cmd: search across the whole zig stdlib if source is exactly 'std'

sometimes, it may be unclear which module a certain type is in.
searching the whole stdlib makes it easier:

    zdoc std ipv6
alex 3 years ago
parent e90e5eefbb
commit a684fbb425

@ -9,15 +9,7 @@ printing found types and their doc comments to stdout.
the search is case-insensitive and non-exhaustive.
if -s option is specified, any identifier substring matches.
for example, look up format function in std lib:
zdoc std.fmt format
print fmt's top level doc comments:
zdoc std.fmt
look up "hello" identifier in a project file:
for example, look up "hello" identifier in a project file:
zdoc ./src/main.zig hello
@ -26,6 +18,20 @@ recursively and following symlinks:
zdoc ./src hello
if the source starts with `std.`, the dot delimiters are replaced
with filesystem path separator and "std." with the `std_dir` value
from `zig env` command output.
for example, look up format function in std lib:
zdoc std.fmt format
list all expectXxx functions from the testing module:
zdoc -s std.testing expect
as a special case, if the source is exactly `std` and no such file
or directory exists, zdoc searches across the whole zig std lib.
that's about all it can do for now. a future version may include search

@ -79,15 +79,7 @@ fn usage(prog: []const u8) !void {
\\the search is case-insensitive and non-exhaustive.
\\if -s option is specified, any identifier substring matches.
\\for example, look up format function in std lib:
\\ zdoc std.fmt format
\\print fmt's top level doc comments:
\\ zdoc std.fmt
\\look up "hello" identifier in a project file:
\\for example, look up "hello" identifier in a project file:
\\ zdoc ./src/main.zig hello
@ -96,6 +88,21 @@ fn usage(prog: []const u8) !void {
\\ zdoc ./src hello
\\if the source starts with "std.", the dot delimiters are replaced
\\with filesystem path separator and "std." with the "std_dir" value
\\from "zig env" command output.
\\for example, look up format function in std lib:
\\ zdoc std.fmt format
\\list all expectXxx functions from the testing module:
\\ zdoc -s std.testing expect
\\as a special case, if the source is exactly "std" and no such file
\\or directory exists, zdoc searches across the whole zig std lib.
, .{prog});
@ -138,7 +145,17 @@ fn expandSourcePath(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, name: []const u8) !std.ArrayList([
// otherwise, try a fileystem path
var b: [std.fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
const realpath = try std.fs.realpath(name, &b);
const realpath = std.fs.realpath(name, &b) catch |err| {
// as a special case, if no such file or directory, and the original search
// location is exactly "std", assume it's zig std lib and try that instead.
// if this turns out to be inappropriate assumption in the future, consider
// adding a -nostd flag to zdoc cmd line.
if (err == error.FileNotFound and std.mem.eql(u8, name, "std")) {
const stdroot = try zigStdPath(alloc);
return expandSourcePath(alloc, stdroot);
return err;
const stat = stat: {
const file = try std.fs.openFileAbsolute(realpath, .{ .mode = .read_only });
defer file.close();
