import {Event, nip19} from 'nostr-tools'; import {zeroLeadingBitsCount} from './utils/crypto'; import {elem, elemArticle, parseTextContent} from './utils/dom'; import {bounce, dateTime, formatTime} from './utils/time'; import {isWssUrl} from './utils/url'; import {sub24hFeed, subNote, subProfile} from './subscriptions' import {getReplyTo, hasEventTag, isMention, sortByCreatedAt, sortEventCreatedAt, validatePow} from './events'; import {clearView, getViewContent, getViewElem, setViewElem, view} from './view'; import {closeSettingsView, config, toggleSettingsView} from './settings'; import {getReactions, getReactionContents, handleReaction, handleUpvote} from './reactions'; import {closePublishView, openWriteInput, togglePublishView} from './write'; import {linkPreview} from './media'; import {getMetadata, handleMetadata} from './profiles'; // curl -H 'accept: application/nostr+json' function onEvent(evt: Event, relay: string) { switch (evt.kind) { case 0: handleMetadata(evt, relay); break; case 1: handleTextNote(evt, relay); break; case 2: handleRecommendServer(evt, relay); break; case 3: // handleContactList(evt, relay); break; case 7: handleReaction(evt, relay); default: // console.log(`TODO: add support for event kind ${evt.kind}`/*, evt*/) } } type EventWithNip19 = Event & { nip19: { note: string; npub: string; } }; const textNoteList: Array = []; // could use indexDB type EventRelayMap = { [eventId: string]: string[]; }; const eventRelayMap: EventRelayMap = {}; // eventId: [relay1, relay2] const renderNote = ( evt: EventWithNip19, i: number, sortedFeeds: EventWithNip19[], ) => { if (getViewElem( { // note already in view return; } const article = createTextNote(evt, eventRelayMap[][0]); if (i === 0) { getViewContent().append(article); } else { getViewElem(sortedFeeds[i - 1].id).before(article); } setViewElem(, article); }; const hasEnoughPOW = ( [tag, , commitment]: string[], eventId: string ) => { return tag === 'nonce' && Number(commitment) >= config.filterDifficulty && zeroLeadingBitsCount(eventId) >= config.filterDifficulty; }; const renderFeed = bounce(() => { const now = Math.floor( * 0.001); textNoteList // dont render notes from the future .filter(note => note.created_at <= now) // if difficulty filter is configured dont render notes with too little pow .filter(note => !config.filterDifficulty || note.tags.some(tag => hasEnoughPOW(tag, .sort(sortByCreatedAt) .reverse() .forEach(renderNote); }, 17); // (16.666 rounded, an arbitrary value to limit updates to max 60x per s) function handleTextNote(evt: Event, relay: string) { if (eventRelayMap[]) { eventRelayMap[] = [...(eventRelayMap[]), relay]; // TODO: just push? } else { eventRelayMap[] = [relay]; const evtWithNip19 = { nip19: { note: nip19.noteEncode(, npub: nip19.npubEncode(evt.pubkey), }, ...evt }; if (evt.tags.some(hasEventTag)) { handleReply(evtWithNip19, relay); } else { textNoteList.push(evtWithNip19); } } if (!getViewElem( { renderFeed(); } } type EventWithNip19AndReplyTo = EventWithNip19 & { replyTo: string; } const replyList: Array = []; function handleReply(evt: EventWithNip19, relay: string) { if ( getViewElem( // already rendered probably received from another relay || evt.tags.some(isMention) // ignore mentions for now ) { return; } const replyTo = getReplyTo(evt); if (!replyTo) { console.warn('expected to find reply-to-event-id', evt); return; } const evtWithReplyTo = {replyTo, ...evt}; replyList.push(evtWithReplyTo); renderReply(evtWithReplyTo, relay); } function renderReply(evt: EventWithNip19AndReplyTo, relay: string) { const parent = getViewElem(evt.replyTo); if (!parent) { // root article has not been rendered return; } let replyContainer = parent.querySelector('.mobx-replies'); if (!replyContainer) { replyContainer = elem('div', {className: 'mobx-replies'}); parent.append(replyContainer); } const reply = createTextNote(evt, relay); replyContainer.append(reply); setViewElem(, reply); } config.rerenderFeed = () => { clearView(); renderFeed(); }; setInterval(() => { document.querySelectorAll('time[datetime]').forEach((timeElem: HTMLTimeElement) => { timeElem.textContent = formatTime(new Date(timeElem.dateTime)); }); }, 10000); function createTextNote(evt: EventWithNip19, relay: string) { const {host, img, name, time, userName} = getMetadata(evt, relay); const replies = replyList.filter(({replyTo}) => replyTo ===; // const isLongContent = evt.content.trimRight().length > 280; // const content = isLongContent ? evt.content.slice(0, 280) : evt.content; const reactions = getReactions(; const didReact = reactions.length && !!reactions.find(reaction => reaction.pubkey === config.pubkey); const replyFeed: Array = replies[0] ? replies.sort(sortByCreatedAt).map(e => setViewElem(, createTextNote(e, relay))) : []; const [content, {firstLink}] = parseTextContent(evt.content); const buttons = elem('div', {className: 'buttons'}, [ elem('button', {name: 'reply', type: 'button'}, [ elem('img', {height: 24, width: 24, src: '/assets/comment.svg'}) ]), elem('button', {name: 'star', type: 'button'}, [ elem('img', { alt: didReact ? '✭' : '✩', // ♥ height: 24, width: 24, src: `/assets/${didReact ? 