You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

410 lines
12 KiB

import {relayPool, generatePrivateKey, getPublicKey, signEvent} from 'nostr-tools';
2 years ago
import {elem} from './domutil.js';
import {dateTime, formatTime} from './timeutil.js';
// curl -H 'accept: application/nostr+json'
2 years ago
const pool = relayPool();
pool.addRelay('wss://', {read: true, write: true});
// pool.addRelay('wss://', {read: true, write: true});
pool.addRelay('wss://', {read: true, write: true});
// pool.addRelay('wss://', {read: true, write: true});
// pool.addRelay('wss://', {read: true, write: true});
// read only
// pool.addRelay('wss://', {read: true, write: false});
2 years ago
let max = 0;
2 years ago
function onEvent(evt, relay) {
// if (max++ >= 223) {
// return subscription.unsub();
// }
switch (evt.kind) {
case 0:
handleMetadata(evt, relay);
case 1:
handleTextNote(evt, relay);
case 2:
handleRecommendServer(evt, relay);
case 3:
updateContactList(evt, relay);
// console.log(`TODO: add support for event kind ${evt.kind}`/*, evt*/)
// const pubkey = localStorage.getItem('pub_key')
const subscription = pool.sub({
cb: onEvent,
filter: {
// authors: [
// '52155da703585f25053830ac39863c80ea6adc57b360472c16c566a412d2bc38', // quark
// 'a6057742e73ff93b89587c27a74edf2cdab86904291416e90dc98af1c5f70cfa', // mosc
// '3bf0c63fcb93463407af97a5e5ee64fa883d107ef9e558472c4eb9aaaefa459d', // fiatjaf
// '52155da703585f25053830ac39863c80ea6adc57b360472c16c566a412d2bc38', // x1ddos
// // pubkey, // me
// '32e1827635450ebb3c5a7d12c1f8e7b2b514439ac10a67eef3d9fd9c5c68e245', // jb55
// ],
// since: new Date( - (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)),
limit: 100,
const textNoteList = [];
const replyList = [];
const eventRelayMap = {};
const hasEventTag = tag => tag[0] === 'e';
function handleTextNote(evt, relay) {
if (eventRelayMap[]) {
eventRelayMap[] = [relay, ...(eventRelayMap[])];
} else {
eventRelayMap[] = [relay];
if (evt.tags.some(hasEventTag)) {
handleReply(evt, relay);
} else {
// feed
const feedContainer = document.querySelector('#feed');
const feedDomMap = {};
const sortByCreatedAt = (evt1, evt2) => {
if (evt1.created_at === evt2.created_at) {
// console.log('TODO: OMG exactly at the same time, figure out how to sort then', evt1, evt2);
return evt1.created_at > evt2.created_at ? -1 : 1;
// let debounceDebugMessageTimer;
function renderFeed() {
const sortedFeeds = textNoteList.sort(sortByCreatedAt).reverse();
// debug
// clearTimeout(debounceDebugMessageTimer);
// debounceDebugMessageTimer = setTimeout(() => {
// console.log(`${sortedFeeds.reverse().map(e => dateTime.format(e.created_at * 1000)).join('\n')}`)
// }, 2000);
sortedFeeds.forEach((textNoteEvent, i) => {
if (feedDomMap[]) {
// TODO check eventRelayMap if event was published to different relays
const article = createTextNote(textNoteEvent, eventRelayMap[]);
if (i === 0) {
} else {
feedDomMap[sortedFeeds[i - 1].id].before(article);
feedDomMap[] = article;
setInterval(() => {
document.querySelectorAll('time[datetime]').forEach(timeElem => {
timeElem.textContent = formatTime(new Date(timeElem.dateTime));
}, 10000);
function createTextNote(evt, relay) {
const {host, img, isReply, replies, time, userName} = getMetadata(evt, relay);
const name = elem('strong', {className: 'mbox-username', title: evt.pubkey}, userName);
const timeElem = elem('time', { dateTime: time.toISOString()}, formatTime(time));
const hasLongContent = evt.content.length > 280;
const headerInfo = isReply
? [name, ' ', timeElem]
: [name, ` on ${host} `, timeElem];
const content = hasLongContent ? `${evt.content.slice(0, 280)}` : evt.content;
