define ( [
'jquery' ,
'json.sortify' ,
'/api/config' ,
'/bower_components/chainpad-crypto/crypto.js' ,
'/common/sframe-app-framework.js' ,
'/common/toolbar.js' ,
'/form/export.js' ,
'/bower_components/nthen/index.js' ,
'/common/sframe-common.js' ,
'/common/common-util.js' ,
'/common/common-hash.js' ,
'/common/common-interface.js' ,
'/common/common-ui-elements.js' ,
'/common/clipboard.js' ,
'/common/inner/common-mediatag.js' ,
'/common/hyperscript.js' ,
'/customize/messages.js' ,
'/customize/application_config.js' ,
'/common/diffMarked.js' ,
'/common/sframe-common-codemirror.js' ,
'/common/text-cursor.js' ,
'cm/lib/codemirror' ,
'/bower_components/chainpad/chainpad.dist.js' ,
'/common/inner/share.js' ,
'/common/inner/access.js' ,
'/common/inner/properties.js' ,
'/lib/datepicker/flatpickr.js' ,
'/bower_components/sortablejs/Sortable.min.js' ,
'cm/addon/display/placeholder' ,
'cm/mode/gfm/gfm' ,
'css!cm/lib/codemirror.css' ,
'/bower_components/file-saver/FileSaver.min.js' ,
'css!/bower_components/codemirror/lib/codemirror.css' ,
'css!/bower_components/codemirror/addon/dialog/dialog.css' ,
'css!/bower_components/codemirror/addon/fold/foldgutter.css' ,
'css!/lib/datepicker/flatpickr.min.css' ,
'css!/bower_components/components-font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css' ,
'less!/form/app-form.less' ,
] , function (
$ ,
Sortify ,
ApiConfig ,
Crypto ,
Framework ,
Toolbar ,
Exporter ,
nThen ,
SFCommon ,
Util ,
Hash ,
UI ,
UIElements ,
Clipboard ,
MT ,
h ,
Messages ,
AppConfig ,
DiffMd ,
SFCodeMirror ,
TextCursor ,
CMeditor ,
ChainPad ,
Share , Access , Properties ,
Flatpickr ,
var APP = window . APP = {
blocks : { }
} ;
var is24h = UIElements . is24h ( ) ;
var dateFormat = "Y-m-d H:i" ;
var timeFormat = "H:i" ;
var evCheckConditions = Util . mkEvent ( ) ;
var evShowConditions = Util . mkEvent ( ) ;
if ( ! is24h ) {
dateFormat = "Y-m-d h:i K" ;
timeFormat = "h:i K" ;
// multi-line radio, checkboxes, and possibly other things have a max number of items
// we'll consider increasing this restriction if people are unhappy with it
// but as a general rule we expect users will appreciate having simpler questions
var MAX _OPTIONS = 15 ;
var MAX _ITEMS = 10 ;
var getOptionValue = function ( obj ) {
if ( ! Util . isObject ( obj ) ) { return obj ; }
return obj . v ;
} ;
var extractValues = function ( values ) {
if ( ! Array . isArray ( values ) ) { return [ ] ; }
return values . map ( getOptionValue ) ;
} ;
var saveAndCancelOptions = function ( cb ) {
Messages . form _preview _button = "Preview" ; // XXX
var cancelBlock = h ( 'button.btn.btn-default.cp-form-preview-button' , [
h ( 'i.fa.fa-eye' ) ,
Messages . form _preview _button
] ) ;
$ ( cancelBlock ) . click ( function ( ) { cb ( undefined , true ) ; } ) ;
return cancelBlock ;
} ;
var editTextOptions = function ( opts , setCursorGetter , cb ) {
var evOnSave = Util . mkEvent ( ) ;
var maxLength , getLengthVal ;
if ( opts . maxLength ) {
var lengthInput = h ( 'input' , {
type : "number" ,
value : opts . maxLength ,
min : 100 ,
max : 5000
} ) ;
maxLength = h ( 'div.cp-form-edit-max-options' , [
h ( 'span' , Messages . form _editMaxLength ) ,
] ) ;
getLengthVal = function ( ) {
var val = Number ( $ ( lengthInput ) . val ( ) ) || 1000 ;
if ( val < 1 ) { val = 1 ; }
if ( val > 5000 ) { val = 5000 ; }
return val ;
} ;
var $l = $ ( lengthInput ) . on ( 'input' , Util . throttle ( function ( ) {
$l . val ( getLengthVal ( ) ) ;
evOnSave . fire ( ) ;
} , 500 ) ) ;
var type , typeSelect ;
if ( opts . type ) {
// Messages.form_text_text.form_text_number.form_text_url.form_text_email
var options = [ 'text' , 'number' , 'url' , 'email' ] . map ( function ( t ) {
return {
tag : 'a' ,
attributes : {
'class' : 'cp-form-type-value' ,
'data-value' : t ,
'href' : '#' ,
} ,
content : Messages [ 'form_text_' + t ]
} ;
} ) ;
var dropdownConfig = {
text : '' , // Button initial text
options : options , // Entries displayed in the menu
//left: true, // Open to the left of the button
//container: $(type),
isSelect : true ,
caretDown : true ,
buttonCls : 'btn btn-secondary'
} ;
typeSelect = UIElements . createDropdown ( dropdownConfig ) ;
typeSelect . setValue ( opts . type ) ;
type = h ( 'div.cp-form-edit-type' , [
h ( 'span' , Messages . form _textType ) ,
typeSelect [ 0 ]
] ) ;
typeSelect . onChange . reg ( evOnSave . fire ) ;
setCursorGetter ( function ( ) {
return { } ;
} ) ;
var getSaveRes = function ( ) {
return {
maxLength : getLengthVal ? getLengthVal ( ) : undefined ,
type : typeSelect ? typeSelect . getValue ( ) : undefined
} ;
} ;
evOnSave . reg ( function ( ) {
var res = getSaveRes ( ) ;
if ( ! res ) { return ; }
cb ( res ) ;
} ) ;
var saveAndCancel = saveAndCancelOptions ( cb ) ;
return [
maxLength ,
type ,
] ;
} ;
var editOptions = function ( v , isDefaultOpts , setCursorGetter , cb , tmp ) {
var evOnSave = Util . mkEvent ( ) ;
var add = h ( 'button.btn.btn-secondary' , [
h ( 'i.fa.fa-plus' ) ,
h ( 'span' , Messages . form _add _option )
] ) ;
var addItem = h ( 'button.btn.btn-secondary' , [
h ( 'i.fa.fa-plus' ) ,
h ( 'span' , Messages . form _add _item )
] ) ;
var cursor ;
if ( tmp && tmp . cursor ) {
cursor = tmp . cursor ;
// Checkbox: max options
var maxOptions , maxInput ;
if ( typeof ( v . max ) === "number" ) {
maxInput = h ( 'input' , {
type : "number" ,
value : v . max ,
min : 1 ,
max : v . values . length
} ) ;
maxOptions = h ( 'div.cp-form-edit-max-options' , [
h ( 'span' , Messages . form _editMax ) ,
] ) ;
$ ( maxInput ) . on ( 'input' , function ( ) {
setTimeout ( evOnSave . fire ) ;
} ) ;
// Poll: type (text/day/time)
var type , typeSelect ;
if ( v . type ) {
// Messages.form_poll_text.form_poll_day.form_poll_time
var options = [ 'text' , 'day' , 'time' ] . map ( function ( t ) {
return {
tag : 'a' ,
attributes : {
'class' : 'cp-form-type-value' ,
'data-value' : t ,
'href' : '#' ,
} ,
content : Messages [ 'form_poll_' + t ]
} ;
} ) ;
var dropdownConfig = {
text : '' , // Button initial text
options : options , // Entries displayed in the menu
//left: true, // Open to the left of the button
//container: $(type),
isSelect : true ,
caretDown : true ,
buttonCls : 'btn btn-secondary'
} ;
typeSelect = UIElements . createDropdown ( dropdownConfig ) ;
typeSelect . setValue ( v . type ) ;
type = h ( 'div.cp-form-edit-type' , [
h ( 'span' , Messages . form _editType ) ,
typeSelect [ 0 ]
] ) ;
// Show existing options
var $add , $addItem ;
var addMultiple ;
var getOption = function ( val , placeholder , isItem , uid ) {
var input = h ( 'input' , { value : val } ) ;
var $input = $ ( input ) ;
if ( placeholder ) {
input . placeholder = val ;
input . value = '' ;
$input . on ( 'keypress' , function ( ) {
$input . removeAttr ( 'placeholder' ) ;
$input . off ( 'keypress' ) ;
} ) ;
if ( uid ) { $input . data ( 'uid' , uid ) ; }
// If the input is a date, initialize flatpickr
if ( v . type && v . type !== 'text' ) {
if ( v . type === 'time' ) {
Flatpickr ( input , {
enableTime : true ,
time _24hr : is24h ,
dateFormat : dateFormat ,
defaultDate : val ? new Date ( val ) : undefined
} ) ;
} else if ( v . type === 'day' ) {
/ * F l a t p i c k r ( i n p u t , {
defaultDate : val ? new Date ( val ) : undefined
} ) ; * /
// if this element was active before the remote change, restore cursor
var setCursor = function ( ) {
if ( v . type && v . type !== 'text' ) { return ; }
try {
var ops = ChainPad . Diff . diff ( cursor . el , val ) ;
[ 'start' , 'end' ] . forEach ( function ( attr ) {
cursor [ attr ] = TextCursor . transformCursor ( cursor [ attr ] , ops ) ;
} ) ;
} catch ( e ) { console . error ( e ) ; }
input . selectionStart = cursor . start || 0 ;
input . selectionEnd = cursor . end || 0 ;
setTimeout ( function ( ) { input . focus ( ) ; } ) ;
} ;
if ( cursor && cursor . uid === uid && Boolean ( cursor . item ) === Boolean ( isItem ) ) {
setCursor ( ) ;
var del = h ( 'button.btn.btn-danger-outline' , h ( 'i.fa.fa-times' ) ) ;
var el = h ( 'div.cp-form-edit-block-input' , [
h ( 'span.cp-form-handle' , [
h ( 'i.fa.fa-ellipsis-v' ) ,
h ( 'i.fa.fa-ellipsis-v' ) ,
] ) ,
input ,
] ) ;
$ ( del ) . click ( function ( ) {
var $block = $ ( el ) . closest ( '.cp-form-edit-block' ) ;
$ ( el ) . remove ( ) ;
// We've just deleted an item/option so we should be under the MAX limit and
// we can show the "add" button again
if ( isItem && $addItem ) { $addItem . show ( ) ; }
if ( ! isItem && $add ) {
$add . show ( ) ;
if ( v . type === "time" ) { $ ( addMultiple ) . show ( ) ; }
// decrement the max choices input when there are fewer options than the current maximum
if ( maxInput ) {
var inputs = $block . find ( 'input' ) . length ;
var $maxInput = $ ( maxInput ) ;
var currentMax = Number ( $maxInput . val ( ) ) ;
$maxInput . val ( Math . min ( inputs , currentMax ) ) ;
evOnSave . fire ( ) ;
} ) ;
if ( ! v . type || v . type === "text" ) {
$input . keyup ( function ( e ) {
try {
if ( e . which === 13 ) {
var $line = $input . closest ( '.cp-form-edit-block-input' ) ;
if ( $input . closest ( '.cp-form-edit-block' )
. find ( '.cp-form-edit-block-input' ) . last ( ) [ 0 ] === $line [ 0 ] ) {
// If we're the last input, add a new one
if ( isItem && $addItem && $addItem . is ( ':visible' ) ) {
$addItem . click ( ) ;
if ( ! isItem && $add && $add . is ( ':visible' ) ) { $add . click ( ) ; }
} else {
// Otherwise focus the next one
$line . next ( ) . find ( 'input' ) . focus ( ) ;
if ( e . which === 27 && ! $ ( input ) . val ( ) ) {
$ ( del ) . click ( ) ;
} catch ( err ) { console . error ( err ) ; }
} ) ;
$ ( input ) . on ( 'input' , function ( ) {
evOnSave . fire ( ) ;
} ) ;
return el ;
} ;
var inputs = v . values . map ( function ( data ) {
return getOption ( data . v , isDefaultOpts , false , data . uid ) ;
} ) ;
inputs . push ( add ) ;
var container = h ( 'div.cp-form-edit-block' , inputs ) ;
var $container = $ ( container ) ;
var sortableOption = Sortable . create ( container , {
direction : "vertical" ,
handle : ".cp-form-handle" ,
draggable : ".cp-form-edit-block-input" ,
forceFallback : true ,
store : {
set : function ( ) {
evOnSave . fire ( ) ;
} ) ;
var containerItems ;
if ( v . items ) {
var inputsItems = v . items . map ( function ( itemData ) {
return getOption ( itemData . v , isDefaultOpts , true , itemData . uid ) ;
} ) ;
inputsItems . push ( addItem ) ;
containerItems = h ( 'div.cp-form-edit-block' , inputsItems ) ;
Sortable . create ( containerItems , {
direction : "vertical" ,
handle : ".cp-form-handle" ,
draggable : ".cp-form-edit-block-input" ,
forceFallback : true ,
store : {
set : function ( ) {
evOnSave . fire ( ) ;
} ) ;
// Calendar...
var calendarView ;
if ( v . type ) { // Polls
// Calendar inline for "day" type
var calendarInput = h ( 'input' ) ;
calendarView = h ( 'div' , calendarInput ) ;
var calendarDefault = v . type === "day" ? extractValues ( v . values ) . map ( function ( time ) {
if ( ! time ) { return ; }
var d = new Date ( time ) ;
if ( ! isNaN ( d ) ) { return d ; }
} ) . filter ( Boolean ) : undefined ;
Flatpickr ( calendarInput , {
mode : 'multiple' ,
inline : true ,
defaultDate : calendarDefault ,
appendTo : calendarView ,
onChange : function ( ) {
evOnSave . fire ( ) ;
} ) ;
// Calendar popup for "time"
var multipleInput = h ( 'input' , { placeholder : Messages . form _addMultipleHint } ) ;
var multipleClearButton = h ( 'button.btn' , Messages . form _clear ) ;
var addMultipleButton = h ( 'button.btn' , [
h ( 'i.fa.fa-plus' ) ,
h ( 'span' , Messages . form _addMultiple )
] ) ;
addMultiple = h ( 'div.cp-form-multiple-picker' , { style : "display: none;" } , [
multipleInput ,
addMultipleButton ,
] ) ;
var multiplePickr = Flatpickr ( multipleInput , {
mode : 'multiple' ,
enableTime : true ,
dateFormat : dateFormat ,
} ) ;
$ ( multipleClearButton ) . click ( function ( ) {
multiplePickr . clear ( ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( addMultipleButton ) . click ( function ( ) {
multiplePickr . selectedDates . some ( function ( date ) {
$add . before ( getOption ( date , false , false , Util . uid ( ) ) ) ;
var l = $container . find ( 'input' ) . length ;
$ ( maxInput ) . attr ( 'max' , l ) ;
if ( l >= MAX _OPTIONS ) {
$add . hide ( ) ;
$ ( addMultiple ) . hide ( ) ;
return true ;
} ) ;
multiplePickr . clear ( ) ;
evOnSave . fire ( ) ;
} ) ;
var refreshView = function ( ) {
if ( ! v . type ) { return ; }
var $calendar = $ ( calendarView ) ;
sortableOption . option ( "disabled" , v . type !== "text" ) ;
$container . toggleClass ( 'cp-no-sortable' , v . type !== "text" ) ;
if ( v . type !== "day" ) {
$calendar . hide ( ) ;
$container . show ( ) ;
var l = $container . find ( 'input' ) . length ;
if ( v . type === "time" && l < MAX _OPTIONS ) {
$ ( addMultiple ) . show ( ) ;
} else {
$ ( addMultiple ) . hide ( ) ;
} else {
$ ( addMultiple ) . hide ( ) ;
$calendar . show ( ) ;
$container . hide ( ) ;
} ;
refreshView ( ) ;
// Doodle type change: empty current values and change input types?
