import {generatePrivateKey, getEventHash, getPublicKey, nip19, signEvent} from 'nostr-tools'; import {zeroLeadingBitsCount} from './utils/crypto'; import {elem, elemCanvas, elemShrink, parseTextContent} from './utils/dom'; import {bounce, dateTime, formatTime} from './utils/time'; import {getHost, getNoxyUrl, isWssUrl} from './utils/url'; import {sub24hFeed, subNote, subProfile} from './subscriptions' import {publish} from './relays'; import {getReplyTo, hasEventTag, isMention, sortByCreatedAt, sortEventCreatedAt, validatePow} from './events'; import {clearView, getViewContent, getViewElem, setViewElem, view} from './view'; // curl -H 'accept: application/nostr+json' function onEvent(evt, relay) { switch (evt.kind) { case 0: handleMetadata(evt, relay); break; case 1: handleTextNote(evt, relay); break; case 2: handleRecommendServer(evt, relay); break; case 3: // handleContactList(evt, relay); break; case 7: handleReaction(evt, relay); default: // console.log(`TODO: add support for event kind ${evt.kind}`/*, evt*/) } } let pubkey = localStorage.getItem('pub_key') || (() => { const privatekey = generatePrivateKey(); const pubkey = getPublicKey(privatekey); localStorage.setItem('private_key', privatekey); localStorage.setItem('pub_key', pubkey); return pubkey; })(); const textNoteList = []; // could use indexDB const eventRelayMap = {}; // eventId: [relay1, relay2] const renderNote = (evt, i, sortedFeeds) => { if (getViewElem( { // note already in view return; } const article = createTextNote(evt, eventRelayMap[]); if (i === 0) { getViewContent().append(article); } else { getViewElem(sortedFeeds[i - 1].id).before(article); } setViewElem(, article); }; const hasEnoughPOW = ([tag, , commitment], eventId) => { return tag === 'nonce' && commitment >= fitlerDifficulty && zeroLeadingBitsCount(eventId) >= fitlerDifficulty; }; const renderFeed = bounce(() => { const now = Math.floor( * 0.001); textNoteList // dont render notes from the future .filter(note => note.created_at <= now) // if difficulty filter is configured dont render notes with too little pow .filter(note => !fitlerDifficulty || note.tags.some(tag => hasEnoughPOW(tag, .sort(sortByCreatedAt) .reverse() .forEach(renderNote); }, 17); // (16.666 rounded, an arbitrary value to limit updates to max 60x per s) function handleTextNote(evt, relay) { if (eventRelayMap[]) { eventRelayMap[] = [relay, ...(eventRelayMap[])]; } else { eventRelayMap[] = [relay]; const evtWithNip19 = { nip19: { note: nip19.noteEncode(, npub: nip19.npubEncode(evt.pubkey), }, ...evt }; if (evt.tags.some(hasEventTag)) { handleReply(evtWithNip19, relay); } else { textNoteList.push(evtWithNip19); } } if (!getViewElem( { renderFeed(); } } const replyList = []; function handleReply(evt, relay) { if ( getViewElem( // already rendered probably received from another relay || evt.tags.some(isMention) // ignore mentions for now ) { return; } const replyTo = getReplyTo(evt); const evtWithReplyTo = {replyTo, ...evt}; replyList.push(evtWithReplyTo); renderReply(evtWithReplyTo, relay); } function renderReply(evt, relay) { const parent = getViewElem(evt.replyTo); if (!parent) { // root article has not been rendered return; } let replyContainer = parent.querySelector('.mobx-replies'); if (!replyContainer) { replyContainer = elem('div', {className: 'mobx-replies'}); parent.append(replyContainer); } const reply = createTextNote(evt, relay); replyContainer.append(reply); setViewElem(, reply); } const reactionMap = {}; const getReactionList = (id) => { return reactionMap[id]?.map(({content}) => content) || []; }; function handleReaction(evt, relay) { // last id is the note that is being reacted to const lastEventTag = evt.tags.filter(hasEventTag).at(-1); if (!lastEventTag || !evt.content.length) { // ignore reactions with no content return; } const [, eventId] = lastEventTag; if (reactionMap[eventId]) { if (reactionMap[eventId].find(reaction => === { // already received this reaction from a different relay return; } reactionMap[eventId] = [evt, ...