const body = elem('div', {className: 'mbox-body'}, [
elem('header', {
className: 'mbox-header',
title: `Event ${}\non ${host} ${time}
${isReply ? `\nReply ${evt.tags[0][1]}\n` : ''}`
}, [
elem('small', {}, headerInfo),
elem('div', {data: hasLongContent ? {append: evt.content.slice(280)} : null}, content),
elem('button', {
className: 'button-inline',
name: 'reply', type: 'button',
data: {'eventId':, relay}
}, [
elem('small', {}, 'reply')
replies[0] ? elem('div', {className: 'mobx-replies'}, => createTextNote(e, relay))) : '',
return rendernArticle([img, body]);
2 years ago
function handleReply(evt, relay) {
const article = feedDomMap[evt.tags[0][1]];
if (article) {
let replyContainer = article.querySelector('.mobx-replies');
if (!replyContainer) {
replyContainer = elem('div', {className: 'mobx-replies'});
replyContainer.append(createTextNote(evt, relay));
const sortEventCreatedAt = (created_at) => (
{created_at: a},
{created_at: b},
) => (
Math.abs(a - created_at) < Math.abs(b - created_at) ? -1 : 1
function handleRecommendServer(evt, relay) {
if (feedDomMap[]) {
const art = renderRecommendServer(evt, relay);
if (textNoteList.length < 2) {
const closestTextNotes = textNoteList.sort(sortEventCreatedAt(evt.created_at));
feedDomMap[] = art;
function renderRecommendServer(evt, relay) {
const {img, time, userName} = getMetadata(evt, relay);
const body = elem('div', {className: 'mbox-body', title: dateTime.format(time)}, [
elem('header', {className: 'mbox-header'}, [
elem('small', {}, [
elem('strong', {}, userName)
` recommends server: ${evt.content}`,
return rendernArticle([img, body], {className: 'mbox-recommend-server'});
function rendernArticle(content, props) {
const className = ['mbox', props?.className].join(' ');
return elem('article', {...props, className}, content);
const userList = [];
const tempContactList = {};
function handleMetadata(evt, relay) {
try {
const content = JSON.parse(evt.content);
setMetadata(evt, relay, content);
} catch(err) {
function setMetadata(evt, relay, content) {
const user = userList.find(u => u.pubkey === evt.pubkey);
if (!user) {
metadata: {
[relay]: content
pubkey: evt.pubkey,
} else {
user.metadata[relay] = {
timestamp: evt.created_at,
if (tempContactList[relay]) {
const updates = tempContactList[relay].filter(update => update.pubkey === evt.pubkey);
if (updates) {
// console.log('TODO: add contact list (kind 3)', updates);
const getHost = (url) => {
try {
return new URL(url).host;
} catch(err) {
return err;
function getMetadata(evt, relay) {
const host = getHost(relay);
const user = userList.find(user => user.pubkey === evt.pubkey);
const userImg = /*user?.metadata[relay]?.picture || */'bubble.svg'; // TODO: enable pic once we have proxy
const userName = user?.metadata[relay]?.name || evt.pubkey.slice(0, 8);
const userAbout = user?.metadata[relay]?.about || '';
const title = `${userName} on ${host} ${userAbout}`;
const img = elem('img', {
className: 'mbox-img',
src: userImg,
alt: title,
}, '');
const isReply = evt.tags.some(hasEventTag);
const replies = replyList.filter((reply) => reply.tags[0][1] ===;
const time = new Date(evt.created_at * 1000);
return {host, img, isReply, replies, time, userName};
function updateContactList(evt, relay) {
const user = userList.find(u => u.pupkey === evt.pubkey);
if (user) {
console.log(`TODO: add contact list for ${evt.pubkey.slice(0, 8)} on ${relay}`, evt.tags);
} else {
tempContactList[relay] = tempContactList[relay]
? [...tempContactList[relay], evt]
: [evt];
// check pool.status
// reply
const writeForm = document.querySelector('#writeForm');
const input = document.querySelector('input[name="message"]');