if ( typeSelect ) {
typeSelect . onChange . reg ( function ( prettyVal , val ) {
v . type = val ;
refreshView ( ) ;
setTimeout ( evOnSave . fire ) ;
if ( val !== "text" ) {
$container . find ( '.cp-form-edit-block-input' ) . remove ( ) ;
if ( val === "time" ) {
var time = new Date ( ) ;
time . setHours ( 14 ) ;
time . setMinutes ( 0 ) ;
time . setSeconds ( 0 ) ;
time . setMilliseconds ( 0 ) ;
var el = getOption ( + time , false , false , Util . uid ( ) ) ;
$add . before ( el ) ;
$ ( el ) . find ( 'input' ) . focus ( ) ;
return ;
$ ( add ) . click ( ) ;
return ;
$container . find ( 'input' ) . each ( function ( i , input ) {
if ( input . _flatpickr ) {
input . _flatpickr . destroy ( ) ;
delete input . _flatpickr ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// "Add option" button handler
$add = $ ( add ) . click ( function ( ) {
var txt = v . type ? '' : Messages . form _newOption ;
var el = getOption ( txt , true , false , Util . uid ( ) ) ;
$add . before ( el ) ;
$ ( el ) . find ( 'input' ) . focus ( ) ;
var l = $container . find ( 'input' ) . length ;
$ ( maxInput ) . attr ( 'max' , l ) ;
if ( l >= MAX _OPTIONS ) { $add . hide ( ) ; }
} ) ;
// If multiline block, handle "Add item" button
$addItem = $ ( addItem ) . click ( function ( ) {
var el = getOption ( Messages . form _newItem , true , true , Util . uid ( ) ) ;
$addItem . before ( el ) ;
$ ( el ) . find ( 'input' ) . focus ( ) ;
if ( $ ( containerItems ) . find ( 'input' ) . length >= MAX _ITEMS ) { $addItem . hide ( ) ; }
} ) ;
if ( $container . find ( 'input' ) . length >= MAX _OPTIONS ) { $add . hide ( ) ; }
if ( $ ( containerItems ) . find ( 'input' ) . length >= MAX _ITEMS ) { $addItem . hide ( ) ; }
// Set cursor getter (to handle remote changes to the form)
setCursorGetter ( function ( ) {
var active = document . activeElement ;
var cursor = { } ;
$container . find ( 'input' ) . each ( function ( i , el ) {
var val = $ ( el ) . val ( ) || el . placeholder || '' ;
if ( el === active && ! el . _flatpickr ) {
cursor . item = false ;
cursor . uid = $ ( el ) . data ( 'uid' ) ;
cursor . start = el . selectionStart ;
cursor . end = el . selectionEnd ;
cursor . el = val ;
} ) ;
if ( v . items ) {
$ ( containerItems ) . find ( 'input' ) . each ( function ( i , el ) {
var val = $ ( el ) . val ( ) || el . placeholder || '' ;
if ( el === active ) {
cursor . item = true ;
cursor . uid = $ ( el ) . data ( 'uid' ) ;
cursor . start = el . selectionStart ;
cursor . end = el . selectionEnd ;
cursor . el = val ;
} ) ;
if ( v . type === "time" ) {
$container . find ( 'input' ) . each ( function ( i , el ) {
var f = el . _flatpickr ;
if ( ! f || ! f . isOpen ) { return ; }
var rect = el . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ;
cursor = {
flatpickr : true ,
val : + f . selectedDates [ 0 ] ,
y : rect && rect . y
} ;
} ) ;
return {
cursor : cursor
} ;
} ) ;
var getSaveRes = function ( ) {
// Get values
var values = [ ] ;
if ( v . type === "day" ) {
var dayPickr = $ ( calendarView ) . find ( 'input' ) [ 0 ] . _flatpickr ;
values = dayPickr . selectedDates . map ( function ( date ) {
return + date ;
} ) ;
} else {
$container . find ( 'input' ) . each ( function ( i , el ) {
var val = ( $ ( el ) . val ( ) || el . placeholder || '' ) . trim ( ) ;
if ( v . type === "day" || v . type === "time" ) {
var f = el . _flatpickr ;
if ( f && f . selectedDates && f . selectedDates . length ) {
val = + f . selectedDates [ 0 ] ;
var uid = $ ( el ) . data ( 'uid' ) ;
var hasUid = values . some ( function ( i ) { return i . uid === uid ; } ) ;
if ( hasUid ) { uid = Util . uid ( ) ; }
values . push ( {
uid : uid ,
v : val
} ) ;
if ( hasUid ) { $ ( el ) . data ( 'uid' , uid ) ; }
} ) ;
var res = { values : values } ;
// If multiline block, get items
if ( v . items ) {
var items = [ ] ;
$ ( containerItems ) . find ( 'input' ) . each ( function ( i , el ) {
var val = ( $ ( el ) . val ( ) || el . placeholder || '' ) . trim ( ) ;
var uid = $ ( el ) . data ( 'uid' ) ;
var hasUid = items . some ( function ( i ) { return i . uid === uid ; } ) ;
if ( hasUid ) { uid = Util . uid ( ) ; }
items . push ( {
uid : uid ,
v : val
} ) ;
if ( hasUid ) { $ ( el ) . data ( 'uid' , uid ) ; }
} ) ;
items = items . filter ( Boolean ) ;
res . items = items ;
// If checkboxes, get the maximum number of values the users can select
if ( maxInput ) {
var maxVal = Number ( $ ( maxInput ) . val ( ) ) ;
if ( isNaN ( maxVal ) ) { maxVal = values . length ; }
res . max = maxVal ;
if ( typeSelect ) {
res . type = typeSelect . getValue ( ) ;
return res ;
} ;
evOnSave . reg ( function ( ) {
var res = getSaveRes ( ) ;
if ( ! res ) { return ; }
cb ( res ) ;
} ) ;
var saveAndCancel = saveAndCancelOptions ( cb ) ;
return [
type ,
maxOptions ,
calendarView ,
h ( 'div.cp-form-edit-options-block' , [ containerItems , container ] ) ,
addMultiple ,
] ;
} ;
var getWeekDays = function ( large ) {
var baseDate = new Date ( 2017 , 0 , 1 ) ; // just a Sunday
var weekDays = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i ++ ) {
weekDays . push ( baseDate . toLocaleDateString ( undefined , { weekday : 'long' } ) ) ;
baseDate . setDate ( baseDate . getDate ( ) + 1 ) ;
if ( ! large ) {
weekDays = weekDays . map ( function ( day ) { return day . slice ( 0 , 3 ) ; } ) ;
return weekDays . map ( function ( day ) { return day . replace ( /^./ , function ( str ) { return str . toUpperCase ( ) ; } ) ; } ) ;
} ;
// "resultsPageObj" is an object with "content" and "answers"
// only available when viewing the Responses page
var makePollTable = function ( answers , opts , resultsPageObj ) {
// Sort date values
if ( opts . type !== "text" ) {
opts . values . sort ( function ( _a , _b ) {
var a = getOptionValue ( _a ) ;
var b = getOptionValue ( _b ) ;
return + new Date ( a ) - + new Date ( b ) ;
} ) ;
// Create first line with options
var allDays = getWeekDays ( true ) ;
var els = extractValues ( opts . values ) . map ( function ( data ) {
var _date ;
if ( opts . type === "day" ) {
_date = new Date ( data ) ;
data = _date . toLocaleDateString ( ) ;
if ( opts . type === "time" ) {
_date = new Date ( data ) ;
data = Flatpickr . formatDate ( _date , timeFormat ) ;
var day = _date && allDays [ _date . getDay ( ) ] ;
return h ( 'div.cp-poll-cell.cp-form-poll-option' , {
title : Util . fixHTML ( data )
} , [
opts . type === 'day' ? h ( 'span.cp-form-weekday' , day ) : undefined ,
opts . type === 'day' ? h ( 'span.cp-form-weekday-separator' , ' - ' ) : undefined ,
h ( 'span' , data )
] ) ;
} ) ;
// Insert axis switch button
var switchAxis = h ( 'button.btn.btn-default' , [
Messages . form _poll _switch ,
h ( 'i.fa.fa-exchange' ) ,
] ) ;
els . unshift ( h ( 'div.cp-poll-cell.cp-poll-switch' , switchAxis ) ) ;
var lines = [ h ( 'div' , els ) ] ;
// Add an initial row to "time" values containing the days
if ( opts . type === "time" ) {
var days = [ h ( 'div.cp-poll-cell' ) ] ;
var _days = { } ;
extractValues ( opts . values ) . forEach ( function ( d ) {
var date = new Date ( d ) ;
var day = date . toLocaleDateString ( ) ;
_days [ day ] = {
n : ( _days [ day ] && _days [ day ] . n ) || 0 ,
name : allDays [ date . getDay ( ) ]
} ;
_days [ day ] . n ++ ;
} ) ;
Object . keys ( _days ) . forEach ( function ( day ) {
days . push ( h ( 'div.cp-poll-cell.cp-poll-time-day' , {
style : 'flex-grow:' + ( _days [ day ] . n - 1 ) + ';'
} , [
h ( 'span.cp-form-weekday' , _days [ day ] . name ) ,
h ( 'span.cp-form-weekday-separator' , ' - ' ) ,
h ( 'span' , day )
] ) ) ;
} ) ;
lines . unshift ( h ( 'div' , days ) ) ;
// Add answers
var bodyEls = [ ] ;
if ( Array . isArray ( answers ) ) {
answers . forEach ( function ( answerObj ) {
var answer = answerObj . results ;
if ( ! answer || ! answer . values ) { return ; }
var name = Util . find ( answerObj , [ 'user' , 'name' ] ) || answer . name || Messages . anonymous ;
var avatar = h ( 'span.cp-avatar' ) ;
APP . common . displayAvatar ( $ ( avatar ) , Util . find ( answerObj , [ 'user' , 'avatar' ] ) , name ) ;
var values = answer . values || { } ;
var els = extractValues ( opts . values ) . map ( function ( data ) {
var res = values [ data ] || 0 ;
var v = ( Number ( res ) === 1 ) ? h ( 'i.fa.fa-check.cp-yes' ) : undefined ;
var cell = h ( 'div.cp-poll-cell.cp-form-poll-answer' , {
'data-value' : res
} , v ) ;
return cell ;
} ) ;
var nameCell ;
els . unshift ( nameCell = h ( 'div.cp-poll-cell.cp-poll-answer-name' , {
title : Util . fixHTML ( name )
} , [
avatar ,
h ( 'span' , name )
] ) ) ;
bodyEls . push ( h ( 'div' , els ) ) ;
if ( resultsPageObj && ( APP . isEditor || APP . isAuditor ) ) {
$ ( nameCell ) . addClass ( 'cp-clickable' ) . click ( function ( ) {
APP . renderResults ( resultsPageObj . content , resultsPageObj . answers , answerObj . curve ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
var body = h ( 'div.cp-form-poll-body' , bodyEls ) ;
lines . push ( body ) ;
var $s = $ ( switchAxis ) . click ( function ( ) {
$s . closest ( '.cp-form-type-poll' ) . toggleClass ( 'cp-form-poll-switch' ) ;
} ) ;
return lines ;
} ;
var makePollTotal = function ( answers , opts , myLine , evOnChange ) {
if ( ! Array . isArray ( answers ) ) { return ; }
var totals = { } ;
var myTotals = { } ;
var updateMyTotals = function ( ) {
if ( ! myLine ) { return ; }
extractValues ( opts . values ) . forEach ( function ( data ) {
myLine . some ( function ( el ) {
if ( $ ( el ) . data ( 'option' ) !== data ) { return ; }
var res = Number ( $ ( el ) . attr ( 'data-value' ) ) || 0 ;
if ( res === 1 ) {
myTotals [ data ] = {
y : 1 ,
m : 0
} ;
else if ( res === 2 ) {
myTotals [ data ] = {
y : 0 ,
m : 1
} ;
} else {
delete myTotals [ data ] ;
return true ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var totalEls = extractValues ( opts . values ) . map ( function ( data ) {
var y = 0 ; // Yes
var m = 0 ; // Maybe
answers . forEach ( function ( answerObj ) {
var answer = answerObj . results ;
if ( ! answer || ! answer . values ) { return ; }
var values = answer . values || { } ;
var res = Number ( values [ data ] ) || 0 ;
if ( res === 1 ) { y ++ ; }
else if ( res === 2 ) { m ++ ; }
} ) ;
totals [ data ] = {
y : y ,
m : m
} ;
return h ( 'div.cp-poll-cell' , {
'data-id' : data
} , [
h ( 'span.cp-form-total-yes' , y ) ,
h ( 'span.cp-form-total-maybe' , '(' + m + ')' ) ,
] ) ;
} ) ;
totalEls . unshift ( h ( 'div.cp-poll-cell' , Messages . form _pollTotal ) ) ;
var total = h ( 'div.cp-poll-total' , totalEls ) ;
var $total = $ ( total ) ;
var refreshBest = function ( ) {
var totalMax = {
value : 0 ,
data : [ ]
} ;
Object . keys ( totals ) . forEach ( function ( k ) {
var obj = Util . clone ( totals [ k ] ) ;
if ( myTotals [ k ] ) {
obj . y += myTotals [ k ] . y || 0 ;
obj . m += myTotals [ k ] . m || 0 ;
if ( obj . y === totalMax . value ) {
totalMax . data . push ( k ) ;
} else if ( obj . y > totalMax . value ) {
totalMax . value = obj . y ;
totalMax . data = [ k ] ;
} ) ;
if ( totalMax . value ) {
$total . find ( '[data-id]' ) . removeClass ( 'cp-poll-best' ) ;
totalMax . data . forEach ( function ( k ) {
$total . find ( '[data-id="' + k + '"]' ) . addClass ( 'cp-poll-best' ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
refreshBest ( ) ;
if ( myLine && evOnChange ) {
var updateValues = function ( ) {
totalEls . forEach ( function ( cell ) {
var $c = $ ( cell ) ;
var data = $c . attr ( 'data-id' ) ;
if ( ! data ) { return ; }
var y = totals [ data ] . y + ( ( myTotals [ data ] || { } ) . y || 0 ) ;
var m = totals [ data ] . m + ( ( myTotals [ data ] || { } ) . m || 0 ) ;
$c . find ( '.cp-form-total-yes' ) . text ( y ) ;
$c . find ( '.cp-form-total-maybe' ) . text ( '(' + m + ')' ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
evOnChange . reg ( function ( ) {
updateMyTotals ( ) ;
updateValues ( ) ;
refreshBest ( ) ;
} ) ;
return total ;
} ;
var getEmpty = function ( empty ) { // TODO don't include this in the scrollable area
if ( empty ) {
return UI . setHTML ( h ( 'div.cp-form-results-type-text-empty' ) , Messages . _getKey ( 'form_notAnswered' , [ empty ] ) ) ;
} ;
var findItem = function ( items , uid ) {
if ( ! Array . isArray ( items ) ) { return ; }
var res ;
items . some ( function ( item ) {
if ( item . uid === uid ) {
res = item . v ;
return true ;
} ) ;
return res ;
} ;
var getSections = function ( content ) {
var uids = Object . keys ( content . form ) . filter ( function ( uid ) {
return content . form [ uid ] . type === 'section' ;
} ) ;
return uids ;
} ;
var getFullOrder = function ( content ) {
var order = content . order . slice ( ) ;
getSections ( content ) . forEach ( function ( uid ) {
var block = content . form [ uid ] ;
if ( ! block . opts || ! Array . isArray ( block . opts . questions ) ) { return ; }
var idx = order . indexOf ( uid ) ;
if ( idx === - 1 ) { return ; }
idx ++ ;
block . opts . questions . forEach ( function ( el , i ) {
order . splice ( idx + i , 0 , el ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
return order ;
} ;
var getBlockAnswers = function ( answers , uid , filterCurve ) {
if ( ! answers ) { return ; }
return Object . keys ( answers || { } ) . map ( function ( user ) {
if ( filterCurve && user === filterCurve ) { return ; }
try {
return {
curve : user ,
user : answers [ user ] . msg . _userdata ,
results : answers [ user ] . msg [ uid ]
} ;
} catch ( e ) { console . error ( e ) ; }
} ) . filter ( Boolean ) ;
} ;
// When there is a change to the form, we need to check if we can still add
// conditions to the different sections
evShowConditions . reg ( function ( ) {
( APP . formBlocks || [ ] ) . forEach ( function ( block ) {
if ( ! block || ! block . updateState ) { return ; }
block . updateState ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// When a section contains a condition that is now invalid (the question has been moved
// or deleted locally), we need to redraw the list of conditions for this section
evCheckConditions . reg ( function ( _uid ) {
( APP . formBlocks || [ ] ) . some ( function ( block ) {
if ( block . uid && block . uid !== _uid ) { return ; }
if ( ! block || ! block . updateState ) { return ; }
return block . updateState ( true , _uid ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
Messages . form _type _section = "Conditional section" ; // XXX
md : {
defaultOpts : {
text : Messages . form _description _default
} ,
get : function ( opts ) {
if ( ! opts ) { opts = STATIC _TYPES . md . defaultOpts ; }
var tag = h ( 'div' , {
id : 'form' + Util . uid ( )
} , opts . text ) ;
var $tag = $ ( tag ) ;
DiffMd . apply ( DiffMd . render ( opts . text || '' ) , $tag , APP . common ) ;
var cursorGetter ;
return {
tag : tag ,
edit : function ( cb , tmp ) {
// Cancel changes
var cancelBlock = saveAndCancelOptions ( cb ) ;
var text = opts . text ;
var cursor ;
if ( tmp && tmp . cursor ) {
cursor = tmp . cursor ;
var block , editor ;
if ( tmp && tmp . block ) {
block = tmp . block ;
editor = tmp . editor ;
var cm ;
if ( ! block || ! editor ) {
var t = h ( 'textarea' ) ;
block = h ( 'div.cp-form-edit-options-block' , [ t ] ) ;
cm = SFCodeMirror . create ( "gfm" , CMeditor , t ) ;
editor = cm . editor ;
editor . setOption ( 'lineNumbers' , true ) ;
editor . setOption ( 'lineWrapping' , true ) ;
editor . setOption ( 'styleActiveLine' , true ) ;
editor . setOption ( 'readOnly' , false ) ;
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
editor . focus ( ) ;
if ( ! ( tmp && tmp . editor ) ) {
editor . setValue ( text ) ;
} else {
SFCodeMirror . setValueAndCursor ( editor , editor . getValue ( ) , text ) ;
editor . refresh ( ) ;
editor . save ( ) ;
editor . focus ( ) ;
} ) ;
if ( APP . common && ! ( tmp && tmp . block ) && cm ) {
var markdownTb = APP . common . createMarkdownToolbar ( editor , {
embed : function ( mt ) {
editor . focus ( ) ;
editor . replaceSelection ( $ ( mt ) [ 0 ] . outerHTML ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( block ) . prepend ( markdownTb . toolbar ) ;
$ ( markdownTb . toolbar ) . show ( ) ;
cm . configureTheme ( APP . common , function ( ) { } ) ;
var getContent = function ( ) {
return {
text : editor . getValue ( )
} ;
} ;
if ( tmp && tmp . onChange ) {
editor . off ( 'change' , tmp . onChange ) ;
var on = function ( ) {
cb ( getContent ( ) ) ;
} ;
editor . on ( 'change' , on ) ;
cursorGetter = function ( ) {
if ( document . activeElement && block . contains ( document . activeElement ) ) {
cursor = {
start : editor . getCursor ( 'from' ) ,
end : editor . getCursor ( 'to' )
} ;
return {
cursor : cursor ,
block : block ,
editor : editor ,
onChange : on
} ;
} ;
return [
block ,
] ;
} ,
getCursor : function ( ) { return cursorGetter ( ) ; } ,
} ;
} ,
printResults : function ( ) { return ; } ,
icon : h ( 'i.cptools.cptools-form-paragraph' )
} ,
page : {
get : function ( ) {
var tag = h ( 'div.cp-form-page-break-edit' , [
h ( 'i.cptools.cptools-form-page-break' ) ,
h ( 'span' , Messages . form _type _page )
] ) ;
return {
tag : tag ,
pageBreak : true
} ;
} ,
printResults : function ( ) { return ; } ,
icon : h ( 'i.cptools.cptools-form-page-break' )
} ,
section : {
defaultOpts : {
questions : [ ]
} ,
get : function ( opts , a , n , ev , data ) {
var sortable = h ( 'div.cp-form-section-sortable' ) ;
var tag = h ( 'div.cp-form-section-edit' , [
] ) ;
if ( ! APP . isEditor ) {
return {
tag : tag ,
noViewMode : true
} ;
var block = data . block ;
if ( ! opts ) { opts = block . opts = STATIC _TYPES . section . defaultOpts ; }
var content = data . content ;
var uid = data . uid ;
var form = content . form ;
var framework = APP . framework ;
var tmp = data . tmp ;
var getConditionsValues = function ( ) {
var order = getFullOrder ( content ) ;
var blockIdx = order . indexOf ( uid ) ;
var blocks = order . slice ( 0 , blockIdx ) ; // Get all previous questions
var values = blocks . map ( function ( uid ) {
var block = form [ uid ] ;
var type = block . type ;