(reactionMap[eventId])]; } else { reactionMap[eventId] = [evt]; } const article = getViewElem(eventId); if (article) { const button = article.querySelector('button[name="star"]'); const reactions = button.querySelector('[data-reactions]'); reactions.textContent = reactionMap[eventId].length; if (evt.pubkey === pubkey) { const star = button.querySelector('img[src*="star"]'); star?.setAttribute('src', '/assets/star-fill.svg'); star?.setAttribute('title', getReactionList(eventId).join(' ')); } } } const restoredReplyTo = localStorage.getItem('reply_to'); function rerenderFeed() { clearView(); renderFeed(); } setInterval(() => { document.querySelectorAll('time[datetime]').forEach(timeElem => { timeElem.textContent = formatTime(new Date(timeElem.dateTime)); }); }, 10000); const fetchQue = []; let fetchPending; const fetchNext = (href, id, relay) => { const noxy = getNoxyUrl('meta', href, id, relay); const previewId = noxy.searchParams.toString(); if (fetchPending) { fetchQue.push({href, id, relay}); return previewId; } fetchPending = fetch(noxy.href) .then(data => { if (data.status === 200) { return data.json(); } // fetchQue.push({href, id, relay}); // could try one more time return Promise.reject(data); }) .then(meta => { const container = document.getElementById(previewId); const content = []; if (meta.images[0]) { content.push(elem('img', {className: 'preview-image', loading: 'lazy', src: getNoxyUrl('data', meta.images[0], id, relay).href})); } if (meta.title) { content.push(elem('h2', {className: 'preview-title'}, meta.title)); } if (meta.descr) { content.push(elem('p', {className: 'preview-descr'}, meta.descr)) } if (content.length) { container.append(elem('a', {href, rel: 'noopener noreferrer', target: '_blank'}, content)); container.classList.add('preview-loaded'); } }) .finally(() => { fetchPending = false; if (fetchQue.length) { const {href, id, relay} = fetchQue.shift(); return fetchNext(href, id, relay); } }) .catch(err => err.text && err.text()) .then(errMsg => errMsg && console.warn(errMsg)); return previewId; }; function linkPreview(href, id, relay) { if ((/\.(gif|jpe?g|png)$/i).test(href)) { return elem('div', {}, [elem('img', {className: 'preview-image-only', loading: 'lazy', src: getNoxyUrl('data', href, id, relay).href})] ); } const previewId = fetchNext(href, id, relay); return elem('div', { className: 'preview', id: previewId }); } const writeInput = document.querySelector('textarea[name="message"]'); function createTextNote(evt, relay) { const {host, img, name, time, userName} = getMetadata(evt, relay); const replies = replyList.filter(({replyTo}) => replyTo ===; // const isLongContent = evt.content.trimRight().length > 280; // const content = isLongContent ? evt.content.slice(0, 280) : evt.content; const hasReactions = reactionMap[]?.length > 0; const didReact = hasReactions && !!reactionMap[].find(reaction => reaction.pubkey === pubkey); const replyFeed = replies[0] ? replies.sort(sortByCreatedAt).map(e => setViewElem(, createTextNote(e, relay))) : []; const [content, {firstLink}] = parseTextContent(evt.content); const body = elem('div', {className: 'mbox-body'}, [ elem('header', { className: 'mbox-header', title: `User: ${userName}\n${time}\n\nUser pubkey: ${evt.pubkey}\n\nRelay: ${host}\n\nEvent-id: ${} ${evt.tags.length ? `\nTags ${JSON.stringify(evt.tags)}\n` : ''} ${evt.content}` }, [ elem('a', {className: `mbox-username${name ? ' mbox-kind0-name' : ''}`, href: `/${evt.nip19.npub}`, data: {nav: true}}, name || userName), ' ', elem('a', {href: `/${evt.nip19.note}`, data: {nav: true}}, formatTime(time)), ]), elem('div', {/* data: isLongContent ? {append: evt.content.slice(280)} : null*/}, [ ...content, (firstLink && validatePow(evt)) ? linkPreview(firstLink,, relay) : '', ]), elem('div', {className: 'buttons'}, [ elem('button', {name: 'reply', type: 'button'}, [ elem('img', {height: 24, width: 24, src: '/assets/comment.svg'}) ]), elem('button', {name: 'star', type: 'button'}, [ elem('img', { alt: didReact ? '✭' : '✩', // ♥ height: 24, width: 24, src: `/assets/${didReact ? 