const std = @import("std"); const mem = std.mem; const net =; const os = std.os; pub const wpa = @import("wpa.zig"); const IFF_UP = 1 << 0; //0b1; const IFF_LOOPBACK = 1 << 3; //0b1000; const ifaddrs = extern struct { next: ?*ifaddrs, name: [*:0]const u8, flags: c_uint, // see IFF_xxx SIOCGIFFLAGS in netdevice(7) addr: ?*std.os.sockaddr, netmask: ?*std.os.sockaddr, ifu: extern union { broad: *os.sockaddr, // flags & IFF_BROADCAST dst: *os.sockaddr, // flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT }, data: ?*anyopaque, }; extern "c" fn getifaddrs(ptrp: **ifaddrs) c_int; extern "c" fn freeifaddrs(ptr: *ifaddrs) void; /// retrieves a list of all public IP addresses assigned to the network interfaces, /// optionally filtering by the interface name. /// caller owns the returned value. pub fn pubAddresses(allocator: mem.Allocator, ifname: ?[]const u8) ![]net.Address { var res: *ifaddrs = undefined; if (getifaddrs(&res) != 0) { return error.Getifaddrs; } defer freeifaddrs(res); var list = std.ArrayList(net.Address).init(allocator); var it: ?*ifaddrs = res; while (it) |ifa| : (it = { const sa: *os.sockaddr = ifa.addr orelse continue; if ( != os.AF.INET and != os.AF.INET6) { // not an IP address continue; } if (ifa.flags & IFF_UP == 0 or ifa.flags & IFF_LOOPBACK != 0) { // skip loopbacks and those which are not "up" continue; } const ipaddr = net.Address.initPosix(@alignCast(4, sa)); // initPosix makes a copy if ( == os.AF.INET6 and > 0) { // want only global, with 0 scope // non-zero scopes make sense for link-local addr only. continue; } if (ifname) |name| { if (!mem.eql(u8, name, mem.sliceTo(, 0))) { continue; } } try list.append(ipaddr); } return list.toOwnedSlice(); }