# # Create styles from scratch for buttons. # style_btn = lv.style_t() style_btn_red = lv.style_t() style_btn_pressed = lv.style_t() # Create a simple button style style_btn.init() style_btn.set_radius(10) style_btn.set_bg_opa(lv.OPA.COVER) style_btn.set_bg_color(lv.palette_lighten(lv.PALETTE.GREY, 3)) style_btn.set_bg_grad_color(lv.palette_main(lv.PALETTE.GREY)) style_btn.set_bg_grad_dir(lv.GRAD_DIR.VER) # Add a border style_btn.set_border_color(lv.color_white()) style_btn.set_border_opa(lv.OPA._70) style_btn.set_border_width(2) # Set the text style style_btn.set_text_color(lv.color_white()) # Create a red style. Change only some colors. style_btn_red.init() style_btn_red.set_bg_color(lv.palette_main(lv.PALETTE.RED)) style_btn_red.set_bg_grad_color(lv.palette_lighten(lv.PALETTE.RED, 2)) # Create a style for the pressed state. style_btn_pressed.init() style_btn_pressed.set_bg_color(lv.palette_main(lv.PALETTE.BLUE)) style_btn_pressed.set_bg_grad_color(lv.palette_darken(lv.PALETTE.RED, 3)) # Create a button and use the new styles btn = lv.btn(lv.scr_act()) # Add a button the current screen # Remove the styles coming from the theme # Note that size and position are also stored as style properties # so lv_obj_remove_style_all will remove the set size and position too btn.remove_style_all() # Remove the styles coming from the theme btn.set_pos(10, 10) # Set its position btn.set_size(120, 50) # Set its size btn.add_style(style_btn, 0) btn.add_style(style_btn_pressed, lv.STATE.PRESSED) label = lv.label(btn) # Add a label to the button label.set_text("Button") # Set the labels text label.center() # Create another button and use the red style too btn2 = lv.btn(lv.scr_act()) btn2.remove_style_all() # Remove the styles coming from the theme btn2.set_pos(10, 80) # Set its position btn2.set_size(120, 50) # Set its size btn2.add_style(style_btn, 0) btn2.add_style(style_btn_red, 0) btn2.add_style(style_btn_pressed, lv.STATE.PRESSED) btn2.set_style_radius(lv.RADIUS.CIRCLE, 0) # Add a local style label = lv.label(btn2) # Add a label to the button label.set_text("Button 2") # Set the labels text label.center()