'star-fill' : 'star'}.svg`, title: getReactionList(' '), }), elem('small', {data: {reactions: ''}}, hasReactions ? reactionMap[].length : ''), ]), ]), ]); if (restoredReplyTo === { appendReplyForm(body.querySelector('.buttons')); requestAnimationFrame(() => updateElemHeight(writeInput)); } return renderArticle([ elem('div', {className: 'mbox-img'}, [img]), body, replies[0] ? elem('div', {className: 'mobx-replies'}, replyFeed.reverse()) : '', ], {data: {id:, pubkey: evt.pubkey, relay}}); } function handleRecommendServer(evt, relay) { if (getViewElem( || !isWssUrl(evt.content)) { return; } const art = renderRecommendServer(evt, relay); if (textNoteList.length < 2) { getViewContent().append(art); } else { const closestTextNotes = textNoteList .filter(note => !fitlerDifficulty || note.tags.some(([tag, , commitment]) => tag === 'nonce' && commitment >= fitlerDifficulty)) .sort(sortEventCreatedAt(evt.created_at)); getViewElem(closestTextNotes[0].id)?.after(art); // TODO: note might not be in the dom yet, recommendedServers could be controlled by renderFeed } setViewElem(, art); } function handleContactList(evt, relay) { if (getViewElem( { return; } const art = renderUpdateContact(evt, relay); if (textNoteList.length < 2) { getViewContent().append(art); return; } const closestTextNotes = textNoteList.sort(sortEventCreatedAt(evt.created_at)); getViewElem(closestTextNotes[0].id).after(art); setViewElem(, art); // const user = userList.find(u => u.pupkey === evt.pubkey); // if (user) { // console.log(`TODO: add contact list for ${evt.pubkey.slice(0, 8)} on ${relay}`, evt.tags); // } else { // tempContactList[relay] = tempContactList[relay] // ? [...tempContactList[relay], evt] // : [evt]; // } } function renderUpdateContact(evt, relay) { const {img, time, userName} = getMetadata(evt, relay); const body = elem('div', {className: 'mbox-body', title: dateTime.format(time)}, [ elem('header', {className: 'mbox-header'}, [ elem('small', {}, []), ]), elem('pre', {title: JSON.stringify(evt.content)}, [ elem('strong', {}, userName), ' updated contacts: ', JSON.stringify(evt.tags), ]), ]); return renderArticle([img, body], {className: 'mbox-updated-contact', data: {id:, pubkey: evt.pubkey, relay}}); } function renderRecommendServer(evt, relay) { const {img, name, time, userName} = getMetadata(evt, relay); const body = elem('div', {className: 'mbox-body', title: dateTime.format(time)}, [ elem('header', {className: 'mbox-header'}, [ elem('small', {}, [ elem('strong', {}, userName) ]), ]), ` recommends server: ${evt.content}`, ]); return renderArticle([ elem('div', {className: 'mbox-img'}, [img]), body ], {className: 'mbox-recommend-server', data: {id:, pubkey: evt.pubkey}}); } function renderArticle(content, props = {}) { const className = props.className ? ['mbox', props?.className].join(' ') : 'mbox'; return elem('article', {...props, className}, content); } const userList = []; // const tempContactList = {}; function parseContent(content) { try { return JSON.parse(content); } catch(err) { console.log(evt); console.error(err); } } function handleMetadata(evt, relay) { const content = parseContent(evt.content); if (content) { setMetadata(evt, relay, content); } } function setMetadata(evt, relay, content) { let user = userList.find(u => u.pubkey === evt.pubkey); const picture = getNoxyUrl('data', content.picture,, relay).href; if (!user) { user = { metadata: {[relay]: content}, ...