if ( [ 'radio' , 'checkbox' ] . indexOf ( type ) === - 1 ) { return ; }
var obj = {
uid : uid ,
type : type ,
q : block . q || Messages . form _default
} ;
var val ;
if ( type === 'radio' ) {
val = block . opts ? block . opts . values
: APP . TYPES . radio . defaultOpts . values ;
if ( type === 'checkbox' ) {
val = block . opts ? block . opts . values
: APP . TYPES . checkbox . defaultOpts . values ;
obj . values = extractValues ( val ) ;
return obj ;
} ) . filter ( Boolean ) ;
return values ;
} ;
Messages . form _conditional _add = "Add condition OR" ; // XXX
Messages . form _conditional _addAnd = "Add condition AND" ; // XXX
var addCondition = h ( 'button.btn.btn-secondary' , [
h ( 'i.fa.fa-plus' ) ,
h ( 'span' , Messages . form _conditional _add )
] ) ;
var $addC = $ ( addCondition ) ;
var getConditions ;
var getAddAndButton = function ( $container , rules ) {
var btn = h ( 'button.btn.btn-secondary.cp-form-add-and' , [
h ( 'i.fa.fa-plus' ) ,
h ( 'span' , Messages . form _conditional _addAnd )
] ) ;
var $b = $ ( btn ) . click ( function ( ) {
getConditions ( $container , true , rules , undefined , $b ) ;
} ) ;
$container . append ( btn ) ;
return $b ;
} ;
var values = getConditionsValues ( ) ;
getConditions = function ( $container , isNew , rules , condition , $btn ) {
Messages . form _condition _q = "Choose a question" ; // XXX
Messages . form _condition _v = "Choose a value" ; // XXX
condition = condition || { } ;
condition . uid = condition . uid || Util . uid ( ) ;
var content = h ( 'div.cp-form-condition' , {
'data-uid' : condition . uid ,
} ) ;
var $content = $ ( content ) ;
var qSelect , iSelect , vSelect ;
var onChange = function ( resetV ) {
var w = block . opts . when = block . opts . when || [ ] ;
if ( qSelect ) { condition . q = qSelect . getValue ( ) ; }
if ( iSelect ) { condition . is = Number ( iSelect . getValue ( ) ) ; }
if ( resetV ) { delete condition . v ; }
else if ( vSelect ) { condition . v = vSelect . getValue ( ) ; }
if ( isNew ) {
if ( ! Array . isArray ( rules ) ) { // new set of rules (OR)
rules = [ condition ] ;
w . push ( rules ) ;
$btn = getAddAndButton ( $container , rules ) ;
} else {
rules . push ( condition ) ;
isNew = false ;
framework . localChange ( ) ;
} ;
onChange ( ) ;
var qOptions = values . map ( function ( obj ) {
return {
tag : 'a' ,
attributes : {
'class' : 'cp-form-condition-question' ,
'data-value' : obj . uid ,
'href' : '#' ,
} ,
content : obj . q
} ;
} ) ;
var qConfig = {
text : Messages . form _condition _q , // Button initial text
options : qOptions , // Entries displayed in the menu
isSelect : true ,
caretDown : true ,
buttonCls : 'btn btn-secondary'
} ;
qSelect = UIElements . createDropdown ( qConfig ) ;
qSelect [ 0 ] . dropdown = qSelect ;
$ ( qSelect ) . attr ( 'data-drop' , 'q' ) ;
Messages . form _condition _is = 'is' ; // XXX
Messages . form _condition _isnot = 'is not' ; // XXX
Messages . form _condition _has = 'has' ; // XXX
Messages . form _condition _hasnot = 'has not' ; // XXX
var isOn = ! condition || condition . is !== 0 ;
var iOptions = [ {
tag : 'a' ,
attributes : {
'data-value' : 1 ,
'href' : '#' ,
} ,
content : Messages . form _condition _is
} , {
tag : 'a' ,
attributes : {
'data-value' : 0 ,
'href' : '#' ,
} ,
content : Messages . form _condition _isnot
} ] ;
var iConfig = {
options : iOptions , // Entries displayed in the menu
isSelect : true ,
caretDown : true ,
buttonCls : 'btn btn-default'
} ;
iSelect = UIElements . createDropdown ( iConfig ) ;
iSelect [ 0 ] . dropdown = iSelect ;
iSelect . setValue ( isOn ? 1 : 0 , undefined , true ) ;
$ ( iSelect ) . attr ( 'data-drop' , 'i' ) . hide ( ) ;
iSelect . onChange . reg ( function ( ) { onChange ( ) ; } ) ;
var remove = h ( 'button.btn.btn-danger-alt.cp-condition-remove' , [
h ( 'i.fa.fa-times.nomargin' )
] ) ;
$ ( remove ) . on ( 'click' , function ( ) {
var w = block . opts . when = block . opts . when || [ ] ;
var deleteRule = false ;
if ( rules . length === 1 ) {
var rIdx = w . indexOf ( rules ) ;
w . splice ( rIdx , 1 ) ;
deleteRule = true ;
} else {
var idx = rules . indexOf ( condition ) ;
rules . splice ( idx , 1 ) ;
framework . localChange ( ) ;
framework . _ . cpNfInner . chainpad . onSettle ( function ( ) {
if ( deleteRule ) {
$content . closest ( '.cp-form-condition-rule' ) . remove ( ) ;
return ;
$content . remove ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
$content . append ( qSelect ) . append ( iSelect ) . append ( remove ) ;
if ( $container . find ( 'button.cp-form-add-and' ) . length ) {
$container . find ( 'button.cp-form-add-and' ) . before ( $content ) ;
} else {
$container . append ( $content ) ;
qSelect . onChange . reg ( function ( prettyVal , val , init ) {
qSelect . find ( 'button' ) . removeClass ( 'btn-secondary' )
. addClass ( 'btn-default' ) ;
onChange ( ! init ) ;
$ ( iSelect ) . show ( ) ;
var res , type ;
values . some ( function ( obj ) {
if ( String ( obj . uid ) === String ( val ) ) {
res = obj . values ;
type = obj . type ;
return true ;
} ) ;
var $selDiv = $ ( iSelect ) ;
if ( type === 'checkbox' ) {
$selDiv . find ( '[data-value="0"]' ) . text ( Messages . form _condition _hasnot ) ;
$selDiv . find ( '[data-value="1"]' ) . text ( Messages . form _condition _has ) ;
} else {
$selDiv . find ( '[data-value="0"]' ) . text ( Messages . form _condition _isnot ) ;
$selDiv . find ( '[data-value="1"]' ) . text ( Messages . form _condition _is ) ;
iSelect . setValue ( iSelect . getValue ( ) , undefined , true ) ;
$content . find ( '.cp-form-condition-values' ) . remove ( ) ;
if ( ! res ) { return ; }
var vOptions = res . map ( function ( str ) {
return {
tag : 'a' ,
attributes : {
'class' : 'cp-form-condition-value' ,
'data-value' : str ,
'href' : '#' ,
} ,
content : str
} ;
} ) ;
var vConfig = {
text : Messages . form _condition _v , // Button initial text
options : vOptions , // Entries displayed in the menu
//left: true, // Open to the left of the button
//container: $(type),
isSelect : true ,
caretDown : true ,
buttonCls : 'btn btn-secondary'
} ;
vSelect = UIElements . createDropdown ( vConfig ) ;
vSelect [ 0 ] . dropdown = vSelect ;
vSelect . addClass ( 'cp-form-condition-values' ) . attr ( 'data-drop' , 'v' ) ;
$content . append ( vSelect ) . append ( remove ) ;
vSelect . onChange . reg ( function ( ) {
vSelect . find ( 'button' ) . removeClass ( 'btn-secondary' )
. addClass ( 'btn-default' ) ;
$ ( remove ) . off ( 'click' ) . click ( function ( ) {
var w = block . opts . when = block . opts . when || [ ] ;
var deleteRule = false ;
if ( rules . length === 1 ) {
var rIdx = w . indexOf ( rules ) ;
w . splice ( rIdx , 1 ) ;
deleteRule = true ;
} else {
var idx = rules . indexOf ( condition ) ;
rules . splice ( idx , 1 ) ;
framework . localChange ( ) ;
framework . _ . cpNfInner . chainpad . onSettle ( function ( ) {
if ( deleteRule ) {
$content . closest ( '.cp-form-condition-rule' ) . remove ( ) ;
return ;
$content . remove ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) . appendTo ( $content ) ;
onChange ( ) ;
} ) ;
if ( condition && condition . v && init ) {
vSelect . setValue ( condition . v , undefined , true ) ;
vSelect . onChange . fire ( condition . v , condition . v ) ;
if ( ! tmp || tmp . uid !== condition . uid ) { return ; }
if ( tmp . type === 'v' ) {
vSelect . click ( ) ;
} ) ;
if ( condition && condition . q ) {
qSelect . setValue ( condition . q , undefined , true ) ;
qSelect . onChange . fire ( condition . q , condition . q , true ) ;
if ( ! tmp || tmp . uid !== condition . uid ) { return ; }
if ( tmp . type === 'q' ) { qSelect . click ( ) ; }
else if ( tmp . type === 'i' ) { iSelect . click ( ) ; }
} ;
Messages . form _conditional = "Only show this section when:" ; // XXX
var conditionalDiv = h ( 'div.cp-form-conditional' , [
h ( 'div.cp-form-conditional-hint' , Messages . form _conditional ) ,
] ) ;
var $condition = $ ( conditionalDiv ) . prependTo ( tag ) ;
var redraw = function ( ) {
var w = block . opts . when = block . opts . when || [ ] ;
w . forEach ( function ( rules ) {
var rulesC = h ( 'div.cp-form-condition-rule' ) ;
var $rulesC = $ ( rulesC ) ;
var $b = getAddAndButton ( $rulesC , rules ) ;
rules . forEach ( function ( obj ) {
getConditions ( $rulesC , false , rules , obj , $b ) ;
} ) ;
$addC . before ( $rulesC ) ; // XXX
} ) ;
} ;
redraw ( ) ;
Messages . form _condition _hint = "To make this section conditional, please add a choice or checkbox question above it." ; // XXX
var hintDiv = h ( 'div.cp-form-conditional-hint' , [
h ( 'div.cp-form-conditional-hint' , Messages . form _condition _hint )
] ) ;
var $hint = $ ( hintDiv ) . prependTo ( tag ) ;
$addC . click ( function ( ) {
var rulesC = h ( 'div.cp-form-condition-rule' ) ;
var $rulesC = $ ( rulesC ) ;
getConditions ( $rulesC , true ) ;
$addC . before ( $rulesC ) ;
} ) ;
var cursorGetter = function ( ) {
var $activeDrop = $condition . find ( '.cp-dropdown-content:visible' ) . first ( ) ;
if ( ! $activeDrop . length ) { return ; }
var uid = $activeDrop . closest ( '.cp-form-condition' ) . attr ( 'data-uid' ) ;
var type = $activeDrop . closest ( '.cp-dropdown-container' ) . attr ( 'data-drop' ) ;
var $btn = $activeDrop . closest ( '.cp-dropdown-container' ) . find ( 'button' ) ;
var y = $btn && $btn . length && $btn [ 0 ] . getBoundingClientRect ( ) . y ;
return {
uid : uid ,
type : type ,
y : y
} ;
} ;
Sortable . create ( sortable , {
group : {
name : 'nested' ,
put : function ( to , from , el ) {
// Make sure sections dan't be dropped into other sections
return $ ( el ) . attr ( 'data-type' ) !== 'section' ;
} ,
direction : "vertical" ,
filter : "input, button, .CodeMirror, .cp-form-type-sort, .cp-form-block-type.editable" ,
preventOnFilter : false ,
draggable : ".cp-form-block" ,
//forceFallback: true,
fallbackTolerance : 5 ,
onStart : function ( ) {
var $container = $ ( 'div.cp-form-creator-content' ) ;
$container . find ( '.cp-form-creator-add-inline' ) . remove ( ) ;
} ,
store : {
set : function ( s ) {
opts . questions = s . toArray ( ) ;
setTimeout ( APP . framework . localChange ) ;
if ( APP . updateAddInline ) { APP . updateAddInline ( ) ; }
} ) ;
// If "needRedraw" is false, we only want to know if we can add conditions and
// if we can't, make sure we delete incomplete conditions before hiding the button
// If "needRedraw" is true, it means we ant to redraw a section because some
// conditions are invalid
var updateState = function ( needRedraw , _uid ) {
if ( needRedraw && uid !== _uid ) { return ; }
values = getConditionsValues ( ) ;
var available = values . length ;
if ( available ) {
$condition . show ( ) ;
$hint . hide ( ) ;
} else {
$condition . hide ( ) ;
$hint . show ( ) ;
if ( needRedraw ) {
$condition . find ( '.cp-form-condition-rule' ) . remove ( ) ;
redraw ( ) ;
return true ;
} else {
if ( available ) {
// Questions may have moved. We need to redraw our dropdowns
// to make sure we use the correct list
$condition . find ( '.cp-form-condition' ) . each ( function ( i , el ) {
// Update question dropdown
var $q = $ ( el ) . find ( '.cp-dropdown-container[data-drop="q"]' ) ;
var drop = $q [ 0 ] && $q [ 0 ] . dropdown ;
if ( ! drop ) { return ; }
var qOptions = values . map ( function ( obj ) {
return {
tag : 'a' ,
attributes : {
'class' : 'cp-form-condition-question' ,
'data-value' : obj . uid ,
'href' : '#' ,
} ,
content : obj . q
} ;
} ) ;
drop . setOptions ( qOptions ) ;
// Update values dropdown
var $v = $ ( el ) . find ( '.cp-dropdown-container[data-drop="v"]' ) ;
if ( ! $v . length ) { return ; }
var dropV = $v [ 0 ] && $v [ 0 ] . dropdown ;
if ( ! dropV ) { return ; }
var val = drop . getValue ( ) ;
var res , type ;
values . some ( function ( obj ) {
if ( String ( obj . uid ) === String ( val ) ) {
res = obj . values ;
type = obj . type ;
return true ;
} ) ;
var vOptions = res . map ( function ( str ) {
return {
tag : 'a' ,
attributes : {
'class' : 'cp-form-condition-value' ,
'data-value' : str ,
'href' : '#' ,
} ,
content : str
} ;
} ) ;
dropV . setOptions ( vOptions ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
// We don't have invalid condition but we may have incomplete
// conditions to delete
block . opts . when = [ ] ;
$condition . find ( '.cp-form-condition-rule' ) . remove ( ) ;
} ;
updateState ( ) ;
return {
updateState : updateState ,
tag : tag ,
noViewMode : true ,
getCursor : cursorGetter ,
} ;
} ,
printResults : function ( ) { return ; } ,
icon : h ( 'i.cptools.cptools-form-conditional' )
} ,
} ;
var arrayMax = function ( A ) {
return Array . isArray ( A ) ? Math . max . apply ( null , A ) : NaN ;
} ;
var barGraphic = function ( itemScale ) {
return h ( 'span.cp-bar-container' , h ( 'div.cp-bar' , {
style : 'width: ' + ( itemScale * 100 ) + '%' ,
} , ' ' ) ) ;
} ;
var renderTally = function ( tally , empty , showBar ) {
var rows = [ ] ;
var counts = Util . values ( tally ) ;
var max = arrayMax ( counts ) ;
Object . keys ( tally ) . forEach ( function ( value ) {
var itemCount = tally [ value ] ;
var itemScale = ( itemCount / max ) ;
rows . push ( h ( 'div.cp-form-results-type-radio-data' , [
h ( 'span.cp-value' , { 'title' : value } , value ) ,
h ( 'span.cp-count' , itemCount ) ,
showBar ? barGraphic ( itemScale ) : undefined ,
] ) ) ;
} ) ;
if ( empty ) { rows . push ( getEmpty ( empty ) ) ; }
return rows ;
} ;
var TYPES = APP . TYPES = {
input : {
defaultOpts : {
type : 'text'
} ,
get : function ( opts , a , n , evOnChange ) {
if ( ! opts ) { opts = TYPES . input . defaultOpts ; }
// Messages.form_input_ph_email.form_input_ph_url
var tag = h ( 'input' , {
type : opts . type ,
placeholder : Messages [ 'form_input_ph_' + opts . type ] || ''
} ) ;
var $tag = $ ( tag ) ;
$tag . on ( 'change keypress' , Util . throttle ( function ( ) {
evOnChange . fire ( ) ;
} , 500 ) ) ;
var cursorGetter ;
var setCursorGetter = function ( f ) { cursorGetter = f ; } ;
return {
tag : tag ,
isEmpty : function ( ) { return ! $tag . val ( ) . trim ( ) ; } ,
getValue : function ( ) {
//var invalid = $':invalid');
//if (invalid) { return; }
return $tag . val ( ) ;
} ,
setValue : function ( val ) { $tag . val ( val ) ; } ,
setEditable : function ( state ) {
if ( state ) { $tag . removeAttr ( 'disabled' ) ; }
else { $tag . attr ( 'disabled' , 'disabled' ) ; }
} ,
edit : function ( cb , tmp ) {
var v = Util . clone ( opts ) ;
return editTextOptions ( v , setCursorGetter , cb , tmp ) ;
} ,
getCursor : function ( ) { return cursorGetter ( ) ; } ,
reset : function ( ) { $tag . val ( '' ) ; }
} ;
} ,
printResults : function ( answers , uid ) {
var results = [ ] ;
var empty = 0 ;
var tally = { } ;
Object . keys ( answers ) . forEach ( function ( author ) {
var obj = answers [ author ] ;
var answer = obj . msg [ uid ] ;
if ( ! answer || ! answer . trim ( ) ) { return empty ++ ; }
Util . inc ( tally , answer ) ;
} ) ;
//var counts = Util.values(tally);
//var max = arrayMax(counts);
//if (max < 2) { // there are no duplicates, so just return text
Object . keys ( answers ) . forEach ( function ( author ) {
var obj = answers [ author ] ;
var answer = obj . msg [ uid ] ;
if ( ! answer || ! answer . trim ( ) ) { return empty ++ ; }
results . push ( h ( 'div.cp-form-results-type-text-data' , answer ) ) ;
} ) ;
results . push ( getEmpty ( empty ) ) ;
return h ( 'div.cp-form-results-type-text' , results ) ;
/ *
var rendered = renderTally ( tally , empty ) ;
return h ( 'div.cp-form-results-type-text' , rendered ) ;
* /
} ,
icon : h ( 'i.cptools.cptools-form-text' )
} ,
textarea : {
defaultOpts : {
maxLength : 1000
} ,
get : function ( opts , a , n , evOnChange ) {
if ( ! opts || typeof ( opts . maxLength ) === "undefined" ) { opts = TYPES . textarea . defaultOpts ; }
var text = h ( 'textarea' , { maxlength : opts . maxLength } ) ;
var $text = $ ( text ) ;
var charCount = h ( 'div.cp-form-type-textarea-charcount' ) ;
var updateChar = function ( ) {
var l = $text . val ( ) . length ;
if ( l > opts . maxLength ) {
$text . val ( $text . val ( ) . slice ( 0 , opts . maxLength ) ) ;
l = $text . val ( ) . length ;
$ ( charCount ) . text ( Messages . _getKey ( 'form_maxLength' , [
$text . val ( ) . length ,
opts . maxLength
] ) ) ;
} ;
updateChar ( ) ;
var tag = h ( 'div.cp-form-type-textarea' , [
text ,
] ) ;
var evChange = Util . throttle ( function ( ) {
evOnChange . fire ( ) ;
} , 500 ) ;
$text . on ( 'change keypress keyup keydown' , function ( ) {
setTimeout ( updateChar ) ;
evChange ( ) ;
} ) ;
var cursorGetter ;
var setCursorGetter = function ( f ) { cursorGetter = f ; } ;
return {
tag : tag ,
isEmpty : function ( ) { return ! $text . val ( ) . trim ( ) ; } ,
getValue : function ( ) { return $text . val ( ) . slice ( 0 , opts . maxLength ) ; } ,
setValue : function ( val ) {
$text . val ( val ) ;
updateChar ( ) ;
} ,
setEditable : function ( state ) {
if ( state ) { $ ( tag ) . find ( 'textarea' ) . removeAttr ( 'disabled' ) ; }
else { $ ( tag ) . find ( 'textarea' ) . attr ( 'disabled' , 'disabled' ) ; }
} ,
edit : function ( cb , tmp ) {
var v = Util . clone ( opts ) ;
return editTextOptions ( v , setCursorGetter , cb , tmp ) ;
} ,
getCursor : function ( ) { return cursorGetter ( ) ; } ,
reset : function ( ) { $text . val ( '' ) ; }
} ;
} ,
printResults : function ( answers , uid ) { // results textarea
var results = [ ] ;
var empty = 0 ;
Object . keys ( answers ) . forEach ( function ( author ) { // TODO deduplicate these
var obj = answers [ author ] ;
var answer = obj . msg [ uid ] ;
if ( ! answer || ! answer . trim ( ) ) { return empty ++ ; }
results . push ( h ( 'div.cp-form-results-type-textarea-data' , answer ) ) ;
} ) ;
results . push ( getEmpty ( empty ) ) ;
return h ( 'div.cp-form-results-type-text' , results ) ;
} ,
icon : h ( 'i.cptools.cptools-form-paragraph' )
} ,
radio : {
compatible : [ 'radio' , 'checkbox' , 'sort' ] ,
defaultOpts : {
values : [ 1 , 2 ] . map ( function ( i ) {
return {
uid : Util . uid ( ) ,
