content/home: fold DIY/DIY+ into NERD and rename PRO to KAFI
the DIY/DIY+ concepts were conflicting with what they represented when compared to PRO. some said it should've actually been the opposite: PRO is the topmost for DIY kind of stuff... you see the ambiguitiy. so, we came up with new names and simplified: NERD is for people who'd want to mess around on their own and KAFI is the plug-and-play coffee maker.master
@ -37,18 +37,17 @@ zusammen, um die persönliche, selbstverwaltete Nutzung zu betonen.
## Versionen
Die folgenden Versionen sind in der Reihenfolge zunehmender Benutzerfreundlichkeit
aufgeführt. Es ist immer ein Kompromiss zwischen den Kosten und dem Aufwand,
den man selbst betreiben muss, und dem Vertrauen in das Fertigungsunternehmen
und seine Lieferkette.
Wir konzentrieren uns auf zwei Editionen. Eine für Tüftler und Menschen
mit technischem Wissen. Die andere ist ein "Plug-and-Play"-Gerät, eine
<div class="text-media-card">
<div class="card-text">
Alle Versionen haben etwas gemeinsam: die Touchscreen-Benutzeroberfläche und
automatische System-Updates. Selbst bei einem hohen Mass an Misstrauen kann
man immer noch von der Open-Source-Software und, was ebenso wichtig ist,
von den System-Updates profitieren.
Die Editionen haben das wichtigste gemeinsam: die
Touchscreen-Benutzeroberfläche und System-Updates. Natürlich ist alles
Open Source, einschließlich der Elektronik und der mechanischen Teile,
die wir selbst entwickelt haben.
<figure class="card-media screenshot">
@ -57,74 +56,63 @@ von den System-Updates profitieren.
### DIY
### NERD
<div class="text-media-card">
<div class="card-text">
Für die [DIY-Version]( werden
nur handelsübliche Hardwarekomponenten und 3D-gedruckte Teile verwendet. Es handelt
sich um ein lauffähiges System; du kannst die Hardware selber beziehen und sogar
ersetzen. Alles ist Open Source und für jeden frei zugänglich. Du kannst
natürlich auch das gesamte Kit bei uns günstiger kaufen, um das Sourcing zu vereinfachen.
Viel Spass beim Ausprobieren des Quellcodes, der CAD-Entwürfe und der Schaltpläne.
Du kannst hier frei darauf losbasteln. Stelle einfach sicher, dass das Gerät danach
noch funktioniert.
Die NERD Edition wurde ausschließlich aus frei
verfügbaren/handelsüblichen elektronischen Komponenten, 3D-gedruckten
und CNC-gefrästen mechanischen Teilen entwickelt. Es handelt sich um ein
funktionierendes System, Sie können die Hardware sogar selbst beziehen
und ersetzen. Alles ist Open Source und für jeden frei zugänglich. Hier
profitierst du bereits von einer gewissen Produktentwicklung: Eine
verbesserte Wärmeableitung, während das Gerät völlig geräuschlos und
lüfterlos bleibt.
<figure class="card-media bogen">
<img src="/assets/diy-assembly.png" alt="DIY version assembly">
<figcaption>DIY version assembly</figcaption>
Für den NERD kannst du natürlich den ganzen Bausatz von uns kaufen, um
die Dinge einfacher zu machen, oder CNC- und 3D-gedrucktes Material
selbst beschaffen. Es wird in vormontierter und Kit Form verkauft.
### DIY+
<div class="text-media-card">
<div class="card-text">
Wenn du von einer Produktentwicklung profitieren möchtest, aber trotzdem
handelsübliche Komponenten verwenden möchtest, empfehlen wir die DIY+-Version.
Wie der Name schon sagt, verbessert das "Plus" in dieser Version einige
Eigenschaften des Geräts. Diese Version verbessert die Wärmeableitung, wobei
das Gerät völlig geräuschlos und ohne Lüfter bleibt. Allerdings erfordert
diese Ausgabe immer noch minimale technische Kenntnisse in der CNC-Bearbeitung
und 3D-Druck.