(content.picture && {picture}), pubkey: evt.pubkey, }; userList.push(user); } else { user.metadata[relay] = { ...user.metadata[relay], timestamp: evt.created_at, ...content, }; // use only the first profile pic (for now), different pics on each releay are not supported yet if (!user.picture) { user.picture = picture; } } // update profile images if (user.picture && validatePow(evt)) { document.body .querySelectorAll(`canvas[data-pubkey="${evt.pubkey}"]`) .forEach(canvas => (canvas.parentNode.replaceChild(elem('img', {src: user.picture}), canvas))); } if (user.metadata[relay].name) { document.body .querySelectorAll(`[data-id="${evt.pubkey}"] .mbox-username:not(.mbox-kind0-name)`) .forEach(username => { username.textContent = user.metadata[relay].name; username.classList.add('mbox-kind0-name'); }); } // if (tempContactList[relay]) { // const updates = tempContactList[relay].filter(update => update.pubkey === evt.pubkey); // if (updates) { // console.log('TODO: add contact list (kind 3)', updates); // } // } } function getMetadata(evt, relay) { const host = getHost(relay); const user = userList.find(user => user.pubkey === evt.pubkey); const userImg = user?.picture; const name = user?.metadata[relay]?.name; const userName = name || evt.pubkey.slice(0, 8); const userAbout = user?.metadata[relay]?.about || ''; const img = (userImg && validatePow(evt)) ? elem('img', { alt: `${userName} ${host}`, loading: 'lazy', src: userImg, title: `${userName} on ${host} ${userAbout}`, }) : elemCanvas(evt.pubkey); const time = new Date(evt.created_at * 1000); return {host, img, name, time, userName}; } const writeForm = document.querySelector('#writeForm'); writeInput.addEventListener('focusout', () => { const reply_to = localStorage.getItem('reply_to'); if (reply_to && writeInput.value === '') { writeInput.addEventListener('transitionend', (event) => { if (!reply_to || reply_to === localStorage.getItem('reply_to') && ! { // should prob use some class or data-attr instead of relying on height writeForm.after(elemShrink(writeInput)); writeForm.remove(); localStorage.removeItem('reply_to'); } }, {once: true}); } }); function appendReplyForm(el) { writeForm.before(elemShrink(writeInput)); writeInput.blur();'height'); el.after(writeForm); if (writeInput.value && !writeInput.value.trimRight()) { writeInput.value = ''; } else { requestAnimationFrame(() => updateElemHeight(writeInput)); } requestAnimationFrame(() => writeInput.focus()); } const lockScroll = () => = 'hidden'; const unlockScroll = () =>'overflow'); let fitlerDifficulty = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('filter_difficulty')) ?? 0; const filterDifficultyInput = document.querySelector('#filterDifficulty'); const filterDifficultyDisplay = document.querySelector('[data-display="filter_difficulty"]'); filterDifficultyInput.addEventListener('input', (e) => { localStorage.setItem('filter_difficulty', filterDifficultyInput.valueAsNumber); fitlerDifficulty = filterDifficultyInput.valueAsNumber; filterDifficultyDisplay.textContent = filterDifficultyInput.value; rerenderFeed(); }); filterDifficultyInput.value = fitlerDifficulty; filterDifficultyDisplay.textContent = filterDifficultyInput.value; // arbitrary difficulty default, still experimenting. let difficulty = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('mining_target')) ?? 16; const miningTargetInput = document.querySelector('#miningTarget'); miningTargetInput.addEventListener('input', (e) => { localStorage.setItem('mining_target', miningTargetInput.valueAsNumber); difficulty = miningTargetInput.valueAsNumber; }); miningTargetInput.value = difficulty; let timeout = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('mining_timeout')) ?? 