import {signEvent} from 'nostr-tools'; import {elemShrink, updateElemHeight} from './utils/dom'; import {powEvent} from './system'; import {config} from './settings'; import {publish} from './relays'; // form used to write and publish textnotes for replies and new notes const writeForm = document.querySelector('#writeForm') as HTMLFormElement; const writeInput = document.querySelector('textarea[name="message"]') as HTMLTextAreaElement; // overlay for writing new text notes const publishView = document.querySelector('#newNote') as HTMLElement; const openWriteView = () => { publishView.append(writeForm); if (writeInput.value.trimRight()) {'height'); } requestAnimationFrame(() => { updateElemHeight(writeInput); writeInput.focus(); }); publishView.removeAttribute('hidden'); }; export const closePublishView = () => publishView.hidden = true; export const togglePublishView = () => { if (publishView.hidden) { localStorage.removeItem('reply_to'); // should it forget old replyto context? openWriteView(); } else { publishView.hidden = true; } }; const appendReplyForm = (el: HTMLElement) => { writeForm.before(elemShrink(writeInput)); writeInput.blur();'height'); el.after(writeForm); if (writeInput.value && !writeInput.value.trimRight()) { writeInput.value = ''; } else { requestAnimationFrame(() => updateElemHeight(writeInput)); } requestAnimationFrame(() => writeInput.focus()); }; const closeWriteInput = () => writeInput.blur(); export const openWriteInput = ( button: HTMLElement, id: string, ) => { appendReplyForm(button.closest('.buttons') as HTMLElement); localStorage.setItem('reply_to', id); }; export const toggleWriteInput = ( button: HTMLElement, id: string, ) => { if (id && localStorage.getItem('reply_to') === id) { closeWriteInput(); return; } appendReplyForm(button.closest('.buttons') as HTMLElement); localStorage.setItem('reply_to', id); }; // const updateWriteInputHeight = () => updateElemHeight(writeInput); writeInput.addEventListener('focusout', () => { const reply_to = localStorage.getItem('reply_to'); if (reply_to && writeInput.value === '') { writeInput.addEventListener('transitionend', (event) => { if (!reply_to || reply_to === localStorage.getItem('reply_to') && ! { // should prob use some class or data-attr instead of relying on height writeForm.after(elemShrink(writeInput)); writeForm.remove(); localStorage.removeItem('reply_to'); } }, {once: true}); } }); // document.body.addEventListener('keyup', (e) => { // if (e.key === 'Escape') { // hideNewMessage(true); // } // }); const sendStatus = document.querySelector('#sendstatus') as HTMLElement; const publishBtn = document.querySelector('#publish') as HTMLButtonElement; const onSendError = (err: Error) => sendStatus.textContent = err.message; writeForm.addEventListener('submit', async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); const privatekey = localStorage.getItem('private_key'); if (!config.pubkey || !privatekey) { return onSendError(new Error('no pubkey/privatekey')); } const content = writeInput.value.trimRight(); if (!content) { return onSendError(new Error('message is empty')); } const replyTo = localStorage.getItem('reply_to'); const close = () => { sendStatus.textContent = ''; writeInput.value = '';'height'); publishBtn.disabled = true; if (replyTo) { localStorage.removeItem('reply_to'); publishView.append(writeForm); } publishView.hidden = true; }; const tags = replyTo ? [['e', replyTo]] : []; // , eventRelayMap[replyTo][0] const newEvent = await powEvent({ kind: 1, content, pubkey: config.pubkey, tags, created_at: Math.floor( * 0.001), }, { difficulty: config.difficulty, statusElem: sendStatus, timeout: config.timeout, }).catch(console.warn); if (!newEvent) { close(); return; } const sig = signEvent(newEvent, privatekey); // TODO validateEvent if (sig) { sendStatus.textContent = 'publishing…'; publish({...newEvent, sig}, (relay, error) => { if (error) { return console.log(error, relay); }`publish request sent to ${relay}`); close(); }); } }); writeInput.addEventListener('input', () => { publishBtn.disabled = !writeInput.value.trimRight(); updateElemHeight(writeInput); }); writeInput.addEventListener('blur', () => sendStatus.textContent = '');