event is sent asynchronously and late after a keystroke .
The result is that between the keystroke and the change event , chainpad may
receive remote changes and so it can wipe the newly inserted content ( because
chainpad work synchronously ) , and the merged text is missing a few characters .
To fix this , we have to call ` framework.localChange ` sooner . We can ' t listen for
the "keypress" event because it is trigger before the character is inserted .
The solution is the "input" event , triggered by the browser as soon as the
character is inserted .
* /
inner . addEventListener ( 'input' , function ( ) {
framework . localChange ( ) ;
updateCursor ( ) ;
editor . fire ( 'cp-wc' ) ; // Update word count
updateTOC ( ) ;
} ) ;
editor . on ( 'change' , function ( ) {
framework . localChange ( ) ;
updateTOC ( ) ;
} ) ;
var wordCount = h ( 'span.cp-app-pad-wordCount' ) ;
$ ( '.cke_toolbox_main' ) . append ( wordCount ) ;
editor . on ( 'cp-wc-update' , function ( ) {
if ( ! editor . wordCount || typeof ( editor . wordCount . wordCount ) === "undefined" ) {
wordCount . innerText = '' ;
return ;
wordCount . innerText = Messages . _getKey ( 'pad_wordCount' , [ editor . wordCount . wordCount ] ) ;
} ) ;
// export the typing tests to the window.
// call like `test = easyTest()`
// terminate the test like `test.cancel()`
window . easyTest = function ( ) {
cursor . update ( ) ;
//var start = cursor.Range.start;
//var test = TypingTest.testInput(inner, start.el, start.offset, framework.localChange);
var test = TypingTest . testPad ( editor , framework . localChange ) ;
framework . localChange ( ) ;
return test ;
} ;
// Fix the scrollbar if it's reset when clicking on a button (firefox only?)
var buttonScrollTop ;
$ ( '.cke_toolbox_main' ) . find ( '.cke_button, .cke_combo_button' ) . mousedown ( function ( ) {
buttonScrollTop = $ ( 'iframe' ) . contents ( ) . scrollTop ( ) ;
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
$ ( 'iframe' ) . contents ( ) . scrollTop ( buttonScrollTop ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '.cke_toolbox_main' ) . find ( '.cke_button' ) . click ( function ( ) {
var e = this ;
var classString = e . getAttribute ( 'class' ) ;
var classes = classString . split ( ' ' ) . filter ( function ( c ) {
return /cke_button__/ . test ( c ) ;
} ) ;
var id = classes [ 0 ] ;
if ( typeof ( id ) === 'string' ) {
framework . feedback ( id . toUpperCase ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
framework . start ( ) ;
} ;
var main = function ( ) {
var Ckeditor ;
var editor ;
var framework ;
nThen ( function ( waitFor ) {
Framework . create ( {
toolbarContainer : '#cp-app-pad-toolbar' ,
contentContainer : '#cp-app-pad-editor' ,
patchTransformer : ChainPad . NaiveJSONTransformer ,
/ * t h u m b n a i l : {
getContainer : function ( ) { return $ ( 'iframe' ) . contents ( ) . find ( 'html' ) [ 0 ] ; } ,
filter : function ( el , before ) {
if ( before ) {
module . cursor . update ( ) ;
$ ( el ) . parents ( ) . css ( 'overflow' , 'visible' ) ;
$ ( el ) . css ( 'max-width' , '1200px' ) ;
$ ( el ) . css ( 'max-height' , Math . max ( 600 , $ ( el ) . width ( ) ) + 'px' ) ;
$ ( el ) . css ( 'overflow' , 'hidden' ) ;
$ ( el ) . find ( 'body' ) . css ( 'background-color' , 'transparent' ) ;
return ;
$ ( el ) . parents ( ) . css ( 'overflow' , '' ) ;
$ ( el ) . css ( 'max-width' , '' ) ;
$ ( el ) . css ( 'max-height' , '' ) ;
$ ( el ) . css ( 'overflow' , '' ) ;
$ ( el ) . find ( 'body' ) . css ( 'background-color' , '#fff' ) ;
var sel = module . cursor . makeSelection ( ) ;
var range = module . cursor . makeRange ( ) ;
module . cursor . fixSelection ( sel , range ) ;
} * /
} , waitFor ( function ( fw ) { window . APP . framework = framework = fw ; } ) ) ;
nThen ( function ( waitFor ) {
ckEditorAvailable ( waitFor ( function ( ck ) {
Ckeditor = ck ;
require ( [ '/pad/wysiwygarea-plugin.js' ] , waitFor ( ) ) ;
} ) ) ;
$ ( waitFor ( ) ) ;
