# INI parser library This is a very simple ini-parser library that provides: - Raw record reading - Leading/trailing whitespace removal - comments based on `;` and `#` - Zig API - C API ## Usage example ### Zig ```zig const std = @import("std"); const ini = @import("ini"); pub fn main() !void { const file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile("example.ini", .{}); defer file.close(); var parser = ini.parse(std.testing.allocator, file.reader()); defer parser.deinit(); var writer = std.io.getStdOut().writer(); while (try parser.next()) |record| { switch (record) { .section => |heading| try writer.print("[{s}]\n", .{heading}), .property => |kv| try writer.print("{s} = {s}\n", .{ kv.key, kv.value }), .enumeration => |value| try writer.print("{s}\n", .{value}), } } } ``` ### C ```c #include #include #include int main() { FILE * f = fopen("example.ini", "rb"); if(!f) return 1; struct ini_Parser parser; ini_create_file(&parser, f); struct ini_Record record; while(true) { enum ini_Error error = ini_next(&parser, &record); if(error != INI_SUCCESS) goto cleanup; switch(record.type) { case INI_RECORD_NUL: goto done; case INI_RECORD_SECTION: printf("[%s]\n", record.section); break; case INI_RECORD_PROPERTY: printf("%s = %s\n", record.property.key, record.property.value); break; case INI_RECORD_ENUMERATION: printf("%s\n", record.enumeration); break; } } done: cleanup: ini_destroy(&parser); fclose(f); return 0; } ```