#!/bin/sh # the script executes updates to a nakamochi system. # it must be run as root or a user with equivalent privileges. # at script exit, report system/user CPU times it took to run # the whole update while preserving exit code. trap times EXIT # abort if an expansion encounteres an unset variable. set -u exit_code=0 # defined in the caller script rootdir="$SYSUPDATES_ROOTDIR" # base os printf "######## base os\n" 1>&2 cd "$rootdir" ./base/voidlinux.sh || exit 1 printf "######## tor\n" 1>&2 cd "$rootdir" ./base/tor.sh || exit_code=$? # nakamochi daemon and gui (ndg) printf "######## ndg\n" 1>&2 cd "$rootdir" . ./ndg/env ndg_apply || exit_code=$? # bitcoin core printf "######## bitcoind\n" 1>&2 cd "$rootdir" . ./btc/env bitcoin_apply || exit_code=$? # lnd lightning printf "######## lnd\n" 1>&2 cd "$rootdir" . ./lnd/env lnd_apply || exit_code=$? # TODO: electrs exit $exit_code