Conditional answers prototype

yflory 2021-08-25 17:32:10 +02:00
parent d5b1f7b194
commit fe03da5bdd
2 changed files with 554 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
@bg-color: @colortheme_apps[form]
display: flex;
flex-flow: column;
font: @colortheme_app-font;
@ -161,6 +162,41 @@
margin-left: 5px;
.cp-form-conditional {
.cp-form-condition {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
& > *:not(:first-child) {
margin-left: 40px;
.cp-dropdown-container button {
max-width: 200px;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
.cp-form-condition-rule {
padding-bottom: 20px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
border-bottom: 1px solid @cryptpad_text_col;
div.cp-form-section-sortable {
min-height: 300px;
border: 4px dotted white; // XXX
padding: 20px;
background: @cp_app-bg;
.cp-form-creator-add-inline {
button[data-type="section"] {
display: none;
div.cp-form-creator-content, div.cp-form-creator-results {
max-width: 1000px;

View File

@ -74,6 +74,10 @@ define([
var is24h = UIElements.is24h();
var dateFormat = "Y-m-d H:i";
var timeFormat = "H:i";
var evCheckConditions = Util.mkEvent();
var evShowConditions = Util.mkEvent();
if (!is24h) {
dateFormat = "Y-m-d h:i K";
timeFormat = "h:i K";
@ -848,6 +852,7 @@ define([
Messages.form_type_section = "Conditional section"; // XXX
md: {
defaultOpts: {
@ -964,6 +969,55 @@ define([
printResults: function () { return; },
icon: h('i.cptools.cptools-form-page-break')
section: {
defaultOpts: {
questions: []
get: function (opts, a, n, ev, block) {
var sortable = h('div.cp-form-section-sortable');
var tag = h('div.cp-form-section-edit', [
h('span', Messages.form_type_section),
if (APP.isEditor) {
if (!opts) { opts = block.opts = STATIC_TYPES.section.defaultOpts; }
Sortable.create(sortable, {
group: {
name: 'nested',
put: function (to, from, el) {
// Make sure sections dan't be dropped into other sections
return $(el).attr('data-type') !== 'section';
direction: "vertical",
filter: "input, button, .CodeMirror, .cp-form-type-sort, .cp-form-block-type.editable",
preventOnFilter: false,
draggable: ".cp-form-block",
//forceFallback: true,
fallbackTolerance: 5,
onStart: function () {
var $container = $('div.cp-form-creator-content');
store: {
set: function (s) {
opts.questions = s.toArray();
if (APP.updateAddInline) { APP.updateAddInline(); }
return {
tag: tag,
noViewMode: true
printResults: function () { return; },
icon: h('i.fa.fa-question')
var arrayMax = function (A) {
@ -1157,7 +1211,7 @@ define([
var cursorGetter;
var setCursorGetter = function (f) { cursorGetter = f; };
$(tag).find('input[type="radio"]').on('change', function () {;, false, true);
return {
tag: tag,
@ -2435,6 +2489,64 @@ define([
reset, send
var getSections = function (content) {
var uids = Object.keys(content.form).filter(function (uid) {
return content.form[uid].type === 'section';
return uids;
var getSectionFromQ = function (content, uid) {
var arr = content.order;
var idx = content.order.indexOf(uid);
if (idx === -1) { // If it's not in the main array, check in sections
getSections(content).some(function (_uid) {
var block = content.form[_uid];
if (!block.opts || !Array.isArray(block.opts.questions)) { return; }
var _idx = block.opts.questions.indexOf(uid);
if (_idx !== -1) {
arr = block.opts.questions;
idx = _idx;
return true;
return {
arr: arr,
idx: idx
var removeQuestion = function (content, uid) {
delete content.form[uid];
var idx = content.order.indexOf(uid);
if (idx !== -1) {
content.order.splice(idx, 1);
} else {
getSections(content).some(function (_uid) {
var block = content.form[_uid];
if (!block.opts || !Array.isArray(block.opts.questions)) { return; }
var _idx = block.opts.questions.indexOf(uid);
if (_idx !== -1) {
block.opts.questions.splice(_idx, 1);
return true;
var getFullOrder = function (content) {
var order = content.order.slice();
getSections(content).forEach(function (uid) {
var block = content.form[uid];
if (!block.opts || !Array.isArray(block.opts.questions)) { return; }
var idx = order.indexOf(uid);
if (idx === -1) { return; }
block.opts.questions.forEach(function (el, i) {
