added pow to text notes, reactions and metadata events. pow is
mined async in a worker so that the main process does not freeze.
noxy profile images, link and image previews are now now only
invoked if an event has some valid work proof. noxy can decide
if there is enough work and whether or not to serve data for a
certain event.
target difficulty can be implemented in a later step, this change
only check if there is any valid nonce tag with commitment target
greater than 0.
this is a simple static text page showing current version from
the npm package and git commit hash at which the app was built.
it's served at /about.html but i didn't link it from the root.
not sure where the best place is.
- added favicon.ico to get rid of anoying logs in the future
- clicking the idea bubble brings back the text input field
- stop accidentally submitting the reply form
- updated idea cloud to dark/light mode neutral gray
- contact list not needed yet, disabled
- add a detailed list of reactions in star tooltip
- removed debug debounce was for testing chronological feed order
- started username prototype
Added support for starring.
Stores recation events in a reactionMap, so rendering can use it
Improved reply to replies, by keeping a separate replyDomMap.
Changed from heart to star, reason: thumbsup or a heart are good
for positive events, but not so suitable to react to a bad event.
So currently negavtive votes are just counted as a star as well.
Did not add another dom map, but just querySelector in case an
existing star needs to be updated later.
Used different CSS-only tab technique. The implementation before
messed up the whole height of the page and used unnecessary
absolute positioning.
Added comment icon from MFG Labs iconset (SIL)
Added outlined and filled heart from Elusiv icons (SIL)
Time ago seconds should be rounded.