# Pinyin IME Pinyin IME provides API to provide Chinese Pinyin input method (Chinese input) for keyboard object, which supports 26 key and 9 key input modes. You can think of `lv_ime_pinyin` as a Pinyin input method plug-in for keyboard objects. Normally, an environment where [lv_keyboard](/widgets/extra/keyboard) can run can also run `lv_ime_pinyin`. There are two main influencing factors: the size of the font file and the size of the dictionary.

`lv_ime_pinyin`为[键盘](/widgets/extra/keyboard)组件提供汉语拼音输入法(中文输入)的功能(后文简称为拼音输入法),支持26键和9键输入模式。您可以将 `lv_ime_pinyin` 看成是键盘组件的汉语拼音输入法插件。 一般情况下,只要是[键盘](/widgets/extra/keyboard)组件能运行的环境 `lv_ime_pinyin` 也能运行。有两个影响因素:字库的大小和词库的大小。

## Usage Enable `LV_USE_IME_PINYIN` in `lv_conf.h`. First use `lv_ime_pinyin_create(lv_scr_act())` to create a Pinyin input method plug-in, then use `lv_ime_pinyin_set_keyboard(pinyin_ime, kb)` to add the `keyboard` you created to the Pinyin input method plug-in. You can use `lv_ime_pinyin_set_dict(pinyin_ime, your_dict)` to use a custom dictionary (if you don't want to use the built-in dictionary at first, you can disable `LV_IME_PINYIN_USE_DEFAULT_DICT` in `lv_conf.h`, which can save a lot of memory space). The built-in thesaurus is customized based on the **LV_FONT_SIMSUN_16_CJK** font library, which currently only has more than `1,000` most common CJK radicals, so it is recommended to use custom fonts and thesaurus. In the process of using the Pinyin input method plug-in, you can change the keyboard and dictionary at any time.

在 `lv_conf.h` 中打开 `LV_USE_IME_PINYIN`。 首先,使用 `lv_ime_pinyin_create(lv_scr_act())` 函数创建一个拼音输入法插件, 然后使用 `lv_ime_pinyin_set_keyboard(pinyin_ime, kb)` 函数将您创建的键盘组件添加到插件中。 内置的词库是基于 LVGL 的 **LV_FONT_SIMSUN_16_CJK** 字库定制,这个字库目前只有 `1000` 多个最常见的 CJK 部首,所以建议使用自定义字库和词库。 您可以使用 `lv_ime_pinyin_set_dict(pinyin_ime, your_dict)` 函数来设置使用自定义的词库,如果您一开始就不打算使用内置的词库,建议您在 `lv_conf.h` 中将 `LV_IME_PINYIN_USE_DEFAULT_DICT` 关闭,这可以节省一些内存空间。

## Custom dictionary If you don't want to use the built-in Pinyin dictionary, you can use the custom dictionary. Or if you think that the built-in phonetic dictionary consumes a lot of memory, you can also use a custom dictionary. Customizing the dictionary is very simple. First, set `LV_IME_PINYIN_USE_DEFAULT_DICT` to `0` in `lv_conf.h` Then, write a dictionary in the following format.

如果您不想使用内置的词库,可以通过下面的方法自定义词库。 自定义词典非常简单。 首先,在 `lv_conf.h` 将 `LV_IME_PINYIN_USE_DEFAULT_DICT` 设置为 0。 然后按照下面的格式编写词库。

### Dictionary format The arrangement order of each pinyin syllable is very important. You need to customize your own thesaurus according to the Hanyu Pinyin syllable table. You can read [here](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD%E6%8B%BC%E9%9F%B3%E9%9F%B3%E8%8A%82/9167981) to learn about the Hanyu Pinyin syllables and the syllable table. Then, write your own dictionary according to the following format:

**注意**,各个拼音音节的排列顺序非常重要,您需要按照汉语拼音音节表定制自己的词库,可以阅读[这里](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD%E6%8B%BC%E9%9F%B3%E9%9F%B3%E8%8A%82/9167981)了解[汉语拼音音节](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD%E6%8B%BC%E9%9F%B3%E9%9F%B3%E8%8A%82/9167981)以及[音节表](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD%E6%8B%BC%E9%9F%B3%E9%9F%B3%E8%8A%82/9167981#1)。 然后,根据下面的格式编写自己的词库:

```c lv_100ask_pinyin_dict_t your_pinyin_dict[] = { { "a", "啊阿呵吖" }, { "ai", "埃挨哎唉哀皑蔼矮碍爱隘癌艾" }, { "an", "按安暗岸俺案鞍氨胺厂广庵揞犴铵桉谙鹌埯黯" }, { "ang", "昂肮盎仰" }, { "ao", "凹敖熬翱袄傲奥懊澳" }, { "ba", "芭捌叭吧笆八疤巴拔跋靶把坝霸罢爸扒耙" }, { "bai", "白摆佰败拜柏百稗伯" }, /* ...... */ { "zuo", "昨左佐做作坐座撮琢柞"}, {NULL, NULL} ``` **The last item** must end with `{null, null}` , or it will not work properly. ### Apply new dictionary After writing a dictionary according to the above dictionary format, you only need to call this function to set up and use your dictionary:

按照上面的词库格式编写好自己的词库之后,参考下面的用法,调用 `lv_100ask_pinyin_ime_set_dict(pinyin_ime, your_pinyin_dict)` 函数即可设置和使用新词库:

```c lv_obj_t * pinyin_ime = lv_100ask_pinyin_ime_create(lv_scr_act()); lv_100ask_pinyin_ime_set_dict(pinyin_ime, your_pinyin_dict); ``` ## Input modes `lv_ime_pinyin` supports 26 key and 9 key input modes. The mode switching is very simple, just call the function `lv_ime_pinyin_set_mode`. If the second parameter of function `lv_ime_pinyin_set_mode` is' 1 ', switch to 26 key input mode; if it is' 0', switch to 9 key input mode, and the default is' 1 '.

`lv_ime_pinyin` 支持26键和9键输入模式。模式的切换非常简单,只需调用函数 `lv_ime_pinyin_set_mode` 即可。如果函数 `lv_ime_pinyin_set_mode` 的第2个参数为 `1` 则切换到 26 键输入模式,如果为 `0` 则切换到 9 键输入法模式,默认为 `1` 。

## Example ```eval_rst .. include:: ../../examples/others/ime/index.rst ``` ## API ```eval_rst .. doxygenfile:: lv_ime_pinyin.h :project: lvgl ```