Viel Spaß beim Ausprobieren des Quellcodes, der CAD-Entwürfe und der
Schaltpläne. Du kannst hier basteln, sei einfach sicher, dass das Gerät
danach noch funktioniert.
<div class="card-media">
<figure class="bogen">
<img src="/assets/diyplus-assembly.png" alt="DIY+ version assembly">
<figcaption>DIY+ version assembly</figcaption>
<img src="/assets/nerd-assembly.png" alt="NERD version assembly">
<figcaption>NERD version assembly</figcaption>
<img src="/assets/ir1166.jpg" alt="DIY+ heat dissipation">
<figcaption>DIY+ heat dissipation during initial block download</figcaption>
<img src="/assets/ir1166.jpg" alt="NERD heat dissipation">
<figcaption>heat dissipation during initial block download</figcaption>
### PRO
### KAFI
<div class="text-media-card">
<div class="card-text">
Wenn du vor allem an der Freiheit des Bitcoin-Standards interessiert bist, dem
Bitcoin-Netzwerk helfen willst dezentralisiert zu bleiben, und ein Gerät willst,
das ohne ein DIY-ähnliches technisches Wissen in Hardware-Design und
Software-Engineering einfach funktioniert, ist die PRO-Edition die Richtige für dich.
Wenn du vor allem an der Freiheit des Bitcoin-Standards interessiert
bist, dem Bitcoin-Netzwerk helfen willst dezentralisiert zu bleiben, und
ein Gerät willst, das einfach funktioniert, ohne ein NERD-ähnliches
technisches Wissen in Hardware-Design und Software-Engineering, dann ist
die KAFI-Edition das Richtige für Sie.
Wir nehmen das gesamte Wissen aus den DIY-Versionen und entwerfen die meisten
Teile selbst: von den mechanischen Teilen, über das Gehäuse bis hin zu den Leiterplatten.
All dies für eine optimale Gerätelösung, bei der Hardware und Software sehr gut
zusammenarbeiten. Diese Arbeit bleibt natürlich Open Source.
Die PRO-Version befindet sich noch in der Entwicklung.
Wir nehmen all das Wissen und die Lehren aus der NERD-Version und
entwickeln die meisten Teile selbst: von den mechanischen Teilen über
das Gehäuse bis hin zu den Platinen für eine optimale Gerätelösung, bei
der Hardware und Software sehr gut zusammenarbeiten. Die gesamte Arbeit
ist Open Source. Die KAFI-Version ist noch in Arbeit und wird bald
verfügbar sein.
<figure class="card-media bogen">
<img src="/assets/pro-question-mark.png" alt="PRO version in progress">
<figcaption>PRO version in progress</figcaption>
<img src="/assets/kafi-question-mark.png" alt="KAFI version in progress">
<figcaption>KAFI version in progress</figcaption>
@ -39,76 +39,56 @@ Con questo nome vogliamo porre l'accento sul self-hosting vero proprio, a casa.
## Le versioni
Le edizioni sotto elencate sono in ordine crescente per facilità d'uso.
Si tratta sempre di un compromesso tra costi, lavoro necessario da parte
dell'utente, e fiducia nell'azienda produttrice e la sua supply chain.
Siamo focalizzati su due edizioni. Una è orientata agli smanettoni e le persone
con cononscenze tecniche. L'altra è "plug-and-play", come una macchinetta del caffè.
<div class="text-media-card">
<div class="card-text">
Tutte le versioni hanno delle parti in comune: l'interfaccia utente touch screen
e gli aggiornamenti automatici del sistema. Anche con un livello di fiducia basso
è comunque possibile trarre benefici dall'utilizzo del software open source e,
cosa altrettanto importante, dagli aggiornamenti del sistema.
Le edizioni hanno in comune l'interfaccia grafica touchscreen e gli aggiornamenti
del sistema. Naturalmente, tutto è open source, comprese le parti elettroniche
e meccaniche che abbiamo sviluppato noi in casa.