5; const miningTimeoutInput = document.querySelector('#miningTimeout'); miningTimeoutInput.addEventListener('input', (e) => { localStorage.setItem('mining_timeout', miningTimeoutInput.valueAsNumber); timeout = miningTimeoutInput.valueAsNumber; }); miningTimeoutInput.value = timeout; async function upvote(eventId, eventPubkey) { const note = replyList.find(r => === eventId) || textNoteList.find(n => === (eventId)); const tags = [ ...note.tags .filter(tag => ['e', 'p'].includes(tag[0])) // take e and p tags from event .map(([a, b]) => [a, b]), // drop optional (nip-10) relay and marker fields ['e', eventId], ['p', eventPubkey], // last e and p tag is the id and pubkey of the note being reacted to (nip-25) ]; const article = getViewElem(eventId); const reactionBtn = article.querySelector('[name="star"]'); const statusElem = article.querySelector('[data-reactions]'); reactionBtn.disabled = true; const newReaction = await powEvent({ kind: 7, pubkey, // TODO: lib could check that this is the pubkey of the key to sign with content: '+', tags, created_at: Math.floor( * 0.001), }, {difficulty, statusElem, timeout}).catch(console.warn); if (!newReaction) { statusElem.textContent = reactionMap[eventId]?.length; reactionBtn.disabled = false; return; } const privatekey = localStorage.getItem('private_key'); const sig = signEvent(newReaction, privatekey); // TODO: validateEvent if (sig) { statusElem.textContent = 'publishing…'; publish({...newReaction, sig}, (relay, error) => { if (error) { return console.error(error, relay); }`event published by ${relay}`); }); reactionBtn.disabled = false; } } // send const sendStatus = document.querySelector('#sendstatus'); const onSendError = err => sendStatus.textContent = err.message; const publishBtn = document.querySelector('#publish'); writeForm.addEventListener('submit', async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); // const pubkey = localStorage.getItem('pub_key'); const privatekey = localStorage.getItem('private_key'); if (!pubkey || !privatekey) { return onSendError(new Error('no pubkey/privatekey')); } const content = writeInput.value.trimRight(); if (!content) { return onSendError(new Error('message is empty')); } const replyTo = localStorage.getItem('reply_to'); const close = () => { sendStatus.textContent = ''; writeInput.value = '';'height'); publishBtn.disabled = true; if (replyTo) { localStorage.removeItem('reply_to'); publishView.append(writeForm); } publishView.hidden = true; }; const tags = replyTo ? [['e', replyTo]] : []; // , eventRelayMap[replyTo][0] const newEvent = await powEvent({ kind: 1, content, pubkey, tags, created_at: Math.floor( * 0.001), }, {difficulty, statusElem: sendStatus, timeout}).catch(console.warn); if (!newEvent) { close(); return; } const sig = signEvent(newEvent, privatekey); // TODO validateEvent if (sig) { sendStatus.textContent = 'publishing…'; publish({...newEvent, sig}, (relay, error) => { if (error) { return console.log(error, relay); }`publish request sent to ${relay}`); close(); }); } }); writeInput.addEventListener('input', () => { publishBtn.disabled = !writeInput.value.trimRight(); updateElemHeight(writeInput); }); writeInput.addEventListener('blur', () => sendStatus.textContent = ''); function updateElemHeight(el) {'height'); if (el.value) { = 0; = 0; = el.scrollHeight + 'px';'padding-bottom');'padding-top'); } } document.body.onload = () => console.log('------------ pageload ------------') // subscribe and change view function route(path) { if (path === '/') { sub24hFeed(onEvent); view('/'); } else if (path.length === 64 && path.match(/^\/[0-9a-z]+$/)) { const {type, data} = nip19.decode(path.slice(1)); switch(type) { case 'note': subNote(data, onEvent); view(path); break; case 'npub': subProfile(data, onEvent); view(path); break; default: console.warn(`type ${type} not yet supported`); } } } // onload route(location.pathname); history.pushState({}, '', location.pathname); window.addEventListener('popstate', (event) => { // console.log(`popstate: ${location.pathname}, state: ${JSON.stringify(event.state)}`); route(location.pathname); }); const settingsView = document.querySelector('#settings'); const publishView = document.querySelector('#newNote'); document.body.addEventListener('click', (e) => { const a ='a'); const pubkey ='[data-pubkey]')?.dataset.pubkey; const id ='[data-id]')?; if (a) { if ('nav' in a.dataset) { e.preventDefault(); if (!settingsView.hidden) { settingsView.hidden = true; } if (!publishView.hidden) { publishView.hidden = true; } const href = a.getAttribute('href'); route(href); history.pushState({}, null, href); e.preventDefault(); } return; } const button ='button'); if (button) { switch( { case 'reply': if (localStorage.getItem('reply_to') === id) { writeInput.blur(); return; } appendReplyForm(button.closest('.buttons')); localStorage.setItem('reply_to', id); break; case 'star': upvote(id, pubkey); break; case 'settings': settingsView.hidden = !settingsView.hidden; break; case 'new-note': if (publishView.hidden) { localStorage.removeItem('reply_to'); // should it forget old replyto context? publishView.append(writeForm); if (writeInput.value.trimRight()) {'height'); } requestAnimationFrame(() => { updateElemHeight(writeInput); writeInput.focus(); }); publishView.removeAttribute('hidden'); } else { publishView.hidden = true; } break; case 'back': publishView.hidden = true; break; } } // const container ='[data-append]'); // if (container) { // container.append(...parseTextContent(container.dataset.append)); // delete container.dataset.append; // return; // } }); // document.body.addEventListener('keyup', (e) => { // if (e.key === 'Escape') { // hideNewMessage(true); // } // }); // settings const settingsForm = document.querySelector('form[name="settings"]'); const privateKeyInput = settingsForm.querySelector('#privatekey'); const pubKeyInput = settingsForm.querySelector('#pubkey'); const statusMessage = settingsForm.querySelector('#keystatus'); const generateBtn = settingsForm.querySelector('button[name="generate"]'); const importBtn = settingsForm.querySelector('button[name="import"]'); const privateTgl = settingsForm.querySelector('button[name="privatekey-toggle"]'); generateBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { const privatekey = generatePrivateKey(); const pubkey = getPublicKey(privatekey); if (validKeys(privatekey, pubkey)) { privateKeyInput.value = privatekey; pubKeyInput.value = pubkey; statusMessage.textContent = 'private-key created!'; statusMessage.hidden = false; } }); importBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { const privatekey = privateKeyInput.value; const pubkeyInput = pubKeyInput.value; if (validKeys(privatekey, pubkeyInput)) { localStorage.setItem('private_key', privatekey); localStorage.setItem('pub_key', pubkeyInput); statusMessage.textContent = 'stored private and public key locally!'; statusMessage.hidden = false; pubkey = pubkeyInput; } }); settingsForm.addEventListener('input', () => validKeys(privateKeyInput.value, pubKeyInput.value)); privateKeyInput.addEventListener('paste', (event) => { if (pubKeyInput.value || !event.clipboardData) { return; } if (privateKeyInput.value === '' || ( // either privatekey field is empty privateKeyInput.selectionStart === 0 // or the whole text is selected and replaced with the clipboard && privateKeyInput.selectionEnd === privateKeyInput.value.length )) { // only generate the pubkey if no data other than the text from clipboard will be used try { pubKeyInput.value = getPublicKey(event.clipboardData.getData('text')); } catch(err) {} // settings form will call validKeys on input and display the error } }); function validKeys(privatekey, pubkey) { try { if (getPublicKey(privatekey) === pubkey) { statusMessage.hidden = true; statusMessage.textContent = 'public-key corresponds to private-key'; importBtn.removeAttribute('disabled'); return true; } else { statusMessage.textContent = 'private-key does not correspond to public-key!' } } catch (e) { statusMessage.textContent = `not a valid private-key: ${e.message || e}`; } statusMessage.hidden = false; importBtn.setAttribute('disabled', true); return false; } privateTgl.addEventListener('click', () => { privateKeyInput.type = privateKeyInput.type === 'text' ? 