order.splice(idx+i, 0, el);
return order;
var updateForm = function (framework, content, editable, answers, temp) {
var $container = $('div.cp-form-creator-content');
if (!$container.length) { return; } // Not ready
@ -2479,28 +2591,45 @@ define([
var getFormCreator = function (uid) {
var getFormCreator = function (uid, inSection) {
if (!APP.isEditor) { return; }
var full = !uid;
var arr = content.order;
var idx = content.order.indexOf(uid);
if (!full) {
if (inSection) {
var section = content.form[uid];
section.opts = section.opts || STATIC_TYPES.section.opts;
arr = section.opts.questions;
} else {
var obj = getSectionFromQ(content, uid);
arr = obj.arr;
idx = obj.idx;
var addControl = function (type) {
var btn = h('button.btn.btn-secondary', {
title: full ? '' : Messages['form_type_'+type]
title: full ? '' : Messages['form_type_'+type],
'data-type': type
}, [
(TYPES[type] || STATIC_TYPES[type]).icon.cloneNode(),
full ? h('span', Messages['form_type_'+type]) : undefined
$(btn).click(function () {
var uid = Util.uid();
// Make sure we can't create a section inside another one
if (type === 'section' && arr !== content.order) { return; }
content.form[uid] = {
//q: Messages.form_default,
//opts: opts
type: type,
if (full) {
if (full || inSection) {
} else {
content.order.splice(idx, 0, uid);
arr.splice(idx, 0, uid);
updateForm(framework, content, true);
@ -2541,19 +2670,29 @@ define([
var updateAddInline = function () {
var updateAddInline = APP.updateAddInline = function () {
// Add before existing question
$container.find('.cp-form-block').each(function (i, el) {
var $el = $(el);
var uid = $el.attr('data-id');
// Add to section
$container.find('.cp-form-section-sortable').each(function (i, el) {
var $el = $(el);
var uid = $el.closest('.cp-form-block').attr('data-id');
$el.append(getFormCreator(uid, true));
var elements = [];
var n = 1; // Question number
content.order.forEach(function (uid) {
var order = getFullOrder(content);
order.forEach(function (uid, blockIdx) {
var block = form[uid];
var type = block.type;
var model = TYPES[type] || STATIC_TYPES[type];
@ -2570,7 +2709,7 @@ define([
name =;
var data = model.get(block.opts, _answers, name, evOnChange);
var data = model.get(block.opts, _answers, name, evOnChange, block);
if (!data) { return; }
data.uid = uid;
if (answers && answers[uid] && data.setValue) { data.setValue(answers[uid]); }
@ -2579,7 +2718,10 @@ define([
if (data.noViewMode && !editable) {
Messages.form_required = "Required"; // XXX
var requiredTag;
@ -2606,7 +2748,7 @@ define([
Messages.form_required_on = "Required answer";
Messages.form_required_off = "Optional answer";
// Required radio displayed only for types that have an "isEmpty" function
var requiredDiv;
var requiredDiv, conditionalDiv;
if (APP.isEditor && !isStatic && data.isEmpty) {
if (!block.opts) { block.opts = TYPES[type].defaultOpts; }
var isRequired = Boolean(block.opts.required);
@ -2633,6 +2775,272 @@ define([
if (APP.isEditor && blockIdx && type === "section") {
var getConditionsValues = function () {
order = getFullOrder(content);
var blockIdx = order.indexOf(uid);
var blocks = order.slice(0, blockIdx); // Get all previous questions
var values = {
var block = form[uid];
var type = block.type;
if (['radio'].indexOf(type) === -1) { return; }
if (type === 'radio') {
return {
uid: uid,
q: block.q || Messages.form_default,
values: block.opts ? block.opts.values :
return values;
Messages.form_conditional_add = "Add condition OR";
Messages.form_conditional_addAnd = "Add condition AND";
var addCondition = h('button.btn.btn-default', [
h('span', Messages.form_conditional_add)
var $addC = $(addCondition);
var getConditions;
var getAddAndButton = function ($container, rules) {
var btn = h('button.btn.btn-default.cp-form-add-and', [
h('span', Messages.form_conditional_addAnd)
$(btn).click(function () {
getConditions($container, true, rules);
getConditions = function ($container, isNew, rules, condition) {
var content = h('div.cp-form-condition');
var $content = $(content);
var values = getConditionsValues();
var qOptions = (obj) {
return {
tag: 'a',
attributes: {
'class': 'cp-form-condition-question',