<figure class="card-media screenshot">
<img src="/assets/ngui-screenshot.png" alt="nakamochi touchscreen GUI screenshot">
<figcaption>nakamochi touchscreen GUI screenshot</figcaption>
<figcaption>screenshot dell'interfaccia grafica sul touchscreen</figcaption>
### DIY
### NERD
<div class="text-media-card">
<div class="card-text">
La [versione fai-da-te]( è stata
progettata utilizzando solo componenti hardware standard e parti stampabili in 3D.
È un sistema completamente funzionante, ed è possibile reperire e persino sostituire
l'hardware. Tutto è open source e liberamente accessibile. Naturalmente è possibile
acquistare l'intero kit presso di noi per rendere le cose più facili.
Puoi divertirti a revisionare il codice sorgente, i disegni CAD e le schematiche.
Smanetta senza limiti. Assicurati solo che poi l'apparecchio funzioni ancora :)
<figure class="card-media bogen">
<img src="/assets/diy-assembly.png" alt="DIY version assembly">
<figcaption>DIY version assembly</figcaption>
### DIY+
<div class="text-media-card">
<div class="card-text">
Se vuoi approfittare della nostra conoscenza, ma desideri comunque utilizzare
componenti standard, ti consigliamo la versione **DIY+**. Come dice il nome,
il "plus" in questa versione migliora alcune caratteristiche del dispositivo.
Ad esempio, la precedente versione fai-da-te può riscaldarsi, raggiungendo
temperature abbastanza elevate in determinate condizioni. Questa edizione
migliora la dissipazione del calore mantenendo l'apparecchio completamente
La versione NERD è stata progettata utilizzando solo componenti elettronici standard,
parti meccaniche stampate in 3D e fresate a CNC. È un sistema completamente funzionante
ed è possibile persino sostituire l'hardware. Tutto è open source e liberamente
accessibile. Qui si approfitta delle nostre conoscenze nel product engineering.
Ad esempio, migliora la dissipazione del calore permettendo l'apparecchio completamente
silenzioso, senza ventole.
Tuttavia, questa edizione richiede ancora alcune conoscenze tecniche nel campo
della lavorazione CNC e delle stampe 3D.
Sarà possibile acquistare presso di noi l'intero kit fai-da-te oppure la versione
preassemblata. Naturalmente, uno può procurarsi tutti i compomenti incluso le parti
CNC e stampata 3D autonomamente.
Divertiti a revisionare il codice sorgente, i disegni CAD e le schematiche.
Smanetta senza limiti. Assicurati solo che poi l'apparecchio funzioni ancora.
<div class="card-media">
<figure class="bogen">
<img src="/assets/diyplus-assembly.png" alt="DIY+ version assembly">
<figcaption>DIY+ version assembly</figcaption>
<img src="/assets/nerd-assembly.png" alt="assemblaggio versione NERD">
<figcaption>assemblaggio versione NERD</figcaption>
<img src="/assets/ir1166.jpg" alt="DIY+ heat dissipation">
<figcaption>DIY+ heat dissipation during initial block download</figcaption>
<img src="/assets/ir1166.jpg" alt="dissipazione del calore durante l'IBD (initial block download)">
<figcaption>dissipazione del calore durante l'IBD (initial block download)</figcaption>
### PRO
### KAFI
<div class="text-media-card">
<div class="card-text">
@ -117,20 +97,20 @@ Se sei principalmente interessato agli aspetti di libertà e l'indipendenza,
al vivere nel mondo del "Bitcoin Standard", aiutando la rete Bitcoin a rimanere
decentralizzata, e desideri un dispositivo che funzioni senza conoscenze tecniche
fai-da-te nella progettazione l'hardware e nell'ingegneria del software, la versione
PRO è quella che fa per te.
KAFI è quella che fa per te.
Stiamo utilizzando tutte le conoscenze apprese durante lo sviluppo delle edizioni
DIY e DIY+, al fine di costruire la maggior parte dei componenti all'interno della
nostra azienda: dalle parti meccaniche alle schede PCB per ottenere una soluzione
Stiamo utilizzando tutte le conoscenze apprese durante lo sviluppo della edizione
NERD al fine di costruire la maggior parte dei componenti noi in casa:
dalle parti meccaniche alle schede PCB per ottenere una soluzione
ottimale, in cui l'hardware ed il software funzionano perfettamente insieme.