'star-fill' : 'star'}.svg`, title: getReactionContents(' '), }), elem('small', {data: {reactions: ''}}, reactions.length || ''), ]), ]); const body = elem('div', {className: 'mbox-body'}, [ elem('header', { className: 'mbox-header', title: `User: ${userName}\n${time}\n\nUser pubkey: ${evt.pubkey}\n\nRelay: ${host}\n\nEvent-id: ${} ${evt.tags.length ? `\nTags ${JSON.stringify(evt.tags)}\n` : ''} ${evt.content}` }, [ elem('a', {className: `mbox-username${name ? ' mbox-kind0-name' : ''}`, href: `/${evt.nip19.npub}`}, name || userName), ' ', elem('a', {href: `/${evt.nip19.note}`}, elem('time', {dateTime: time.toISOString()}, formatTime(time))), ]), elem('div', {/* data: isLongContent ? {append: evt.content.slice(280)} : null*/}, [ ...content, (firstLink && validatePow(evt)) ? linkPreview(firstLink,, relay) : null, ]), buttons, ]); if (localStorage.getItem('reply_to') === { openWriteInput(buttons,; } return elemArticle([ elem('div', {className: 'mbox-img'}, img), body, ...(replies[0] ? [elem('div', {className: 'mobx-replies'}, replyFeed.reverse())] : []), ], {data: {id:, pubkey: evt.pubkey, relay}}); } function handleRecommendServer(evt: Event, relay: string) { if (getViewElem( || !isWssUrl(evt.content)) { return; } const art = renderRecommendServer(evt, relay); if (textNoteList.length < 2) { getViewContent().append(art); } else { const closestTextNotes = textNoteList // TODO: prob change to hasEnoughPOW .filter(note => !config.filterDifficulty || note.tags.some(([tag, , commitment]) => tag === 'nonce' && Number(commitment) >= config.filterDifficulty)) .sort(sortEventCreatedAt(evt.created_at)); getViewElem(closestTextNotes[0].id)?.after(art); // TODO: note might not be in the dom yet, recommendedServers could be controlled by renderFeed } setViewElem(, art); } function renderRecommendServer(evt: Event, relay: string) { const {img, name, time, userName} = getMetadata(evt, relay); const body = elem('div', {className: 'mbox-body', title: dateTime.format(time)}, [ elem('header', {className: 'mbox-header'}, [ elem('small', {}, [ elem('strong', {}, userName) ]), ]), ` recommends server: ${evt.content}`, ]); return elemArticle([ elem('div', {className: 'mbox-img'}, [img]), body ], {className: 'mbox-recommend-server', data: {id:, pubkey: evt.pubkey}}); } // subscribe and change view function route(path: string) { if (path === '/') { sub24hFeed(onEvent); view('/'); } else if (path.length === 64 && path.match(/^\/[0-9a-z]+$/)) { const {type, data} = nip19.decode(path.slice(1)); if (typeof data !== 'string') { console.warn('nip19 ProfilePointer, EventPointer and AddressPointer are not yet supported'); return; } switch(type) { case 'note': subNote(data, onEvent); view(path); break; case 'npub': subProfile(data, onEvent); view(path); break; default: console.warn(`type ${type} not yet supported`); } } } // onload route(location.pathname); history.pushState({}, '', location.pathname); window.addEventListener('popstate', (event) => { // console.log(`popstate: ${location.pathname}, state: ${JSON.stringify(event.state)}`); route(location.pathname); }); const handleLink = (a: HTMLAnchorElement, e: MouseEvent) => { const href = a.getAttribute('href'); if (typeof href !== 'string') { console.warn('expected anchor to have href attribute', a); return; } if ( href === '/' || href.startsWith('/note') || href.startsWith('/npub') ) { closeSettingsView(); closePublishView(); route(href); history.pushState({}, '', href); e.preventDefault(); } }; const handleButton = (button: HTMLButtonElement) => { const id = (button.closest('[data-id]') as HTMLElement)?; if (!id) { return; } switch( { case 'reply': openWriteInput(button, id); break; case 'star': const note = replyList.find(r => === id) || textNoteList.find(n => === (id)); note && handleUpvote(note); break; case 'settings': toggleSettingsView(); break; case 'new-note': togglePublishView(); break; case 'back': closePublishView(); break; } // const container ='[data-append]'); // if (container) { // container.append(...parseTextContent(container.dataset.append)); // delete container.dataset.append; // return; // } }; document.body.addEventListener('click', (event: MouseEvent) => { if ( instanceof HTMLElement) { const a ='a'); if (a) { handleLink(a, event); return; } const button ='button'); if (button) { handleButton(button); } } });