'data-value': obj.uid,
'href': '#',
content: obj.q
var qConfig = {
text: '', // Button initial text
options: qOptions, // Entries displayed in the menu
isSelect: true,
caretDown: true,
buttonCls: 'btn btn-secondary'
var qSelect = UIElements.createDropdown(qConfig);
Messages.form_condition_is = 'is'; // XXX
Messages.form_condition_isnot = 'is not'; // XXX
var isOn = !condition || !== 0;
var iOptions = [{
tag: 'a',
attributes: {
'data-value': 1,
'href': '#',
content: Messages.form_condition_is
}, {
tag: 'a',
attributes: {
'data-value': 0,
'href': '#',
content: Messages.form_condition_isnot
var iConfig = {
options: iOptions, // Entries displayed in the menu
isSelect: true,
caretDown: true,
buttonCls: 'btn btn-secondary'
var iSelect = UIElements.createDropdown(iConfig);
iSelect.setValue(isOn ? 1 : 0);
if ($container.find('button.cp-form-add-and').length) {
} else {
var isChange;
qSelect.onChange.reg(function (prettyVal, val, init) {
var res;
values.some(function (obj) {
if (String(obj.uid) === String(val)) {
res = obj.values;
return true;
if (!res) { return; }
var vOptions = (str) {
return {
tag: 'a',
attributes: {
'class': 'cp-form-condition-value',
'data-value': str,
'href': '#',
content: str
var vConfig = {
text: '', // Button initial text
options: vOptions, // Entries displayed in the menu
//left: true, // Open to the left of the button
//container: $(type),
isSelect: true,
caretDown: true,
buttonCls: 'btn btn-secondary'
var vSelect = UIElements.createDropdown(vConfig);
if ($content.find('.cp-condition-remove').length) {
} else {
var onChange = function () {
var w = block.opts.when = block.opts.when || [];
condition = condition || {};
condition.q = val; = Number(iSelect.getValue());
condition.v = vSelect.getValue();
var wasNew = isNew;
if (isNew) {
if (!Array.isArray(rules)) { // new set of rules (OR)
rules = [condition];
getAddAndButton($container, rules);
} else {
isNew = false;
framework._.cpNfInner.chainpad.onSettle(function () {
if (wasNew) { $; }
if (isChange) { iSelect.onChange.unreg(isChange); }
isChange = function () {
if (!vSelect.getValue()) { return; }
vSelect.onChange.reg(function () {
if (!$content.find('.cp-condition-remove').length) {
var remove = h('button.btn.btn-danger-alt.cp-condition-remove', [
$(remove).click(function () {
var w = block.opts.when = block.opts.when || [];
var deleteRule = false;
if (rules.length === 1) {
var rIdx = w.indexOf(rules);
w.splice(rIdx, 1);
deleteRule = true;
} else {
var idx = rules.indexOf(condition);
rules.splice(idx, 1);
framework._.cpNfInner.chainpad.onSettle(function () {
if (deleteRule) {
if (condition && condition.v && init) {
vSelect.setValue(condition.v);, condition.v);
if (condition && condition.q) {
qSelect.setValue(condition.q); // XXX check if exists? or integrity, condition.q, true);
Messages.form_conditional = "Only show this question when:"; // XXX
conditionalDiv = h('div.cp-form-conditional', [
h('div', Messages.form_conditional),
var $condition = $(conditionalDiv);
var redraw = function () {
var w = block.opts.when = block.opts.when || [];
w.forEach(function (rules) {
var rulesC = h('div.cp-form-condition-rule');
var $rulesC = $(rulesC);
getAddAndButton($rulesC, rules);
rules.forEach(function (obj) {
getConditions($rulesC, false, rules, obj);
$addC.before($rulesC); // XXX
$ () {
var rulesC = h('div.cp-form-condition-rule');
var $rulesC = $(rulesC);
getConditions($rulesC, true);
if (getConditionsValues().length) {
} else {
evShowConditions.reg(function () {
if (getConditionsValues().length) {
} else {
evCheckConditions.reg(function (_uid) {
if (uid !== _uid) { return; }
// If our conditions are invalid, redraw them
if (getConditionsValues().length) {
} else {
var changeType;
if (editable) {
// Drag handle
@ -2699,9 +3107,7 @@ define([
classes: 'btn-danger',
new: true
}, function () {
delete content.form[uid];
var idx = content.order.indexOf(uid);
content.order.splice(idx, 1);
removeQuestion(content, uid);
@ -2763,7 +3169,6 @@ define([
h('span', Messages['form_type_'+type])
//Messages.form_changeType = "Change type"; // XXX
Messages.form_changeTypeConfirm = "Select the new type of this question and click OK."; // XXX
