@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
//! this AST rendering code was adapted from std/zig/render.zig.
//! in fact, most of it is a copy of the original with just a few modifications:
//! - rename renderMember to renderPubMember to emphasize this is about public types only
//! - commented out unused code; it needs not render type definitions
//! - commented out some and deleted other unused code; it needs not render type definitions
//! - AutoIndentingStream outputs to a type-independent writer; returns anyerror
//! instead of Ast.RenderError
@ -136,8 +136,7 @@ fn renderExpression(gpa: Allocator, ais: *Ais, tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index,
return renderSpace(ais, tree, token_index, lexeme.len, space);
@ -623,8 +622,8 @@ fn renderExpression(gpa: Allocator, ais: *Ais, tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index,
return renderToken(ais, tree, tree.lastToken(node), space); // rbrace
.switch_case_one => return renderSwitchCase(gpa, ais, tree, tree.switchCaseOne(node), space),
.switch_case => return renderSwitchCase(gpa, ais, tree, tree.switchCase(node), space),
.switch_case_one, .switch_case_inline_one => return renderSwitchCase(gpa, ais, tree, tree.switchCaseOne(node), space),
.switch_case, .switch_case_inline => return renderSwitchCase(gpa, ais, tree, tree.switchCase(node), space),
.while_simple => return renderWhile(gpa, ais, tree, tree.whileSimple(node), space),
.while_cont => return renderWhile(gpa, ais, tree, tree.whileCont(node), space),
@ -814,60 +813,6 @@ fn renderSlice(
try renderToken(ais, tree, tree.lastToken(slice_node), space); // rbracket
// unused
//fn renderAsmOutput(
// gpa: Allocator,
// ais: *Ais,
// tree: Ast,
// asm_output: Ast.Node.Index,
// space: Space,
//) Error!void {
// const token_tags = tree.tokens.items(.tag);
// const node_tags = tree.nodes.items(.tag);
// const main_tokens = tree.nodes.items(.main_token);
// const datas = tree.nodes.items(.data);
// assert(node_tags[asm_output] == .asm_output);
// const symbolic_name = main_tokens[asm_output];
// try renderToken(ais, tree, symbolic_name - 1, .none); // lbracket
// try renderToken(ais, tree, symbolic_name, .none); // ident
// try renderToken(ais, tree, symbolic_name + 1, .space); // rbracket
// try renderToken(ais, tree, symbolic_name + 2, .space); // "constraint"
// try renderToken(ais, tree, symbolic_name + 3, .none); // lparen
// if (token_tags[symbolic_name + 4] == .arrow) {
// try renderToken(ais, tree, symbolic_name + 4, .space); // ->
// try renderExpression(gpa, ais, tree, datas[asm_output].lhs, Space.none);
// return renderToken(ais, tree, datas[asm_output].rhs, space); // rparen
// } else {
// try renderToken(ais, tree, symbolic_name + 4, .none); // ident
// return renderToken(ais, tree, symbolic_name + 5, space); // rparen
// }
// unused
//fn renderAsmInput(
// gpa: Allocator,
// ais: *Ais,
// tree: Ast,
// asm_input: Ast.Node.Index,
// space: Space,
//) Error!void {
// const node_tags = tree.nodes.items(.tag);
// const main_tokens = tree.nodes.items(.main_token);
// const datas = tree.nodes.items(.data);
// assert(node_tags[asm_input] == .asm_input);
// const symbolic_name = main_tokens[asm_input];
// try renderToken(ais, tree, symbolic_name - 1, .none); // lbracket
// try renderToken(ais, tree, symbolic_name, .none); // ident
// try renderToken(ais, tree, symbolic_name + 1, .space); // rbracket
// try renderToken(ais, tree, symbolic_name + 2, .space); // "constraint"
// try renderToken(ais, tree, symbolic_name + 3, .none); // lparen
// try renderExpression(gpa, ais, tree, datas[asm_input].lhs, Space.none);
// return renderToken(ais, tree, datas[asm_input].rhs, space); // rparen
fn renderVarDecl(gpa: Allocator, ais: *Ais, tree: Ast, var_decl: Ast.full.VarDecl) !void {
if (var_decl.visib_token) |visib_token| {
try renderToken(ais, tree, visib_token, Space.space); // pub
@ -1465,6 +1410,11 @@ fn renderSwitchCase(
break :blk hasComment(tree, tree.firstToken(switch_case.ast.values[0]), switch_case.ast.arrow_token);
// render inline keyword
if (switch_case.inline_token) |some| {
try renderToken(ais, tree, some, .space);
// Render everything before the arrow
if (switch_case.ast.values.len == 0) {
try renderToken(ais, tree, switch_case.ast.arrow_token - 1, .space); // else keyword
@ -1492,13 +1442,17 @@ fn renderSwitchCase(
if (switch_case.payload_token) |payload_token| {
try renderToken(ais, tree, payload_token - 1, .none); // pipe
const ident = payload_token + @boolToInt(token_tags[payload_token] == .asterisk);
if (token_tags[payload_token] == .asterisk) {
try renderToken(ais, tree, payload_token, .none); // asterisk
try renderToken(ais, tree, payload_token + 1, .none); // identifier
try renderToken(ais, tree, payload_token + 2, pre_target_space); // pipe
try renderToken(ais, tree, ident, .none); // identifier
if (token_tags[ident + 1] == .comma) {
try renderToken(ais, tree, ident + 1, .space); // ,
try renderToken(ais, tree, ident + 2, .none); // identifier
try renderToken(ais, tree, ident + 3, pre_target_space); // pipe
} else {
try renderToken(ais, tree, payload_token, .none); // identifier
try renderToken(ais, tree, payload_token + 1, pre_target_space); // pipe
try renderToken(ais, tree, ident + 1, pre_target_space); // pipe
@ -1888,12 +1842,15 @@ fn renderContainerDecl(
break :one_line;
// 2. A member of the container has a doc comment.