'password' : 'text'; }); privateKeyInput.value = localStorage.getItem('private_key'); pubKeyInput.value = localStorage.getItem('pub_key'); // profile const profileForm = document.querySelector('form[name="profile"]'); const profileSubmit = profileForm.querySelector('button[type="submit"]'); const profileStatus = document.querySelector('#profilestatus'); const onProfileError = err => { profileStatus.hidden = false; profileStatus.textContent = err.message }; profileForm.addEventListener('input', (e) => { if ( === 'TEXTAREA') { updateElemHeight(; } const form = new FormData(profileForm); const name = form.get('name'); const about = form.get('about'); const picture = form.get('picture'); profileSubmit.disabled = !(name || about || picture); }); profileForm.addEventListener('submit', async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); const form = new FormData(profileForm); const newProfile = await powEvent({ kind: 0, pubkey, content: JSON.stringify(Object.fromEntries(form)), tags: [], created_at: Math.floor( * 0.001), }, {difficulty, statusElem: profileStatus, timeout}).catch(console.warn); if (!newProfile) { profileStatus.textContent = 'publishing profile data canceled'; profileStatus.hidden = false; return; } const privatekey = localStorage.getItem('private_key'); const sig = signEvent(newProfile, privatekey); // TODO: validateEvent if (sig) { publish({...newProfile, sig}, (relay, error) => { if (error) { return console.error(error, relay); }`publish request sent to ${relay}`); profileStatus.textContent = 'profile metadata successfully published'; profileStatus.hidden = false; profileSubmit.disabled = true; }); } }); const errorOverlay = document.querySelector('#errorOverlay'); function promptError(error, options = {}) { const {onAgain, onCancel} = options; lockScroll(); errorOverlay.replaceChildren( elem('h1', {className: 'error-title'}, error), elem('p', {}, 'time ran out finding a proof with the desired mining difficulty. either try again, lower the mining difficulty or increase the timeout in profile settings.'), elem('div', {className: 'buttons'}, [ onCancel ? elem('button', {data: {action: 'close'}}, 'close') : '', onAgain ? elem('button', {data: {action: 'again'}}, 'try again') : '', ]), ); const handleOverlayClick = (e) => { const button ='button'); if (button) { switch(button.dataset.action) { case 'close': onCancel(); break; case 'again': onAgain(); break; } errorOverlay.removeEventListener('click', handleOverlayClick); errorOverlay.hidden = true; unlockScroll(); } }; errorOverlay.addEventListener('click', handleOverlayClick); errorOverlay.hidden = false; } /** * run proof of work in a worker until at least the specified difficulty. * if succcessful, the returned event contains the 'nonce' tag * and the updated created_at timestamp. * * powEvent returns a rejected promise if the funtion runs for longer than timeout. * a zero timeout makes mineEvent run without a time limit. * a zero mining target just resolves the promise without trying to find a 'nonce'. */ function powEvent(evt, options) { const {difficulty, statusElem, timeout} = options; if (difficulty === 0) { return Promise.resolve({ id: getEventHash(evt), ...evt, }); } const cancelBtn = elem('button', {className: 'btn-inline'}, [elem('small', {}, 'cancel')]); statusElem.replaceChildren('working…', cancelBtn); statusElem.hidden = false; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const worker = new Worker('./worker.js'); const onCancel = () => { worker.terminate(); reject('canceled'); }; cancelBtn.addEventListener('click', onCancel); worker.onmessage = (msg) => { worker.terminate(); cancelBtn.removeEventListener('click', onCancel); if ( { promptError(, { onCancel: () => reject('canceled'), onAgain: async () => { const result = await powEvent(evt, {difficulty, statusElem, timeout}).catch(console.warn); resolve(result); } }) } else { resolve(; } }; worker.onerror = (err) => { worker.terminate(); // promptError(, {}); cancelBtn.removeEventListener('click', onCancel); reject(err); }; worker.postMessage({event: evt, difficulty, timeout}); }); }