ci/woodpecker/push/woodpecker Pipeline was successfulDetails
ci/woodpecker/pr/woodpecker Pipeline was successfulDetails
if difficulty-filter is set the subscription of the global feed
can filter only ids with 0-prefix to save bandwidth.
as there may not be many pow events within the last 24h, the
date range is now only enabled if there is no diffculty-filter
set so that the feed is not empty.
if this works as expected it could also only subscripe to
reactions and profile info with pow ids.
deps: update nostr-tools to 1.10.1
This version supports subscribing to prefixed ids, see
move and typed relay related code to relays.ts
upgrade nostr-tools to latest greatest, major version with
breaking changes:
- relayPool is gone in favor of SimplePool, but this commit just
used relayInit directly as relays should become configurable at
some point
ci/woodpecker/push/woodpecker Pipeline was successfulDetails
i broke the ci while moving the repo from x1ddos/nostrweb to
nostr/nostrweb - all settings remained in the old repo and pipelines
didn't run at the new location.
could've overwritten the git tag but what happens in public git,
stays in git. so, just making a new dummy tag to trigger the ci.