v : Messages . _getKey ( 'form_defaultOption' , [ i ] )
} ;
} )
} ,
get : function ( opts , a , n , evOnChange ) {
var isDefaultOpts = ! opts ;
if ( ! opts ) { opts = TYPES . radio . defaultOpts ; }
if ( ! Array . isArray ( opts . values ) ) { return ; }
var name = Util . uid ( ) ;
var els = extractValues ( opts . values ) . map ( function ( data , i ) {
var radio = UI . createRadio ( name , 'cp-form-' + name + '-' + i ,
data , false , { } ) ;
$ ( radio ) . find ( 'input' ) . data ( 'val' , data ) ;
return radio ;
} ) ;
var tag = h ( '' , els ) ;
var cursorGetter ;
var setCursorGetter = function ( f ) { cursorGetter = f ; } ;
$ ( tag ) . find ( 'input[type="radio"]' ) . on ( 'change' , function ( ) {
evOnChange . fire ( false , false , true ) ;
} ) ;
return {
tag : tag ,
isEmpty : function ( ) { return ! this . getValue ( ) ; } ,
getValue : function ( ) {
var res ;
els . some ( function ( el ) {
var $i = $ ( el ) . find ( 'input' ) ;
if ( Util . isChecked ( $i ) ) {
res = $i . data ( 'val' ) ;
return true ;
} ) ;
return res ;
} ,
reset : function ( ) { $ ( tag ) . find ( 'input' ) . removeAttr ( 'checked' ) ; } ,
setEditable : function ( state ) {
if ( state ) { $ ( tag ) . find ( 'input' ) . removeAttr ( 'disabled' ) ; }
else { $ ( tag ) . find ( 'input' ) . attr ( 'disabled' , 'disabled' ) ; }
} ,
edit : function ( cb , tmp ) {
var v = Util . clone ( opts ) ;
return editOptions ( v , isDefaultOpts , setCursorGetter , cb , tmp ) ;
} ,
getCursor : function ( ) { return cursorGetter ( ) ; } ,
setValue : function ( val ) {
this . reset ( ) ;
els . some ( function ( el ) {
var $el = $ ( el ) . find ( 'input' ) ;
if ( $el . data ( 'val' ) === val ) {
$el . prop ( 'checked' , true ) ;
return true ;
} ) ;
} ;
} ,
printResults : function ( answers , uid , form , content ) {
// results radio
var empty = 0 ;
var count = { } ;
var opts = form [ uid ] . opts || TYPES . radio . defaultOpts ;
extractValues ( opts . values ) . forEach ( function ( v ) { count [ v ] = 0 ; } ) ;
Object . keys ( answers ) . forEach ( function ( author ) {
var obj = answers [ author ] ;
var answer = obj . msg [ uid ] ;
if ( ! answer || ! answer . trim || ! answer . trim ( ) ) { return empty ++ ; }
Util . inc ( count , answer ) ;
} ) ;
var showBars = Boolean ( content ) ;
var rendered = renderTally ( count , empty , showBars ) ;
return h ( 'div.cp-form-results-type-radio' , rendered ) ;
} ,
icon : h ( 'i.cptools.cptools-form-list-radio' )
} ,
multiradio : {
compatible : [ 'multiradio' , 'multicheck' ] ,
defaultOpts : {
items : [ 1 , 2 ] . map ( function ( i ) {
return {
uid : Util . uid ( ) ,
v : Messages . _getKey ( 'form_defaultItem' , [ i ] )
} ;
} ) ,
values : [ 1 , 2 ] . map ( function ( i ) {
return {
uid : Util . uid ( ) ,
v : Messages . _getKey ( 'form_defaultOption' , [ i ] )
} ;
} )
} ,
get : function ( opts , a , n , evOnChange ) {
var isDefaultOpts = ! opts ;
if ( ! opts ) { opts = TYPES . multiradio . defaultOpts ; }
if ( ! Array . isArray ( opts . items ) || ! Array . isArray ( opts . values ) ) { return ; }
var lines = opts . items . map ( function ( itemData ) {
var name = itemData . uid ;
var item = itemData . v ;
var els = extractValues ( opts . values ) . map ( function ( data , i ) {
var radio = UI . createRadio ( name , 'cp-form-' + name + '-' + i ,
'' , false , { } ) ;
$ ( radio ) . find ( 'input' ) . data ( 'uid' , name ) ;
$ ( radio ) . find ( 'input' ) . data ( 'val' , data ) ;
return radio ;
} ) ;
els . unshift ( h ( 'div.cp-form-multiradio-item' , item ) ) ;
return h ( '' , { 'data-uid' : name } , els ) ;
} ) ;
var header = extractValues ( opts . values ) . map ( function ( v ) { return h ( 'span' , v ) ; } ) ;
header . unshift ( h ( 'span' ) ) ;
lines . unshift ( h ( 'div.cp-form-multiradio-header' , header ) ) ;
var tag = h ( '' , lines ) ;
var cursorGetter ;
var setCursorGetter = function ( f ) { cursorGetter = f ; } ;
var $tag = $ ( tag ) ;
$tag . find ( 'input[type="radio"]' ) . on ( 'change' , function ( ) {
evOnChange . fire ( ) ;
} ) ;
return {
tag : tag ,
isEmpty : function ( ) {
var v = this . getValue ( ) ;
return ! Object . keys ( v ) . length || Object . keys ( v ) . some ( function ( uid ) {
return ! v [ uid ] ;
} ) ;
} ,
getValue : function ( ) {
var res = { } ;
var l = lines . slice ( 1 ) ;
l . forEach ( function ( el ) {
var $el = $ ( el ) ;
var uid = $el . attr ( 'data-uid' ) ;
$el . find ( 'input' ) . each ( function ( i , input ) {
var $i = $ ( input ) ;
if ( res [ uid ] ) { return ; }
res [ uid ] = undefined ;
if ( Util . isChecked ( $i ) ) { res [ uid ] = $i . data ( 'val' ) ; }
} ) ;
} ) ;
return res ;
} ,
reset : function ( ) { $ ( tag ) . find ( 'input' ) . removeAttr ( 'checked' ) ; } ,
setEditable : function ( state ) {
if ( state ) { $tag . find ( 'input' ) . removeAttr ( 'disabled' ) ; }
else { $tag . find ( 'input' ) . attr ( 'disabled' , 'disabled' ) ; }
} ,
edit : function ( cb , tmp ) {
var v = Util . clone ( opts ) ;
return editOptions ( v , isDefaultOpts , setCursorGetter , cb , tmp ) ;
} ,
getCursor : function ( ) { return cursorGetter ( ) ; } ,
setValue : function ( val ) {
this . reset ( ) ;
Object . keys ( val || { } ) . forEach ( function ( uid ) {
$ ( tag ) . find ( '[name="' + uid + '"]' ) . each ( function ( i , el ) {
if ( $ ( el ) . data ( 'val' ) !== val [ uid ] ) { return ; }
$ ( el ) . prop ( 'checked' , true ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
} ,
printResults : function ( answers , uid , form , content ) {
// results multiradio
var structure = form [ uid ] ;
if ( ! structure ) { return ; }
var opts = structure . opts || TYPES . multiradio . defaultOpts ;
var results = [ ] ;
var empty = 0 ;
var count = { } ;
var showBars = Boolean ( content ) ;
Object . keys ( answers ) . forEach ( function ( author ) {
var obj = answers [ author ] ;
var answer = obj . msg [ uid ] ;
if ( ! answer || ! Object . keys ( answer ) . length ) { return empty ++ ; }
//count[answer] = count[answer] || {};
Object . keys ( answer ) . forEach ( function ( q _uid ) {
var c = count [ q _uid ] ;
if ( ! c ) {
count [ q _uid ] = c = { } ;
extractValues ( opts . values ) . forEach ( function ( v ) { c [ v ] = 0 ; } ) ;
var res = answer [ q _uid ] ;
if ( ! res || ! res . trim || ! res . trim ( ) ) { return ; }
Util . inc ( c , res ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
var max = 0 ;
var count _keys = Object . keys ( count ) ;
count _keys . forEach ( function ( q _uid ) {
var counts = Object . values ( count [ q _uid ] ) ;
counts . push ( max ) ;
max = arrayMax ( counts ) ;
} ) ;
count _keys . forEach ( function ( q _uid ) {
var q = findItem ( opts . items , q _uid ) ;
var c = count [ q _uid ] ;
var values = Object . keys ( c ) . map ( function ( res ) {
var itemCount = c [ res ] ;
return h ( 'div.cp-form-results-type-radio-data' , [
h ( 'span.cp-value' , res ) ,
h ( 'span.cp-count' , itemCount ) ,
showBars ? barGraphic ( ( itemCount / max ) ) : undefined ,
] ) ;
} ) ;
results . push ( h ( 'div.cp-form-results-type-multiradio-data' , [
h ( 'span.cp-mr-q' , q ) ,
h ( 'span.cp-mr-value' , values )
] ) ) ;
} ) ;
results . push ( getEmpty ( empty ) ) ;
return h ( 'div.cp-form-results-type-radio' , results ) ;
} ,
exportCSV : function ( answer , form ) {
var opts = form . opts || { } ;
var q = form . q || Messages . form _default ;
if ( answer === false ) {
return ( opts . items || [ ] ) . map ( function ( obj ) {
return q + ' | ' + obj . v ;
} ) ;
if ( ! answer ) { return [ '' ] ; }
return ( opts . items || [ ] ) . map ( function ( obj ) {
var uid = obj . uid ;
return String ( answer [ uid ] || '' ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
icon : h ( 'i.cptools.cptools-form-grid-radio' )
} ,
checkbox : {
compatible : [ 'radio' , 'checkbox' , 'sort' ] ,
defaultOpts : {
max : 3 ,
values : [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] . map ( function ( i ) {
return {
uid : Util . uid ( ) ,
v : Messages . _getKey ( 'form_defaultOption' , [ i ] )
} ;
} )
} ,
get : function ( opts , a , n , evOnChange ) {
var isDefaultOpts = ! opts ;
if ( ! opts ) { opts = TYPES . checkbox . defaultOpts ; }
if ( ! Array . isArray ( opts . values ) ) { return ; }
var name = Util . uid ( ) ;
var els = extractValues ( opts . values ) . map ( function ( data , i ) {
var cbox = UI . createCheckbox ( 'cp-form-' + name + '-' + i ,
data , false , { } ) ;
$ ( cbox ) . find ( 'input' ) . data ( 'val' , data ) ;
return cbox ;
} ) ;
if ( ! opts . max ) { opts . max = TYPES . checkbox . defaultOpts . max ; }
var tag = h ( 'div' , [
h ( 'div.cp-form-max-options' , Messages . _getKey ( 'form_maxOptions' , [ opts . max ] ) ) ,
h ( '' , els )
] ) ;
var $tag = $ ( tag ) ;
var checkDisabled = function ( ) {
var selected = $tag . find ( 'input:checked' ) . length ;
if ( selected >= opts . max ) {
$tag . find ( 'input:not(:checked)' ) . attr ( 'disabled' , 'disabled' ) ;
} else {
$tag . find ( 'input' ) . removeAttr ( 'disabled' ) ;
} ;
$tag . find ( 'input' ) . on ( 'change' , function ( ) {
checkDisabled ( ) ;
evOnChange . fire ( false , false , true ) ;
} ) ;
var cursorGetter ;
var setCursorGetter = function ( f ) { cursorGetter = f ; } ;
return {
tag : tag ,
isEmpty : function ( ) {
var v = this . getValue ( ) ;
return ! v . length ;
} ,
getValue : function ( ) {
var res = [ ] ;
els . forEach ( function ( el ) {
var $i = $ ( el ) . find ( 'input' ) ;
if ( Util . isChecked ( $i ) ) {
res . push ( $i . data ( 'val' ) ) ;
} ) ;
return res ;
} ,
reset : function ( ) {
$ ( tag ) . find ( 'input' ) . removeAttr ( 'checked' ) ;
checkDisabled ( ) ;
} ,
setEditable : function ( state ) {
if ( state ) { checkDisabled ( ) ; }
else { $tag . find ( 'input' ) . attr ( 'disabled' , 'disabled' ) ; }
} ,
edit : function ( cb , tmp ) {
var v = Util . clone ( opts ) ;
return editOptions ( v , isDefaultOpts , setCursorGetter , cb , tmp ) ;
} ,
getCursor : function ( ) { return cursorGetter ( ) ; } ,
setValue : function ( val ) {
this . reset ( ) ;
if ( ! Array . isArray ( val ) ) { return ; }
els . forEach ( function ( el ) {
var $el = $ ( el ) . find ( 'input' ) ;
if ( val . indexOf ( $el . data ( 'val' ) ) !== - 1 ) {
$el . prop ( 'checked' , true ) ;
} ) ;
checkDisabled ( ) ;
} ;
} ,
printResults : function ( answers , uid , form , content ) {
// results checkbox
var empty = 0 ;
var count = { } ;
var opts = form [ uid ] . opts || TYPES . checkbox . defaultOpts ;
extractValues ( opts . values || [ ] ) . forEach ( function ( v ) { count [ v ] = 0 ; } ) ;
var showBars = Boolean ( content ) ;
Object . keys ( answers ) . forEach ( function ( author ) {
var obj = answers [ author ] ;
var answer = obj . msg [ uid ] ;
if ( answer && typeof ( answer ) === "string" ) { answer = [ answer ] ; }
if ( ! Array . isArray ( answer ) || ! answer . length ) { return empty ++ ; }
answer . forEach ( function ( val ) {
Util . inc ( count , val ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
var rendered = renderTally ( count , empty , showBars ) ;
return h ( 'div.cp-form-results-type-radio' , rendered ) ;
} ,
icon : h ( 'i.cptools.cptools-form-list-check' )
} ,
multicheck : {
compatible : [ 'multiradio' , 'multicheck' ] ,
defaultOpts : {
max : 3 ,
items : [ 1 , 2 ] . map ( function ( i ) {
return {
uid : Util . uid ( ) ,
v : Messages . _getKey ( 'form_defaultItem' , [ i ] )
} ;
} ) ,
values : [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] . map ( function ( i ) {
return {
uid : Util . uid ( ) ,
v : Messages . _getKey ( 'form_defaultOption' , [ i ] )
} ;
} )
} ,
get : function ( opts , a , n , evOnChange ) {
var isDefaultOpts = ! opts ;
if ( ! opts ) { opts = TYPES . multicheck . defaultOpts ; }
if ( ! Array . isArray ( opts . items ) || ! Array . isArray ( opts . values ) ) { return ; }
var lines = opts . items . map ( function ( itemData ) {
var name = itemData . uid ;
var item = itemData . v ;
var els = extractValues ( opts . values ) . map ( function ( data , i ) {
var cbox = UI . createCheckbox ( 'cp-form-' + name + '-' + i ,
'' , false , { } ) ;
$ ( cbox ) . find ( 'input' ) . data ( 'uid' , name ) ;
$ ( cbox ) . find ( 'input' ) . data ( 'val' , data ) ;
return cbox ;
} ) ;
els . unshift ( h ( 'div.cp-form-multiradio-item' , item ) ) ;
return h ( '' , { 'data-uid' : name } , els ) ;
} ) ;
if ( ! opts . max ) { opts . max = TYPES . multicheck . defaultOpts . max ; }
var checkDisabled = function ( l ) {
var selected = $ ( l ) . find ( 'input:checked' ) . length ;
if ( selected >= opts . max ) {
$ ( l ) . find ( 'input:not(:checked)' ) . attr ( 'disabled' , 'disabled' ) ;
} else {
$ ( l ) . find ( 'input' ) . removeAttr ( 'disabled' ) ;
} ;
lines . forEach ( function ( l ) {
$ ( l ) . find ( 'input' ) . on ( 'change' , function ( ) {
checkDisabled ( l ) ;
evOnChange . fire ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
var header = extractValues ( opts . values ) . map ( function ( v ) { return h ( 'span' , v ) ; } ) ;
header . unshift ( h ( 'span' ) ) ;
lines . unshift ( h ( 'div.cp-form-multiradio-header' , header ) ) ;
var tag = h ( '' , lines ) ;
var cursorGetter ;
var setCursorGetter = function ( f ) { cursorGetter = f ; } ;
return {
tag : tag ,
isEmpty : function ( ) {
var v = this . getValue ( ) ;
return Object . keys ( v ) . some ( function ( uid ) {
return ! v [ uid ] . length ;
} ) ;
} ,
getValue : function ( ) {
var res = { } ;
var l = lines . slice ( 1 ) ;
l . forEach ( function ( el ) {
var $el = $ ( el ) ;
var uid = $el . attr ( 'data-uid' ) ;
res [ uid ] = [ ] ;
$el . find ( 'input' ) . each ( function ( i , input ) {
var $i = $ ( input ) ;
if ( Util . isChecked ( $i ) ) { res [ uid ] . push ( $i . data ( 'val' ) ) ; }
} ) ;
} ) ;
return res ;
} ,
reset : function ( ) {
$ ( tag ) . find ( 'input' ) . removeAttr ( 'checked' ) ;
lines . forEach ( checkDisabled ) ;
} ,
setEditable : function ( state ) {
if ( state ) { lines . forEach ( checkDisabled ) ; }
else { $ ( tag ) . find ( 'input' ) . attr ( 'disabled' , 'disabled' ) ; }
} ,
edit : function ( cb , tmp ) {
var v = Util . clone ( opts ) ;
return editOptions ( v , isDefaultOpts , setCursorGetter , cb , tmp ) ;
} ,
getCursor : function ( ) { return cursorGetter ( ) ; } ,
setValue : function ( val ) {
this . reset ( ) ;
Object . keys ( val || { } ) . forEach ( function ( uid ) {
if ( ! Array . isArray ( val [ uid ] ) ) { return ; }
$ ( tag ) . find ( '[data-uid="' + uid + '"] input' ) . each ( function ( i , el ) {
if ( val [ uid ] . indexOf ( $ ( el ) . data ( 'val' ) ) === - 1 ) { return ; }
$ ( el ) . prop ( 'checked' , true ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
lines . forEach ( checkDisabled ) ;
} ;
} ,
printResults : function ( answers , uid , form , content ) {
// results multicheckbox
var structure = form [ uid ] ;
if ( ! structure ) { return ; }
var opts = structure . opts || TYPES . multicheck . defaultOpts ;
var results = [ ] ;
var empty = 0 ;
var count = { } ;
var showBars = Boolean ( content ) ;
Object . keys ( answers ) . forEach ( function ( author ) {
var obj = answers [ author ] ;
var answer = obj . msg [ uid ] ;
if ( ! answer || ! Object . keys ( answer ) . length ) { return empty ++ ; }
Object . keys ( answer ) . forEach ( function ( q _uid ) {
var c = count [ q _uid ] ;
if ( ! c ) {
count [ q _uid ] = c = { } ;
extractValues ( opts . values || [ ] ) . forEach ( function ( v ) { c [ v ] = 0 ; } ) ;
var res = answer [ q _uid ] ;
if ( res && typeof ( res ) === "string" ) { res = [ res ] ; }
if ( ! Array . isArray ( res ) || ! res . length ) { return ; }
res . forEach ( function ( v ) {
Util . inc ( c , v ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
var max = 0 ;
var count _keys = Object . keys ( count ) ;
count _keys . forEach ( function ( q _uid ) {
var counts = Object . values ( count [ q _uid ] ) ;
counts . push ( max ) ;
max = arrayMax ( counts ) ;
} ) ;
count _keys . forEach ( function ( q _uid ) {
var q = findItem ( opts . items , q _uid ) ;
var c = count [ q _uid ] ;
var values = Object . keys ( c ) . map ( function ( res ) {
var val = c [ res ] ;
return h ( 'div.cp-form-results-type-radio-data' , [
h ( 'span.cp-value' , res ) ,
h ( 'span.cp-count' , val ) ,
showBars ? barGraphic ( val / max ) : undefined ,
] ) ;
} ) ;
results . push ( h ( 'div.cp-form-results-type-multiradio-data' , [
h ( 'span.cp-mr-q' , q ) ,
h ( 'span.cp-mr-value' , values ) ,
] ) ) ;
} ) ;
results . push ( getEmpty ( empty ) ) ;
return h ( 'div.cp-form-results-type-radio' , results ) ;
} ,
exportCSV : function ( answer , form ) {
var opts = form . opts || { } ;
var q = form . q || Messages . form _default ;
if ( answer === false ) {
return ( opts . items || [ ] ) . map ( function ( obj ) {
return q + ' | ' + obj . v ;
} ) ;
if ( ! answer ) { return [ '' ] ; }
return ( opts . items || [ ] ) . map ( function ( obj ) {
var uid = obj . uid ;
return String ( answer [ uid ] || '' ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
icon : h ( 'i.cptools.cptools-form-grid-check' )
} ,
sort : {
compatible : [ 'radio' , 'checkbox' , 'sort' ] ,
defaultOpts : {
values : [ 1 , 2 ] . map ( function ( i ) {
return {
uid : Util . uid ( ) ,
v : Messages . _getKey ( 'form_defaultOption' , [ i ] )
} ;
} )
} ,
get : function ( opts , a , n , evOnChange ) {
var isDefaultOpts = ! opts ;
if ( ! opts ) { opts = TYPES . sort . defaultOpts ; }
if ( ! Array . isArray ( opts . values ) ) { return ; }
var map = { } ;
var invMap = { } ;
var sorted = false ;
if ( ! APP . isEditor ) {
/ * T h e r e i s p r o b a b l y a m o r e r e l i a b l e c h e c k f o r t h i s , b u t i f w e a l w a y s
shuffle the values then authors reorder the results in the data structure
every time they reload . If multiple authors are present then this leads
to fights over what the content should be , which tends to trick chainpad
into concatenating strings , which quickly turns the sortable list
into complete nonsense .