Messages.form_breakAnswers = "Changing the type may corrupt existing answers";
if (Array.isArray(model.compatible)) {
@ -2822,13 +3227,15 @@ define([
var editableCls = editable ? ".editable" : "";
elements.push(h('div.cp-form-block'+editableCls, {
}, [
APP.isEditor ? dragHandle : undefined,
isStatic ? undefined : q,
h('div.cp-form-block-content', [
APP.isEditor && !isStatic ? requiredDiv : undefined,
APP.isEditor ? conditionalDiv : undefined,
APP.isEditor && !isStatic ? previewDiv : undefined,
@ -2896,10 +3303,40 @@ define([
getSections(content).forEach(function (uid) {
var block = content.form[uid];
if (!block.opts || !Array.isArray(block.opts.questions)) { return; }
var $block = $container.find('.cp-form-block[data-id="'+uid+'"] .cp-form-section-sortable');
block.opts.questions.forEach(function (_uid) {
// In view mode, hide sections when conditions aren't met
evOnChange.reg(function (reset, save, condition) {
if (!reset && !condition) { return; }
var results = getFormResults();
getSections(content).forEach(function (uid) {
var block = content.form[uid];
if (!block.opts || !Array.isArray(block.opts.questions) || !block.opts.when) { return; }
var w = block.opts.when;
var show = !w.length || w.some(function (rules) {
return rules.every(function (rule) {
return ? results[rule.q] === rule.v
: results[rule.q] !== rule.v;
block.opts.questions.forEach(function (_uid) {
if (editable) {
APP.mainSortable = Sortable.create($container[0], {
group: 'nested',
direction: "vertical",
filter: "input, button, .CodeMirror, .cp-form-type-sort, .cp-form-block-type.editable",
preventOnFilter: false,
@ -2912,7 +3349,7 @@ define([
store: {
set: function (s) {
content.order = s.toArray();
@ -2931,7 +3368,7 @@ define([
// In view mode, add "Submit" and "reset" buttons
$container.append(makeFormControls(framework, content, Boolean(answers), evOnChange));
// In view mode, tell the user and answers are forced to be anonymous or authenticated
// In view mode, tell the user if answers are forced to be anonymous or authenticated
if (!APP.isEditor) {
var infoTxt;
var loggedIn = framework._.sfCommon.isLoggedIn();
@ -3313,21 +3750,77 @@ define([
var checkIntegrity = function (getter) {
if (!content.order || !content.form) { return; }
var changed = false;
content.order.forEach(function (uid) {
if (!content.form[uid]) {
var idx = content.order.indexOf(uid);
content.order.splice(idx, 1);
changed = true;
var deduplicate = [];
// Check if the questions in the lists (content.order or sections) exist in
// content.form and remove duplicates
var check1 = function (arr) {
arr.forEach(function (uid) {
if (!content.form[uid] || deduplicate.indexOf(uid) !== -1) {
var idx = arr.indexOf(uid);
arr.splice(idx, 1);
changed = true;
getSections(content).forEach(function (uid) {
var block = content.form[uid];
if (!block.opts || !Array.isArray(block.opts.questions)) { return; }
// Make sure all the questions are displayed in the main list or a section and add
// the missing ones
Object.keys(content.form).forEach(function (uid) {
var idx = content.order.indexOf(uid);
var idx = deduplicate.indexOf(uid);
if (idx === -1) {
changed = true;
// Check if conditions on sections are valid
var order = getFullOrder(content);
getSections(content).forEach(function (uid) {
var block = content.form[uid];
if (!block.opts || !Array.isArray(block.opts.when)) { return; }
var sectionIdx = order.indexOf(uid);
if (sectionIdx === -1) { return; }
var available = order.slice(0, sectionIdx);
var errors = false;
block.opts.when.forEach(function (rules) {
if (!Array.isArray(rules)) {
var idx = block.opts.when.indexOf(rules);
block.opts.when.splice(idx, 1);
errors = true;
rules.forEach(function (obj) {
var idx = available.indexOf(obj.q);
// If this question doesn't exist before the section, remove the condition
if (!obj.q || idx === -1) {
var cIdx = rules.indexOf(obj);
rules.splice(cIdx, 1);
errors = true;
if (!rules.length) {
var rIdx = block.opts.when.indexOf(rules);
block.opts.when.splice(rIdx, 1);
errors = true;
if (errors) {;
changed = true;
if (!getter && changed) { framework.localChange(); }