Links should be rendered as anchors so that they are clickable.
For now only links starting with http:// https:// or www. are
Temporary disabled text notes shortening.
- writing a new message is now presented in full-screen, so that
there are no distractions, i.e. other posts
- added back button and listen to esc key to close new message
- on portrait mode the navigation buttons are now positioned at
the bottom of the screen
- write new message botton (bubble) is also positioned bottomright
- replies now use a line to the last reply instead of indentation,
better use of available space, especially on small screen
- ignore newlines at the end of a post
- added subtile growin effect to the multiline textfield, to hint
that the textarea is growing with more content
Used different CSS-only tab technique. The implementation before
messed up the whole height of the page and used unnecessary
absolute positioning.
Added comment icon from MFG Labs iconset (SIL)
Added outlined and filled heart from Elusiv icons (SIL)
Time ago seconds should be rounded.
Keeping current reply info so it can be accessed later to
publish the reply.
Before only known replies were rendered, now incoming replies
get added to the existing text note instantly. This needs to
create a reply container if this is the first reply of this event.
Added time ago formatting and a helper function that switches
between relative time (if event < 24h) or absolute formatted time
(if older than 1 day).