import { createRequire } from 'module'; import alias from 'esbuild-plugin-alias'; import { NodeGlobalsPolyfillPlugin } from '@esbuild-plugins/node-globals-polyfill'; import { replaceOnCopyPlugin } from './tools/esbuild-helper.js' // see docs at export const options = { entryPoints: [ 'src/about.html', 'src/assets/comment.svg', 'src/assets/heart-fill.svg', 'src/assets/nostr-favicon.png', 'src/assets/nostr-favicon.svg', 'src/assets/star.svg', 'src/assets/star-fill.svg', 'src/favicon.ico', 'src/index.html', 'src/styles/main.css', 'src/main.js', 'src/manifest.json', 'src/worker.js', ], outdir: 'dist', //entryNames: '[name]-[hash]', TODO: replace urls in index.html with hashed paths loader: {'.html': 'copy', '.ico': 'copy', '.png': 'copy', '.svg': 'copy'}, bundle: true, platform: 'browser', minify: false, // TODO: true for release and enable sourcemap define: { window: 'self', global: 'self' }, // plugins: [ alias({ // cipher-base require's "stream" stream: createRequire(import.meta.url).resolve('readable-stream') }), NodeGlobalsPolyfillPlugin({buffer: true}), replaceOnCopyPlugin(/about\.html$/), replaceOnCopyPlugin(/manifest\.json$/), ] }; export default {options: options}