* /
Util . shuffleArray ( opts . values ) ;
var els = extractValues ( opts . values ) . map ( function ( data ) {
var uid = Util . uid ( ) ;
map [ uid ] = data ;
invMap [ data ] = uid ;
var div = h ( 'div.cp-form-type-sort' , { 'data-id' : uid } , [
h ( 'span.cp-form-handle' , [
h ( 'i.fa.fa-ellipsis-v' ) ,
h ( 'i.fa.fa-ellipsis-v' ) ,
] ) ,
h ( 'span.cp-form-sort-order' , '?' ) ,
h ( 'span' , data )
] ) ;
$ ( div ) . data ( 'val' , data ) ;
return div ;
} ) ;
var tag = h ( 'div.cp-form-type-sort-container' , [
h ( 'div.cp-form-sort-hint' , Messages . _getKey ( 'form_sort_hint' , [ els . length ] ) ) ,
] ) ;
var $tag = $ ( tag ) ;
var reorder = function ( reset ) {
$tag . find ( '.cp-form-type-sort' ) . each ( function ( i , el ) {
$ ( el ) . find ( '.cp-form-sort-order' ) . text ( reset ? '?' : i + 1 ) ;
} ) ;
sorted = ! reset ;
} ;
var cursorGetter ;
var setCursorGetter = function ( f ) { cursorGetter = f ; } ;
var sortable = Sortable . create ( tag , {
direction : "vertical" ,
draggable : ".cp-form-type-sort" ,
forceFallback : true ,
store : {
set : function ( ) {
reorder ( ) ;
evOnChange . fire ( ) ;
} ) ;
return {
tag : tag ,
isEmpty : function ( ) { return ! this . getValue ( ) ; } ,
getValue : function ( ) {
if ( ! sorted ) { return ; }
return sortable . toArray ( ) . map ( function ( id ) {
return map [ id ] ;
} ) ;
} ,
reset : function ( ) {
Util . shuffleArray ( opts . values ) ;
var toSort = extractValues ( opts . values ) . map ( function ( val ) {
return invMap [ val ] ;
} ) ;
sortable . sort ( toSort ) ;
reorder ( true ) ;
} ,
setEditable : function ( state ) {
sortable . options . disabled = ! state ;
$ ( tag ) . toggleClass ( 'cp-form-disabled' , ! state ) ;
} ,
edit : function ( cb , tmp ) {
var v = Util . clone ( opts ) ;
return editOptions ( v , isDefaultOpts , setCursorGetter , cb , tmp ) ;
} ,
getCursor : function ( ) { return cursorGetter ( ) ; } ,
setValue : function ( val ) {
if ( ! Array . isArray ( val ) ) { val = [ ] ; }
var toSort = val . map ( function ( val ) {
return invMap [ val ] ;
} ) ;
sortable . sort ( toSort ) ;
reorder ( ) ;
} ;
} ,
printResults : function ( answers , uid , form , content ) {
// results sort
var opts = form [ uid ] . opts || TYPES . sort . defaultOpts ;
var l = ( opts . values || [ ] ) . length ;
//var results = [];
var empty = 0 ;
var count = { } ;
extractValues ( opts . values || [ ] ) . forEach ( function ( v ) { count [ v ] = 0 ; } ) ;
var showBars = Boolean ( content ) ;
Object . keys ( answers ) . forEach ( function ( author ) {
var obj = answers [ author ] ;
var answer = obj . msg [ uid ] ;
if ( answer && typeof ( answer ) === "string" ) { answer = [ answer ] ; }
if ( ! Array . isArray ( answer ) || ! answer . length ) { return empty ++ ; }
answer . forEach ( function ( el , i ) {
var score = l - i ;
Util . inc ( count , el , score ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
var rendered = renderTally ( count , empty , showBars ) ;
return h ( 'div.cp-form-results-type-radio' , rendered ) ;
} ,
icon : h ( 'i.cptools.cptools-form-list-ordered' )
} ,
poll : {
defaultOpts : {
type : 'text' , // Text or Days or Time
values : [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] . map ( function ( i ) {
return {
uid : Util . uid ( ) ,
v : Messages . _getKey ( 'form_defaultOption' , [ i ] )
} ;
} )
} ,
get : function ( opts , answers , username , evOnChange ) {
var isDefaultOpts = ! opts ;
if ( ! opts ) { opts = TYPES . poll . defaultOpts ; }
if ( ! Array . isArray ( opts . values ) ) { return ; }
if ( APP . isEditor ) { answers = { } ; }
var lines = makePollTable ( answers , opts , false ) ;
var disabled = false ;
// Add form
var addLine = extractValues ( opts . values ) . map ( function ( data ) {
var cell = h ( 'div.cp-poll-cell.cp-form-poll-choice' , [
h ( 'i.fa.fa-times.cp-no' ) ,
h ( 'i.fa.fa-check.cp-yes' ) ,
h ( 'i.cptools.cptools-form-poll-maybe.cp-maybe' ) ,
] ) ;
var $c = $ ( cell ) ;
$c . data ( 'option' , data ) ;
var val = 0 ;
$c . attr ( 'data-value' , val ) ;
$c . click ( function ( ) {
if ( disabled ) { return ; }
val = ( val + 1 ) % 3 ;
$c . attr ( 'data-value' , val ) ;
evOnChange . fire ( ) ;
} ) ;
cell . _setValue = function ( v ) {
val = v ;
$c . attr ( 'data-value' , val ) ;
} ;
return cell ;
} ) ;
// Name input
//var nameInput = h('input', { value: username || Messages.anonymous });
var nameInput = h ( 'span.cp-poll-your-answers' , Messages . form _pollYourAnswers ) ;
addLine . unshift ( h ( 'div.cp-poll-cell' , nameInput ) ) ;
lines . push ( h ( 'div' , addLine ) ) ;
var total = makePollTotal ( answers , opts , addLine , evOnChange ) ;
if ( total ) { lines . push ( h ( 'div' , total ) ) ; }
var pollHint = UI . setHTML ( h ( 'div.cp-form-poll-hint' ) , Messages . form _poll _hint ) ;
var classes = [
'fa fa-check cp-yes' ,
'fa fa-times cp-no' ,
'cptools cptools-form-poll-maybe cp-maybe' ,
] ;
$ ( pollHint ) . find ( 'i' ) . each ( function ( index ) {
this . setAttribute ( 'class' , classes [ index ] ) ;
} ) ;
var tag = h ( 'div.cp-form-type-poll-container' , [
pollHint ,
h ( 'div.cp-form-type-poll' , lines )
] ) ;
var $tag = $ ( tag ) ;
var cursorGetter ;
var setCursorGetter = function ( f ) { cursorGetter = f ; } ;
return {
tag : tag ,
getValue : function ( ) {
var res = { } ;
$tag . find ( '.cp-form-poll-choice' ) . each ( function ( i , el ) {
var $el = $ ( el ) ;
res [ $el . data ( 'option' ) ] = $el . attr ( 'data-value' ) ;
} ) ;
return {
values : res
} ;
} ,
reset : function ( ) {
$tag . find ( '.cp-form-poll-choice' ) . attr ( 'data-value' , 0 ) ;
} ,
setEditable : function ( state ) {
disabled = ! state ;
$tag . toggleClass ( 'cp-form-disabled' , disabled ) ;
} ,
edit : function ( cb , tmp ) {
var v = Util . clone ( opts ) ;
return editOptions ( v , isDefaultOpts , setCursorGetter , cb , tmp ) ;
} ,
getCursor : function ( ) { return cursorGetter ( ) ; } ,
setValue : function ( res ) {
this . reset ( ) ;
if ( ! res || ! res . values ) { return ; }
var val = res . values ;
$tag . find ( '.cp-form-poll-choice' ) . each ( function ( i , el ) {
if ( ! el . _setValue ) { return ; }
var $el = $ ( el ) ;
el . _setValue ( val [ $el . data ( 'option' ) ] || 0 ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
} ,
printResults : function ( answers , uid , form , content ) {
var opts = form [ uid ] . opts || TYPES . poll . defaultOpts ;
var _answers = getBlockAnswers ( answers , uid ) ;
// If content is defined, we'll be able to click on a row to display
// all the answers of this user
var lines = makePollTable ( _answers , opts , content && {
content : content ,
answers : answers
} ) ;
var total = makePollTotal ( _answers , opts ) ;
if ( total ) { lines . push ( h ( 'div' , total ) ) ; }
return h ( 'div.cp-form-type-poll' , lines ) ;
} ,
exportCSV : function ( answer , form ) {
var opts = form . opts || TYPES . poll . defaultOpts ;
var q = form . q || Messages . form _default ;
if ( answer === false ) {
var cols = extractValues ( opts . values ) . map ( function ( key ) {
return q + ' | ' + key ;
} ) ;
cols . unshift ( q ) ;
return cols ;
if ( ! answer || ! answer . values ) {
var empty = opts . values . map ( function ( ) { return '' ; } ) ;
empty . unshift ( '' ) ;
return empty ;
var str = '' ;
Object . keys ( answer . values ) . sort ( ) . forEach ( function ( k , i ) {
if ( i !== 0 ) { str += ';' ; }
str += k . replace ( ';' , '' ) . replace ( ':' , '' ) + ':' + answer . values [ k ] ;
} ) ;
var res = extractValues ( opts . values ) . map ( function ( key ) {
return answer . values [ key ] || '' ;
} ) ;
res . unshift ( str ) ;
return res ;
} ,
icon : h ( 'i.cptools.cptools-form-poll' )
} ,
} ;
var getDay = function ( d ) {
return new Date ( d . getFullYear ( ) , d . getMonth ( ) , d . getDate ( ) ) ;
} ;
var ONE _DAY = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 ;
var getDayArray = function ( a , b ) {
// coerce inputs to numbers
var r _a = + getDay ( new Date ( a ) ) ;
var r _b = + getDay ( new Date ( b ) ) ;
var A = [ r _a ] ;
var next = r _a + ONE _DAY ;
while ( next <= r _b ) {
A . push ( next ) ;
next += ONE _DAY ;
return A ;
} ;
Messages . form _timelineLabel = "{0} ({1})" ; // TODO investigate whether this needs translation
var makeTimeline = APP . makeTimeline = function ( answers ) {
// Randomly changing date of answers to get a more realistic example of timeline
var tally = { } ;
//var answersByTime = {};
Object . keys ( answers ) . forEach ( function ( curve ) {
var obj = answers [ curve ] ;
var day = getDay ( new Date ( obj . time ) ) ;
Util . inc ( tally , + day ) ;
} ) ;
var times = Object . keys ( tally ) . map ( Number ) . filter ( Boolean ) ;
var max _count = arrayMax ( Util . values ( tally ) ) ;
var min _day = Math . min . apply ( null , times ) ;
var max _day = arrayMax ( times ) ;
var days = getDayArray ( new Date ( min _day ) , new Date ( max _day ) ) ;
if ( days . length < 2 ) { return ; }
return h ( 'div.timeline-container' , {
//style: 'width: 100%; height: 200px;',
} , h ( 'table.cp-charts.column.cp-chart-timeline.cp-chart-table' ,
h ( 'tbody' , days . map ( function ( time ) {
var count = tally [ time ] || 0 ;
var percent = count / max _count ;
var date = new Date ( time ) . toLocaleDateString ( ) ;
var bar = h ( 'td' , {
style : '--size: ' + Number ( percent ) . toFixed ( 2 ) ,
//"data-tippy-placement": "top",
title : Messages . _getKey ( 'form_timelineLabel' , [ date , count ] )
} ) ;
//var dateEl = h('th', { scope: "row" }, date);
return h ( 'tr' , bar /* dateEl*/ ) ;
} ) )
) ;
} ;
var renderResults = APP . renderResults = function ( content , answers , showUser ) {
var $container = $ ( 'div.cp-form-creator-results' ) . empty ( ) . css ( 'display' , '' ) ;
var answerCount = Object . keys ( answers || { } ) . length ;
if ( ! answerCount ) {
$container . append ( h ( 'div.alert.alert-info' , Messages . form _results _empty ) ) ;
return ;
var heading = h ( 'h2#cp-title' , Messages . _getKey ( 'form_totalResponses' , [ answerCount ] ) ) ;
$ ( heading ) . appendTo ( $container ) ;
var timeline = h ( 'div.cp-form-creator-results-timeline' ) ;
var $timeline = $ ( timeline ) . appendTo ( $container ) ;
$timeline . append ( makeTimeline ( answers ) ) ;
var controls = h ( 'div.cp-form-creator-results-controls' ) ;
var $controls = $ ( controls ) . appendTo ( $container ) ;
var exportButton = h ( 'button.btn.btn-primary' , [
h ( 'i.fa.fa-download' ) ,
Messages . form _exportCSV
] ) ;
$ ( exportButton ) . appendTo ( $controls ) ;
var results = h ( 'div.cp-form-creator-results-content' ) ;
var $results = $ ( results ) . appendTo ( $container ) ;
$ ( exportButton ) . click ( function ( ) {
var csv = Exporter . results ( content , answers , TYPES ) ;
if ( ! csv ) { return void UI . warn ( Messages . error ) ; }
var suggestion = APP . framework . _ . title . suggestTitle ( 'cryptpad-document' ) ;
var title = Util . fixFileName ( suggestion ) + '.csv' ;
window . saveAs ( new Blob ( [ csv ] , {
type : 'text/csv'
} ) , title ) ;
} ) ;
var summary = true ;
var form = content . form ;
var switchMode = h ( 'button.btn.btn-secondary' , Messages . form _showIndividual ) ;
$controls . hide ( ) . append ( switchMode ) ;
var show = function ( answers , header ) {
var elements = content . order . map ( function ( uid ) {
var block = form [ uid ] ;
var type = block . type ;
var model = TYPES [ type ] ;
if ( ! model || ! model . printResults ) { return ; }
// Only use content if we're not viewing individual answers
var print = model . printResults ( answers , uid , form , ! header && content ) ;
var q = h ( 'div.cp-form-block-question' , block . q || Messages . form _default ) ;
return h ( 'div.cp-form-block' , [
h ( 'div.cp-form-block-type' , [
TYPES [ type ] . icon . cloneNode ( ) ,
h ( 'span' , Messages [ 'form_type_' + type ] )
] ) ,
q ,
h ( 'div.cp-form-block-content' , print ) ,
] ) ;
} ) ;
$results . empty ( ) . append ( elements ) ;
if ( header ) { $results . prepend ( header ) ; }
} ;
show ( answers ) ;
if ( APP . isEditor || APP . isAuditor ) { $controls . show ( ) ; }
var $s = $ ( switchMode ) . click ( function ( ) {
$results . empty ( ) ;
if ( ! summary ) {
$s . text ( Messages . form _showIndividual ) ;
summary = true ;
show ( answers ) ;
return ;
summary = false ;
$s . text ( Messages . form _showSummary ) ;
var origin , priv ;
if ( APP . common ) {
var metadataMgr = APP . common . getMetadataMgr ( ) ;
priv = metadataMgr . getPrivateData ( ) ;
origin = priv . origin ;
var getHref = function ( hash ) {
if ( APP . common ) {
return origin + Hash . hashToHref ( hash , 'profile' ) ;
return '#' ;
} ;
var els = Object . keys ( answers ) . map ( function ( curve ) {
var obj = answers [ curve ] ;
var answer = obj . msg ;
var date = new Date ( obj . time ) . toLocaleString ( ) ;
var text , warning , badge ;
if ( ! answer . _userdata || ! answer . _userdata . name ) {
text = Messages . _getKey ( 'form_answerAnonymous' , [ date ] ) ;
} else {
var ud = answer . _userdata ;
var user ;
if ( ud . profile ) {
if ( priv && priv . friends [ curve ] ) {
badge = h ( 'span.cp-form-friend' , [
h ( 'i.fa.fa-address-book' ) ,
Messages . _getKey ( 'isContact' , [ ud . name || Messages . anonymous ] )
] ) ;
user = h ( 'a' , {
href : getHref ( ud . profile ) // Only used visually
} , Util . fixHTML ( ud . name || Messages . anonymous ) ) ;
if ( curve !== ud . curvePublic ) {
warning = h ( 'span.cp-form-warning' , Messages . form _answerWarning ) ;
} else {
user = h ( 'b' , Util . fixHTML ( ud . name || Messages . anonymous ) ) ;
text = Messages . _getKey ( 'form_answerName' , [ user . outerHTML , date ] ) ;
var span = UI . setHTML ( h ( 'span' ) , text ) ;
var viewButton = h ( 'button.btn.btn-secondary.small' , Messages . form _viewButton ) ;
var div = h ( 'div.cp-form-individual' , [ span , viewButton , warning , badge ] ) ;
$ ( viewButton ) . click ( function ( ) {
var res = { } ;
res [ curve ] = obj ;
var back = h ( 'button.btn.btn-secondary.small' , Messages . form _backButton ) ;
$ ( back ) . click ( function ( ) {
summary = true ;
$s . click ( ) ;
} ) ;
var header = h ( 'div.cp-form-individual' , [
span . cloneNode ( true ) ,
] ) ;
show ( res , header ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( div ) . find ( 'a' ) . click ( function ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
APP . common . openURL ( Hash . hashToHref ( ud . profile , 'profile' ) ) ;
} ) ;
if ( showUser === curve ) {
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
showUser = undefined ;
$ ( viewButton ) . click ( ) ;
} ) ;
return div ;
} ) ;
$results . append ( els ) ;
} ) ;
if ( showUser ) {
$s . click ( ) ;
} ;
var getAnswersLength = function ( answers ) {
return Object . keys ( answers || { } ) . filter ( function ( key ) {
return key && key . slice ( 0 , 1 ) !== "_" ;
} ) . length ;
} ;
Messages . form _results = "Responses ({0})" ; // XXX update key
var addResultsButton = function ( framework , content , answers ) {
var $container = $ ( '.cp-forms-results-participant' ) ;
var l = getAnswersLength ( answers ) ;
var $res = $ ( h ( 'button.btn.btn-default.cp-toolbar-form-button' , [
h ( 'i.fa.fa-bar-chart' ) ,
h ( 'span.cp-button-name' , Messages . _getKey ( 'form_results' , [ l ] ) ) ,
] ) ) ;
$res . click ( function ( ) {
$res . attr ( 'disabled' , 'disabled' ) ;
var sframeChan = framework . _ . sfCommon . getSframeChannel ( ) ;
sframeChan . query ( "Q_FORM_FETCH_ANSWERS" , content . answers , function ( err , obj ) {
var answers = obj && obj . results ;
if ( answers ) { APP . answers = answers ; }
$res . removeAttr ( 'disabled' ) ;
$ ( 'body' ) . addClass ( 'cp-app-form-results' ) ;
renderResults ( content , answers ) ;
$res . remove ( ) ;
var $editor = $ ( h ( 'button.btn.btn-default' , [
h ( 'i.fa.fa-pencil' ) ,
h ( 'span.cp-button-name' , Messages . form _editor )
] ) ) ;
$editor . click ( function ( ) {
$ ( 'body' ) . removeClass ( 'cp-app-form-results' ) ;
$editor . remove ( ) ;
sframeChan . query ( "Q_FORM_FETCH_ANSWERS" , content . answers , function ( err , obj ) {
var answers = obj && obj . results ;
addResultsButton ( framework , content , answers ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
$container . prepend ( $editor ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
$container . prepend ( $res ) ;
} ;
var getLogo = function ( ) {
var logo = h ( 'div.cp-form-view-logo' , [
h ( 'img' , {
src : '/customize/CryptPad_logo_grey.svg?' + ApiConfig . requireConf . urlArgs ,
alt : 'CryptPad_logo'
} ) ,
h ( 'span' , 'CryptPad' )
] ) ;
$ ( logo ) . click ( function ( ) {
APP . framework . _ . sfCommon . gotoURL ( '/' ) ;
} ) ;
return logo ;
} ;
Messages . form _alreadyAnswered = "You've responded to this form on {0}" ; // XXX
Messages . form _editAnswer = "Edit my responses" ; // XXX
Messages . form _viewAnswer = "View my responses" ; // XXX
var showAnsweredPage = function ( framework , content , answers ) {
var $formContainer = $ ( 'div.cp-form-creator-content' ) . hide ( ) ;
var $resContainer = $ ( 'div.cp-form-creator-results' ) . hide ( ) ;
var $container = $ ( 'div.cp-form-creator-answered' ) . empty ( ) . css ( 'display' , '' ) ;
if ( APP . answeredInForm ) {
$container . hide ( ) ;
$formContainer . css ( 'display' , '' ) ;
} else if ( APP . answeredInResponses ) {
$container . hide ( ) ;
$resContainer . css ( 'display' , '' ) ;
var viewOnly = content . answers . cantEdit || APP . isClosed ;
var action = h ( viewOnly ? 'button.btn.btn-secondary' : 'button.btn.btn-primary' , [
viewOnly ? h ( 'i.fa.fa-bar-chart' ) : h ( 'i.fa.fa-pencil' ) ,
h ( 'span' , viewOnly ? Messages . form _viewAnswer : Messages . form _editAnswer )
] ) ;
$ ( action ) . click ( function ( ) {
$formContainer . css ( 'display' , '' ) ;
$container . hide ( ) ;
APP . answeredInForm = true ;
if ( viewOnly ) {
$formContainer . find ( '.cp-form-send-container .cp-open' ) . hide ( ) ;
if ( Array . isArray ( APP . formBlocks ) ) {
APP . formBlocks . forEach ( function ( b ) {
if ( ! b . setEditable ) { return ; }
b . setEditable ( false ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
if ( answers . _time ) { APP . lastAnswerTime = answers . _time ; }
Messages . form _viewAllAnswers = "View all responses ({0})" ; // XXX
// If responses are public, show button to view them
var responses ;
if ( content . answers . privateKey ) {
var l = getAnswersLength ( answers ) ;
responses = h ( 'button.btn.btn-secondary' , [
h ( 'i.fa.fa-bar-chart' ) ,
h ( 'span.cp-button-name' , Messages . _getKey ( 'form_viewAllAnswers' , [ l ] ) )
] ) ;
var sframeChan = framework . _ . sfCommon . getSframeChannel ( ) ;
sframeChan . query ( "Q_FORM_FETCH_ANSWERS" , content . answers , function ( err , obj ) {
var answers = obj && obj . results ;
var l = getAnswersLength ( answers ) ;
$ ( responses ) . find ( '.cp-button-name' ) . text ( Messages . _getKey ( 'form_viewAllAnswers' , [ l ] ) ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( responses ) . click ( function ( ) {
sframeChan . query ( "Q_FORM_FETCH_ANSWERS" , content . answers , function ( err , obj ) {
APP . answeredInResponses = true ;
var answers = obj && obj . results ;
if ( answers ) { APP . answers = answers ; }
$ ( 'body' ) . addClass ( 'cp-app-form-results' ) ;
renderResults ( content , answers ) ;
$container . hide ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
var description = h ( 'div.cp-form-creator-results-description#cp-form-response-msg' ) ;
if ( content . answers . msg ) {
var $desc = $ ( description ) ;
DiffMd . apply ( DiffMd . render ( content . answers . msg ) , $desc , APP . common ) ;
var actions = h ( 'div.cp-form-submit-actions' , [
action ,
responses || undefined
] ) ;
var title = framework . _ . title . title || framework . _ . title . defaultTitle ;
$container . append ( h ( 'div.cp-form-submit-success' , [
h ( 'h3.cp-form-view-title' , title ) ,
h ( 'div.alert.alert-info' , Messages . _getKey ( 'form_alreadyAnswered' , [
new Date ( APP . lastAnswerTime ) . toLocaleString ( ) ] ) ) ,
description ,
] ) ) ;
$container . append ( getLogo ( ) ) ;
} ;
var getFormResults = function ( ) {
if ( ! Array . isArray ( APP . formBlocks ) ) { return ; }
var results = { } ;
APP . formBlocks . some ( function ( data ) {
if ( ! data . getValue ) { return ; }
results [ data . uid ] = data . getValue ( ) ;
} ) ;
return results ;
} ;
Messages . form _anonAnswer = "All answers to this form are anonymous" ; // XXX
Messages . form _authAnswer = "You can't answer anonymously to this form" ; // XXX
var getSectionFromQ = function ( content , uid ) {
var arr = content . order ;
var idx = content . order . indexOf ( uid ) ;
var sectionUid ;
if ( idx === - 1 ) { // If it's not in the main array, check in sections
getSections ( content ) . some ( function ( _uid ) {
var block = content . form [ _uid ] ;
if ( ! block . opts || ! Array . isArray ( block . opts . questions ) ) { return ; }
var _idx = block . opts . questions . indexOf ( uid ) ;
if ( _idx !== - 1 ) {
arr = block . opts . questions ;
sectionUid = _uid ;
idx = _idx ;
return true ;
} ) ;
return {
uid : sectionUid ,
arr : arr ,
idx : idx
} ;
} ;
var removeQuestion = function ( content , uid ) {
delete content . form [ uid ] ;
var idx = content . order . indexOf ( uid ) ;
if ( idx !== - 1 ) {
content . order . splice ( idx , 1 ) ;
} else {
getSections ( content ) . some ( function ( _uid ) {
var block = content . form [ _uid ] ;
if ( ! block . opts || ! Array . isArray ( block . opts . questions ) ) { return ; }
var _idx = block . opts . questions . indexOf ( uid ) ;
if ( _idx !== - 1 ) {
block . opts . questions . splice ( _idx , 1 ) ;
return true ;
} ) ;
} ;
var checkResults = { } ;
var checkCondition = function ( block ) {
if ( ! block || block . type !== 'section' ) { return ; }
if ( ! block . opts || ! Array . isArray ( block . opts . questions ) || ! block . opts . when ) {
return true ;
// This function may be called multiple times synchronously to check the conditions
// of multiple sections. These sections may require the result of the same question
// so we store the results in an object outside.
