You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

42 lines
1.3 KiB

import {getEventHash} from 'nostr-tools';
import {zeroLeadingBitsCount} from './utils/crypto';
const mine = (event, difficulty, timeout = 5) => {
const max = 256; // arbitrary
if (!Number.isInteger(difficulty) || difficulty < 0 || difficulty > max) {
throw new Error(`difficulty must be an integer between 0 and ${max}`);
// continue with mining
let n = BigInt(0);
event.tags.unshift(['nonce', n.toString(), `${difficulty}`]);
const until = Math.floor( * 0.001) + timeout;
while (true) {
const now = Math.floor( * 0.001);
if (timeout !== 0 && (now > until)) {
throw 'timeout';
if (now !== event.created_at) {
event.created_at = now;
// n = BigInt(0); // could reset nonce as we have a new timestamp
event.tags[0][1] = (++n).toString();
const id = getEventHash(event);
if (zeroLeadingBitsCount(id) === difficulty) {
return {id, ...event};
addEventListener('message', (msg) => {
const {difficulty, event, timeout} =;
try {
const minedEvent = mine(event, difficulty, timeout);
postMessage({event: minedEvent});
} catch (err) {
postMessage({error: err});