let lastReplyBtn = null;
let replyTo = null;
feedContainer.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
const button ='button');
if (button && === 'reply') {
if (lastReplyBtn) {
lastReplyBtn.hidden = false;
lastReplyBtn = button;
button.hidden = true;
writeForm.hidden = false;
replyTo = ['e', button.dataset.eventId, button.dataset.relay];
// send
const sendStatus = document.querySelector('#sendstatus');
const onSendError = err => {
sendStatus.textContent = err.message;
sendStatus.hidden = false;
const publish = document.querySelector('#publish');
publish.addEventListener('click', async () => {
const pubkey = localStorage.getItem('pub_key');
const privatekey = localStorage.getItem('private_key');
if (!pubkey || !privatekey) {
return onSendError(new Error('no pubkey/privatekey'));
if (!input.value) {
return onSendError(new Error('message is empty'));
const tags = replyTo ? [replyTo] : [];
const newEvent = {
kind: 1,
content: input.value,
created_at: Math.floor( * 0.001),
const sig = await signEvent(newEvent, privatekey).catch(onSendError);
if (sig) {
const ev = await pool.publish({...newEvent, sig}, (status, url) => {
if (status === 0) {`publish request sent to ${url}`);
if (status === 1) {
sendStatus.hidden = true;
input.value = '';
publish.disabled = true;
if (lastReplyBtn) {
lastReplyBtn.hidden = false;
lastReplyBtn = null;
replyTo = null;
//`event published by ${url}`, ev);
input.addEventListener('input', () => publish.disabled = !input.value);
// settings
const form = document.querySelector('form[name="settings"]');
const privateKeyInput = form.querySelector('#privatekey');
const pubKeyInput = form.querySelector('#pubkey');
const statusMessage = form.querySelector('#keystatus');
const generateBtn = form.querySelector('button[name="generate"]');
const importBtn = form.querySelector('button[name="import"]');
const privateTgl = form.querySelector('button[name="privatekey-toggle"]');
generateBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
const privatekey = generatePrivateKey();
const pubkey = getPublicKey(privatekey);
if (validKeys(privatekey, pubkey)) {
privateKeyInput.value = privatekey;
pubKeyInput.value = pubkey;
statusMessage.textContent = 'private-key created!';
statusMessage.hidden = false;
importBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
const privatekey = privateKeyInput.value;
const pubkey = pubKeyInput.value;
if (validKeys(privatekey, pubkey)) {
localStorage.setItem('private_key', privatekey);
localStorage.setItem('pub_key', pubkey);
statusMessage.textContent = 'stored private and public key locally!';
statusMessage.hidden = false;
form.addEventListener('input', () => validKeys(privateKeyInput.value, pubKeyInput.value));
function validKeys(privatekey, pubkey) {
if (pubkey && privatekey) {
try {
if (getPublicKey(privatekey) === pubkey) {
statusMessage.hidden = true;
statusMessage.textContent = 'public-key corresponds to private-key';
return true;
} else {
statusMessage.textContent = 'private-key does not correspond to public-key!'
} catch (e) {
statusMessage.textContent = `not a valid private-key: ${e.message || e}`;
statusMessage.hidden = false;
importBtn.setAttribute('disabled', true);
return false;
privateTgl.addEventListener('click', () => {
privateKeyInput.type = privateKeyInput.type === 'text' ? 'password' : 'text';
privateKeyInput.value = localStorage.getItem('private_key');
pubKeyInput.value = localStorage.getItem('pub_key');
document.body.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
const append ='[data-append]');
if (append) {
append.textContent += append.dataset.append;
delete append.dataset.append;