Tutto il lavoro è naturalmente 100% open source.
L'edizione PRO è ancora in progettazione.
L'edizione KAFI è ancora in lavorazione.
<figure class="card-media bogen">
<img src="/assets/pro-question-mark.png" alt="PRO version in progress">
<figcaption>PRO version in progress</figcaption>
<img src="/assets/kafi-question-mark.png" alt="versione KAFI ancora in lavorazione">
<figcaption>versione KAFI ancora in lavorazione</figcaption>
@ -36,16 +36,16 @@ to emphasize personal, self-hosting.
## Editions
The following editions are listed in an order of increasing ease of use.
It is always a trade-off between the costs and effort oneself has to put
in and the trust into the manufacturing companies and their supply chain.
We are focusing on two editions. One for tinkeres and people with
technical knowledge. The other is a "plug-and-play" device, like a
coffee maker.
<div class="text-media-card">
<div class="card-text">
All the editions have something in common: the touch screen user interface and
automated system updates. Even at a high level of distrust one can still benefit
from the open source software and, equally important, system updates.
The editions have something in common: the touch screen user interface
and system updates. Naturally, everything is open source, including
electronics and mechanical parts we designed ourselves.
<figure class="card-media screenshot">
@ -54,75 +54,59 @@ from the open source software and, equally important, system updates.
### DIY
### NERD
<div class="text-media-card">
<div class="card-text">
The [DIY version]( is designed using
only off-the-shelf hardware components and 3D printed parts. It is a running system
and you can source and even replace the hardware. Everything is open source and freely
accessible for everyone. You can of course buy the whole kit from us to make things easier.
Enjoy checking out the source code, CAD designs and schematics. You can tinker here, just
be sure that the device still works after that.
The NERD edition is designed using only off-the-shelf electronics components,
3D-printed and CNC-milled mechanical parts. It is a running system and you can
source and even replace the hardware. Everything is open source and freely
accessible for everyone. Here you profit from some product engineering.
It improves heat dissipation while keeping the device completely silent, fanless.
<figure class="card-media bogen">
<img src="/assets/diy-assembly.png" alt="DIY version assembly">
<figcaption>DIY version assembly</figcaption>
You can of course buy the whole kit from us to make things easier,
or source CNC and 3D printed material yourself. We will be offering it
in the preassembled and kit form.
### DIY+
<div class="text-media-card">
<div class="card-text">
If you want to profit from some product engineering but still want to use
off-the-shelf components, we recommend the DIY+ version. As the name tells,
the "plus" in this version improves some characteristics of the device.
For example, the previous DIY version may suffer from overheating in certain
conditions. This edition improves heat dissipation while keeping the device
completely silent, fanless.
However, this edition still requires technical knowledge in CNC machining
and 3D printing.
Enjoy checking out the source code, CAD designs and schematics.
You can tinker here, just be sure that the device still works after that.
<div class="card-media">
<figure class="bogen">
<img src="/assets/diyplus-assembly.png" alt="DIY+ version assembly">
<figcaption>DIY+ version assembly</figcaption>
<img src="/assets/nerd-assembly.png" alt="NERD version assembly">
<figcaption>NERD assembly</figcaption>
<img src="/assets/ir1166.jpg" alt="DIY+ heat dissipation">
<figcaption>DIY+ heat dissipation during initial block download</figcaption>
<img src="/assets/ir1166.jpg" alt="NERD heat dissipation">
<figcaption>heat dissipation during initial block download</figcaption>
### PRO
### KAFI
<div class="text-media-card">
<div class="card-text">
If you are mostly interested in the freedom of the Bitcoin Standard, helping
the Bitcoin network to remain decentralized, and want a device that just works
without a DIY-like technical knowledge in hardware design and software engineering,
the PRO edition is the one for you.