// To make sure the results are cleared on the next change in the form, we
// clear it just after the current synchronous actions are done.
setTimeout ( function ( ) { checkResults = { } ; } ) ;
var results = checkResults ;
var findResult = function ( uid ) {
if ( results . hasOwnProperty ( uid ) ) { return results [ uid ] ; }
APP . formBlocks . some ( function ( data ) {
if ( ! data . getValue ) { return ; }
if ( data . uid === uid ) {
results [ uid ] = data . getValue ( ) ;
return true ;
} ) ;
return results [ uid ] ;
} ;
var w = block . opts . when ;
return ! w . length || w . some ( function ( rules ) {
return rules . every ( function ( rule ) {
var res = findResult ( rule . q ) ;
// Checkbox
if ( Array . isArray ( res ) ) {
var idx = res . indexOf ( rule . v ) ;
return rule . is ? idx !== - 1 : idx === - 1 ;
// Radio
return rule . is ? res === rule . v : res !== rule . v ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var makeFormControls = function ( framework , content , evOnChange ) {
var loggedIn = framework . _ . sfCommon . isLoggedIn ( ) ;
var metadataMgr = framework . _ . cpNfInner . metadataMgr ;
var user = metadataMgr . getUserData ( ) ;
if ( ! loggedIn && ! content . answers . anonymous ) { return ; }
var cbox ;
var anonName , $anonName ;
cbox = UI . createCheckbox ( 'cp-form-anonymous' ,
Messages . form _anonymousBox , true , { } ) ;
var $cbox = $ ( cbox ) ;
var $anonBox = $cbox . find ( 'input' ) ;
if ( content . answers . makeAnonymous ) {
// If we make all answers anonymous, hide the checkbox and display a message
$cbox . hide ( ) ;
$anonBox . attr ( 'disabled' , 'disabled' ) . prop ( 'checked' , true ) ;
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
// We need to wait for cbox to be added into the DOM before using .after()
$cbox . after ( h ( 'div.alert.alert-info' , Messages . form _anonAnswer ) ) ;
} ) ;
} else if ( content . answers . anonymous ) {
// Answers aren't anonymous and guests are allowed
// Guests can set a username and logged in users can answer anonymously
var $anon ;
if ( ! loggedIn ) {
anonName = h ( 'div.cp-form-anon-answer-input' , [
Messages . form _answerAs ,
h ( 'input' , {
value : user . name || '' ,
placeholder : Messages . form _anonName
} )
] ) ;
$anonName = $ ( anonName ) . hide ( ) ;
} else if ( APP . cantAnon ) {
// You've already answered with your credentials
$cbox . hide ( ) ;
$anonBox . attr ( 'disabled' , 'disabled' ) . prop ( 'checked' , false ) ;
if ( ! anonName ) {
anonName = h ( 'div.cp-form-anon-answer-input' , [
Messages . form _answerAs ,
h ( 'span.cp-form-anon-answer-registered' , user . name || Messages . anonymous )
] ) ;
if ( ! APP . cantAnon ) {
$anon = $ ( anonName ) . hide ( ) ;
$anonBox . on ( 'change' , function ( ) {
if ( Util . isChecked ( $anonBox ) ) { $anon . hide ( ) ; }
else { $anon . show ( ) ; }
} ) ;
} else {
// Answers don't have to be anonymous and only logged in users can answer
// ==> they have to answer with their keys so we know their name too
$cbox . hide ( ) ;
$anonBox . attr ( 'disabled' , 'disabled' ) . prop ( 'checked' , false ) ;
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
// We need to wait for cbox to be added into the DOM before using .after()
$cbox . after ( h ( 'div.alert.alert-info' , Messages . form _authAnswer ) ) ;
} ) ;
if ( APP . hasAnswered && content . answers . cantEdit || APP . isClosed ) {
$cbox . hide ( ) ;
anonName = undefined ;
var send = h ( 'button.cp-open.btn.btn-primary' , APP . hasAnswered ? Messages . form _update : Messages . form _submit ) ;
var reset = h ( 'button.cp-open.cp-reset-button.btn.btn-danger-alt' , Messages . form _reset ) ;
$ ( reset ) . click ( function ( ) {
if ( ! Array . isArray ( APP . formBlocks ) ) { return ; }
APP . formBlocks . forEach ( function ( data ) {
if ( typeof ( data . reset ) === "function" ) { data . reset ( ) ; }
} ) ;
$ ( reset ) . attr ( 'disabled' , 'disabled' ) ;
evOnChange . fire ( ) ;
} ) ;
var $send = $ ( send ) . click ( function ( ) {
$send . attr ( 'disabled' , 'disabled' ) ;
var results = getFormResults ( ) ;
if ( ! results ) { return ; }
var user = metadataMgr . getUserData ( ) ;
if ( ! Util . isChecked ( $anonBox ) && ! content . answers . makeAnonymous ) {
results . _userdata = loggedIn ? {
avatar : user . avatar ,
name : user . name ,
notifications : user . notifications ,
curvePublic : user . curvePublic ,
profile : user . profile
} : {
name : $anonName ? $anonName . find ( 'input' ) . val ( ) : user . name
} ;
var sframeChan = framework . _ . sfCommon . getSframeChannel ( ) ;
sframeChan . query ( 'Q_FORM_SUBMIT' , {
mailbox : content . answers ,
results : results ,
anonymous : content . answers . makeAnonymous || ! loggedIn
|| ( Util . isChecked ( $anonBox ) && ! APP . cantAnon ) // use ephemeral keys
} , function ( err , data ) {
$send . attr ( 'disabled' , 'disabled' ) ;
if ( err || ( data && data . error ) ) {
if ( data . error === "EANSWERED" ) {
return void UI . warn ( Messages . form _answered ) ;
console . error ( err || data . error ) ;
return void UI . warn ( Messages . error ) ;
evOnChange . fire ( false , true ) ;
window . onbeforeunload = undefined ;
$send . removeAttr ( 'disabled' ) ;
//UI.alert(Messages.form_sent); // XXX not needed anymore?
$send . text ( Messages . form _update ) ;
APP . hasAnswered = true ;
APP . answeredInForm = false ;
showAnsweredPage ( framework , content , { '_time' : + new Date ( ) } ) ;
if ( content . answers . cantEdit ) {
$cbox . hide ( ) ;
if ( $anonName ) { $anonName . hide ( ) ; }
} ) ;
} ) ;
if ( APP . isClosed ) {
send = undefined ;
reset = undefined ;
Messages . form _requiredWarning = "These questions need an answer:" ; // XXX
var errors = h ( 'div.cp-form-invalid-warning' ) ;
var $errors = $ ( errors ) ;
var invalid = h ( 'div.cp-form-invalid-warning' ) ;
var $invalid = $ ( invalid ) ;
if ( evOnChange ) {
var origin , priv ;
if ( APP . common ) {
priv = metadataMgr . getPrivateData ( ) ;
origin = priv . origin ;
var gotoQuestion = function ( el ) {
var $el = $ ( el ) . closest ( '.cp-form-block' ) ;
var number = $el . find ( '.cp-form-block-question-number' ) . text ( ) ;
var a = h ( 'a' , {
href : origin + '#' + Messages . _getKey ( 'form_invalidQuestion' , [ number ] )
} , Messages . _getKey ( 'form_invalidQuestion' , [ number ] ) ) ;
$ ( a ) . click ( function ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
if ( ! $el . is ( ':visible' ) ) {
var pages = $el . closest ( '.cp-form-page' ) . index ( ) ;
if ( APP . refreshPage ) { APP . refreshPage ( pages + 1 ) ; }
$el [ 0 ] . scrollIntoView ( ) ;
} ) ;
return h ( 'li' , a ) ;
} ;
// Check invalid inputs
evOnChange . reg ( function ( ) {
var $container = $ ( 'div.cp-form-creator-content' ) ;
var $inputs = $container . find ( 'input:invalid' ) ;
if ( ! $inputs . length ) {
$send . text ( APP . hasAnswered ? Messages . form _update : Messages . form _submit ) ;
return void $invalid . empty ( ) ;
$send . text ( APP . hasAnswered ? Messages . form _updateWarning : Messages . form _submitWarning ) ;
var lis = [ ] ;
$inputs . each ( function ( i , el ) {
lis . push ( gotoQuestion ( el ) ) ;
} ) ;
var list = h ( 'ul' , lis ) ;
var content = [
h ( 'span' , Messages . form _invalidWarning ) ,
] ;
$invalid . empty ( ) . append ( content ) ;
} ) ;
// Check empty required questions
evOnChange . reg ( function ( ) {
if ( ! Array . isArray ( APP . formBlocks ) ) { return ; }
var form = content . form ;
var errorBlocks = APP . formBlocks . filter ( function ( data ) {
var uid = data . uid ;
var block = form [ uid ] ;
if ( ! data . isEmpty ) { return ; }
if ( ! block ) { return ; }
if ( ! block . opts || ! block . opts . required ) { return ; }
// Don't require questions that are in a hidden section
var section = getSectionFromQ ( content , uid ) ;
if ( section . uid ) {
// Check if section is hidden
var sBlock = form [ section . uid ] ;
var visible = checkCondition ( sBlock ) ;
if ( ! visible ) { return ; }
var isEmpty = data . isEmpty ( ) ;
var $el = $ ( data . tag ) . closest ( '.cp-form-block' ) ;
$el . find ( '.cp-form-required-tag' ) . toggleClass ( 'cp-is-empty' , isEmpty ) ;
return isEmpty ;
} ) ;
if ( ! errorBlocks . length ) {
$send . removeAttr ( 'disabled' ) ;
return void $errors . empty ( ) ;
$send . attr ( 'disabled' , 'disabled' ) ;
var lis = [ ] ;
errorBlocks . forEach ( function ( data ) {
lis . push ( gotoQuestion ( data . tag ) ) ;
} ) ;
var list = h ( 'ul' , lis ) ;
var divContent = [
h ( 'div.alert.alert-danger' , [
Messages . form _requiredWarning ,
] )
] ;
$errors . empty ( ) . append ( divContent ) ;
} ) ;
evOnChange . fire ( true ) ;
return h ( 'div.cp-form-send-container' , [
invalid ,
errors ,
cbox ? h ( 'div.cp-form-anon-answer' , [
cbox ,
] ) : undefined ,
reset , send
] ) ;
} ;
var updateForm = function ( framework , content , editable , answers , temp ) {
var $container = $ ( 'div.cp-form-creator-content' ) ;
if ( ! $container . length ) { return ; } // Not ready
var form = content . form ;
$ ( 'body' ) . find ( '.flatpickr-calendar' ) . remove ( ) ;
APP . formBlocks = [ ] ;
if ( APP . isClosed && content . answers . privateKey && ! APP . isEditor && ! APP . hasAnswered ) {
var sframeChan = framework . _ . sfCommon . getSframeChannel ( ) ;
sframeChan . query ( "Q_FORM_FETCH_ANSWERS" , content . answers , function ( err , obj ) {
var answers = obj && obj . results ;
if ( answers ) { APP . answers = answers ; }
$ ( 'body' ) . addClass ( 'cp-app-form-results' ) ;
$ ( '.cp-toolbar-form-button' ) . remove ( ) ;
renderResults ( content , answers ) ;
} ) ;
return ;
var evOnChange = Util . mkEvent ( ) ;
if ( ! APP . isEditor ) {
var _answers = Util . clone ( answers || { } ) ;
delete _answers . _proof ;
delete _answers . _userdata ;
evOnChange . reg ( function ( noBeforeUnload , isSave ) {
if ( noBeforeUnload ) { return ; }
$container . find ( '.cp-reset-button' ) . removeAttr ( 'disabled' ) ;
var results = getFormResults ( ) ;
if ( isSave ) {
answers = Util . clone ( results || { } ) ;
_answers = Util . clone ( answers ) ;
if ( ! answers || Sortify ( _answers ) !== Sortify ( results ) ) {
window . onbeforeunload = function ( ) {
return true ;
} ;
} else {
window . onbeforeunload = undefined ;
} ) ;
var getFormCreator = function ( uid , inSection ) {
if ( ! APP . isEditor ) { return ; }
var full = ! uid ;
var addControl = function ( type ) {
var btn = h ( 'button.btn.btn-secondary' , {
title : full ? '' : Messages [ 'form_type_' + type ] ,
'data-type' : type
} , [
( TYPES [ type ] || STATIC _TYPES [ type ] ) . icon . cloneNode ( ) ,
full ? h ( 'span' , Messages [ 'form_type_' + type ] ) : undefined
] ) ;
$ ( btn ) . click ( function ( ) {
// Get the array in which we want to create the new block
// and the position in this array
var arr = content . order ;
var idx = content . order . indexOf ( uid ) ;
if ( ! full ) {
if ( inSection ) {
var section = content . form [ uid ] ;
section . opts = section . opts || STATIC _TYPES . section . opts ;
arr = section . opts . questions ;
} else {
var obj = getSectionFromQ ( content , uid ) ;
arr = obj . arr ;
idx = obj . idx ;
var _uid = Util . uid ( ) ;
// Make sure we can't create a section inside another one
if ( type === 'section' && arr !== content . order ) { return ; }
content . form [ _uid ] = {
//q: Messages.form_default,
//opts: opts
type : type ,
} ;
if ( full || inSection ) {
arr . push ( _uid ) ;
} else {
arr . splice ( idx , 0 , _uid ) ;
framework . localChange ( ) ;
updateForm ( framework , content , true ) ;
} ) ;
return btn ;
} ;
var controls = Object . keys ( TYPES ) . map ( addControl ) ;
var staticControls = Object . keys ( STATIC _TYPES ) . map ( addControl ) ;
var buttons = h ( 'div.cp-form-creator-control-inline' , [
h ( 'div.cp-form-creator-types' , controls ) ,
h ( 'div.cp-form-creator-types' , staticControls )
] ) ;
var add = h ( 'div' , [ h ( 'i.fa.fa-plus' ) ] ) ;
if ( ! full ) {
add = h ( 'button.btn.cp-form-creator-inline-add' , {
title : Messages . tag _add
} , [
h ( 'i.fa.fa-plus.add-open' ) ,
h ( 'i.fa.fa-times.add-close' )
] ) ;
var $b = $ ( buttons ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( add ) . click ( function ( ) {
$b . toggle ( ) ;
$ ( add ) . toggleClass ( 'displayed' ) ;
} ) ;
else {
$ ( add ) . append ( h ( 'span' , Messages . tag _add ) ) ;
var inlineCls = full ? '-full' : '-inline' ;
return h ( 'div.cp-form-creator-add' + inlineCls , [
add ,
] ) ;
} ;
var updateAddInline = APP . updateAddInline = function ( ) {
$container . find ( '.cp-form-creator-add-inline' ) . remove ( ) ;
// Add before existing question
$container . find ( '.cp-form-block' ) . each ( function ( i , el ) {
var $el = $ ( el ) ;
var uid = $el . attr ( 'data-id' ) ;
$el . before ( getFormCreator ( uid ) ) ;
} ) ;
// Add to the end of a section
$container . find ( '.cp-form-section-sortable' ) . each ( function ( i , el ) {
var $el = $ ( el ) ;
var uid = $el . closest ( '.cp-form-block' ) . attr ( 'data-id' ) ;
$el . append ( getFormCreator ( uid , true ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var elements = [ ] ;
var n = 1 ; // Question number
var order = getFullOrder ( content ) ;
order . forEach ( function ( uid ) {
var block = form [ uid ] ;
var type = block . type ;
var model = TYPES [ type ] || STATIC _TYPES [ type ] ;
var isStatic = Boolean ( STATIC _TYPES [ type ] ) ;
if ( ! model ) { return ; }
var _answers , name ;
if ( type === 'poll' ) {
var metadataMgr = framework . _ . cpNfInner . metadataMgr ;
var user = metadataMgr . getUserData ( ) ;
// If we are a participant, our results shouldn't be in the table but in the
// editable part: remove them from _answers
_answers = getBlockAnswers ( APP . answers , uid , ! editable && user . curvePublic ) ;
name = user . name ;
var data = model . get ( block . opts , _answers , name , evOnChange , {
block : block ,
content : content ,
uid : uid ,
tmp : temp && temp [ uid ]
} ) ;
if ( ! data ) { return ; }
data . uid = uid ;
if ( answers && answers [ uid ] && data . setValue ) { data . setValue ( answers [ uid ] ) ; }
if ( data . pageBreak && ! editable ) {
elements . push ( data ) ;
return ;
if ( data . noViewMode && ! editable ) {
elements . push ( data ) ;
return ;
// XXX
Messages . form _required _answer = "Answer: " ;
Messages . form _required _on = "Required" ;
Messages . form _required _off = "Optional" ;
var requiredTag ;
if ( block . opts && block . opts . required ) {
requiredTag = h ( 'span.cp-form-required-tag' , Messages . form _required _on ) ;
var dragHandle ;
var q = h ( 'div.cp-form-block-question' , [
h ( 'span.cp-form-block-question-number' , ( n ++ ) + '.' ) ,
h ( 'span.cp-form-block-question-text' , block . q || Messages . form _default ) ,
] ) ;
// Static blocks don't have questions ("q" is not used) so we can decrement n
if ( isStatic ) { n -- ; }
var editButtons , editContainer ;
APP . formBlocks . push ( data ) ;
Messages . form _preview = "Preview:" ; // XXX
var previewDiv = h ( 'div.cp-form-preview' , Messages . form _preview ) ;
Messages . form _required _answer = "Answer: " ;
Messages . form _required _on = "required" ;
Messages . form _required _off = "optional" ;
// Required radio displayed only for types that have an "isEmpty" function
var requiredDiv ;
if ( APP . isEditor && ! isStatic && data . isEmpty ) {
if ( ! block . opts ) { block . opts = TYPES [ type ] . defaultOpts ; }
var isRequired = Boolean ( block . opts . required ) ;
var radioOn = UI . createRadio ( 'cp-form-required-' + uid , 'cp-form-required-on' ,
Messages . form _required _on , isRequired , {
input : { value : 1 } ,
} ) ;
var radioOff = UI . createRadio ( 'cp-form-required-' + uid , 'cp-form-required-off' ,
Messages . form _required _off , ! isRequired , {
input : { value : 0 } ,
} ) ;
var radioContainer = h ( 'div.cp-form-required-radio' , [
h ( 'span' , Messages . form _required _answer ) ,
radioOff ,
] ) ;
requiredDiv = h ( 'div.cp-form-required' , [
] ) ;
$ ( radioContainer ) . find ( 'input[type="radio"]' ) . on ( 'change' , function ( ) {
var val = $ ( 'input:radio[name="cp-form-required-' + uid + '"]:checked' ) . val ( ) ;
val = Number ( val ) || 0 ;
block . opts . required = Boolean ( val ) ;
framework . localChange ( ) ;
framework . _ . cpNfInner . chainpad . onSettle ( function ( ) {
UI . log ( Messages . saved ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
if ( APP . isEditor && type === "section" ) {
data . editing = true ;
var changeType ;
if ( editable ) {
// Drag handle
dragHandle = h ( 'span.cp-form-block-drag-handle' , [
h ( 'i.fa.fa-ellipsis-h' ) ,
h ( 'i.fa.fa-ellipsis-h' ) ,
] ) ;
// Question
var inputQ = h ( 'input' , {
value : block . q || Messages . form _default
} ) ;
var $inputQ = $ ( inputQ ) ;
var saving = false ;
var cancel = false ;
var onSaveQ = function ( e ) {
if ( cancel ) {
cancel = false ;
return ;
var v = $inputQ . val ( ) ;
if ( ! v || ! v . trim ( ) ) { return void UI . warn ( Messages . error ) ; }
// Don't save if no change
if ( v . trim ( ) === block . q ) {
$ ( q ) . removeClass ( 'editing' ) ;
if ( ! e ) { $inputQ . blur ( ) ; }
return ;
if ( saving && ! e ) { return ; } // Prevent spam Enter
block . q = v . trim ( ) ;
framework . localChange ( ) ;
saving = true ;
framework . _ . cpNfInner . chainpad . onSettle ( function ( ) {
saving = false ;
$ ( q ) . removeClass ( 'editing' ) ;
if ( ! e ) { $inputQ . blur ( ) ; }
UI . log ( Messages . saved ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var onCancelQ = function ( ) {
$inputQ . val ( block . q || Messages . form _default ) ;
cancel = true ;
$inputQ . blur ( ) ;
$ ( q ) . removeClass ( 'editing' ) ;
} ;
$inputQ . keydown ( function ( e ) {
if ( e . which === 13 ) { return void onSaveQ ( ) ; }
if ( e . which === 27 ) { return void onCancelQ ( ) ; }
} ) ;
$inputQ . focus ( function ( ) {
$ ( q ) . addClass ( 'editing' ) ;
} ) ;
$inputQ . blur ( onSaveQ ) ;
q = h ( 'div.cp-form-input-block' , [ inputQ ] ) ;
// Delete question
var fakeEdit = h ( 'span' ) ;
var del = h ( 'button.btn.btn-danger-alt' , [
h ( 'i.fa.fa-trash-o' ) ,
h ( 'span' , Messages . form _delete )
] ) ;
UI . confirmButton ( del , {
classes : 'btn-danger' ,
new : true
} , function ( ) {
removeQuestion ( content , uid ) ;
$ ( '.cp-form-block[data-id="' + uid + '"]' ) . remove ( ) ;
framework . localChange ( ) ;
updateAddInline ( ) ;
} ) ;
editButtons = h ( 'div.cp-form-edit-buttons-container' , [ fakeEdit , del ] ) ;
changeType = h ( 'div.cp-form-block-type' , [
model . icon . cloneNode ( ) ,
h ( 'span' , Messages [ 'form_type_' + type ] )
] ) ;
// Values
if ( data . edit ) {
var edit = h ( 'button.btn.btn-default.cp-form-edit-button' , [
h ( 'i.fa.fa-pencil' ) ,
h ( 'span' , Messages . form _editBlock )
] ) ;
editButtons = h ( 'div.cp-form-edit-buttons-container' , [ edit , del ] ) ;
editContainer = h ( 'div' ) ;
var onSave = function ( newOpts , close ) {
if ( close ) { // Cancel edit
data . editing = false ;
$ ( editContainer ) . empty ( ) ;
var $oldTag = $ ( data . tag ) ;
$ ( edit ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( previewDiv ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( requiredDiv ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( editButtons ) . find ( '.cp-form-preview-button' ) . remove ( ) ;
_answers = getBlockAnswers ( APP . answers , uid ) ;
data = model . get ( block . opts , _answers , null , evOnChange ) ;
if ( ! data ) { data = { } ; }
$oldTag . before ( data . tag ) . remove ( ) ;
return ;
if ( ! newOpts ) {
// invalid options, nothing to save
return ;
block . opts = newOpts ;
framework . localChange ( ) ;
} ;
var onEdit = function ( tmp ) {
data . editing = true ;
$ ( requiredDiv ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( previewDiv ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( data . tag ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( editContainer ) . append ( data . edit ( onSave , tmp , framework ) ) ;
$ ( editContainer ) . find ( '.cp-form-preview-button' ) . prependTo ( editButtons ) ;
$ ( edit ) . hide ( ) ;
} ;
$ ( edit ) . click ( function ( ) {
onEdit ( ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( requiredDiv ) . hide ( ) ;
// If we were editing this field, recover our unsaved changes
if ( temp && temp [ uid ] ) {
onEdit ( temp [ uid ] ) ;
Messages . form _changeTypeConfirm = "Select the new type of this question and click OK." ; // XXX
Messages . form _corruptAnswers = "Changing the type may corrupt existing answers" ;
if ( Array . isArray ( model . compatible ) ) {
changeType = h ( 'div.cp-form-block-type.editable' , [
model . icon . cloneNode ( ) ,
h ( 'span' , Messages [ 'form_type_' + type ] ) ,
h ( 'i.fa.fa-caret-down' )
] ) ;
$ ( changeType ) . click ( function ( ) {
var name = Util . uid ( ) ;
var els = model . compatible . map ( function ( data , i ) {
var text = Messages [ 'form_type_' + data ] ;
if ( ! text ) { return ; }
var radio = UI . createRadio ( name , 'cp-form-changetype-' + i ,
text , data === type , { } ) ;
$ ( radio ) . find ( 'input' ) . data ( 'val' , data ) ;
return radio ;
} ) ;
var tag = h ( '' , els ) ;
var changeTypeContent = [
APP . answers && Object . keys ( APP . answers ) . length ?
