const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const nif = @import("nif"); comptime { if (!builtin.is_test) @compileError("test-only module"); } export fn wifi_ssid_add_network(name: [*:0]const u8) void { _ = name; } export fn lv_timer_del(timer: *opaque {}) void { _ = timer; } export fn lv_disp_get_inactive_time(disp: *opaque {}) u32 { _ = disp; return 0; } /// TestTimer always reports the same fixed value. pub const TestTimer = struct { value: u64, started: bool = false, // true if called start resetted: bool = false, // true if called reset pub fn start() std.time.Timer.Error!TestTimer { return .{ .value = 42 }; } pub fn reset(self: *TestTimer) void { self.resetted = true; } pub fn read(self: *TestTimer) u64 { return self.value; } }; /// args in init are dup'ed using an allocator. /// the caller must deinit in the end. pub const TestChildProcess = struct { // test hooks spawn_callback: ?*const fn (*TestChildProcess) std.ChildProcess.SpawnError!void = null, wait_callback: ?*const fn (*TestChildProcess) anyerror!std.ChildProcess.Term = null, kill_callback: ?*const fn (*TestChildProcess) anyerror!std.ChildProcess.Term = null, spawned: bool = false, waited: bool = false, killed: bool = false, // original std ChildProcess init args allocator: std.mem.Allocator, argv: []const []const u8, pub fn init(argv: []const []const u8, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) TestChildProcess { var adup = allocator.alloc([]u8, argv.len) catch unreachable; for (argv) |v, i| { adup[i] = allocator.dupe(u8, v) catch unreachable; } return .{ .allocator = allocator, .argv = adup, }; } pub fn deinit(self: *TestChildProcess) void { for (self.argv) |v|;; } pub fn spawn(self: *TestChildProcess) std.ChildProcess.SpawnError!void { defer self.spawned = true; if (self.spawn_callback) |cb| { return cb(self); } } pub fn wait(self: *TestChildProcess) anyerror!std.ChildProcess.Term { defer self.waited = true; if (self.wait_callback) |cb| { return cb(self); } return .{ .Exited = 0 }; } pub fn spawnAndWait(self: *TestChildProcess) !std.ChildProcess.Term { try self.spawn(); return self.wait(); } pub fn kill(self: *TestChildProcess) !std.ChildProcess.Term { defer self.killed = true; if (self.kill_callback) |cb| { return cb(self); } return .{ .Exited = 0 }; } }; /// a nif.wpa.Control stub for tests. pub const TestWpaControl = struct { ctrl_path: []const u8, opened: bool, attached: bool = false, scanned: bool = false, saved: bool = false, const Self = @This(); pub fn open(path: [:0]const u8) !Self { return .{ .ctrl_path = path, .opened = true }; } pub fn close(self: *Self) !void { self.opened = false; } pub fn attach(self: *Self) !void { self.attached = true; } pub fn detach(self: *Self) !void { self.attached = false; } pub fn pending(_: Self) !bool { return false; } pub fn receive(_: Self, _: [:0]u8) ![]const u8 { return &.{}; } pub fn scan(self: *Self) !void { self.scanned = true; } pub fn saveConfig(self: *Self) !void { self.saved = true; } pub fn request(_: Self, _: [:0]const u8, _: [:0]u8, _: ?nif.wpa.ReqCallback) ![]const u8 { return &.{}; } pub fn addNetwork(_: *Self) !u32 { return 12345; } pub fn removeNetwork(_: *Self, id: u32) !void { _ = id; } pub fn setNetworkParam(_: *Self, id: u32, name: []const u8, val: []const u8) !void { _ = id; _ = name; _ = val; } pub fn selectNetwork(_: *Self, id: u32) !void { _ = id; } pub fn enableNetwork(_: *Self, id: u32) !void { _ = id; } }; /// similar to std.testing.expectEqual but compares slices with expectEqualSlices /// or expectEqualStrings where slice element is a u8. pub fn expectDeepEqual(expected: anytype, actual: @TypeOf(expected)) !void { const t = std.testing; switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(actual))) { .Pointer => |p| { switch (p.size) { .One => try expectDeepEqual(expected.*, actual.*), .Slice => { switch (@typeInfo(p.child)) { .Pointer, .Struct, .Optional, .Union => { var err: ?anyerror = blk: { if (expected.len != actual.len) { std.debug.print("expected.len = {d}, actual.len = {d}\n", .{ expected.len, actual.len }); break :blk error.ExpectDeepEqual; } break :blk null; }; const n = std.math.min(expected.len, actual.len); var i: usize = 0; while (i < n) : (i += 1) { expectDeepEqual(expected[i], actual[i]) catch |e| { std.debug.print("unequal slice elements at index {d}\n", .{i}); return e; }; } if (err) |e| { return e; } }, else => { if (p.child == u8) { try t.expectEqualStrings(expected, actual); } else { try t.expectEqualSlices(p.child, expected, actual); } }, } }, else => try t.expectEqual(expected, actual), } }, .Struct => |st| { inline for (st.fields) |f| { expectDeepEqual(@field(expected,, @field(actual, catch |err| { std.debug.print("unequal field '{s}' of struct {any}\n", .{, @TypeOf(actual) }); return err; }; } }, .Optional => { if (expected) |x| { if (actual) |v| { try expectDeepEqual(x, v); } else { std.debug.print("expected {any}, found null\n", .{x}); return error.TestExpectDeepEqual; } } else { if (actual) |v| { std.debug.print("expected null, found {any}\n", .{v}); return error.TestExpectDeepEqual; } } }, .Union => |u| { if (u.tag_type == null) { @compileError("unable to compare untagged union values"); } const Tag = std.meta.Tag(@TypeOf(expected)); const atag = @as(Tag, actual); try t.expectEqual(@as(Tag, expected), atag); inline for (u.fields) |f| { if (std.mem.eql(u8,, @tagName(atag))) { try expectDeepEqual(@field(expected,, @field(actual,; return; } } unreachable; }, else => { try t.expectEqual(expected, actual); }, } } test { _ = @import("nd.zig"); _ = @import("nd/Daemon.zig"); _ = @import("nd/SysService.zig"); _ = @import("ngui.zig"); std.testing.refAllDecls(@This()); }