} ) . nThen ( function ( waitFor ) {
Ckeditor . config . toolbarCanCollapse = true ;
if ( screen . height < 800 ) {
Ckeditor . config . toolbarStartupExpanded = false ;
$ ( 'meta[name=viewport]' ) . attr ( 'content' ,
'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no' ) ;
} else {
$ ( 'meta[name=viewport]' ) . attr ( 'content' ,
'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes' ) ;
// Used in ckeditor-config.js
Ckeditor . CRYPTPAD _URLARGS = ApiConfig . requireConf . urlArgs ;
Ckeditor . _mediatagTranslations = {
title : Messages . pad _mediatagTitle ,
width : Messages . pad _mediatagWidth ,
height : Messages . pad _mediatagHeight ,
ratio : Messages . pad _mediatagRatio ,
border : Messages . pad _mediatagBorder ,
preview : Messages . pad _mediatagPreview ,
'import' : Messages . pad _mediatagImport ,
download : Messages . download _mt _button ,
share : Messages . pad _mediatagShare ,
open : Messages . pad _mediatagOpen ,
options : Messages . pad _mediatagOptions
} ;
Ckeditor . _commentsTranslations = {
comment : Messages . comments _comment ,
} ;
Ckeditor . plugins . addExternal ( 'mediatag' , '/pad/' , 'mediatag-plugin.js' ) ;
Ckeditor . plugins . addExternal ( 'blockbase64' , '/pad/' , 'disable-base64.js' ) ;
Ckeditor . plugins . addExternal ( 'comments' , '/pad/' , 'comment.js' ) ;
Ckeditor . plugins . addExternal ( 'wordcount' , '/pad/wordcount/' , 'plugin.js' ) ;
/ * C K E d i t o r 4 i s , b y d e f a u l t , i n c o m p a t i b l e w i t h s t r o n g C S P s e t t i n g s d u e t o t h e
way it loads a variety of resources and event handlers by injecting HTML
via the innerHTML API .
In most cases those handlers just call a function with an id , so there ' s no
strong case for why it should be done this way except that lots of code depends
on this behaviour . These handlers all stop working when we enable our default CSP ,
but fortunately the code is simple enough that we can use regex to grab the id
from the inline code and call the relevant function directly , preserving the
intended behaviour while preventing malicious code injection .
Unfortunately , as long as the original code is still present the console
fills up with CSP warnings saying that inline scripts were blocked .
The code below overrides CKEditor ' s default ` setHtml ` method to include
a string . replace call which will rewrite various inline event handlers from
onevent to oonevent . . rendering them invalid as scripts and preventing
some needless noise from showing up in the console .
* /
Ckeditor . dom . element . prototype . setHtml = function ( a ) {
if ( /callFunction/ . test ( a ) ) {
a = a . replace ( /on(mousedown|blur|keydown|focus|click|dragstart|mouseover|mouseout)/g , function ( value ) {
return 'o' + value ;
} ) ;
this . $ . innerHTML = a ;
return a ;
} ;
module . ckeditor = editor = Ckeditor . replace ( 'editor1' , {
customConfig : '/customize/ckeditor-config.js' ,
} ) ;
editor . on ( 'instanceReady' , waitFor ( ) ) ;
} ) . nThen ( function ( ) {
var _getPath = Ckeditor . plugins . getPath ;
Ckeditor . plugins . getPath = function ( name ) {
if ( name === 'preview' ) {
return window . location . origin + "/bower_components/ckeditor/plugins/preview/" ;
return _getPath ( name ) ;
} ;
window . _ _defineGetter _ _ ( '_cke_htmlToLoad' , function ( ) { } ) ;
editor . plugins . mediatag . import = function ( $mt ) {
framework . _ . sfCommon . importMediaTag ( $mt ) ;
} ;
editor . plugins . mediatag . download = function ( $mt ) {
var media = Util . find ( $mt , [ 0 , '_mediaObject' ] ) ;
if ( ! media ) { return void console . error ( 'no media' ) ; }
if ( ! media . complete ) { return void UI . warn ( Messages . mediatag _notReady ) ; }
if ( ! ( media && media . _blob ) ) { return void console . error ( $mt ) ; }
window . saveAs ( media . _blob . content , media . name ) ;
} ;
editor . plugins . mediatag . open = function ( $mt ) {
var hash = framework . _ . sfCommon . getHashFromMediaTag ( $mt ) ;
