# Renesas The [HMI-Board](https://bit.ly/3I9nfUo) development board SDK now comes with LVGL integration for quick evaluation. Simply download the [SDK](https://github.com/RT-Thread-Studio/sdk-bsp-ra6m3-hmi-board/tree/main/projects/hmi-board-lvgl) for the supported motherboard and you’ll be on your way to creating your next GUI application in no time. For more information, check out the [Software design description](https://github.com/RT-Thread-Studio/sdk-bsp-ra6m3-hmi-board/blob/main/projects/hmi-board-lvgl/README.md). ## Creating new project with LVGL It is recommended to start your project by downloading the HMI-Board SDK example project. It comes fully equipped with LVGL and dave-2d support (if the modules are present), so you won’t need to do any additional integration work. ## HW acceleration for Renesas RA6M3 platforms For RA6M3 platforms, hardware acceleration can be achieved using the dave-2d GPU, depending on the platform used. Each accelerator has its own context, allowing them to be used individually or simultaneously in LVGL’s multithreading mode. ### Dave-2d accelerator LVGL can offload several drawing features to the dave-2d engine, freeing up the CPU for other operations while dave-2d runs. An RTOS is required to block the LVGL drawing thread and switch to another task or suspend the CPU for power savings. Supported draw callbacks can be found in “src/draw/renesas/lv_gpu_d2_ra6m3.c”. LVGL can offload several drawing features to the dave-2d engine, freeing up the CPU for other operations while dave-2d runs. An RTOS is required to block the LVGL drawing thread and switch to another task or suspend the CPU for power savings. Supported draw callbacks can be found in “src/draw/renesas/lv_gpu_d2_ra6m3.c”. ```c ra_2d_draw_ctx->blend = lv_draw_ra6m3_2d_blend; ra_2d_draw_ctx->base_draw.draw_img_decoded = lv_port_gpu_img_decoded; ra_2d_draw_ctx->base_draw.wait_for_finish = lv_port_gpu_wait; ra_2d_draw_ctx->base_draw.draw_letter = lv_draw_gpu_letter; ``` ### Features supported: All operations can be used in conjunction with optional transparency. - RGB565 and ARGB8888 color formats - Area fill with color - BLIT (BLock Image Transfer) - Color conversion - Rotate and scale - Alpha blending - Bilinear filtering - RTOS integration layer - Default RT-Thread code provided - Subpixel exact placement ### Basic configuration: - Select Renesas dave-2d engine in lv_conf.h: Set `LV_USE_GPU_RA6M3_G2D` to 1 - Set referenced header file in lv_conf.h: `#define LV_GPU_RA6M3_G2D_INCLUDE "hal_data.h"` ### RT-Thread Example: ```c #define COLOR_BUFFER (LV_HOR_RES_MAX * LV_VER_RES_MAX) static lv_disp_drv_t disp_drv; /*A static or global variable to store the buffers*/ static lv_color_t buf_1[COLOR_BUFFER]; ``` - After initializing your peripherals (such as SPI, GPIOs, and LCD) in the `lv_port_disp_init()` function, you can initialize LVGL using [`lv_init()`.](https://docs.lvgl.io/master/API/core/lv_obj.html#_CPPv47lv_initv) Next, register the frame buffers using `lv_disp_draw_buf_init()` and create a new display driver using `lv_disp_drv_init()`. ```c /*Initialize `disp_buf` with the buffer(s). With only one buffer use NULL instead buf_2 */ lv_disp_draw_buf_init(&disp_buf, buf_1, RT_NULL, COLOR_BUFFER); lv_disp_drv_init(&disp_drv); /*Basic initialization*/ /*Set the resolution of the display*/ disp_drv.hor_res = LV_HOR_RES_MAX; disp_drv.ver_res = LV_VER_RES_MAX; /*Set a display buffer*/ disp_drv.draw_buf = &disp_buf; /*Used to copy the buffer's content to the display*/ disp_drv.flush_cb = disp_flush; /* Initialize GPU module */ lv_port_gpu_hw_init(); /*Finally register the driver*/ lv_disp_drv_register(&disp_drv); ``` * To run LVGL, you’ll need to create a thread. You can find examples of how to do this using RT-Thread in the `env_support/rt-thread/lv_rt_thread_port.c` file. ```c static void lvgl_thread_entry(void *parameter) { #if LV_USE_LOG lv_log_register_print_cb(lv_rt_log); #endif /* LV_USE_LOG */ lv_init(); lv_port_disp_init(); lv_port_indev_init(); lv_user_gui_init(); /* handle the tasks of LVGL */ while(1) { lv_task_handler(); rt_thread_mdelay(LV_DISP_DEF_REFR_PERIOD); } } static int lvgl_thread_init(void) { rt_err_t err; /* create lvgl thread */ err = rt_thread_init(&lvgl_thread, "LVGL", lvgl_thread_entry, RT_NULL, &lvgl_thread_stack[0], sizeof(lvgl_thread_stack), PKG_LVGL_THREAD_PRIO, 10); if(err != RT_EOK) { LOG_E("Failed to create LVGL thread"); return -1; } rt_thread_startup(&lvgl_thread); return 0; } INIT_ENV_EXPORT(lvgl_thread_init); ``` - The last step is to create a function to output the frame buffer to your LCD. The specifics of this function will depend on the features of your MCU. Here’s an example for a typical MCU interface: `my_flush_cb`. ```c static void my_flush_cb(lv_disp_drv_t *disp_drv, const lv_area_t *area, lv_color_t *color_p) { #ifdef PKG_USING_ILI9341 lcd_fill_array_spi(area->x1, area->y1, area->x2, area->y2, color_p); #elif LV_USE_GPU_RA6M3_G2D lv_port_gpu_blit(area->x1, area->y1, color_p, area); #else ...... #endif lv_disp_flush_ready(disp_drv); } ```