// 2. The container has a container comment.
if (token_tags[lbrace + 1] == .container_doc_comment) break :one_line;
// 3. A member of the container has a doc comment.
for (token_tags[lbrace + 1 .. rbrace - 1]) |tag| {
if (tag == .doc_comment) break :one_line;
// 3. The container has non-field members.
// 4. The container has non-field members.
for (container_decl.ast.members) |member| {
if (!node_tags[member].isContainerField()) break :one_line;
@ -1929,156 +1886,6 @@ fn renderContainerDecl(
return renderToken(ais, tree, rbrace, space); // rbrace
// unused
//fn renderAsm(
// gpa: Allocator,
// ais: *Ais,
// tree: Ast,
// asm_node: Ast.full.Asm,
// space: Space,
//) Error!void {
// const token_tags = tree.tokens.items(.tag);
// try renderToken(ais, tree, asm_node.ast.asm_token, .space); // asm
// if (asm_node.volatile_token) |volatile_token| {
// try renderToken(ais, tree, volatile_token, .space); // volatile
// try renderToken(ais, tree, volatile_token + 1, .none); // lparen
// } else {
// try renderToken(ais, tree, asm_node.ast.asm_token + 1, .none); // lparen
// }
// if (asm_node.ast.items.len == 0) {
// ais.pushIndent();
// if (asm_node.first_clobber) |first_clobber| {
// // asm ("foo" ::: "a", "b")
// // asm ("foo" ::: "a", "b",)
// try renderExpression(gpa, ais, tree, asm_node.ast.template, .space);
// // Render the three colons.
// try renderToken(ais, tree, first_clobber - 3, .none);
// try renderToken(ais, tree, first_clobber - 2, .none);
// try renderToken(ais, tree, first_clobber - 1, .space);
// var tok_i = first_clobber;
// while (true) : (tok_i += 1) {
// try renderToken(ais, tree, tok_i, .none);
// tok_i += 1;
// switch (token_tags[tok_i]) {
// .r_paren => {
// ais.popIndent();
// return renderToken(ais, tree, tok_i, space);
// },
// .comma => {
// if (token_tags[tok_i + 1] == .r_paren) {
// ais.popIndent();
// return renderToken(ais, tree, tok_i + 1, space);
// } else {
// try renderToken(ais, tree, tok_i, .space);
// }
// },
// else => unreachable,
// }
// }
// } else {
// // asm ("foo")
// try renderExpression(gpa, ais, tree, asm_node.ast.template, .none);
// ais.popIndent();
// return renderToken(ais, tree, asm_node.ast.rparen, space); // rparen
// }
// }
// ais.pushIndent();
// try renderExpression(gpa, ais, tree, asm_node.ast.template, .newline);
// ais.setIndentDelta(asm_indent_delta);
// const colon1 = tree.lastToken(asm_node.ast.template) + 1;
// const colon2 = if (asm_node.outputs.len == 0) colon2: {
// try renderToken(ais, tree, colon1, .newline); // :
// break :colon2 colon1 + 1;
// } else colon2: {
// try renderToken(ais, tree, colon1, .space); // :
// ais.pushIndent();
// for (asm_node.outputs) |asm_output, i| {
// if (i + 1 < asm_node.outputs.len) {
// const next_asm_output = asm_node.outputs[i + 1];
// try renderAsmOutput(gpa, ais, tree, asm_output, .none);
// const comma = tree.firstToken(next_asm_output) - 1;
// try renderToken(ais, tree, comma, .newline); // ,
// try renderExtraNewlineToken(ais, tree, tree.firstToken(next_asm_output));
// } else if (asm_node.inputs.len == 0 and asm_node.first_clobber == null) {
// try renderAsmOutput(gpa, ais, tree, asm_output, .comma);
// ais.popIndent();
// ais.setIndentDelta(indent_delta);
// ais.popIndent();
// return renderToken(ais, tree, asm_node.ast.rparen, space); // rparen
// } else {
// try renderAsmOutput(gpa, ais, tree, asm_output, .comma);