If you are mostly interested in the freedom of the Bitcoin Standard,
helping the Bitcoin network to remain decentralized, and want a device
that just works without a NERD-like technical knowledge in hardware
design and software engineering, the KAFI edition is the one for you.
We are taking all the knowledge and learnings from the DIY versions and designing
most of the parts ourselves here: from mechanical parts and enclosure to PCBs for
an optimal device solution where hardware and software work very well together.
All of the work is open source.
We are taking all the knowledge and learnings from the NERD edition and
designing most of the parts ourselves here: from mechanical parts and
enclosure to PCBs for an optimal device solution where hardware and
software function well together. All of the work is open
The PRO edition is still work-in-progress.
The KAFI edition is still work-in-progress and will be available soon.
<figure class="card-media bogen">
<img src="/assets/pro-question-mark.png" alt="PRO version in progress">
<figcaption>PRO version in progress</figcaption>
<img src="/assets/kafi-question-mark.png" alt="KAFI version in progress">
<figcaption>KAFI version in progress</figcaption>
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ CAD-Designs von Gehäusen und anderen zugehörigen mechanischen Teilen.
- Repository: [](
- Spiegel: [](
{{ screenshot(src="/assets/git-3d-screenshot.png", caption="nakamochi touchscreen GUI screenshot") }}
{{ screenshot(src="/assets/git-3d-repo.png", caption="CAD designs of mechanical parts") }}
## sysupdates
@ -47,11 +47,11 @@ Alle Nodes holen und installieren Updates aus diesem Repository.
<div class="text-media-card">
<div class="card-text">
Benutzerdefinierte Hardware-Designs für die PRO-Version. Dieser Teil ist noch nicht
Benutzerdefinierte Hardware-Designs für die KAFI-Version. Dieser Teil ist noch nicht
abgeschlossen. Wir werden hier Links hinzufügen, sobald das Repository live ist.
<figure class="card-media">
<img src="/assets/pro-question-mark.png" alt="PRO version in progress">
<img src="/assets/kafi-question-mark.png" alt="KAFI version in progress">
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ a background daemon and a touch-capable GUI interface.
- repository: [](
- mirror: [](
{{ screenshot(src="/assets/ngui-screenshot.png", caption="nakamochi touchscreen GUI screenshot") }}
{{ screenshot(src="/assets/ngui-screenshot.png", caption="l'interfaccia grafica del touchscreen") }}
## 3D
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ CAD designs of enclosures and other related mechanical parts.
- repository: [](
- mirror: [](
{{ screenshot(src="/assets/git-3d-screenshot.png", caption="nakamochi touchscreen GUI screenshot") }}
{{ screenshot(src="/assets/git-3d-repo.png", caption="i disegni CAD delle parti meccaniche") }}
## sysupdates
@ -46,11 +46,11 @@ from this repository.
<div class="text-media-card">
<div class="card-text">
PRO version custom board hardware designs. This is still upcoming. We will add links here
KAFI version custom board hardware designs. This is still upcoming. We will add links here
as soon as the repository is live.
<figure class="card-media">
<img src="/assets/pro-question-mark.png" alt="PRO version in progress">
<img src="/assets/kafi-question-mark.png" alt="versione KAFI è ancora in fase di elaborazione">
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ CAD designs of enclosures and other related mechanical parts.
- repository: [](
- mirror: [](
{{ screenshot(src="/assets/git-3d-screenshot.png", caption="nakamochi touchscreen GUI screenshot") }}
{{ screenshot(src="/assets/git-3d-repo.png", caption="CAD designs of mechanical parts") }}
## sysupdates
@ -46,11 +46,11 @@ from this repository.
<div class="text-media-card">
<div class="card-text">
PRO version custom board hardware designs. This is still upcoming. We will add links here
KAFI version custom board electronics designs. This is still upcoming. We will add links here
as soon as the repository is live.
<figure class="card-media">
<img src="/assets/pro-question-mark.png" alt="PRO version in progress">
<img src="/assets/kafi-question-mark.png" alt="KAFI version in progress">
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