import {Event} from 'nostr-tools'; import {sub, unsubAll} from './relays'; type SubCallback = ( event: Event, relay: string, ) => void; /** subscribe to global feed */ export const sub24hFeed = (onEvent: SubCallback) => { unsubAll(); sub({ cb: onEvent, filter: { kinds: [0, 1, 2, 7], // until: Math.floor( * 0.001), since: Math.floor(( * 0.001) - (24 * 60 * 60)), limit: 50, } }); }; /** subscribe to a note id (nip-19) */ export const subNote = ( eventId: string, onEvent: SubCallback, ) => { unsubAll(); sub({ cb: onEvent, filter: { ids: [eventId], kinds: [1], limit: 1, } }); sub({ cb: onEvent, filter: { '#e': [eventId], kinds: [1, 7], } }); }; /** subscribe to npub key (nip-19) */ export const subProfile = ( pubkey: string, onEvent: SubCallback, ) => { unsubAll(); sub({ cb: onEvent, filter: { authors: [pubkey], kinds: [0], limit: 1, } }); // get notes for profile sub({ cb: onEvent, filter: { authors: [pubkey], kinds: [1], limit: 50, } }); };