// const comma_or_colon = tree.lastToken(asm_output) + 1;
// ais.popIndent();
// break :colon2 switch (token_tags[comma_or_colon]) {
// .comma => comma_or_colon + 1,
// else => comma_or_colon,
// };
// }
// } else unreachable;
// };
// const colon3 = if (asm_node.inputs.len == 0) colon3: {
// try renderToken(ais, tree, colon2, .newline); // :
// break :colon3 colon2 + 1;
// } else colon3: {
// try renderToken(ais, tree, colon2, .space); // :
// ais.pushIndent();
// for (asm_node.inputs) |asm_input, i| {
// if (i + 1 < asm_node.inputs.len) {
// const next_asm_input = asm_node.inputs[i + 1];
// try renderAsmInput(gpa, ais, tree, asm_input, .none);
// const first_token = tree.firstToken(next_asm_input);
// try renderToken(ais, tree, first_token - 1, .newline); // ,
// try renderExtraNewlineToken(ais, tree, first_token);
// } else if (asm_node.first_clobber == null) {
// try renderAsmInput(gpa, ais, tree, asm_input, .comma);
// ais.popIndent();
// ais.setIndentDelta(indent_delta);
// ais.popIndent();
// return renderToken(ais, tree, asm_node.ast.rparen, space); // rparen
// } else {
// try renderAsmInput(gpa, ais, tree, asm_input, .comma);
// const comma_or_colon = tree.lastToken(asm_input) + 1;
// ais.popIndent();
// break :colon3 switch (token_tags[comma_or_colon]) {
// .comma => comma_or_colon + 1,
// else => comma_or_colon,
// };
// }
// }
// unreachable;
// };
// try renderToken(ais, tree, colon3, .space); // :
// const first_clobber = asm_node.first_clobber.?;
// var tok_i = first_clobber;
// while (true) {
// switch (token_tags[tok_i + 1]) {
// .r_paren => {
// ais.setIndentDelta(indent_delta);
// ais.popIndent();
// try renderToken(ais, tree, tok_i, .newline);
// return renderToken(ais, tree, tok_i + 1, space);
// },
// .comma => {
// try renderToken(ais, tree, tok_i, .none);
// try renderToken(ais, tree, tok_i + 1, .space);
// tok_i += 2;
// },
// else => unreachable,
// }
// } else unreachable; // TODO shouldn't need this on while(true)
fn renderCall(
gpa: Allocator,
ais: *Ais,
@ -2304,7 +2111,7 @@ fn renderSpace(ais: *Ais, tree: Ast, token_index: Ast.TokenIndex, lexeme_len: us
/// Returns true if there exists a comment between any of the tokens from
/// Returns true if there exists a line comment between any of the tokens from
/// `start_token` to `end_token`. This is used to determine if e.g. a
/// fn_proto should be wrapped and have a trailing comma inserted even if
/// there is none in the source.
@ -2482,7 +2289,7 @@ fn tokenSliceForRender(tree: Ast, token_index: Ast.TokenIndex) []const u8 {
ret.len -= 1;
.container_doc_comment, .doc_comment => {
ret = mem.trimRight(u8, ret, &std.ascii.spaces);
ret = mem.trimRight(u8, ret, &std.ascii.whitespace);
else => {},
@ -2687,7 +2494,7 @@ fn AutoIndentingStream(comptime UnderlyingWriter: type) type {
if (!self.first_search_file) {
try self.insertNewline();
const n = @minimum(name.len, 60);
const n = @min(name.len, 60);
const prefix = if (name.len > n) "..." else "";
const truncname = name[name.len - n .. name.len];
try std.fmt.format(self.underlying_writer, "//--- file: {s}{s} ---\n", .{ prefix, truncname });
@ -2841,7 +2648,7 @@ pub const TypeErasedWriter = struct {
const WriteError = anyerror;
const VTable = struct {
writeFn: fn (usize, []const u8) WriteError!usize,
writeFn: std.meta.FnPtr(fn (usize, []const u8) WriteError!usize),
/// pointer is expected to be of an std.io.Writer type.