@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
/ / ! in fact , most of it is a copy of the original with just a few modifications :
/ / ! - rename renderMember to renderPubMember to emphasize this is about public types only
/ / ! - commented out unused code ; it needs not render type definitions
/ / ! - AutoI dentingStream outputs directly to a File . Writer ; return anyerror
/ / ! - AutoI n dentingStream outputs to a type - independent writer ; returns anyerror
/ / ! instead of Ast . RenderError
const std = @import ( " std " ) ;
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ const Ast = std.zig.Ast;
const log = std . log . scoped ( . render ) ;
/ / / Ais is an AutoIdentingStream suitable for writing directly to stdout or stderr .
pub const Ais = AutoIndentingStream ( std. fs . File . Writer ) ;
/ / / Ais is writer type - independent AutoIndentingStream used by all renderXxx funcs .
pub const Ais = AutoIndentingStream ( TypeErasedWriter . Writer ) ;
/ / / renderPubMember prints the given declaration using ais .
/ / / it outputs anything only if the declaration is public .
@ -2497,7 +2497,7 @@ fn hasSameLineComment(tree: Ast, token_index: Ast.TokenIndex) bool {
/ / return false ;
/ / }
fn writeFixingWhitespace ( writer : std. fs . File . Writer , slice : [ ] const u8 ) anyerror ! void {
fn writeFixingWhitespace ( writer : TypeErasedWriter . Writer , slice : [ ] const u8 ) anyerror ! void {
for ( slice ) | byte | switch ( byte ) {
'\t' = > try writer . writeAll ( " " * * 4 ) ,
'\r' = > { } ,
@ -2761,3 +2761,59 @@ fn AutoIndentingStream(comptime UnderlyingWriter: type) type {
} ;
/ / / TypeErasedWriter abstracts a writer type away so that functions can
/ / / can be more relaxed , without requiring a comptime writer .
/ / /
/ / / example usage with a file writer :
/ / /
/ / / const stdio = std . io . getStdOut ( ) . writer ( ) ;
/ / / var writer = TypeEraseWrite . init ( & stdio ) ;
/ / /
/ / / with an array buffer :
/ / /
/ / / var buf = std . ArrayList ( u8 ) . init ( allocator ) ;
/ / / var writer = TypeEraseWrite . init ( & buf . writer ( ) ) ;
/ / /
/ / / its std io type is TypeErasedWriter . Writer .
pub const TypeErasedWriter = struct {
/ / / a @ptrToInt - cast address to the baseWriter provided during init .
writerAddr : usize ,
/ / / contains write func implementation which invokes baseWriter at writerAddr .
vtable : * const VTable ,
/ / / Writer is the standard io writer type of TypeErasedWriter .
pub const Writer = std . io . Writer ( @This ( ) , WriteError , write ) ;
const WriteError = anyerror ;
const VTable = struct {
writeFn : fn ( usize , [ ] const u8 ) WriteError ! usize ,
} ;
/ / / pointer is expected to be of an std . io . Writer type .
/ / / see TypeErasedWriter for usage examples .
pub fn init ( baseWriter : anytype ) Writer {
const PtrType = @TypeOf ( baseWriter ) ;
const ptrinfo = @typeInfo ( PtrType ) ;
std . debug . assert ( ptrinfo = = . Pointer ) ;
std . debug . assert ( ptrinfo . Pointer . size = = . One ) ; / / single - item pointer
const gen = struct {
fn writeImpl ( writerAddr : usize , bytes : [ ] const u8 ) WriteError ! usize {
const w = @intToPtr ( PtrType , writerAddr ) ;
return w . write ( bytes ) ;
const vtable = VTable { . writeFn = writeImpl } ;
} ;
return . {
. context = TypeErasedWriter {
. writerAddr = @ptrToInt ( baseWriter ) ,
. vtable = & gen . vtable ,
} ,
} ;
fn write ( self : @This ( ) , bytes : [ ] const u8 ) WriteError ! usize {
return self . vtable . writeFn ( self . writerAddr , bytes ) ;
} ;