framework . _ . sfCommon . openURL ( Hash . hashToHref ( hash , 'file' ) ) ;
} ;
editor . plugins . mediatag . share = function ( $mt ) {
var data = {
file : true ,
pathname : '/file/' ,
hashes : {
fileHash : framework . _ . sfCommon . getHashFromMediaTag ( $mt )
} ,
title : Util . find ( $mt [ 0 ] , [ '_mediaObject' , 'name' ] ) || ''
} ;
framework . _ . sfCommon . getSframeChannel ( ) . event ( 'EV_SHARE_OPEN' , data ) ;
} ;
Links . init ( Ckeditor , editor ) ;
} ) . nThen ( function ( ) {
// Move ckeditor parts to have a structure like the other apps
var $contentContainer = $ ( '#cke_1_contents' ) ;
var $mainContainer = $ ( '#cke_editor1 > .cke_inner' ) ;
var $ckeToolbar = $ ( '#cke_1_top' ) . find ( '.cke_toolbox_main' ) ;
$mainContainer . prepend ( $ckeToolbar . addClass ( 'cke_reset_all' ) ) ;
$contentContainer . append ( h ( 'div#cp-app-pad-resize' ) ) ;
$contentContainer . append ( h ( 'div#cp-app-pad-comments' ) ) ;
$contentContainer . prepend ( h ( 'div#cp-app-pad-toc' ) ) ;
$ckeToolbar . find ( '.cke_button__image_icon' ) . parent ( ) . hide ( ) ;
} ) . nThen ( waitFor ( ) ) ;
} ) . nThen ( function ( waitFor ) {
require ( [ '/pad/csp.js' ] , waitFor ( ) ) ;
} ) . nThen ( function ( /*waitFor*/ ) {
function launchAnchorTest ( test ) {
// -------- anchor test: make sure the exported anchor contains <a name="..."> -------
console . log ( '---- anchor test: make sure the exported anchor contains <a name="..."> -----.' ) ;
function tryAndTestExport ( ) {
console . log ( "Starting tryAndTestExport." ) ;
editor . on ( 'dialogShow' , function ( evt ) {
console . log ( "Anchor dialog detected." ) ;
var dialog = evt . data ;
$ ( dialog . parts . contents . $ ) . find ( "input" ) . val ( 'xx-' + Math . round ( Math . random ( ) * 1000 ) ) ;
dialog . click ( window . CKEDITOR . dialog . okButton ( editor ) . id ) ;
} ) ;
var existingText = editor . getData ( ) ;
editor . insertText ( "A bit of text" ) ;
console . log ( "Launching anchor command." ) ;
editor . execCommand ( editor . ui . get ( 'Anchor' ) . command ) ;
console . log ( "Anchor command launched." ) ;
var waitH = window . setInterval ( function ( ) {
console . log ( "Waited 2s for the dialog to appear" ) ;
var anchors = window . CKEDITOR . plugins [ "link" ] . getEditorAnchors ( editor ) ;
if ( ! anchors || anchors . length === 0 ) {
test . fail ( "No anchors found. Please adjust document" ) ;
} else {
console . log ( anchors . length + " anchors found." ) ;
var exported = Exporter . getHTML ( window . inner ) ;
console . log ( "Obtained exported: " + exported ) ;
var allFound = true ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < anchors . length ; i ++ ) {
var anchor = anchors [ i ] ;
console . log ( "Anchor " + anchor . name ) ;
var expected = "<a id=\"" + anchor . id + "\" name=\"" + anchor . name + "\" " ;
var found = exported . indexOf ( expected ) >= 0 ;
console . log ( "Found " + expected + " " + found + "." ) ;
allFound = allFound && found ;
console . log ( "Cleaning up." ) ;
if ( allFound ) {
// clean-up
editor . execCommand ( 'undo' ) ;
editor . execCommand ( 'undo' ) ;
var nint = window . setInterval ( function ( ) {
console . log ( "Waiting for undo to yield same result." ) ;
if ( existingText === editor . getData ( ) ) {
window . clearInterval ( nint ) ;
test . pass ( ) ;
} , 500 ) ;
} else {
test . fail ( "Not all expected a elements found for document at " + window . top . location + "." ) ;
window . clearInterval ( waitH ) ;
} , 2000 ) ;
var intervalHandle = window . setInterval ( function ( ) {
if ( editor . status === "ready" ) {
window . clearInterval ( intervalHandle ) ;
console . log ( "Editor is ready." ) ;
tryAndTestExport ( ) ;
} else {
console . log ( "Waiting for editor to be ready." ) ;
} , 100 ) ;
Test ( function ( test ) {
launchAnchorTest ( test ) ;
} ) ;
andThen2 ( editor , Ckeditor , framework ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
main ( ) ;
} ) ;