h ( 'div.alert.alert-warning' , Messages . form _corruptAnswers ) :
undefined ,
h ( 'p' , Messages . form _changeTypeConfirm ) ,
] ;
UI . confirm ( changeTypeContent , function ( yes ) {
if ( ! yes ) { return ; }
var res ;
els . some ( function ( el ) {
var $i = $ ( el ) . find ( 'input' ) ;
if ( Util . isChecked ( $i ) ) {
res = $i . data ( 'val' ) ;
return true ;
} ) ;
if ( res === type || ! TYPES [ res ] ) { return ; }
model = TYPES [ res ] ;
type = res ;
if ( ! data ) { data = { } ; }
block . type = res ;
framework . localChange ( ) ;
var $oldTag = $ ( data . tag ) ;
framework . _ . cpNfInner . chainpad . onSettle ( function ( ) {
$ ( changeType ) . find ( 'span' ) . text ( Messages [ 'form_type_' + type ] ) ;
data = model . get ( block . opts , _answers , null , evOnChange ) ;
$oldTag . before ( data . tag ) . remove ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
var editableCls = editable ? ".editable" : "" ;
elements . push ( h ( 'div.cp-form-block' + editableCls , {
'data-id' : uid ,
'data-type' : type
} , [
APP . isEditor ? dragHandle : undefined ,
changeType ,
isStatic ? undefined : q ,
h ( 'div.cp-form-block-content' , [
APP . isEditor && ! isStatic ? requiredDiv : undefined ,
APP . isEditor && ! isStatic ? previewDiv : undefined ,
data . tag ,
editContainer ,
] ) ,
] ) ) ;
} ) ;
if ( APP . isEditor ) {
elements . push ( getFormCreator ( ) ) ;
var _content = elements ;
if ( ! editable ) {
_content = [ ] ;
var div = h ( 'div.cp-form-page' ) ;
var pages = 1 ;
var wasPage = false ;
elements . forEach ( function ( obj , i ) {
if ( obj && obj . pageBreak ) {
if ( i === 0 ) { return ; } // Can't start with a page break
if ( i === ( elements . length - 1 ) ) { return ; } // Can't end with a page break
if ( wasPage ) { return ; } // Prevent double page break
_content . push ( div ) ;
pages ++ ;
div = h ( 'div.cp-form-page' ) ;
wasPage = true ;
return ;
wasPage = false ;
$ ( div ) . append ( obj ) ;
} ) ;
_content . push ( div ) ;
if ( pages > 1 ) {
var pageContainer = h ( 'div.cp-form-page-container' ) ;
var $page = $ ( pageContainer ) ;
_content . push ( pageContainer ) ;
var refreshPage = APP . refreshPage = function ( current ) {
$page . empty ( ) ;
if ( ! current || current < 1 ) { current = 1 ; }
if ( current > pages ) { current = pages ; }
var left = h ( 'button.btn.btn-secondary.cp-prev' , [
h ( 'i.fa.fa-arrow-left' ) ,
] ) ;
var state = h ( 'span' , Messages . _getKey ( 'form_page' , [ current , pages ] ) ) ;
var right = h ( 'button.btn.btn-secondary.cp-next' , [
h ( 'i.fa.fa-arrow-right' ) ,
] ) ;
if ( current === pages ) { $ ( right ) . css ( 'visibility' , 'hidden' ) ; }
if ( current === 1 ) { $ ( left ) . css ( 'visibility' , 'hidden' ) ; }
$ ( left ) . click ( function ( ) { refreshPage ( current - 1 ) ; } ) ;
$ ( right ) . click ( function ( ) { refreshPage ( current + 1 ) ; } ) ;
$page . append ( [ left , state , right ] ) ;
$container . find ( '.cp-form-page' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( $container . find ( '.cp-form-page' ) . get ( current - 1 ) ) . show ( ) ;
if ( current !== pages ) {
$container . find ( '.cp-form-send-container' ) . hide ( ) ;
} else {
$container . find ( '.cp-form-send-container' ) . show ( ) ;
} ;
setTimeout ( refreshPage ) ;
$container . empty ( ) . append ( _content ) ;
getSections ( content ) . forEach ( function ( uid ) {
var block = content . form [ uid ] ;
if ( ! block . opts || ! Array . isArray ( block . opts . questions ) ) { return ; }
var $block = $container . find ( '.cp-form-block[data-id="' + uid + '"] .cp-form-section-sortable' ) ;
block . opts . questions . forEach ( function ( _uid ) {
$container . find ( '.cp-form-block[data-id="' + _uid + '"]' ) . appendTo ( $block ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
updateAddInline ( ) ;
// Fix cursor in conditions dropdown
// If we had a condition dropdown displayed, we're going to make sure
// it doesn't move on the screen after the redraw
// To do so, we need to adjust the "scrollTop" value saved before redrawing
getSections ( content ) . some ( function ( uid ) {
if ( ! temp ) { return true ; }
var block = content . form [ uid ] ;
if ( ! block . opts || ! Array . isArray ( block . opts . questions ) ) { return ; }
var $block = $container . find ( '.cp-form-block[data-id="' + uid + '"] .cp-form-section-sortable' ) ;
if ( temp && temp [ uid ] ) {
var tmp = temp [ uid ] ;
var u = tmp . uid ;
var t = tmp . type ;
var $c = $block . closest ( '.cp-form-block' ) . find ( '.cp-form-condition[data-uid="' + u + '"]' ) ;
var $b = $c . find ( '[data-drop="' + t + '"]' ) . find ( 'button' ) ;
var pos = $b && $b . length && $b [ 0 ] . getBoundingClientRect ( ) . y ;
// If we know the old position of the button and the new one, we can fix the scroll
// accordingly
if ( typeof ( pos ) === "number" && typeof ( tmp . y ) === "number" ) {
var diff = pos - tmp . y ;
APP . sTop += diff ;
return true ;
} ) ;
// Fix cursor with flatpickr
APP . formBlocks . some ( function ( b ) {
if ( ! temp ) { return true ; }
var uid = b . uid ;
var block = form [ uid ] ;
if ( ! block ) { return ; }
if ( block . type !== "poll" ) { return ; }
var opts = block . opts ;
if ( ! opts ) { return ; }
if ( opts . type !== "time" ) { return ; }
var tmp = temp [ uid ] ;
if ( ! tmp || ! tmp . cursor || ! tmp . cursor . flatpickr ) { return ; }
var $block = $container . find ( '.cp-form-block[data-id="' + uid + '"]' ) ;
var $i = $block . find ( '.flatpickr-input[value="' + tmp . cursor . val + '"]' ) ;
if ( ! $i . length ) { return ; }
APP . afterScroll = function ( ) {
$i [ 0 ] . _flatpickr . open ( ) ;
delete APP . afterScroll ;
} ;
var pos = $i && $i . length && $i [ 0 ] . getBoundingClientRect ( ) . y ;
if ( typeof ( pos ) === "number" && typeof ( tmp . cursor . y ) === "number" ) {
var diff = pos - tmp . cursor . y ;
APP . sTop += diff ;
return true ;
} ) ;
if ( editable ) {
if ( APP . mainSortable ) { APP . mainSortable . destroy ( ) ; }
APP . mainSortable = Sortable . create ( $container [ 0 ] , {
group : 'nested' ,
direction : "vertical" ,
filter : "input, button, .CodeMirror, .cp-form-type-sort, .cp-form-block-type.editable" ,
preventOnFilter : false ,
draggable : ".cp-form-block" ,
//forceFallback: true,
fallbackTolerance : 5 ,
onStart : function ( ) {
$container . find ( '.cp-form-creator-add-inline' ) . remove ( ) ;
} ,
store : {
set : function ( s ) {
content . order = s . toArray ( ) ;
setTimeout ( framework . localChange ) ;
updateAddInline ( ) ;
} ) ;
return ;
// In view mode, hide sections when conditions aren't met
evOnChange . reg ( function ( reset , save , condition ) {
if ( ! reset && ! condition ) { return ; }
getSections ( content ) . forEach ( function ( uid ) {
var block = content . form [ uid ] ;
if ( block . type !== 'section' ) { return ; }
if ( ! block . opts || ! Array . isArray ( block . opts . questions ) || ! block . opts . when ) {
return ;
var show = checkCondition ( block ) ;
block . opts . questions . forEach ( function ( _uid ) {
$container . find ( '.cp-form-block[data-id="' + _uid + '"]' ) . toggle ( show ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// If the form is already submitted, show an info message
if ( APP . hasAnswered ) {
showAnsweredPage ( framework , content , answers ) ;
$container . prepend ( h ( 'div.alert.alert-info' ,
Messages . _getKey ( 'form_alreadyAnswered' , [
new Date ( answers . _time || APP . lastAnswerTime ) . toLocaleString ( ) ] ) ) ) ;
if ( APP . isClosed ) {
APP . formBlocks . forEach ( function ( b ) {
if ( ! b . setEditable ) { return ; }
b . setEditable ( false ) ;
} ) ;
// In view mode, add "Submit" and "reset" buttons
$container . append ( makeFormControls ( framework , content , evOnChange ) ) ;
// In view mode, tell the user if answers are forced to be anonymous or authenticated
var infoTxt ;
var loggedIn = framework . _ . sfCommon . isLoggedIn ( ) ;
if ( content . answers . makeAnonymous ) {
infoTxt = Messages . form _anonAnswer ;
} else if ( ! content . answers . anonymous && loggedIn ) {
infoTxt = Messages . form _authAnswer ;
if ( infoTxt ) {
$container . prepend ( h ( 'div.alert.alert-info' , infoTxt ) ) ;
if ( ! loggedIn && ! content . answers . anonymous ) {
APP . formBlocks . forEach ( function ( b ) {
if ( ! b . setEditable ) { return ; }
b . setEditable ( false ) ;
} ) ;
// Embed mode is enforced so we add the title at the top and a CryptPad logo
// at the bottom
var title = framework . _ . title . title || framework . _ . title . defaultTitle ;
$container . prepend ( h ( 'h1.cp-form-view-title' , title ) ) ;
$container . append ( getLogo ( ) ) ;
if ( ! answers ) {
$container . find ( '.cp-reset-button' ) . attr ( 'disabled' , 'disabled' ) ;
} ;
var getTempFields = function ( ) {
if ( ! Array . isArray ( APP . formBlocks ) ) { return ; }
var temp = { } ;
APP . formBlocks . forEach ( function ( data ) {
if ( data . editing ) {
var cursor = data . getCursor && data . getCursor ( ) ;
temp [ data . uid ] = cursor ;
} ) ;
return temp ;
} ;
var andThen = function ( framework ) {
framework . start ( ) ;
APP . framework = framework ;
var evOnChange = Util . mkEvent ( ) ;
var content = { } ;
APP . common = framework . _ . sfCommon ;
var sframeChan = framework . _ . sfCommon . getSframeChannel ( ) ;
var metadataMgr = framework . _ . cpNfInner . metadataMgr ;
var user = metadataMgr . getUserData ( ) ;
var priv = metadataMgr . getPrivateData ( ) ;
APP . isEditor = Boolean ( priv . form _public ) ;
var $body = $ ( 'body' ) ;
var $toolbarContainer = $ ( '#cp-toolbar' ) ;
var helpMenu = framework . _ . sfCommon . createHelpMenu ( [ 'text' , 'pad' ] ) ;
$toolbarContainer . after ( helpMenu . menu ) ;
framework . _ . toolbar . $drawer . append ( helpMenu . button ) ;
if ( ! APP . isEditor && ! priv . form _auditorKey ) {
$ ( helpMenu . menu ) . hide ( ) ;
var offlineEl = h ( 'div.alert.alert-danger.cp-burn-after-reading' , Messages . disconnected ) ;
framework . onEditableChange ( function ( editable ) {
if ( editable ) {
if ( APP . mainSortable ) {
APP . mainSortable . options . disabled = false ;
if ( ! APP . isEditor ) { $ ( offlineEl ) . remove ( ) ; }
$body . removeClass ( 'cp-form-readonly' ) ;
$ ( '.cp-form-creator-settings' ) . find ( 'input, button' ) . removeAttr ( 'disabled' ) ;
} else {
if ( APP . mainSortable ) {
APP . mainSortable . options . disabled = true ;
if ( ! APP . isEditor ) { $ ( '.cp-help-container' ) . before ( offlineEl ) ; }
$body . addClass ( 'cp-form-readonly' ) ;
$ ( '.cp-form-creator-settings' ) . find ( 'input, button' ) . attr ( 'disabled' , 'disabled' ) ;
} ) ;
if ( ! APP . isEditor ) {
framework . _ . toolbar . alone ( ) ;
$ ( '.cp-toolbar-icon-history' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '.cp-toolbar-icon-snapshots' ) . hide ( ) ;
var makeFormSettings = function ( ) {
Messages . form _preview = "Preview form" ; // XXX
Messages . form _geturl = "Copy link" ; // XXX
var previewBtn = h ( 'button.btn.btn-primary' , [
h ( 'i.fa.fa-eye' ) ,
Messages . form _preview
] ) ;
var participantBtn = h ( 'button.btn.btn-primary' , [
h ( 'i.fa.fa-link' ) ,
Messages . form _geturl
] ) ;
var preview = h ( 'div.cp-forms-results-participant' , [ previewBtn , participantBtn ] ) ;
$ ( previewBtn ) . click ( function ( ) {
sframeChan . event ( 'EV_OPEN_VIEW_URL' ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( participantBtn ) . click ( function ( ) {
sframeChan . query ( 'Q_COPY_VIEW_URL' , null , function ( err , success ) {
if ( success ) { return void UI . log ( Messages . shareSuccess ) ; }
UI . warn ( Messages . error ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
Messages . form _makePublicWarning = "Are you sure you want to make responses to this form public? Past and future responses will be visible by participants. This cannot be undone." ; // XXX existing key
// Private / public status
var resultsType = h ( 'div.cp-form-results-type-container' ) ;
var $results = $ ( resultsType ) ;
var refreshPublic = function ( ) {
$results . empty ( ) ;
var makePublic = h ( 'button.btn.btn-secondary' , Messages . form _makePublic ) ;
var makePublicDiv = h ( 'div.cp-form-actions' , makePublic ) ;
if ( content . answers . privateKey ) { makePublicDiv = undefined ; }
var publicText = content . answers . privateKey ? Messages . form _isPublic : Messages . form _isPrivate ;
$results . append ( h ( 'span.cp-form-results-type' , publicText ) ) ;
$results . append ( makePublicDiv ) ;
var $makePublic = $ ( makePublic ) . click ( function ( ) {
UI . confirm ( Messages . form _makePublicWarning , function ( yes ) {
if ( ! yes ) { return ; }
$makePublic . attr ( 'disabled' , 'disabled' ) ;
var priv = metadataMgr . getPrivateData ( ) ;
content . answers . privateKey = priv . form _private ;
framework . localChange ( ) ;
framework . _ . cpNfInner . chainpad . onSettle ( function ( ) {
UI . log ( Messages . saved ) ;
refreshPublic ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
refreshPublic ( ) ;
var responseMsg = h ( 'div.cp-form-response-msg-container' ) ;
var $responseMsg = $ ( responseMsg ) ;
var refreshResponse = function ( ) {
$responseMsg . empty ( ) ;
Messages . form _updateMsg = "Update submit message" ; // XXX 4.11.0
Messages . form _addMsg = "Add submit message" ; // XXX 4.11.0
Messages . form _responseMsg = "This message will be displayed after participants submit the form." ; // XXX 4.11.0
var text = content . answers . msg ? Messages . form _updateMsg : Messages . form _addMsg ;
var btn = h ( 'button.btn.btn-secondary' , text ) ;
$ ( btn ) . click ( function ( ) {
var editor ;
if ( ! APP . responseModal ) {
var t = h ( 'textarea' ) ;
var p = h ( 'p' , Messages . form _responseMsg ) ;
var div = h ( 'div' , [
p ,
h ( 'div.cp-form-response-modal' , t ) ,
] ) ;
var cm = window . my _cm = SFCodeMirror . create ( "gfm" , CMeditor , t ) ;
editor = APP . responseEditor = cm . editor ;
var markdownTb = APP . common . createMarkdownToolbar ( editor , {
embed : function ( mt ) {
editor . focus ( ) ;
editor . replaceSelection ( $ ( mt ) [ 0 ] . outerHTML ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( markdownTb . toolbar ) . insertAfter ( $ ( p ) ) ;
$ ( markdownTb . toolbar ) . show ( ) ;
cm . configureTheme ( APP . common , function ( ) { } ) ;
editor . setOption ( 'lineNumbers' , true ) ;
editor . setOption ( 'lineWrapping' , true ) ;
editor . setOption ( 'styleActiveLine' , true ) ;
editor . setOption ( 'readOnly' , false ) ;
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
editor . setValue ( content . answers . msg || '' ) ;
editor . refresh ( ) ;
editor . save ( ) ;
editor . focus ( ) ;
} ) ;
var buttons = [ {
className : 'cancel' ,
name : Messages . cancel ,
onClick : function ( ) { } ,
keys : [ 27 ]
} ,
className : 'primary' ,
name : Messages . settings _save ,
onClick : function ( ) {
var v = editor . getValue ( ) ;
content . answers . msg = v . slice ( 0 , 2000 ) ; // XXX 4.11.0 max length?
