analyze: improve and reconcile public declarations detection

notably, zdoc previously ignored fields in a top level module container.
it now correctly shows all fields, for example in:

    zdoc std.Process
alex 3 years ago
parent 62ab3da52d
commit a7391145f4

@ -37,24 +37,57 @@ pub fn search(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, ais: *output.Ais, source: [:0]const u8,
/// reports whether the declaration is visible to other modules.
pub fn isPublic(tree: Ast, decl: Ast.Node.Index) bool {
const token_tags = tree.tokens.items(.tag);
var i = tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[decl];
while (i > 0) {
i -= 1;
switch (token_tags[i]) {
=> return true,
=> continue,
else => break,
switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[decl]) {
=> {
var i = tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[decl];
while (i > 0) {
i -= 1;
switch (token_tags[i]) {
=> return true,
=> continue,
else => break,
.@"usingnamespace" => {
const i = tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[decl];
return i > 0 and token_tags[i - 1] == .keyword_pub;
.simple_var_decl => {
var i = tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[decl];
while (i > 0) {
i -= 1;
// from tree.fullVarDecl
switch (token_tags[i]) {
=> return true,
=> continue,
else => break,
// container fields are always public
=> return true,
else => return false,
return false;

@ -33,11 +33,12 @@ pub fn renderTopLevelDocComments(ais: *Ais, tree: Ast) !void {
/// renderPubMember prints the given declaration using ais.
/// it outputs anything only if the declaration is public.
pub fn renderPubMember(gpa: Allocator, ais: *Ais, tree: Ast, decl: Ast.Node.Index, space: Space) !void {
_ = space;
const token_tags = tree.tokens.items(.tag);
const main_tokens = tree.nodes.items(.main_token);
const datas = tree.nodes.items(.data);
if (!analyze.isPublic(tree, decl)) {
switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[decl]) {
@ -45,7 +46,6 @@ pub fn renderPubMember(gpa: Allocator, ais: *Ais, tree: Ast, decl: Ast.Node.Inde
=> {
var public = false;
const fn_proto = datas[decl].lhs;
const fn_token = main_tokens[decl];
var i = fn_token;
@ -55,10 +55,6 @@ pub fn renderPubMember(gpa: Allocator, ais: *Ais, tree: Ast, decl: Ast.Node.Inde
=> {
public = true;
@ -69,10 +65,6 @@ pub fn renderPubMember(gpa: Allocator, ais: *Ais, tree: Ast, decl: Ast.Node.Inde
if (!public) {
//"{} is not public", .{decl});
try renderDocComments(ais, tree, tree.firstToken(decl));
while (i < fn_token) : (i += 1) {
try renderToken(ais, tree, i, .space);
@ -80,26 +72,18 @@ pub fn renderPubMember(gpa: Allocator, ais: *Ais, tree: Ast, decl: Ast.Node.Inde
// todo: render "inline" here, if any
try renderExpression(gpa, ais, tree, fn_proto, .newline);
.@"usingnamespace" => {
const mtok = main_tokens[decl];
// todo: move this to analyze.isPublic?
if (mtok > 0 and token_tags[mtok - 1] == .keyword_pub) {
try renderDocComments(ais, tree, tree.firstToken(decl));
try renderToken(ais, tree, mtok - 1, .space); // pub
try renderToken(ais, tree, mtok, .space); // usingnamespace
const expr = datas[decl].lhs;
try renderExpression(gpa, ais, tree, expr, .none);
try renderToken(ais, tree, tree.lastToken(expr) + 1, space); // ;
try renderDocComments(ais, tree, tree.firstToken(decl));
try renderToken(ais, tree, mtok - 1, .space); // pub
try renderToken(ais, tree, mtok, .space); // usingnamespace
const expr = datas[decl].lhs;
try renderExpression(gpa, ais, tree, expr, .none);
try renderToken(ais, tree, tree.lastToken(expr) + 1, space); // ;
//.global_var_decl => return renderVarDecl(gpa, ais, tree, tree.globalVarDecl(decl)),
.simple_var_decl => {
if (analyze.isPublic(tree, decl)) {
try renderDocComments(ais, tree, tree.firstToken(decl));
try renderVarDecl(gpa, ais, tree, tree.simpleVarDecl(decl));
try renderDocComments(ais, tree, tree.firstToken(decl));
try renderVarDecl(gpa, ais, tree, tree.simpleVarDecl(decl));
.container_field_init => {
try renderDocComments(ais, tree, tree.firstToken(decl));
@ -113,10 +97,6 @@ pub fn renderPubMember(gpa: Allocator, ais: *Ais, tree: Ast, decl: Ast.Node.Inde
try renderDocComments(ais, tree, tree.firstToken(decl));
try renderContainerField(gpa, ais, tree, tree.containerField(decl), space);
.test_decl => return,
// todo: render other decl types
else => |tag| {
log.err("renderPubMember for {} unimplemented", .{tag});
