#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Create a new release from master. Execute the followings: # - On lvgl, lv_demos, and lv_drivers: # - Detect the current version of master. E.g. 8.1-dev # - Create a new branch from the master for the release. E.g. release/v8.1 # - Remove the "-dev" postfix from the version numbers # - Create a tag for the new version. E.g. v8.1 # - Push the new branch and tag # - Get the relevant changes from docs/CHANGELOG.md and create a blog post from it # - Increment the version number in master. E.g.g 8.1-dev to 8.2-dev # - Add a new section to the CHANGELOG with the new version # - Update the simulator and lv_port projects # # USAGE: # release.py # - : -minor or -major