framework . localChange ( ) ;
framework . _ . cpNfInner . chainpad . onSettle ( function ( ) {
UI . log ( Messages . saved ) ;
refreshResponse ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
//keys: []
} ] ;
APP . responseModal = UI . dialog . customModal ( div , { buttons : buttons } ) ;
} else {
editor = APP . responseEditor ;
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
editor . setValue ( content . answers . msg || '' ) ;
editor . refresh ( ) ;
editor . save ( ) ;
editor . focus ( ) ;
} ) ;
UI . openCustomModal ( APP . responseModal ) ;
} ) ;
$responseMsg . append ( btn ) ;
} ;
refreshResponse ( ) ;
// Make answers anonymous
Messages . form _makeAnon = "Anonymize responses" ; // XXX
var anonContainer = h ( 'div.cp-form-anon-container' ) ;
var $anon = $ ( anonContainer ) ;
var refreshAnon = function ( ) {
$anon . empty ( ) ;
var anonymous = content . answers . makeAnonymous ;
var cbox = UI . createCheckbox ( 'cp-form-make-anon' ,
Messages . form _makeAnon , anonymous , { } ) ;
var radioContainer = h ( 'div.cp-form-anon-radio' , [ cbox ] ) ;
var $r = $ ( radioContainer ) . find ( 'input' ) . on ( 'change' , function ( ) {
var val = Util . isChecked ( $r ) ;
content . answers . makeAnonymous = val ;
framework . localChange ( ) ;
framework . _ . cpNfInner . chainpad . onSettle ( function ( ) {
UI . log ( Messages . saved ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
$anon . append ( h ( 'div.cp-form-actions' , radioContainer ) ) ;
} ;
refreshAnon ( ) ;
// XXX UPDATE KEYS "form_anonyous_on", "form_anonymous_off" and "form_anonymous"
Messages . form _anonymous = "Guest access (not logged in)" ; // XXX existing key
// Allow guest(anonymous) answers
var privacyContainer = h ( 'div.cp-form-privacy-container' ) ;
var $privacy = $ ( privacyContainer ) ;
var refreshPrivacy = function ( ) {
$privacy . empty ( ) ;
var anonymous = content . answers . anonymous ;
var radioOn = UI . createRadio ( 'cp-form-privacy' , 'cp-form-privacy-on' ,
Messages . form _anonymous _on , Boolean ( anonymous ) , {
input : { value : 1 } ,
} ) ;
var radioOff = UI . createRadio ( 'cp-form-privacy' , 'cp-form-privacy-off' ,
Messages . form _anonymous _off , ! anonymous , {
input : { value : 0 } ,
} ) ;
var radioContainer = h ( 'div.cp-form-privacy-radio' , [ radioOn , radioOff ] ) ;
$ ( radioContainer ) . find ( 'input[type="radio"]' ) . on ( 'change' , function ( ) {
var val = $ ( 'input:radio[name="cp-form-privacy"]:checked' ) . val ( ) ;
val = Number ( val ) || 0 ;
content . answers . anonymous = Boolean ( val ) ;
framework . localChange ( ) ;
framework . _ . cpNfInner . chainpad . onSettle ( function ( ) {
UI . log ( Messages . saved ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
$privacy . append ( h ( 'div.cp-form-status' , Messages . form _anonymous ) ) ;
$privacy . append ( h ( 'div.cp-form-actions' , radioContainer ) ) ;
} ;
refreshPrivacy ( ) ;
// Allow responses edition
Messages . form _editable = "Editing after submit" ; // XXX
var editableContainer = h ( 'div.cp-form-editable-container' ) ;
var $editable = $ ( editableContainer ) ;
var refreshEditable = function ( ) {
$editable . empty ( ) ;
var editable = ! content . answers . cantEdit ;
var radioOn = UI . createRadio ( 'cp-form-editable' , 'cp-form-editable-on' ,
Messages . form _anonymous _on , Boolean ( editable ) , {
input : { value : 1 } ,
} ) ;
var radioOff = UI . createRadio ( 'cp-form-editable' , 'cp-form-editable-off' ,
Messages . form _anonymous _off , ! editable , {
input : { value : 0 } ,
} ) ;
var radioContainer = h ( 'div.cp-form-editable-radio' , [ radioOn , radioOff ] ) ;
$ ( radioContainer ) . find ( 'input[type="radio"]' ) . on ( 'change' , function ( ) {
var val = $ ( 'input:radio[name="cp-form-editable"]:checked' ) . val ( ) ;
val = Number ( val ) || 0 ;
content . answers . cantEdit = ! val ;
framework . localChange ( ) ;
framework . _ . cpNfInner . chainpad . onSettle ( function ( ) {
UI . log ( Messages . saved ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
$editable . append ( h ( 'div.cp-form-status' , Messages . form _editable ) ) ;
$editable . append ( h ( 'div.cp-form-actions' , radioContainer ) ) ;
} ;
refreshEditable ( ) ;
// End date / Closed state
var endDateContainer = h ( 'div.cp-form-status-container' ) ;
var $endDate = $ ( endDateContainer ) ;
var refreshEndDate = function ( ) {
$endDate . empty ( ) ;
var endDate = content . answers . endDate ;
var date = new Date ( endDate ) . toLocaleString ( ) ;
var now = + new Date ( ) ;
var text = Messages . form _isOpen ;
var buttonTxt = Messages . form _setEnd ;
if ( endDate <= now ) {
text = Messages . _getKey ( 'form_isClosed' , [ date ] ) ;
buttonTxt = Messages . form _open ;
} else if ( endDate > now ) {
text = Messages . _getKey ( 'form_willClose' , [ date ] ) ;
buttonTxt = Messages . form _removeEnd ;
var button = h ( 'button.btn.btn-secondary' , buttonTxt ) ;
var $button = $ ( button ) . click ( function ( ) {
$button . attr ( 'disabled' , 'disabled' ) ;
// If there is an end date, remove it
if ( endDate ) {
delete content . answers . endDate ;
framework . localChange ( ) ;
refreshEndDate ( ) ;
return ;
// Otherwise add it
var datePicker = h ( 'input' ) ;
var picker = Flatpickr ( datePicker , {
enableTime : true ,
time _24hr : is24h ,
dateFormat : dateFormat ,
minDate : new Date ( )
} ) ;
var save = h ( 'button.btn.btn-primary' , Messages . settings _save ) ;
$ ( save ) . click ( function ( ) {
if ( datePicker . value === '' ) {
return void refreshEndDate ( ) ;
var d = picker . parseDate ( datePicker . value ) ;
content . answers . endDate = + d ;
framework . localChange ( ) ;
refreshEndDate ( ) ;
} ) ;
var cancel = h ( 'button.btn.btn-danger' , h ( 'i.fa.fa-times.nomargin' ) ) ;
$ ( cancel ) . click ( function ( ) {
refreshEndDate ( ) ;
} ) ;
var confirmContent = h ( 'div' , [
h ( 'div' , Messages . form _setEnd ) ,
h ( 'div.cp-form-input-block' , [ datePicker , save , cancel ] ) ,
] ) ;
$button . after ( confirmContent ) ;
$button . remove ( ) ;
picker . open ( ) ;
} ) ;
$endDate . append ( h ( 'div.cp-form-status' , text ) ) ;
$endDate . append ( h ( 'div.cp-form-actions' , button ) ) ;
} ;
refreshEndDate ( ) ;
evOnChange . reg ( refreshPublic ) ;
evOnChange . reg ( refreshPrivacy ) ;
evOnChange . reg ( refreshAnon ) ;
evOnChange . reg ( refreshEditable ) ;
evOnChange . reg ( refreshEndDate ) ;
return [
preview ,
endDateContainer ,
anonContainer ,
privacyContainer ,
editableContainer ,
resultsType ,
] ;
} ;
var checkIntegrity = function ( getter ) {
if ( ! content . order || ! content . form ) { return ; }
var changed = false ;
var deduplicate = [ ] ;
// Check if the questions in the lists (content.order or sections) exist in
// content.form and remove duplicates
var check1 = function ( arr ) {
arr . forEach ( function ( uid ) {
if ( ! content . form [ uid ] || deduplicate . indexOf ( uid ) !== - 1 ) {
var idx = arr . indexOf ( uid ) ;
arr . splice ( idx , 1 ) ;
changed = true ;
return ;
deduplicate . push ( uid ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
check1 ( content . order ) ;
getSections ( content ) . forEach ( function ( uid ) {
var block = content . form [ uid ] ;
if ( ! block . opts || ! Array . isArray ( block . opts . questions ) ) { return ; }
check1 ( block . opts . questions ) ;
} ) ;
// Make sure all the questions are displayed in the main list or a section and add
// the missing ones
Object . keys ( content . form ) . forEach ( function ( uid ) {
var idx = deduplicate . indexOf ( uid ) ;
if ( idx === - 1 ) {
changed = true ;
content . order . push ( uid ) ;
} ) ;
// Check if conditions on sections are valid
var order = getFullOrder ( content ) ;
getSections ( content ) . forEach ( function ( uid ) {
var block = content . form [ uid ] ;
if ( ! block . opts || ! Array . isArray ( block . opts . when ) ) { return ; }
var sectionIdx = order . indexOf ( uid ) ;
if ( sectionIdx === - 1 ) { return ; }
var available = order . slice ( 0 , sectionIdx ) ;
var errors = false ;
block . opts . when . forEach ( function ( rules ) {
if ( ! Array . isArray ( rules ) ) {
var idx = block . opts . when . indexOf ( rules ) ;
block . opts . when . splice ( idx , 1 ) ;
errors = true ;
return ;
rules . forEach ( function ( obj ) {
if ( ! obj . q ) { return ; }
var idx = available . indexOf ( String ( obj . q ) ) ;
// If this question doesn't exist before the section, remove the condition
if ( idx === - 1 ) {
var cIdx = rules . indexOf ( obj ) ;
rules . splice ( cIdx , 1 ) ;
errors = true ;
return ;
} ) ;
if ( ! rules . length ) {
var rIdx = block . opts . when . indexOf ( rules ) ;
block . opts . when . splice ( rIdx , 1 ) ;
errors = true ;
} ) ;
if ( errors ) {
evCheckConditions . fire ( uid ) ;
changed = true ;
} ) ;
evShowConditions . fire ( ) ;
// Migrate opts.values from string to object
if ( ! content . version ) {
Object . keys ( content . form ) . forEach ( function ( uid ) {
var block = content . form [ uid ] ;
var values = Util . find ( block , [ 'opts' , 'values' ] ) ;
if ( ! Array . isArray ( values ) ) { return ; }
if ( block . opts . type === 'day' ) { return ; }
block . opts . values = values . map ( function ( data ) {
if ( Util . isObject ( data ) ) { return data ; }
return {
uid : Util . uid ( ) ,
v : data || Messages . form _newOption
} ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
content . version = 1 ;
changed = true ;
if ( ! getter && changed ) { framework . localChange ( ) ; }
} ;
var makeFormCreator = function ( ) {
var controlContainer ;
var fillerContainer ;
if ( APP . isEditor ) {
var settings = makeFormSettings ( ) ;
controlContainer = h ( 'div.cp-form-creator-control' , [
h ( 'div.cp-form-creator-settings' , settings ) ,
] ) ;
fillerContainer = h ( 'div.cp-form-filler-container' ) ;
var contentContainer = h ( 'div.cp-form-creator-content' ) ;
var resultsContainer = h ( 'div.cp-form-creator-results' ) ;
var answeredContainer = h ( 'div.cp-form-creator-answered' , {
style : 'display: none;'
} ) ;
var div = h ( 'div.cp-form-creator-container' , [
controlContainer ,
contentContainer ,
resultsContainer ,
answeredContainer ,
] ) ;
return div ;
} ;
var endDateEl = h ( 'div.alert.alert-warning.cp-burn-after-reading' ) ;
var endDate ;
var endDateTo ;
// numbers greater than this overflow the maximum delay for a setTimeout
// which results in it being executed immediately (oops)
var MAX _TIMEOUT _DELAY = 2147483647 ;
var refreshEndDateBanner = function ( force ) {
if ( APP . isEditor ) { return ; }
var _endDate = content . answers . endDate ;
if ( _endDate === endDate && ! force ) { return ; }
endDate = _endDate ;
var date = new Date ( endDate ) . toLocaleString ( ) ;
var text = Messages . _getKey ( 'form_isClosed' , [ date ] ) ;
if ( endDate > + new Date ( ) ) {
text = Messages . _getKey ( 'form_willClose' , [ date ] ) ;
if ( $ ( '.cp-help-container' ) . length && endDate ) {
$ ( endDateEl ) . text ( text ) ;
$ ( '.cp-help-container' ) . before ( endDateEl ) ;
} else {
$ ( endDateEl ) . remove ( ) ;
APP . isClosed = endDate && endDate < ( + new Date ( ) ) ;
clearTimeout ( endDateTo ) ;
if ( ! APP . isClosed && endDate ) {
// calculate how many ms in the future the poll will be closed
var diff = ( endDate - + new Date ( ) + 100 ) ;
// if that value would overflow, then check again in a day
// (if the tab is still open)
if ( diff > MAX _TIMEOUT _DELAY ) {
endDateTo = setTimeout ( function ( ) {
refreshEndDateBanner ( true ) ;
} , 1000 * 3600 * 24 ) ;
return ;
endDateTo = setTimeout ( function ( ) {
refreshEndDateBanner ( true ) ;
$ ( '.cp-form-send-container' ) . find ( '.cp-open' ) . hide ( ) ;
} , diff ) ;
} ;
var showAnonBlockedAlert = function ( ) {
var content = UI . setHTML ( h ( 'span.cp-anon-blocked-msg' ) , Messages . form _anonymous _blocked ) ;
$ ( content ) . find ( 'a' ) . click ( function ( ev ) {
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
var href = ( $ ( this ) . attr ( 'href' ) || '' ) . replace ( /\//g , '' ) ;
APP . common . setLoginRedirect ( href || 'login' ) ;
} ) ;
UI . alert ( content ) ;
} ;
framework . onReady ( function ( isNew ) {
var priv = metadataMgr . getPrivateData ( ) ;
if ( APP . isEditor ) {
if ( ! content . form ) {
content . form = {
"1" : { type : 'md' } ,
"2" : { type : 'radio' }
} ;
framework . localChange ( ) ;
if ( ! content . order ) {
content . order = [ "1" , "2" ] ;
framework . localChange ( ) ;
if ( ! content . answers || ! content . answers . channel || ! content . answers . publicKey || ! content . answers . validateKey ) {
// Don't override other settings (anonymous, makeAnonymous, etc.) from templates
content . answers = content . answers || { } ;
content . answers . channel = Hash . createChannelId ( ) ;
content . answers . publicKey = priv . form _public ;
content . answers . validateKey = priv . form _answerValidateKey ;
framework . localChange ( ) ;
checkIntegrity ( ) ;
if ( isNew && content . answers && typeof ( content . answers . anonymous ) === "undefined" ) {
content . answers . anonymous = true ;
sframeChan . event ( 'EV_FORM_PIN' , { channel : content . answers . channel } ) ;
var $container = $ ( '#cp-app-form-container' ) ;
$container . append ( makeFormCreator ( ) ) ;
if ( ! content . answers || ! content . answers . channel || ! content . answers . publicKey || ! content . answers . validateKey ) {
return void UI . errorLoadingScreen ( Messages . form _invalid ) ;
var getResults = function ( key ) {
sframeChan . query ( "Q_FORM_FETCH_ANSWERS" , {
channel : content . answers . channel ,
validateKey : content . answers . validateKey ,
publicKey : content . answers . publicKey ,
privateKey : key ,
cantEdit : content . answers . cantEdit
} , function ( err , obj ) {
var answers = obj && obj . results ;
if ( answers ) { APP . answers = answers ; }
$body . addClass ( 'cp-app-form-results' ) ;
renderResults ( content , answers ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
if ( priv . form _auditorKey ) {
APP . isAuditor = true ;
getResults ( priv . form _auditorKey ) ;
return ;
if ( APP . isEditor ) {
sframeChan . query ( "Q_FORM_FETCH_ANSWERS" , {
channel : content . answers . channel ,
validateKey : content . answers . validateKey ,
publicKey : content . answers . publicKey ,
cantEdit : content . answers . cantEdit
} , function ( err , obj ) {
var answers = obj && obj . results ;
addResultsButton ( framework , content , answers ) ;
if ( answers ) { APP . answers = answers ; }
checkIntegrity ( false ) ;
updateForm ( framework , content , true ) ;
} ) ;
return ;
refreshEndDateBanner ( ) ;
var loggedIn = framework . _ . sfCommon . isLoggedIn ( ) ;
if ( ! loggedIn && ! content . answers . anonymous ) {
showAnonBlockedAlert ( ) ;
// If the results are public and there is at least one doodle, fetch the results now
if ( content . answers . privateKey && Object . keys ( content . form ) . some ( function ( uid ) {
return content . form [ uid ] . type === "poll" ;
} ) ) {
sframeChan . query ( "Q_FORM_FETCH_ANSWERS" , {
channel : content . answers . channel ,
validateKey : content . answers . validateKey ,
publicKey : content . answers . publicKey ,
privateKey : content . answers . privateKey ,
cantEdit : content . answers . cantEdit
} , function ( err , obj ) {
var answers = obj && obj . results ;
if ( answers ) { APP . answers = answers ; }
if ( obj && obj . noDriveAnswered ) {
// No drive mode already answered: can't answer again
if ( answers ) {
$body . addClass ( 'cp-app-form-results' ) ;
renderResults ( content , answers ) ;
} else {
return void UI . errorLoadingScreen ( Messages . form _answered ) ;
return ;
checkIntegrity ( false ) ;
var myAnswers ;
var curve1 = user . curvePublic ;
var curve2 = obj && obj . myKey ; // Anonymous answer key
if ( answers ) {
var myAnswersObj = answers [ curve1 ] || answers [ curve2 ] || undefined ;
if ( myAnswersObj ) {
APP . hasAnswered = true ;
myAnswers = myAnswersObj . msg ;
myAnswers . _time = myAnswersObj . time ;
// If we have a non-anon answer, we can't answer anonymously later
if ( answers [ curve1 ] ) { APP . cantAnon = true ; }
updateForm ( framework , content , false , myAnswers ) ;
} ) ;
return ;
sframeChan . query ( "Q_FETCH_MY_ANSWERS" , {
channel : content . answers . channel ,
validateKey : content . answers . validateKey ,
publicKey : content . answers . publicKey
} , function ( err , obj ) {
if ( obj && obj . error ) {
if ( obj . error === "EANSWERED" ) {
// No drive mode already answered: can't answer again
if ( content . answers . privateKey ) {
return void getResults ( content . answers . privateKey ) ;
// Here, we know results are private so we can use an error screen
return void UI . errorLoadingScreen ( Messages . form _answered ) ;
UI . warn ( Messages . form _cantFindAnswers ) ;
var answers ;
if ( obj && ! obj . error ) {
answers = obj ;
APP . hasAnswered = true ;
// If we have a non-anon answer, we can't answer anonymously later
if ( ! obj . _isAnon ) { APP . cantAnon = true ; }
checkIntegrity ( false ) ;
updateForm ( framework , content , false , answers ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// Only redraw once every 500ms on remote change.
// If we try to redraw in the first 500ms following a redraw, we'll
// redraw again when the timer allows it. If we call "redrawRemote"
// repeatedly, we'll only "redraw" once with the latest content.
var _redraw = Util . notAgainForAnother ( function ( framework , content ) {
var answers , temp ;
if ( ! APP . isEditor ) { answers = getFormResults ( ) ; }
else { temp = getTempFields ( ) ; }
updateForm ( framework , content , APP . isEditor , answers , temp ) ;
} , 500 ) ;
var redrawTo ;
var redrawRemote = function ( ) {
var $main = $ ( '.cp-form-creator-container' ) ;
var args = Array . prototype . slice . call ( arguments ) ;
APP . sTop = $main . scrollTop ( ) ;
var until = _redraw . apply ( null , args ) ;
if ( until ) {
clearTimeout ( redrawTo ) ;
redrawTo = setTimeout ( function ( ) {
APP . sTop = $main . scrollTop ( ) ;
_redraw . apply ( null , args ) ;
$main . scrollTop ( APP . sTop ) ;
if ( typeof ( APP . afterScroll ) === "function" ) { APP . afterScroll ( ) ; }
} , until + 1 ) ;
return ;
// Only restore scroll if we were able to redraw
$main . scrollTop ( APP . sTop ) ;
if ( typeof ( APP . afterScroll ) === "function" ) { APP . afterScroll ( ) ; }
} ;
framework . onContentUpdate ( function ( newContent ) {
content = newContent ;
evOnChange . fire ( ) ;
refreshEndDateBanner ( ) ;
redrawRemote ( framework , content ) ;
} ) ;
framework . setContentGetter ( function ( ) {
checkIntegrity ( true ) ;
return content ;
} ) ;
framework . setFileImporter ( { accept : [ '.json' ] } , function ( newContent ) {
var parsed = JSON . parse ( newContent || { } ) ;
parsed . answers = content . answers ;
return parsed ;
} ) ;
framework . setFileExporter ( [ '.json' ] , function ( cb , ext ) {
Exporter . main ( content , cb , ext ) ;
} , true ) ;
} ;
Framework . create ( {
toolbarContainer : '#cp-toolbar' ,
contentContainer : '#cp-app-form-editor' ,
} , andThen ) ;
} ) ;